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Recent Notices from Louth County Council

Commencement Notices are only available for paid plan subscribers.

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PERMISSION Jan 31 LOUTH LURGANKEEL , KILCURRY DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of a two storey dwelling, a new vehicular entrance to the proposed development site, alterations to the adjoining existing vehicular entrance and road boundary treatment, effluent treatment system, percolation area and all associated site development works *Significan. More...
PERMISSION Jan 31 LOUTH NO. 1 ASCAL SETATNTA THE FERNS , BLACKROCK DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of a new two storey extension to the side of the existing two storey domestic dwelling, construction of a new entrance lobby to the front of the existing dwelling, construction of a sliding glass wall build-out at ground floor level to the rear of the dwelling and all. More...
RETENTION Jan 31 LOUTH KIMBER LODGE , FERNEY PARK , MONASTERBOICE Retention permission for a detached single storey domestic storage shed and car port to side of existing garage all located to side and rear of existing house *Significant Further Information Received on 08/01/2025* . More...
RETENTION Jan 31 LOUTH 24 HARVEST WAY , WHEATON HALL , DROGHEDA Retention permission for development at: 24 Harvest Way, Wheaton Hall, Drogheda. The development consists of retention of single storey domestic extension to side and rear, domestic garage to side, rooflights, internal and external alterations and additions to existing dwelling, connections to exist. More...
PERMISSION Jan 31 LOUTH MULLABANE , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Permission to construct a single story dwelling house, new entrance to existing road, install a waste water treatment system and for all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 31 LOUTH DRUMGOOTER , GRANGEBELLEW , LOUTH Retention of alterations to an existing dwelling house from that previously approved under planning Ref: 99331 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 31 LOUTH LANDS AT 23 AND 24 FRANCIS STREET , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Permission for proposed development to consist of a six-storey over basement mixed-use development comprising: (a) The provision of bin, bicycle and bulky goods storage along with storage and plant rooms at basement level. (b) The provision of a ground floor office and a retail unit. (c) Provision. More...
PERMISSION Jan 31 LOUTH 17 CLOGHER COVE , CLOGHERHEAD , CO. LOUTH Permission for (i) the removal of the existing holiday chalet; (ii) construction of a replacement single-storey holiday chalet with attic storage comprising 3 no. bedrooms (one en-suite), living room, bathroom, kitchen/dining room; (iii) and all other associated ancillary works to facilitate the dev. More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 LOUTH FELDA , MARLBOG ROAD HAGGARDSTOWN , DUNDALK THE DEVELOPMENT WILL CONSIST OF PERMISSION FOR: 1.Demolition of existing sunroom and attached domestic garage.2.A new single storey extension to the side and rear of dwelling.3. Detached domestic storage shed to the rear of dwelling.4.All associated site development works. . More...
RETENTION Jan 30 LOUTH PHILIPSTOWN , DUNLEER , CO. LOUTH Retention of existing tiered spectator seating as constructed together with permission for proposed mono-pitch roof over and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 LOUTH OBSERVATION COMPOUND AT WHITESTOWN INCORPORATING BALLAGAN POINT LOOK OUT POST 01 (WWII) AND A 19TH CENTURY COASTGUARD SIGNAL STATION. , WHITESTOWN , GREENORE Planning Permission for the proposed restoration, repair, and conservation of the former Observation Compound at Whitestown incorporating Ballagan Point Look Out Post 01(WWII) and a 19th century Coastguard Signal Station. Permission to include for; The reestablishment of use of the Compound as an ob. More...
RETENTION Jan 29 LOUTH ARD LUMAN , ALMONDSTOWN , CLOGHERHEAD CO LOUTH Retention and Permission: Retention permission for 1. the extension and alterations to an existing dwelling house to include for alterations to the original roof with the increase in ridge height, provision of living accommodation at first floor level, a rear extension, balcony at first floor level. More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 LOUTH BACK LANE , CARLINGFORD , CO.LOUTH The development will consist of renovations to an existing bungalow, where the existing roof is to be replaced with a new 45 degree pitch roof and the existing wall height increased to allow for an additional floor of accommodation in the roof. Proposed works include elevational changes (including i. More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 LOUTH SITES 04 06 & 08 DUNDALK RETAIL PARK , UPPER MARSHES , DUNDALK COUNTY LOUTH. Permission for the construction of a light industrial building with ancillary accommodation to include reception area, offices, storage & canteen facilities, parking provision & hard standing areas, 2 no. gated accesses, boundary treatments, connection to existing road network & drainage system as p. More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 LOUTH BROWNSTOWN , MONASTERBOICE , CO LOUTH Permission for the restoration and adaptation of existing vernacular stone cottage and attached outbuildings forming part of Toberra Clachan Settlement, proposed single storey extension to same, proposed detached domestic garage, on-site well, installation of proprietary waste water treatment system. More...
RETENTION Jan 28 LOUTH LENNONSTOWN , LURGANKEEL , DUNDALK Retention of a single-storey shed for the storage of visual and audio equipment, concrete yard and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 28 LOUTH NEWRY STREET , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Retention and Permission: Retention of the change of use from a b&b to a hostel, alterations to external fa\u00E7ades and associated site development works. Permission for a refuse storage area, bicycle parking area and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 LOUTH DUBLIN ROAD , HAGGARDSTOWN , DUNDALK The development will consist of 1) demolition of the existing single-storey extension to the rear; and part front-wall of the single storey, pitched-roof detached dwelling house and 2) the construction of a new 165m2 single-storey pitched-roofed extension to the sides and rear of the house with 4no.. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 LOUTH THE SAIL INN , MAIN STREET , CLOGHERHEAD Upgrade and refurbishment of existing roof structure and associated site works at Main Street (Known as The Sail Inn), Clogherhead, Co. Louth. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 LOUTH NORTH COMMONS , CARLINGFORD , COUNTY LOUTH Planning permission for alterations to a previously granted planning permission for a proposed new dwelling house together with garage, vehicular site entrance, and all associated site development works at North Commons, Carlingford, County Louth. Ref No. 22633 & 2460482. The alterations include th. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 LOUTH M1 RETAIL PARK , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Source EV Ireland Ltd. intends to apply for permission for development of an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station at the M1 Retail Park, Drogheda, Co. Louth, a site of ca. 396 sqm (ca. 0.04 ha). The development will consist of 6 no. EV charging stations, each serving 2 no. vehicle charging bays, a. More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 LOUTH SLIEVE , HACKBALLSCROSS , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for restoration, adaptation and single storey extension of existing vernacular stone cottage and attached outbuilding. Permission is also sought for installation of proprietary waste water treatment system and all associated external site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 LOUTH POTTERS FIELD , CAPPOCKSGREEN , ARDEE CO LOUTH Permission for 47 no. two storey houses comprising 3 no. detached houses, 32 no. semi-detached houses and 12 terraced units. Works will include all associated landscaping and site development works on a site of 1.27 hectares *Significant Further Information Received on 27/01/2025* . More...
PERMISSION Jan 26 LOUTH LEISH , 56 NEWRY ROAD , DOWDALLSHILL DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for single storey extension to the rear and alterations to existing dwelling including demolition of anexisting garage, and associated siteworks at Leish, 56 Newry Road, Dowdallshill, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 E6w9 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH 68 PARK STREET , DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the change of use from retail shop to office accommodation to include internal alterations at ground floor level. Ceiling height is 2.875 m.s. . More...
RETENTION Jan 24 LOUTH LANDS AT BARNAVEDDOGE , DROMIN , DUNLEER COUNTY LOUTH Retention and Permission: The development seeking retention permission comprises of: (i) Retention of dwelling as under construction on footprint of a former dwelling which has been demolished. (ii) Retention of mobile home as temporary living accommodation along with ancillary space for the durati. More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH 3 ASSUMPTION PLACE , CASTLETOWN ROAD , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for proposed construction of a personal gymnasium/shed and all associated site development works to the rear of existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH TULLYCAHAN , LOUTH , DUNDALK I, Merrick Naper, intend to apply for permission for development at: Tullycahan, Louth, Dundalk, Co. Louth. The development will consist of; permission for two storey style extension to rear of existing dwelling, demolition of existing rear projection, internal and external alterations and additions. More...
RETENTION Jan 24 LOUTH HALPENNY LANE , LOWER POINT ROAD , DUNDALK Retention Permission for: 1) A change of use of an agricultural shed, previously granted planning permission under reference number 18/141, to a domestic dwelling. 2) Retention Permission for an effluent treatment system and purpose-built percolation area, the continued use of the existing entrance . More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH NUN’S WALK , COLLON , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of 10 no. two storey terraced & semi-detached dwellings, connection to services, demolition of existing single storey domestic garage, together with all ancillary and associated site development works. The proposed development is located within the curtilage of protec. More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH RAYNOLDSTOWN VILLAGE , HAYNESTOWN , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH. Permission for development on lands at Raynoldstown Village, Haynestown, Dundalk. The development will consist of the construction of 80 no. dwellings comprising of 1 no. end of terrace, 3 bedroom, 2 storey dwelling (Type A), 23 no. terrace 3 bedroom, 2 storey dwellings (Type B), 32 no. semi-detache. More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH STRAND ROAD ANNAGASSAN , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH Permission to demolish single storey domestic extensions and detached domestic garage, erect new single storey extensions and detached domestic garage, make alterations to design of roof of two storey block, upgrade effluent treatment system and all ancillary works to dwelling house. A Natura Impact. More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH COMMONS ROAD , DROMISKIN , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the demolition of an existing single storey dwelling with associated outbuildings and various agricultural structures and construction of 4no. single storey dwellings on a site of circa. 0.352 hectares. All dwellings are provided with private amenity space in the form of private garde. More...
RETENTION Jan 24 LOUTH TATEETRA NEWTOWNBALREGAN , DUNDALK , CO.LOUTH Retention and Permission: Retention permission is sought for 1 no. storage container. Full planning permission is sought for an agricultural shed and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH NEWRATH , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the demolition of an existing garage/store and sections of the existing dwelling, further alterations and extensions to the existing dwelling house, new vehicular entrance, installation of a new proprietary effluent treatment system and percolation area with all associated site develo. More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH DUBLIN ROAD (R132) AND CHAPEL ROAD , HAGGARDSTOWN DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for modifications to existing permitted development (planning ref. 22865) at this site, to the west of the R132 and to the east of the Chapel Road. The development consists of modifications to an existing permitted dwelling (house type H) to the South Western boundary of the site, East of. More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH WILLVILLE , CARLINGFORD , CO LOUTH Permission for a new agricultural entrance and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 24 LOUTH UNITS 1 & 2 , NORTH ROAD DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for the amalgamation of 2 no. retail units into one and minor elevational changes and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 LOUTH CORNAMUCKLAGH , OMEATH , DUNDALK Permission for the construction of a new dwelling and associated site works to include waste water treatment plant, new access to road network and associated landscaping at Cornamucklagh. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 LOUTH THE TOWNLAND OF MONEYMORE , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Ballymakenny Residential Properties Limited intends to apply for Planning Permission at this site in the townland of Moneymore, Drogheda, County Louth. The proposed development is an amendment to development permitted under LCC Reg. Ref. 2360494 and comprises: - Replacement of 28no. permitted 3-be. More...
RETENTION Jan 23 LOUTH PRIEST’S HILL , COLLON , CO. LOUTH The development will consist of Permission for the Retention and completion of existing dwelling house and garage granted under planning ref: 071557 new Septic Tank percolation area and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 LOUTH SARSFIELD'S , 128 CORD ROAD , DROGHEDA The development will consist of the construction of kitchen on site to supply bar and associated site development works. This building is a protected structure. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 LOUTH JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK , CO.LOUTH The development will consist of 1) Alterations and the renovation/refurbishment of an existing derelict vernacular dwelling house . 2) Single storey extensions to the side and rear of the existing derelict vernacular dwelling house. 3) A new domestic garage. 4) A new domestic wastewater treatment sy. More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 LOUTH GREENORE PORT AND SITE OF DWELLING HOUSE ON SHORE ROAD (A91DD42) , GREENORE , CO. LOUTH Permission for a 10-year permission development at Greenore Port and site of dwelling house on Shore Road (A91DD42), Greenore, (total site area c.4.88 hectare). The development comprising of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Facilities will serve as the support base for future offshore wind arrays in . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 LOUTH FRANCIS STREET , DROGHEDA , CO.LOUTH Permission for change of use from existing office to residential dwelling, comprising alterations and renovations to existing two storey office building to form two bedroom dwelling. *SFI received on 29/11/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 LOUTH DROMEEN , DUBLIN ROAD DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the demolition of existing single storey structures to sides and rear, the demolition of existing chimneys, the construction of a new single storey to the side and rear with a flat roof, modification of the main roof to facilitate the conversion of the attic inclusive of a dormer to t. More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 LOUTH 29 JOCELYN STREET , DUNDALK , CO.LOUTH Permission for development at 29 Jocelyn Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth, a protected structure under listing Ref: No.LH13705030. Proposed works to include improvements and repairs to the fabric of the dwelling as follows: repairs and refurbishment of existing wooden sash windows, the replacement of PVC. More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 LOUTH BALLYBARRACK , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Retention of: \u2022 extensions to an existing dwelling house, \u2022 the conversion of an attached domestic garage to habitable accommodation for use as part of the existing dwelling \u2022 Domestic garage and store. Permission for: \u2022 the conversion of a domestic garage to dependant rel. More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 LOUTH OUR LADY OF LOURDES HOSPITAL , WINDMILL RD , MONEYMORE DROGHEDA The development will consist of the erection of a roof level photovoltaic array, a new roof level perimeter edge protection railing, and all associated site and ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 LOUTH COES ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH , A91TD60 & A91P5FK The development will consist of, permission for a new boundary treatment to the front of the site and associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 LOUTH 50 NORTH ROAD , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for the following: 1. Change of use of existing 3 no. apartments to office use, including internal alterations and 2 no. external doors to east elevation and 2. All associated works *Significant Further Information Received on 21/01/2025* . More...
RETENTION Jan 21 LOUTH CARMENS COTTAGE NO.5 MOUNTAIN VIEW , REAGHSTOWN ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH. Planning permission for retention of 1) Detached single storey outbuildings incorporating dog kennels, whelping room and domestic storage shed. 2, Detached habitable room ancillary to the dwellinghouse. 3. Enclosed garden seating area / gazebo and all associated and ancillary site works. . More...
RETENTION Jan 21 LOUTH 65 DUBLIN STREET , DUNDALK , CO.LOUTH The development will consist of retention of external advertising signage & illuminated signage to shop front facades and associated site development works. . More...
RETENTION Jan 20 LOUTH 8 HARBOUR VIEW , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH The Development consists of retention of waste pipes fitted to side of existing dwellinghouse and all associated site development works. . More...
RETENTION Jan 20 LOUTH GRENNANS BAR 9 NEWFOUNDWELL ROAD , YELLOWBATTER DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH The development will consist of the following: Retention of two existing shelters to rear beer garden and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 LOUTH MARY'S HOUSE DRAKESTOWN , BALLAPOUSTA ARDEE , CO.LOUTH The development will consist of first floor extension to the rear of existing childcare facility to provide 2 No classrooms to accommodate up to 44 ECCE children from hours 8am to 6pm, with 4 No toilets, increasing total services users to a maximum of 94 children with new on-site wastewater treatme. More...
RETENTION Jan 17 LOUTH DEERPARK LODGE , DEERPARK , RAVENSDALE DUNDALK Retention permission for the following: 1. Car port to side of existing dwelling house, 2. Granny flat over existing car port & converted garage and 3. Domestic garage and various stores all housed in structure located to side and front of existing dwelling house and all associated site development . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH 23 STAPLETON PLACE , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission is sought for the re-design of a previously granted planning permission, reference number 2360462. the development will include the removal of the previously granted first floor extension and construction of a redesigned ground floor layout. The development will include elevational change. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH WOODLANDS , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH Permission for revisions to previously permitted development - 21/272 - consisting of the replacement of the previously approved 46 no. 2 storey houses consisting of 20 semi-detached dwelling units and 26 terraced dwelling units to the east, west and south of the site with 51 no. two storey houses c. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH ASH LITTLE , KNOCKBRIDGE , CO. LOUTH Permission for extension to existing agricultural shed and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jan 17 LOUTH DRUMNASILLA , RAVENSDALE , DUNDALK Permission Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission Ref. No. 21827 for one dwellinghouse, waste water treatment system and all Associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH BALLYMAKENNY ROAD , YELLOWBATTER , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of a total of 53 dwelling houses (10 no. 4-Bed 3 Storey Semi Detached Houses, 42 no. 3-Bed 2 Storey Semi Detached Houses and 1 no. 3-Bed 2 Storey Detached House) on a site of circa. 1.95 Ha. at Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth. The proposal includes for all asso. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH 15 BEECH PARK , BLACKROCK , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for the removal of the existing garage to the side of the dwelling to be replaced by the construction of a new one storey extension to the side and rear of the existing bungalow dwelling, relocation of the front door and entrance lobby to the side of the dwelling, construction of a bay wi. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH PAUGHANSTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the change of use of an ancillary building to a dwelling house, for the construction of a single storey extension to same, for the construction of a single storey domestic garage, for a new waste water treatment system and soil polishing filter, for associated siteworks and for the re. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH JOHN MARKEY PARK , BALLYNAGASSAN , DUNLEER CO. LOUTH. Permission for the following: (1) The construction of a single storey extension, to the back and side of existing single storey clubrooms (2) New astro pitch & skills wall and associated fencing (3) Alterations to existing entrance piers (4) Removal of existing water tower (5) playground area and as. More...
RETENTION Jan 17 LOUTH NEWTOWN KNOCKALEVA , COLLON , CO. LOUTH Retention and Permission: 1. Retention of an existing domestic garage and single storey extension to existing dwelling. 2. Permission for the construction of a new waste water treatment system, polishing filter, soakpits and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH OVAL HOUSE UNIT 1 IDA BUSINESS PARK , ARDEE ROAD , DUNLEER CO. LOUTH Permission for an extension comprising 115m\u00B2 internal floor space to the west elevation of the warehouse together with associated ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH DRYBRIDGE , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a detached domestic garage and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH FORMER CONNECT CREDIT UNION BUILDING , ANNAGASSAN VILLAGE , DUNLEER Permission for alterations to a previously granted planning permission reference number 2360471 (Change of use of a former credit union building to a dwelling house with various alterations and extensions to the existing building, construction of a new two storey garage, alterations to the existing . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH 33 ELM PARK BLACKROCK , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Planning permission for change of house type to that approved under planning reference 22473, to construct a single storey dwelling, private entrance, on site soakaway filter trench connection to public foul sewer & all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH NO. 1 LEYLAND PLACE , DROGHEDA , CO LOUTH Permission for the change of use of the building from residential to offices. The building is a Protected Structure - Ref. No. DB349 . More...
RETENTION Jan 17 LOUTH CALGA , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for a rear extension to existing dwelling and detached domestic garage . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH 44 WOODLAND DRIVE , ARD EASMUINN , DUNDALK Permission for extension to rear of existing dwelling house and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 17 LOUTH 146 OAKLAWNS , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Retention and Permission: Retention of a domestic garage and associated site development works. Permission for a side and rear extension to an existing dwelling house and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH ARMAGH ROAD , LISDOO , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for: (a) Part demolition of existing car wash facility, (b) Relocation of 8 no. overground water storage tanks, (c) Relocation of existing truck wash facility, (d) Relocation of existing car wash pay kiosk and change of use of same to a store/office, (e) The extension and alterations to a. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH 18 FOREST HILLS/ BUCKHOUSE LANE , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH The development will consist of the following: 1. The change of use a childcare facility to a dwelling house, 2. Single storey extensions to the south and west of the existing building 3. Alterations to all the facades of the building, which includes new external blockwork with a plaster render f. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH OBERON VILLA , KNOCKNAGORAN , OMEATH CO. LOUTH Permission for development to consist of two no. detached dwellings and four no. semi-detached dwellings (six dwellings in total). Relocating and upgrading of existing entrance onto the R173. Connection to the existing public utilities and all ancillary and associated site development works, all a. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH CLERMONT PARK , HAYNESTOWN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for a milking parlour with associated collecting yard, two underground slatted effluent storage tanks, underground slatted dairy washings storage tank, food bin silo, overground water harvesting storage tank, extended roof to existing hayshed and associated site development works off exis. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH WILLVILLE , CARLINGFORD , CO LOUTH Permission for the restoration and refurbishment of a former dwelling house to include proposed extension, demolition of an existing agricultural building, a new waste water treatment system and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH 9 THE SYCAMORES , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for the conversion of attic space to bedroom with en-suite and alterations to existing ground floor and first floor layout as well as all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 LOUTH RUNNYMEDE , CARRICKMACROSS ROAD , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for the demolition of existing domestic garage, extension and alterations to existing dwelling house, conversion of attic to living accommodation within existing dwelling house, widening of the site entrance, alterations to site boundary treatments and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH 63 CLANBRASSIL STREET , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Permission for the erection of a single storey extension to the existing retail premises to provide a store and associated site works. The works are to the rear of protected structure (Ref 13704010) . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH IVY COTTAGE , LIBERTIES OF CARLINGFORD SOUTH COMMONS , CO. LOUTH Permission consists of an amendment to previously permitted planning application (ref: 22491), for the construction of a basement, minor extension to rear entrance of the permitted dwelling and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH DROMGOOLESTOWN , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO LOUTH Permission to construct a two storey detached dwelling, a detached domestic garage, new vehicular entrance to site, a proposed waste water treatment system, percolation area and all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH MILLOCKSTOWN , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Permission for a single storey dwelling house with proprietary effluent treatment system/percolation area, new vehicular entrance from public road along with the ancillary site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH HILL STREET/DUBLIN ROAD , DUNDALK , CO.LOUTH A Large-scale Residential Development Application (LRD) for development to consist of 194 no. apartments (32no. 1-bed, 133no. 2-bed and 29no. 3-bed) in 8no. distinctive blocks (A to H) ranging in height from part one storey to five storeys in height across the site together with all associated publi. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH BALLAGAN , GREENORE , CO. LOUTH Permission for alterations and extension to side of existing dwelling house and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH LISTOKE DRIVE LISTOKE AVENUE , TOWNLAND OF YELLOWBATTER DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for development, consisting of the construction of 12 no. 2 storey, 3 bed semi-detached houses and 5 no. 2 storey, 4 bed detached houses and all associated development works, car parking, open spaces etc. on a site area of c. 0.6Ha, located within the \u201CListoke Drive\u201D residential. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH 59 WOODBURY GARDENS , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH A91 C2C9 Permission for a two storey side extension to include for an attached domestic garage to part of the ground floor, a single storey rear extension and associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 16 LOUTH RATHDUFF , HACKBALLCROSS , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Retention permission for attic conversion, elevational changes and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH PEBBLE HOUSE , STRAND ROAD , ANNAGASSAN CO. LOUTH Permission for development to 1) remove the entire roof from the existing house & replace with a new dormer style roof. 2) Proposed alterations to existing elevations 3) Proposed alterations to internal layout & associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 16 LOUTH MULLAMEELAN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Retention of 2 no. 1 bedroom apartments, septic tank, percolation area and associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH 1 WILLIAM STREET , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Permission for a new shop front to both ground floor commercial units; the change of a single residential unit to 2 no. self contained residential units, bin storage and bicycle parking area, landscaping and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH 88 ORIEL COVE , CLOGHERHEAD , CO. LOUTH Permission for 54m2 single storey side extension to existing dwelling to include kitchen, larder, bedroom with en-suite *Significant Further Information Received on 16/12/2024 - Revised Notices Received on 16/01/2025 - Development will include garden room/shed to the rear and low boundary wall to th. More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Jan 16 LOUTH CASTLETOWNCOOLEY , RIVERSTOWN DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Outline permission for a new proposed dwelling and garage, opening of a new vehicular entrance to site and wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 LOUTH 165 WATERVILLE CRESCENT , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for a 2-storey extension to an existing house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 LOUTH PETER PAN CRECHE IVY HOUSE , 23 WILLIAM STREET , DROGHEDA Permission for the reinstatement of historically accurate replica doorcase, front door and lead fanlight and the removal of unauthorised work. This is a Protected Structure Ref. No. DB-257 (NIAH Ref. No. 13619058) . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jan 15 LOUTH CASTLEBELLINGHAM ROAD , DROMISKIN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission Ref. 211461 for a new dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works and permission for a new detached domestic garage . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 LOUTH CASTLETOWN ROAD , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission is sought for a ground and first floor extension to the front and side of an existing church building. On the ground floor of the front extension, it will consist of a new entrance and entrance foyer. The extension will consist of 6 new bible study classrooms, toilets and storage. It will. More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jan 15 LOUTH SMARMORE , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission consequent on the grant of outline permission Ref. No. 246/0078 for proposed dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area, roadside vehicular entrance and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 LOUTH MAIN ROAD , TULLYALLEN , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, access to site via existing laneway and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 15 LOUTH NEWTOWNBABE , ARDEE ROAD , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Retention permission for an outbuilding comprising of a domestic storage area, home office, gymnasium, covered area for solid fuels and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 LOUTH 40 PARK STREET , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Permission for the change of use from an existing storage building to office/general business use, sub-division of the ground floor into individual office/general business incubator units with ancillary canteen and sanitary facilities, alterations to the existing elevations and all associated site d. More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 LOUTH 86 COLLEGE RISE , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for a two storey extension to the rear of existing property . More...
RETENTION Jan 14 LOUTH NO. 17 LONG AVENUE , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Retention and completion of a single storey store to the rear of an existing two storey dwelling and all associated site development works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jan 14 LOUTH BLACKROCK ROAD , HAGGARDSTOWN , BLACKROCK DUNDALK EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 19590 (ABP-304782-19) - SHD: STAGE 3 Application lodged with An Bord Plean\u00E1la (ABP Ref. 304782-19) on 27/6/19 - Stage 2 ref no. 181036. Permission for a Strategic Housing Development to consist of 483 no. dwellings, a childcare facility of 677 sqm, a new access junct. More...
RETENTION Jan 14 LOUTH DUNMAHON , DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Retention and completion permission for a domestic garage and ancillary store adjoining my existing dwelling, proposed for the storage of my vehicles and domestic items with all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 LOUTH DROMGOOLESTOWN , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO LOUTH Planning Permission to construct a two storey detached dwelling, a detached domestic garage, new vehicular entrance to site, a proposed waste water treatment system, percolation area and all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 LOUTH HILLVIEW HOUSE , HAYNESTOWN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for a single storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling & demolition of existing outbuildings and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 LOUTH DARVER CASTLE , READYPENNY , CO LOUTH Permission to create a Civil Ceremony Garden Space (266 Msq) at Darver Castle, Darver, Readypenny, Co Louth. A91RDX2. Darver Castle is a Protected Structure ID No: LHS 011-028 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 LOUTH MILLGRANGE , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTN Permission for the construction of a domestic garage . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 LOUTH MOUNTAIN PARK , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Permission for the extension and conversion of an existing domestic garage to a granny flat and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 13 LOUTH DUNDALK SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PARK , MULLAGHARLIN ROAD , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Retention of the following: 10sqm single storey electrical Meters Building. Main industrial building: Roof: 7 No. flues to max 1.6m height above the parapet level. North Elevation: 9 No. services penetrations and a 0.5x0.5m fa\u00E7ade mounted grill. East Elevation: 4 No. services penetration. More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 LOUTH OBSERVATION COMPOUND AT WHITESTOWN INCORPORATING BALLAGAN POINT LOOK OUT POST 01 (WWII) AND A 19TH CENTURY COASTGUARD SIGNAL STATION. , WHITESTOWN , GREENORE Planning Permission for the proposed restoration, repair, and conservation of the former Observation Compound at Whitestown incorporating Ballagan Point Look Out Post 01(WWII) and a 19th century Coastguard Signal Station. Permission to include for; The reestablishment of use of the Compound as an o. More...
RETENTION Jan 13 LOUTH 11 RIVERVALE GROVE , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH Retention of an attic conversion to habitable space with internal alterations and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 13 LOUTH CASTLECOO HILL , ALMONDSTOWN CLOGHERHEAD , COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works, permission for revised site boundaries, all in relation to planning permission ref no. 211002 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 LOUTH 50 QUAY STREET , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Full planning permission for demolition of existing vacant dwelling and construction of 4 no. apartments comprising 2 no. 1 bedroom and 2 no. 2 bedroom units. Full permission to include for bin and cycle storage to rear and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 10 LOUTH SAINT MONICA'S , THE LONG AVENUE , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Retention Permission for 2 no. temporary prefabricated pre-school buildings and retention permission of a permanent storage shed. Retention permission to include all associated site development works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH HAMLINSTOWN , MONASTERBOICE , DROGHEDA Outline Permission for the construction of a new dwelling house which will include the upgrading and extension of existing access roadway, a proprietary waste water treatment system with percolation area along with all other associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jan 10 LOUTH PRIESTS HILL , TINURE ROAD , COLLON Permission Consequent of the Grant of Outline Permission 21913 for a split level storey and a half/two storey dwelling house with attached single storey domestic garage and new wastewater treatment plant and raised polishing filter and new vehicular entrance onto public road accessed via a right of . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH FRANCIS STREET , TOWNPARKS DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a mixed development consisting of demolition of an existing single storey sffice building; construction of a 6 storey mixed use building, comprising of 2 no. commercial units (retail/office) at ground floor level (Level 0) and 24 no. apartments over 5 storeys above, 18 No. 1 beds and. More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH GOSLING'S TERRACE , DUNDALK , CO.LOUTH Permission for the development at lands at Gosling's Terrace, the development will consist of a single-storey type dwelling house, a domestic garage, new pedestrian access, new boundary treatment and all associated site development works. . More...
RETENTION Jan 10 LOUTH CHAPEL HILL , CARLINGFORD , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Retention permission is sought for the change of use from dwelling use to short-term letting . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH ST OLIVER’S COMMUNITY COLLEGE , RATHMULLEN ROAD , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of a part single-storey, part two-storey sports facility including a General Purpose Sports Hall, a boxing arena, a fitness suite, social areas, changing rooms, circulation areas, administration areas, stores, service areas and other ancillary accommodation *Significa. More...
RETENTION Jan 10 LOUTH MARLBOG ROAD , HAYNESTOWN HAGGARDSTOWN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH 1. Retention permission of an existing metal storage container (2.4m x 6m x 2.4m high). 2. Permission for a storage building (12.2m x 4.9m x 2.6m high) comprising of 2no. interlinked storage containers and 3. All associated site development works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH MARKET STREET , ARDEE , CO. LOUTH Permission for (1) the Change of Use of the former Health Centre to a Community Support Centre, (2) demolition of tiled hipped roof structure including 2No chimneys & replacement with a slated gabled roof structure, (3) demolition of single storey flat roof structure to east elevation (front) & repl. More...
RETENTION Jan 10 LOUTH OBERSTOWN , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Retention and Permission: Retention permission for the change of use of existing grain store to storage warehouse for maturation of whiskey and additional storage warehouse for the maturation of whiskey and all associated site works. Planning permission for water storage tank and fire water retent. More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH MARKET SQUARE , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the change of use a retail outlet to restaurant use, alterations to the front facade including new signage, the opening up of former windows along the rear facade inclusive of all associated site development works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jan 10 LOUTH 23 SEATOWN PLACE , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 19802 - Permission for extensions and modifications to an existing dwelling house, a Protected Structure D463/NIAH No. 13705055, located within the Seatown Architectural Conservation Area. Works to include selective part demolition of existing single-storey buildings to re. More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH NO. 65 MUIRHEVNA , DUBLIN ROAD , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for an extension to outbuilding to include garden room, home gym and toilet and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH NEWTOWNDARVER , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO LOUTH Permission for alterations to the proposed extension and domestic garage as previously granted under planning reference 21676 and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH DARVER , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a rear extension to existing dwelling house, front porch and alterations to existing front elevation, take down existing outbuilding and all associated site works *Significant Further Information Received on 15/11/2024 - Decommission of the existing septic tank and the installation of. More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 LOUTH 120 MARIAN PARK , DROGHEDA , CO LOUTH Permission for renovation and extension of the existing rear extension, internal alterations and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jan 10 LOUTH GLASPISTOL , CLOGHERHEAD , CO LOUTH Retention & Permission: Retention permission sought for lighted walking track and full permission for the demolition of original dressing rooms and extension of existing clubhouse, demolition of existing shed and construction of replacement shed, construct all weather pitch with lighting, construc. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 LOUTH TERMONFECKIN , COUNTY LOUTH , TERMONFECKIN Permission for a proposed dwelling house, extension of existing access drive, use of existing vehicular entrance to public road, connection into public sewer and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 LOUTH TERMONFECKIN , COUNT LOUTH , TERMONFECKIN Permission for a proposed dwelling house, extension of existing access drive, use of existing vehicular entrance to public road, connection into public sewer and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 LOUTH 14 CARMELITE COTTAGES , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for first floor extension to the front/side of the existing dwelling house, demolition of existing outbuilding shed, in addition planning permission also sought for two number dwelling houses to the rear and side of No. 14 Carmelite Cottages. The new dwelling houses will be semi detached . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 LOUTH NORTH ROAD , MONEYMORE , DROGHEDA The development will consist of amendments to previously approved planning application Ref: 22/1018. The amendments consist of: \u2022 The omission of 2 no 4-unit terraced blocks, each consisting of 2 no. two-bedroom terraced units (Type A) and 2 no. three-bedroom terraced units (Type B) and their . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 LOUTH 16 SAINT MARY'S VILLAS , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a proposed new two-story extension to the rear and side of the dwelling along with a new window to east elevation (side), a front porch, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 LOUTH SIMONSTOWN , TOGHER , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for proposed dwelling house, waste water treatment system and polishing filter percolation area, new vehicular entrance onto public road and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 LOUTH HOWE'S HILL/MULLACH ALAINN , KNOCKNAGORAN , OMEATH CO. LOUTH Permission for (a) Construction of 20 no. residential units comprising of: (i) 5 no. 2 storey, 3 bed dwelling houses in 1no. terrace block; (ii) 10 no. 2 storey, 2 bed dwelling houses in 2 no. terrace block of 5 units in each block; (iii) 1 no. detached 2 storey 4 bed dwelling house fronting onto H. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 LOUTH BALLAGAN , GREENORE , CO LOUTH Permission for a new dwelling house, effluent treatment system and percolation area, detached domestic garage and all associated site works. This application includes a Natura Impact Statement. *Significant Further Information Received on the 11/12/2024 - FI includes a Natura Impact Statement - Re. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 LOUTH RATHBRIST TD , TALLANSTOWN , CO.LOUTH Planning permission for i) to construct 8 No.Two Storey, 3 Bed dwellings, 6No. Semi Detached and 2No. Detached, ii) connection and extension to existing road and footpath network, iv) provision of Attenuation storage, v) connection to existing storm and foul drainage system and all associated sitewo. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 LOUTH THE SQUARE , BLACKROCK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission to consist of demolition of the existing single storey dwelling, lean to extension and paths. Removal of the existing oil tank. Construction of a new single storey dwelling, flat roof with part sloped roof and 2 no. rooflights, new timber fence to southern boundary, new vehicular access, . More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 LOUTH MULLAVALLEY , LOUTH VILLAGE , CO LOUTH Permission for (a) the demolition of rear extension to house. (b) Demolition of existing shed near front of house and shed at rear of house. (c) Renovations to existing house including new roof and external finishes. New two storey extension to rear of house and domestic garage to rear. (d) Wide. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 LOUTH LANDS AT THE JUNCTION OF THE LAURELS ROAD AND PATRICK STREET , DUNDALK , EIRCODE A91 EK75 Permission for (a) the provision of a total of 18no. apartment units in a 3 storey building of which there are 10no. 1bed apartments, 6no. 2bed apartments and 1no. 3bed apartments along with associated residential communal spaces at ground level. (b) The provision of bin and bicycle storage at groun. More...
RETENTION Jan 06 LOUTH BALLAVERTY AND MULLAGHATTIN , RIVERSTOWN , CO. LOUTH Retention Permission and Permission for the following: 1. Retention permission for the continued use of three parcels of land within the existing sand and gravel pit for ancillary quarry activities, as follows: Parcel A: A 0.15-hectare area used for internal access and stockpiling of excavated mat. More...
PERMISSION Jan 06 LOUTH RATHLUST , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of three warehouse units and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 06 LOUTH EIR EXCHANGE , DUNDALK ROAD , DRUMNASILLAGH TD RAVENSDALE CO. LOUTH Permission for proposed new 24 metre lattice support structure (overall height of 25.5 metres) carrying telecommunications equipment including antennas, dishes, and associated equipment, together with new ground level equipment cabinets and fencing . More...
PERMISSION Jan 04 LOUTH DUBLIN ROAD , LURGANGREEN , DUNDALK Permission to construct a single story two-bedroom self-contained apartment, together with all associated siteworks (to be used in conjunction with existing disability service operating on the site) *Significant Further Information Received on the 04/01/2025 - Retention of as constructed alterations. More...
RETENTION Jan 03 LOUTH GUDDERSTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Retention and Permission: Retention permission for the removal of soil and the stoning of a yard as constructed. The proposed development will comprise the construction of a machinery storage unit, associated siteworks and for the demolition of a stone shed and stone boundary wall and for the rebu. More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 LOUTH LUGBRISCAN , RIVERSTOWN , CO. LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, a domestic garage, a Wastewater Treatment System and all associated site development works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jan 03 LOUTH FORMER TAIN HOLIDAY VILLAGE , OMEATH , CO LOUTH EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 19/552 - Permission for the demolition of 4 no. existing structures and the partial demolition of 1 no. existing structure (approx. 3,402sq.m combined gross floor area): change of use, conservation and extension of existing hostel buildings to 3-storey nursing home (4,12. More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 LOUTH SCOGGANSTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area, new residential access gate (previously existing agricultural gate) . More...
RETENTION Jan 03 LOUTH ROSE COTTAGE , AVENUE ROAD , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Retention and Outline Permission: 1. Retention permission for completion of side extension to dwelling as granted previously under planning reference 20/721 and permission for provision of new vehicular entrance to same. 2. Retention permission for mobile home for duration of building works. 3. Rete. More...
RETENTION Jan 03 LOUTH REAR OF CORRIGANS PUB 91-93 GEORGE’S STREET AND REAR OF 94 95 GEORGE’S STREET AND BOYNE CENTRE AT BOLTON STREET , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Retention Permission & Planning Permission is sought for modifications to the permitted carpark under granted planning application reg. ref. 18775 and reg. ref. 2360293, both located at rear of Corrigans Pub, 91-93 George\u2019s Street, and rear of 94, 95 George\u2019s Street, and Boyne Centre at Bo. More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 LOUTH LOWER JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission is sought for the ground floor extension to the front of an existing cottage style dwelling. The development will include elevational changes to existing building. The development also includes the demolition of 2 existing outbuildings and a proposed new waste water treatment system on si. More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 LOUTH CASTLETOWNCOOLEY RIVERSTOWN , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for a new single storey dwelling and detached single garage, opening of a new vehicular entrance to the site and new wastewater treatment system and polishing filter together with all associated site development works. *Significant Further Information received on 03/12/2024 - Revised Sign. More...
RETENTION Jan 03 LOUTH 1 SHOMBERG CLOSE , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Retention of the conversion of an existing outbuilding to a two bedroom apartment with living area, kitchen, utility room, open yard area and separate entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 LOUTH KNOCKABBEY , THOMASTOWN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for a bungalow dwelling house, a domestic garage, a domestic waste water treatment system, a new site entrance with all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jan 03 LOUTH CARRICKALLAN , KILKERLEY , DUNDALK Retention of a 92sq.m storage building and 2 no. 2.4mx 6.1m shipping containers used for the storage of builders equipment. Permission for a new vehicular entrance to service the storage building inclusive of all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 LOUTH CARRICKARNON , CARRICKARNON , CO. LOUTH Permission for refurbishment of & extensions to existing vernacular building to provide dwelling, to include wastewater treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jan 03 LOUTH DRUMMULLAGH , OMEATH , CO LOUTH Permission Consequent of the Grant of Outline permission ref. 21904 for a new dwelling house, effluent treatment plant and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 02 LOUTH THE KEERHAN , WOODMILL TULLYALLEN , CO. LOUTH Demolition of existing Machine Storage shed and Construction of new Agricultural Apple storage shed, New Machine storage shed, Loading dock area, dispatch office, kitchenette, toilet & changing room and aswell as all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 30 LOUTH 3A FRANCIS STREET , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the change of use of former public house / nightclub to 5 no. self-contained residential units and 1 no. commercial unit, with restored shopfront, internal alterations and extensions to rear of premises. *Significant Further Information received on 10/04/2024* . More...
RETENTION Dec 23 LOUTH 'AISLING' , SEAPOINT DUFFSFARM , TERMONFECKIN CO. LOUTH Retention & Permission for the following: 1. Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of proposed new detached replacement dwelling 2. Existing septic tank to be decommissioned and new wastewater treatment system and percolation area to be installed 3. Proposed new single storey garden ro. More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 LOUTH RAMPARK , JENKINSTOWN , CO. LOUTH Permission for development for a 1.5 storey detached house, install a waste water treatment system with percolation area & associated site works at Rampark, Jenkinstown, Co. Louth . More...
RETENTION Dec 23 LOUTH 4 BRIDGE STREET , DUNDALK , LOUTH Retention permission for single storey extension to rear garden . More...
RETENTION Dec 23 LOUTH PAROCHIAL HOUSE , FIELDSTOWN MONASTERBOICE , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Retention permission for an attic conversion, front porch and sun room to an existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 LOUTH CASTLETOWN ROAD , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission is sought for a ground and first floor extension to the front and side of an existing church building. On the ground floor of the front extension, it will consist of a new entrance and entrance foyer. The extension will consist of 6 new bible study classrooms, toilets and storage. It will. More...
RETENTION Dec 22 LOUTH 6 HARVEST WAY , WHEATON HALL , DROGHEDA Retention permission for a single storey utility room extension to the side of the existing house and all associated siteworks . More...
RETENTION Dec 21 LOUTH FIELDSTOWN , MONASTERBOICE , COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for (1) the retention of the conversion of an attic space in the dwellinghouse to storage space, (2) the retention of the change of use of a detached domestic garage to a granny flat, and (3) the retention of an external single storey shed and all associated siteworks . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 LOUTH LANDS AT NEWTOWN BUSINESS PARK , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Retention of timber shed display area and fencing . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH ROSEHALL BOG LANE , CROSS LANES MONEYMORE , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH The proposed development consists of the construction of 30 no. residential units (18 No. 3 Bed 2-Storey Semi-Detached, 6 No. 3 Bed 2-Storey End of Terrace and 6 No. 2 Bed 2-Storey Mid Terrace units) on a site of circa 1.08 Ha, together with all associated site development works including car parkin. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH RATHGORY , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of a two storey house, waste water treatment unit and percolation area and new entrance onto the public road . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 LOUTH CARLINGFORD HOUSE , DUNDALK STREET , CARLINGFORD Retention permission for the construction of a single storey detached dwelling house and associated site works within the grounds of a protected structure . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH MAIN STREET , KNOCKNAGORAN , OMEATH Demolition of 2 no. existing commercial units (caf\u00E9 / retail / storage use) and construction of a three storey mixed commercial & residential building. The lower ground floor comprises of a two bed room apartment and bike & storage area, the ground floor includes 2no. ground floor retail units,. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH RICHARDSTOWN , DUNLEER , CO. LOUTH Permission for a new shed to be used for storage & drying of onions, concrete apron to front of shed & use existing entrance onto public road and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 LOUTH PRIEST’S HILL , COLLON , CO. LOUTH. Retention and completion of existing dwelling house and garage granted under planning ref: 071557 new Septic Tank percolation area and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 LOUTH SMYTHS FARM SEABANK HOUSE , DUBLIN ROAD DROMISKIN , CO. LOUTH. Retention permission for the alterations of the existing splayed vehicular site entrance and all ancillary and associated site development works. The development to be retained consist of: 1. The construction of 2 no. agricultural sheds comprising of a dry storage shed and pasteurisation room; 2. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH THE BIKE STATION LIMITED THE BAGGING SHED , GEORGE'S QUAY , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for the following: Phase 1: Temporary placement of coffee kiosk, toilet and signage into existing enclosed yard, and all associated site works. Phase 2: Demolition of existing concrete boundary wall to yard, to west and south. Change of use of existing derelict storage building to reta. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH IDA DROGHEDA NORTH BUSINESS PARK , MELL AND MONEYMORE , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for the provision of a new wastewater pumping station, rising main and all associated and ancillary development works, including new hardstand areas, kiosks, vent columns, light poles, underground tanks and chambers, landscape reinstatement works, connections to electricity supply network. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH LOCKINGTON'S YARD , QUAY STREET , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for modifications to existing storage unit to include replacement roof, increased height and new entrance doors . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH RABBIT STREET , BALTRAY , CO LOUTH Permission for alterations to the existing house and associated development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH CROMWELL'S LANE , DROGHEDA , CO LOUTH Permission for a new two storey dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH LIBERTIES , CARLINGFORD , CO LOUTH Permission for alterations and extension to existing dwelling house, new detached garden room and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH 150 BALLSGROVE , DROGHEDA , CO LOUTH Permission for proposed detached domestic single storey outbuilding comprising of home office, games room and toilet facilities (floor area 29m2) to rear of existing two storey dwelling together with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH 81 BRIDGE STREET , DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the change of use of the existing ground floor retail unit to a studio type apartment and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH THE SAIL INN , MAIN STREET , CLOGHERHEAD Permission for the upgrade and refurbishment of existing roof structure and associated site works to Protected Structure: LHS-022-016 (NIAH Ref. 13827007) . More...
RETENTION Dec 20 LOUTH DUNDALK SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PARK , MULLAGHARLIN ROAD , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Retention of the following: 10sqm single storey electrical Meters Building. Main industrial building: Roof: 7 No. flues to max 1.6m height above the parapet level. North Elevation: 9 No. services penetrations and a 0.5x0.5m fa\u00E7ade mounted grill. East Elevation: 4 No. services penetrations . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH KNOCKABBEY , THOMASTOWN , COUNTY LOUTH Planning Permission for a proposed single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH WOODLAND , DUNLEER , COUNTY LOUTH Planning Permission for a proposed single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house, including a new side porch and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH BALLYMAKENNY ROAD , YELLOWBATTER , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for 4 commercial units in a 2,309.9 sqm single storey building with a maximum height of 9.8m, as follows: Unit 1 - Retail Unit with gross floor area of 92.1 sqm and a net retail sales area of 81.8 sqm. Unit 2 - Retail Unit with a gross floor area of 98 sqm and a net sales area of 87 sqm.. More...
RETENTION Dec 20 LOUTH CALGA REAGHSTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for an agricultural storage shed, rainwater soakage area and associated siteworks *Significant Further Information received on 20/12/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH UNIT 1 & 2 BOYNE BUSINESS PARK , NEWTOWNSTALABAN DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH , CO. LOUTH Permission for the following: 1. Provision of new first floor over the existing ground floor to contain offices and ancillary spaces (Unit 2). 2. Provision of a mezzanine level over the existing upper floor to contain plant (Unit 2). 3. Proposed internal alterations and subdivision to existing gr. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH ELLWOOD PARK , IN THE TOWNLAND OF YELLOWBATTER WEST OF BALLYMAKENNY ROAD , COUNTY LOUTH Ballymakenny SW Ltd. are seeking permission for residential development on lands to the west of Ballymakenny Road, in the townland of Yellowbatter, Drogheda, County Louth. The proposed development consists of 81 no. units, comprised of 57 no. two-storey, 3 bedroom semi-detached and terraced houses, . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 LOUTH 'THE VILLAGE GREEN' THE BOULEVARD , RAYNOLDSTOWN VILLAGE HAYNESTOWN DUBLIN ROAD , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of neighbourhood facilities in three number two storey detached buildings comprising of the following: Building 1: A mini-market retail shop at ground floor and general practice medical related community uses at first floor with a total floor area of c. 1328m sq.; Bui. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 LOUTH DRUMCASHEL , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for an agricultural store extension onto existing agricultural store and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 LOUTH TALLANSTOWN HOUSE , TALLANSTOWN DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Retention and Permission: Permision for the demolition of the existing single storey kitchen, pantry, utility room, bathroom, porch and garage, the retention of the two storey dwelling and the construction of a new single storey dressing room, ensuite bathroom, art room, porch, toilet, kitchen and . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 LOUTH 28 FIVE OAKS , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Retention and Permission: Permission for first floor front extension to dwelling house, Retention Permission for side single storey extension to dwelling including all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 LOUTH REAGHSTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area, new vehicular entrance to the site and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 LOUTH BELLURGAN POINT , JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK Retention permission for dwelling house, waste water treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 LOUTH LANDS C.4.87KM NORTHEAST OF ARDEE , DERRYCAMMAGH BAWN AND CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO LOUTH Permission sought for of a 10 year permission for a Solar PV Energy Development with associated Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Compound with a total site area of c. 108.6 ha, to include solar panels mounted on steel support structures, associated cabling and ducting, inverters, transformers, s. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 LOUTH NORTH ROAD , MONEYMORE , DROGHEDA Permission for amendments to previously approved planning application Ref: 22/1018. The amendments consist of: The omission of 2 no 4-unit terraced blocks, each consisting of 2 no. two-bedroom terraced units (Type A) and 2 no. three-bedroom terraced units (Type B) and their replacement with 2 no. 4. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 LOUTH EIR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE , PATRICK STREET , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Permission for a change of use of part of the building (2413sqm) from existing Telephone Exchange use to complementary information, communications and telecoms data centre use; Internal reconfiguration of the existing building to facilitate data storage floorspace and ancillary uses and associated . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH KILINEER NEWTOWN MONASTERBOICE , SILLOGE BALGATHERAN AND COOLFORE , CO. LOUTH Planning permission is sought for a period of 10 years to construct and complete a Solar PV Energy and BESS Development with a total site area of 92.3 hectares to include; Solar PV panels ground mounted on support structures, inverters, battery storage infrastructure (BESS units, PCS units, storage . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH RATHCOR , RIVERSTOWN DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the change of use, restoration and alterations to the existing mill building for use as a dwelling and the provision of a single storey extension to the northeast, the provision of a garage, opening of a new vehicular entrance to the site with a private vehicular parking area, new ret. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH WILLISTOWN , DRUMCAR , DROGHEDA Planning permission for an extension to the front/side of the existing dwelling house which will also include an attached family flat/independent living accommodation, new treatment system and polishing filter percolation area and all associated site development works. *Significant Further Informati. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH CROWMARTIN , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of a dwelling house with detached domestic garage, proprietary waste water treatment system and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH ST BRIDES CLUBROOMS , NEWTOWN KNOCKBRIDGE , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for 1. demolition of existing rear single storey extension of disused clubrooms; 2. refurbishment of remainder of disused clubrooms to two number one bedroom dwellings, previously granted permission for two semi-detached two storey dwellings - Ref. No. 19/942 and for refurbishment to bung. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH SARSFIELD'S , 128 CORD ROAD , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of kitchen on site to supply bar and associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 LOUTH 4 BRIDGE STREET , DUNDALK , LOUTH Retention permission for single storey extension to rear garden . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 LOUTH FIELDSTOWN , MONASTERBOICE , DROGHEDA Retention Permission for an attic conversion, front porch and sun room to an existing dwelling house at the Parochial House . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH DROGHEDA INSTITUTE OF FURTHER EDUCATION , THE TWENTIES DROGHEDA , CO.LOUTH Permission for the construction of a new two-storey multi-purpose tertiary education building extension to the North-East of the existing Drogheda Institute of Further Education school building consisting of: Multi-purpose space, teaching /practice spaces, social areas, administration areas and anc. More...
RETENTION Dec 18 LOUTH PAROCHIAL HOUSE MONKSLAND , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Retention of the unauthorised construction of 2 Number meditation pods and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH CARMELITE COTTAGES (REAR OF NO.9) , MARSH ROAD LAGAVOOREN , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for the following: 1. Construction of 3no. 3-storey townhouses along with car parking provisions, boundary treatments, hard & soft landscaping 2. All associated site development and infrastructure works. *Significant Further Information received on 04/12/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH TULLYBROOK , SLANE ROAD TULLYALLEN , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of 47 no. residential dwellings (5,156.6sq.m. GFA) including an apartment/duplex block (Block 13) containing 10no. two-bedroom apartment units and 10no. three-bedroom duplex units all with associated private balconies or terraces and an associated communal open space . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 LOUTH 14 PATRICK STREET , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Retention permission for a single storey pitched roof extension to rear of existing house and to retain detached garage to rear garden . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 LOUTH RAMPARK , JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK Permission for new waste water treatment system to serve existing dwelling house, amendments to site boundaries previously granted permission under planning Ref. No. 14/244 and all Associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Dec 18 LOUTH RATHCOR , RIVERSTOWN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission - Ref. No. 21677 - for dwelling house, waste water treatment system and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH KNOCKLARNE HOUSE , SPRINGHILL LOUTH HALL , TALLANSTOWN DUNDALK Permission for proposed alterations and two storey extension to existing two storey dwelling, installation of proprietary waste water treatment system/percolation area together with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH SITE ON LANDS IN THE TOWNLAND OF MONEYMORE AND YELLOWBATTER , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for development at this site (c. 3.78ha) at lands in the Townland of Moneymore and Yellowbatter, Drogheda, County Louth. The proposed development comprises 91no. dwellings (74no. 3-bedroom and 17no. 4-bedroom houses), including 1no. dwelling with an option to accommodate a childcare facil. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH HIGHWAY VIEW , DRUMCAR ROAD DUNLEER , CO. LOUTH Permission for the reconstruction of the steps to the house entrance, removal of stone cladding to parts of the front walls of the house, new windows, the installation of a carport, the installation of a skylight and photovoltaic panels to the front roof, raising the height of the existing gate entr. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH SITE ON LANDS IN THE TOWNLAND OF YELLOWBATTER , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for development at this site (c. 4.02ha) at lands in the Townland of Yellowbatter, Drogheda, County Louth. The proposed development comprises 95no. dwellings (55no. 3-bedroom and 40no. 4-bedroom houses), including 1no. dwelling with an option to accommodate a childcare facility at ground. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH SITE ON LANDS IN THE TOWNLAND OF MONEYMORE , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for development at this site (c. 3.47ha) at lands in the Townland of Moneymore, Drogheda, County Louth. The proposed development comprises 86no. residential units in a mix of houses and duplex units; comprising of 78no. 2 storey houses (45no. 3-bedroom and 33no. 4-bedroom houses) includin. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH CARRICKBAGGOT , GRANGEBELLEW , DROGHEDA Planning permission for a proposed dwelling house, domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area, new vehicular entrance onto public road and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH MOUNT AVENUE FARRANDREG , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for development at a site located on the eastern side of Mount Avenue and is bounded to the north by a permitted residential development comprising 93 no. dwellings granted under P.A. Ref. No. 21/1173 that is currently under construction. Agricultural fields bound the site to the south a. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH DOWDSTOWN , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Permission for the renovation of a derelict schoolhouse with the construction of a single storey glazed extension to the side and a single storey extension to the rear with an interconnecting glass atrium, new waste water treatment system and percolation area and a new vehicular entrance and all ass. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH SPELLICKANEE , RIVERSTOWN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for the demolition of existing outbuildings/agricultural sheds. An extension and alterations to an existing dwelling house. A new vehicular entrance and associated site development works. *Significant Further Information received on 02/12/2024 which includes a revised extension design* . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH FELDA HEALTH FITNESS AND SPA , DUBLIN ROAD , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for extension of the existing single-storey with mezzanine level Felda Health and Spa to include the construction of a 668m2 single-storey flat roof extension to the South-West side elevation consisting of a 148m2 ancillary retail unit and 415m2 of additional gym area. The development inc. More...
RETENTION Dec 17 LOUTH BALLINCLARE , KNOCKBRIDGE , CO. LOUTH Retention permission for 1. the retention of a single storey home office located to the south of the existing dwelling house and 2. the retention of a domestic garage with attic storage within the attic space also located to the south of the existing dwelling house inclusive of all associated site . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH DARVER , READYPENNY , CO. LOUTH Permission to construct a single storey dwelling, form new entrance onto public road, install waste water treatment system and all ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Dec 17 LOUTH BACHELORS LANE , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Retention planning permission for advertisement signage to the front elevation and all associated site development works, to Protected Structure Ref. No. DB-002 - NIAH Ref. 13622027 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH 12 BOICE MANOR , TINURE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a detached domestic garage and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH PREMIER PERICLASE PRODUCTION FACILITY , STRAND ROAD AND BOYNE AVENUE , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for a ten year development on a site comprising the Premier Periclase production facility at Strand Road and Boyne Avenue, Drogheda. Please see Newspaper Ad for full description. This application is includes an EIAR and NIS. The site comprises the main Premier Periclase production faci. More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH RAYNOLDSTOWN VILLAGE , HAYNESTOWN DUBLIN ROAD DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of 21 houses comprising 2 no. 5 bedroom three storey semi-detached dwellings (Type A), 1 no. 5 bedroom three storey detached dwelling (Type A), and 4 no. two storey terraced blocks containing 2 no. 3 bedroom two storey end of terrace dwellings (Type E) and 16 no. 3 be. More...
RETENTION Dec 17 LOUTH 68 BARRACK STREET , DUNDALK , DUNDALK Retention of a fridge enclosure including alterations to ground levels and concrete yard to the rear of existing butchers shop and full planning permission to make deliveries to the rear of the property via the existing vehicular access . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH FURNITURE OPTIONS , DONORE ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for proposed advertising sign with surround to southern boundary of site and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH SOLID ROCK CHURCH , BALLYMAKENNY ROAD , DROGHEDA Permission for the demolition of a building and adjoining smaller structures and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH SHANLIS , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of a two storey house, waste water treatment unit and percolation area and new entrance onto the public road *Significant Further Information Received on 07/11/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH SUNNYSIDE , CARRICKMACROSS ROAD , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for a single storey extension to the rear of an existing dwelling house; provision of solar/photovoltaic roof panels to front elevation (south facing) and to rear annex (east & west facing); pedestrian access onto an existing laneway; and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH STRAND STREET , CLOGHERHEAD , COUNTY LOUTH Permission to demolish existing house ruins, erect new dwelling house, connection to public sewer, alteration to front boundary wall including entrance gate and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH TULLAKEEL , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Permission to construct a combined 5 bay double and a 5 bay single agricultural slatted shed with underground slurry storage tanks, integrated milking parlour facilities, feeding passages, cubicle areas, adjoining concrete area and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH ALLARDSTOWN , KNOCKBRIDGE , DUNDALK CO.LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house and a detached domestic garage, new site entrance onto public road, wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH TULLYESKAR , MONASTERBOICE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a single storey dwelling house, new waste water treatment system and percolation area, proposed access to new house from existing access drive. Planning permission also sought to alter the vehicular entrance where the existing access drive intersects the public road, works will involv. More...
RETENTION Dec 17 LOUTH CAVANMORE , HACKBALLSCROSS , CO. LOUTH Retention of 1. Minor elevational revisions to 4 bay double slatted livestock shed previously approved under planning reference no. 21/335 and 2. construction of additional adjoining roofed/covered livestock stock handling yard together with all ancillary site development works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 17 LOUTH LOWER RATH , RIVERSTOWN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Outline permission for a new dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 LOUTH MAIN STREET , BLACKROCK , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of 4 no. new 3 bedroomed semi-detached dwelling houses and all ancillary and associated site development works including site clearance works, new vehicular entrances off the Main Street, car parking spaces, hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 LOUTH MULLATEE , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Permission for 1. Renovation and redevelopment of existing single storey derelict dwelling house and out-buildings to provide habitable residential dwelling house; 2. Redevelopment and change of use of existing wagon roof hayshed to 4 No. 2 bedroom self-contained apartments; 3. Installation of a w. More...
RETENTION Dec 16 LOUTH 12 ST MICHAELS TERRACE , CALLYSTOWN , CLOGHERHEAD Retention of revised front entrance layout, together with retention of 2 storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling, minor alterations to design/layout and location of dwelling onsite to that previously granted under planning reference 08/214 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 LOUTH WHITESTOWN , GREENORE , CO LOUTH Planning Permission for the proposed restoration, repair, and conservation of the former Observation Compound at Whitestown incorporating Ballagan Point Look Out Post 01(WWII) and a 19th century Coastguard Signal Station. Permission to include for; The reestablishment of use of the Compound as an ob. More...
RETENTION Dec 16 LOUTH LANDS AT UNIT 16C , WILLIAMSONS MALL , RAMPART ROAD DUNDALK Retention permission and permission on lands at unit 16C Williamsons Mall, Rampart Road, Dundalk. The development seeking retention permission consists of: Retention of signage; Retention of external seating area with associated covered canopy and reconfiguration of car parking spaces; Retention. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 LOUTH SITE TO THE REAR OF NOS. 6-12 LÍOS MEAD , AND ACCESSIBLE VIA EXISTING ACCESS ROAD OFF HARDY’S LANE , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH (i) construction of a two-storey building (580sq.m) comprising warehouse with ancillary office accommodation and associated external yard; (ii) provision of 8 no. car parking spaces, 2 no. truck/van parking spaces and 10 no. cycle parking spaces; (iii) creation of 3 no. new vehicular entrances (1 no. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 LOUTH COOLFED , KILLINCOOLE , READYPENNY COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the construction of single storey extensions to the front, side and rear of existing single storey dwelling with a new effluent treatment system/percolation area, soakaways and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 LOUTH DOOLARGY , RAVENSDALE , DUNDALK COUNTY LOUTH Retention and Permission: Retention permission for extensions and alterations to an existing two storey dwelling and full planning permission sought for the construction of an addition domestic store and the insertion of a new proprietary effluent treatment system and gravel distribution bed with a. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 LOUTH ALLARDSTOWN , KNOCKBRIDGE , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of a new dwelling, new septic tank and percolation area and all associated site development works *Significant Further Information Received on 20/11/2024* . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 LOUTH 10 SEATOWN PLACE , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Retention permission for a two storey extension to the rear of dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 LOUTH LANDS AT LISDOO TOWNLAND , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH A Large-scale Residential Development (LRD) Application for the provision of a total of 205 no. residential units along with provision of a cr\u00E8che. See Particulars of the development comprise as follows: (a) Site excavation works to facilitate the proposed development to in. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 LOUTH 23 PINEWOOD GROVE , BAY ESTATE , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for an extension to the rear and side of existing dwelling including all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 LOUTH MARTINSTOWN , TOGHER , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area, new residential access gate (previously existing agricultural gate) . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 LOUTH 9 ROGAN’S LANE / MARKETHOUSE LANE , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for proposed alterations to the front elevation of existing single storey terraced house, incorporating increasing the height at eaves level and at the front door and window head levels, and all ancillary siteworks . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 LOUTH COOKSTOWN , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Retention permission for a detached single storey garage to rear of site . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 LOUTH 5 SUNNYSIDE COTTAGES , DROGHEDA , CO.LOUTH Planning permission for demolition of an existing single storey extension to the rear of the existing cottage, construction of a new replacement single storey extension to the rear, a new porch to the front elevation, a new gravel driveway in the front garden and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 LOUTH DRUMGOOLESTOWN , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO. LOUTH Retention and Permission for the following: 1. Retention of recently installed septic tank to replace existing septic tank and 2. Permission to replace existing percolation area with new percolation area and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 LOUTH SOUTH COMMONS , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Retention permission for the renovation of derelict structure once used as dwelling house to home office/study and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Dec 13 LOUTH CASTLEBELLINGHAM ROAD , DROMISKIN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission, 211455 to comprise a new dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works. Permission also sought for a new detached domestic garage . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 LOUTH THE BIKE STATION LIMITED THE BAGGING SHED , GEORGE'S QUAY , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for Phase 1: Temporary placement of coffee kiosk, toilet and signage into existing enclosed yard, and all associated site works. Phase 2: Demolition of existing concrete boundary wall to yard, to west and south. Change of use of existing derelict storage building to retail bicycle shop an. More...
RETENTION Dec 13 LOUTH CORTIAL , KILKERLEY , CO LOUTH Retention permission for a front porch extension to an existing dwelling house and associated site development works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Dec 13 LOUTH RAMPARK , JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK Outline planning permission for development to consist of a single dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area on a site of a derelict shed to be removed including all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 LOUTH RATHROAL , KNOCKBRIDGE , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for a single storey detached dwelling, detached domestic garage, site entrance, all connection to public services, waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 LOUTH LOWER FAUGHART , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for proposed dwelling house, waste water treatment system, percolation areas and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 LOUTH BOYNE RFC , BALLYMAKENNY ROAD YELLOWBATTER , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Permission for the erection of a 24.1m telecommunications tower on concrete base to support 18 no. telecommunications antennae and 1 no. GPS antenna together with the installation of dishes, new access track and associated fencing with pedestrian gate, cabling, compound area, ground-based equipment . More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 LOUTH 10 BREWERY HOUSE , KILSARAN CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO. LOUTH. Permission for a new single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 LOUTH KNOCK SHEE AVENUE , BLACKROCK DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for development at Knock Shee Avenue, Blackrock, consisting of the construction of a Discount Foodstore Supermarket with ancillary off-licence sales. The proposed development comprises: 1) The construction of a single storey Discount Foodstore Supermarket with ancillary off-licence use . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 LOUTH STICKILLIN , ARDEE , CO. LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, domestic garage and waste water treatment system with percolation area . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 LOUTH NEWTOWN , KNOCKBRIDGE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the construction of a domestic garage and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 LOUTH BAWNTAAFFE , MONASTERBOICE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a new waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works to serve existing dwelling house in relation to permission granted ref no. 22770, decommission existing septic tank . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 LOUTH CARNABREAGH , DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the demolition of an existing single storey dwelling and garage/storage building and construction of a new replacement single storey dwelling and separate domestic store, new vehicular entrance with a new effluent treatment system/percolation area, soakaways and all associated site de. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 LOUTH 68 PARK STREET , DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the Change of Use from office accommodation at first floor level to a two bedroom apartment and from office accommodation at second floor level to a two bedroom apartment to include internal alterations, alterations to the front and rear elevations and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 LOUTH RAYNOLDSTOWN VILLAGE , HAYNESTOWN , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH. Permission for development on lands at Raynoldstown Village, Haynestown. The development will consist of the construction of 85 no. dwellings comprising of 1 no. 3 bedroom, 2 storey detached dwelling (Type C2), 47 no. 3 bedroom, 2 storey, semi-detached dwellings (Type C2), 3 no. 3 bedroom, 2 storey . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 LOUTH THE KEERHAN , WOODMILL TULLYALLEN , CO. LOUTH Permission for the demolition of existing machine storage shed and construction of new agricultural apple storage shed, new machine storage shed, loading dock area, dispatch office, toilet and kitchenette, waste water treatment system, as well as all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH DUNGOOLEY , KILCURRY DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for alterations to a previously granted planning permission reference number 2261 (Demolition of existing outbuildings, construction of single & two storey extensions to the existing single storey dwelling, alterations to the existing vehicular entrance, a new effluent treatment system wi. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH ST BRIDES GFC , MILLPARK KNOCKBRIDGE , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for new external lift and lift shaft to existing Club Rooms and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH NEWTOWN , KNOCKBRIDGE , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission to remove an existing silage pit wall and construct a cattle cubicle shed containing underground slatted effluent storage tanks, construct an underground dairy washings tank and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH ST BRIDES GFC , MILLPARK KNOCKBRIDGE , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for new external lift and lift shaft to existing Club Rooms and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH GRANGEBLLEW , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Planning permission for a proposed agricultural dry base shed and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH OLD ROAD , BELLURGAN , DUNDALK COUNTY LOUTH Permission for alterations and extensions to existing two storey dwelling including construction of two storey extensions to the sides & rear of the dwelling, elevational & internal arrangement changes, alterations to a single storey outbuilding, revised vehicular entrance arrangement, new effluent . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH DROMENA ROAD , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a residential development consisting of 99 no. dwellings in a mix of 93 no. houses (8 no. 2-bed, 49no. 3-bed, 36 no. 4-bed) one and two storey in height and 6 no. apartments (4 no. 1-bed, 2 no. 2-bed) and a childcare facility. The apartments are located over two floors within a three . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH TEMPLETOWN/BALLYNAMONY , CARLINGFORD , CO LOUTH Permission for a new effluent treatment system and percolation area, revised site boundaries and all associated site works to existing dwelling house . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 LOUTH WATERWIPES U.C MATTHEWS LANE SOUTH , DONORE ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Retention permission for the continuation of use of a single storey prefabricated office building along the north boundary previously granted under Reg. Ref. 21492 . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Dec 10 LOUTH ANNIES , KILCURRY , DUNDALK CO LOUTH EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 22/321 - permission for change of house type, previously granted permission under ref. no. 19/130. The development will consist of construction of a one and a half storey dwelling house, garage, waste water treatment system and all associated site development works**Signif. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH MARSHES UPPER , DUBLIN ROAD , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for 31 no. residential units consisting of: 1 no. three storey block of apartment/duplex units, comprising 7 no. two bedroom units and 7 no. three bedroom units (14 no. units in total). 2 no. three storey blocks of apartment/duplex units, each comprising of 2 no. two bedroom units and 2 . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 LOUTH LOUGHANMORE , JENKINSTOWN , COUNTY LOUTH. Retention of development and permission for alterations to that development. Retention permission for a partially constructed shed (agricultural/equestrian) and alterations to complete works to the shed with associated site works to include, fencing, landscaping, a retaining wall and the installati. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 LOUTH THE SQUARE BLACKROCK , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for 1) The renovation of existing two storey house. 2) To construct a first floor rear extension to existing house. 3) To create a vehicular entrance from public road into the site . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 LOUTH CARRICKCARNAN , RAVENSDALE , CO LOUTH Retention permission for 1. The restoration of an existing dwelling house to include for alterations to the front porch. 2. The conversion to habitable accommodation of an attached farm building to form part of the dwelling house. 3. The conversion and alterations of an outbuilding to dependent . More...
RETENTION Dec 09 LOUTH GALROOSTOWN , TERMONFECKIN , CO. LOUTH Retention & Permission for the following a) retention of milking parlour, dairy, waiting yard, water storage tank and meal bin. b) retention of calf shed. c) retention of extension to existing cubicle shed and associated flow channel and underground slatted slurry storage tank. d) construction of an. More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 LOUTH ROESTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 LOUTH PAIRC DE ROISTE , RATHDUFF , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of a sensory pod and associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 09 LOUTH 11 THE HAMLET COMMONS ROAD , DROMISKIN , COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for rear/side extension to existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 LOUTH 29 JOCELYN STREET , DUNDALK , CO.LOUTH Permission for development to a protected structure under listing Ref: No.LH13705030. Proposed works to include improvements and repairs to the fabric of the dwelling as follows: repairs and refurbishment of existing wooden sash windows, the replacement of PVC windows with new timber up-and-down sa. More...
RETENTION Dec 06 LOUTH LENAMORE , RAVENSDALE , CO.LOUTH Retention permission for development to a protected structure Ref: No. LH S004-033. The development will consist of the retention of unfinished works and alterations to the rear annex of Lenamore House for a conversion to a two-bedroom dwelling (no 3) and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 LOUTH WUXI BIOLOGICS IRELAND LIMITED , DUNDALK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARK IN THE TOWNLAND OF HAYNESTOWN , MULLAGHARLIN DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction and operation of a new Effluent Balancing and Resource Recovery Plant (EBRRP) on a site of 7.888hectares, which will consist of: (1) Excavation of the site to facilitate the proposed development, and reuse of excavated material as a landscaped spoil heap within the si. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 LOUTH LANDS TO THE EAST OF THE WESTERN RELIEF ROAD SOUTH OF THE MARLBOG ROAD & NORTH OF WADMAN PARK , RAYNOLDSTOWN VILLAGE HAYNESTOWN , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH. Permission for the construction of 91 houses comprising of 4 no. end of terrace 2 storey 3 bedroom dwellings (Type A), 53 no. terraced 2 storey 3 bedroom dwellings (Type B), 12 no. semi-detached 2 storey 3 bedroom dwellings (Type C2), 3 no. semi-detached 2 storey 3 bedroom dwellings (Type C3), 1 no.. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 LOUTH EIR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE SITE , PATRICK STREET , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Permission for modifications of previously granted scheme under planning reference 22240, granted on 19/05/2022. The modifications to the proposed development will consist of a fenced plant yard compound (0.0206ha) comprising 4 no. backup battery modules with 2.4 metre high palisade fencing, modifi. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 LOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE , LAGAVOOREN TOWNLAND , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for the development of 71 no. residential units at Congress Avenue, Lagavooren Townland, Drogheda, Co. Louth, a site of circa 1.135 hectares. The proposed development will comprise the construction of 71 no. residential units as includes: Block A - 2-4-storey apartment block (3,006 sqm -. More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 LOUTH MILLGRANGE , GREENORE DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for modifications and extension to the existing dwelling house, including: (A) Alterations to the existing internal layout, (B) Alterations to existing dwelling elevations including external finishes, alterations to openings and first-floor windows, (C) Demolition of single-storey sectio. More...
RETENTION Dec 06 LOUTH NO 3 , PARK STREET , TOWNPARKS DUNDALK Retention and Permission: Retention permission for alteration to existing signage to front fa\u00E7ade and permission for alterations to existing opening hours and associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 LOUTH 5 GREENHILLS VILLAS , STONEY LANE DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Retention and Permission for the following: 1. Retention of conversion of former garage to side of existing dwelling. 2. Retention of single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling. 3. Retention of render finish to front elevation of existing dwelling, and retention of removal of 2 nr. ch. More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH KILLINEER , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for proposed dwelling house, domestic garage waste water treatment system and polishing filter percolation area, new vehicular entrance onto public road and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH 31 & 32 CHURCH STREET , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Permission for 1. part change of use of an existing beauty salon to a self-contained residential unit at ground floor level. 2. Provision of 3 no. self-contained residential units at first and second floor level. 3. Bin storage area, landscaping, bicycle parking area. 4. All associated site devel. More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH SHANLIS , ARDEE , CO. LOUTH Extension and alterations to an existing dwellinghouse, an outer building and all associated site works. *Significant Further Information Received on 14/11/2024 - design changes to extension and alterations to the existing dwellinghouse, new wastewater treatment system and all associated site works*. More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH 23 SHAMROCK VILLAS , BALLYMAKENNY ROAD , DROGHEDA CO.LOUTH Permission for the widening of driveway entrance from 2.5m to 5m and associated siteworks. *Further Information received on 06/10/2024*. . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 LOUTH WATERWIPES U.C MATTHEWS LANE SOUTH , DONORE ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , DROGHEDA CO ;LOUTH Retention permission for the continuation of use of a single storey prefabricated office building along the north boundary previously granted under Reg. Ref. 21492 . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 LOUTH PAROCHIAL HOUSE MONKSLAND , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Retention permission is sought for the unauthorised construction of 2 No. Mediation Pods and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH MODEL FARM ROAD , DROMISKIN , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the construction of a single storey stable/agricultural storage building. The development will include provision of new public amenities including a football pitch and playground area all adjoining the existing public open space/pond, new boundary treatments, footpaths, surface water . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 LOUTH PATRICK TIERNEY STREET , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for as constructed dwelling house in relation to grant of permission ref no. 80480 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH DRUMGUR , LOUTH , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for a bungalow dwelling house, a domestic garage, a domestic waste water treatment system, a new site entrance with all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH BALLYMAKELLETT , RAVENSDALE , DUNDALK Permission for amendments to front and side elevations with the addition of 4 bay windows and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH LANDS SITUATED TO THE IMMEDIATE SOUTH OF LIDL (EIRCODE NO. A92 HF25) , & TO THE IMMEDIATE WEST OF JOHN MCCABE NISSAN (EIRCODE NO. A92 F6AK) , DONORE ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for alterations to development previously approved under Reg. Ref. 22/716 comprising: (i) The erection of 1 no. totem signage post (4.4 metres height with 2 no. 2 x 2 metre signs on northern/eastern elevations) at the entrance to the site via the Donore Road Industrial Estate; (ii) reloca. More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH SEA ROAD , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO. LOUTH Permission for extension and alterations to existing dwelling house including single story extension to the rear and first floor extension with a balcony/terrace and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH ROUND HOUSE , ARDEE STREET COLLON , CO. LOUTH (PROTECTED STRUCTURE) Permission for the Change of Use from Commercial to Residential (2 bed house), landscaping, renovations & associated works to a Protected Structure . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 LOUTH STARINAGH ROAD , COLLON , CO. LOUTH Retention permission for demolition and reconstruction of a dwelling house and completion of same. Permission for new vehicular entrance to public road, wastewater treatment system and percolation area, decommission existing septic tank and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 05 LOUTH 39 SHOP STREET , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Retention and permission for development at Fox Jewellers. The development will consist of retention of existing external shutter, replacement of existing glass screen and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 LOUTH CLEVER CLOGS ST. BRIGIDS GIRLS NATIONAL SCHOOL , BÓTHAR BRUGHA , DROGHEDA Permission for the relocation of existing creche prefab classrooms and associated canopies and play areas within the school grounds and installation of an additional single storey creche prefab unit comprising 1 no. ensuite classroom, wcs and store, for pre-school / after school use and associated s. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 LOUTH SHEELAGH , HACKBALLSCROSS , DUNDALK CO.LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house and a detached domestic garage, new site entrance onto public road, wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 LOUTH ROESTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 LOUTH DOWDSTOWN , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Retention and Permission: a) Retention permission for the demolition of dwelling house and b) permission to rebuild the original dwelling house c) permission for completion of new extension to the east elevation, relocating of existing site entrance, wastewater treatment system, percolation area and. More...
RETENTION Dec 04 LOUTH 35 LADYWELL TERRACE , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Retention and Completion of a single storey detached granny flat to rear garden of existing two storey dwelling, all with associated site works off existing public access laneway to public road . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 LOUTH BOHERNAMOE , ARDEE , CO LOUTH a) Retention permission for the demolition of the semi-detached habitable house and replacement of same with a detached single-story house with a reduced floor area. b) Permission for two new wastewater treatment systems to replace the existing shared system being used by both dwellings. c) Permissi. More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 LOUTH RATHCOR , RIVERSTOWN DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the change of use, restoration, and alterations to the existing mill building for use as a dwelling and the provision of a single storey extension to the northeast, the provision of a garage, opening of a new vehicular entrance to the site with a private vehicular parking area, new re. More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 LOUTH THE SQUARE , BLACKROCK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the demolition of the existing single storey dwelling and construction of a new single storey dwelling, new vehicular entrance and all associated site work . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH ANNALOUGHAN , JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK Permission for one dwelling house, waste water treatment system and all associated site development works. This application includes a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) . More...
RETENTION Dec 02 LOUTH CARLINGFORD HOUSE , DUNDALK STREET , CARLINGFORD The development consists of retention permission for the construction of a single storey detached dwelling house and associated site works within the grounds of a protected structure. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH ARDLARAGHAN , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, waste water treatment system and associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 02 LOUTH 9 BROOKFIELD , MARLBOG ROAD , HAGGARDSTOWN Retention of an attic conversion containing a study, shower room and playroom . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH RATHLUST , SMARMORE , ARDEE CO. LOUTH Permission for development on lands at Rathlust, Smarmore. The proposed development will consist of: (i) Works to facilitate infill and re-contouring of the subject lands to facilitate use for agricultural purposes. (ii) The proposed works will be subject to a waste facility permit/certificate of Re. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH LOUTH GAA CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE , DARVER , READYPENNY DUNDALK Permission for the erection of 500m\u00B2 of photovoltaic ground mounted solar panels, battery storage container and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 02 LOUTH CROSSALANEY ROAD , MILLGRANGE , CARLINGFORD CO. LOUTH Permission to demolish 2 no. existing poultry sheds and construct 3 no. agricultural sheds and all associated site works and retention of an unauthorised development consisting of (1) demolition of an existing poultry shed (2) existing ground excavation works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH TOWNRATH , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for : 1) Alterations to existing dwelling house including demolishing of existing ground floor extensions and attached garage; 2) Construction of ground floor and dormer style extension to the existing dwelling house; 3) Upgrading existing vehicular entrance; 4) Retention of mobile home d. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH ARDLARAGHAN , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, domestic garage, waste water treatment system and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Dec 02 LOUTH BRITTAS , GRANGEBELLEW , DROGHEDA COUNTY LOUTH Permission Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission Ref. No. 21/6 for a dwelling house, waste water treatment system and percolation area, access to site via existing laneway and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH ANNALOUGHAN , JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK Permission for one dwelling house, waste water treatment system and all associated site development works. This application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH 61 BRIDGE STREET , CORNER WITH CASTLETOWN ROAD , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for alterations to shopfront facing Bridge St/Castletown Rd. & internal layout & all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH MODEL FARM ROAD , DROMISKIN , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the construction of 31 no. dwellings on a site of circa. 1.3248 hectares. All dwellings are provided with private amenity space in the form of private gardens. The 31 no. dwellings consist of 9 no. Semi-Detached, 4 bed two storey dwellings (House Types DROM 1); 9 no. Semi-Detached, 3. More...
RETENTION Dec 02 LOUTH CASTLETOWN ROAD DUNDALK EXTENSION) & 41 CASTLETOWN ROAD (DWELLING) A91 D5C9 , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for development at the existing scout hall building and retention permission for Change of Use on an adjacent end of terrace dwelling. The development will consist of two distinct proposals included on the one site and are all associated with Scout and Recreational Use. The proposed work. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH BALLINFUIL , KILCURRY , CO. LOUTH Permission for development to widen an existing agricultural entrance & associated works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH JIMMY'S COTTAGE , MILLTOWN , TERMONFECKIN DROGHEDA Permission for the demolition of existing single storey extension to rear of cottage, removal of existing septic tank, new single storey extension to rear, storey and a half extension to side with single storey sunroom to rear, block up existing vehicular entrance, new vehicular entrance to east of . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH DERRYCAMMAGH , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage , waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works *Significant Further Information Received on 08/11/2024 - Revised position of house on site* . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH ST BRIDES CLUBROOMS , NEWTOWN KNOCKBRIDGE , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for 1. demolition of existing rear single storey extension of disused clubrooms; 2. refurbishment of remainder of disused clubrooms to two number two bedroom dwellings, previously granted permission for two semi-detached two storey dwellings - Ref. No. 19/942 and for refurbishment to bun. More...
RETENTION Dec 02 LOUTH DRONORE ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , RATHMULLEN , DROGHEDA Retention Permission for the following: (a) Retain single storey extensions to front, side and rear of existing building. (b) Retain additional first floor area. (c) Retain existing smoking shelter, bicycle shelter, external tanks and external plant. (d) Retain location of pedestrian access. (e. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH RAMPARK , JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK Permission for new waste water treatment system to serve existing dwelling house, amendments to site boundaries previously granted permission under planning Ref. No. 14/244 and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH DOYLESFORT ROAD & ADJOINING THE LIOS DUBH HOUSING ESTATE , DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the construction of 32no. dwellings on a site of circa. 1.249 hectares. All dwellings are provided with private amenity space in the form of private gardens. The 32 no. dwellings consist of 9no. Terraced, 3 bed two storey dwellings (House Type DOY- 01); 3no. Terraced, 3 bed two storey. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH PROLEEK , MOUNTPLEASANT , CO LOUTH Permission for alterations to a granted two storey dwelling (Planning Ref. No. 21/389) also the completion of granted effluent treatment system, percolation area, storm drainage system and all associated site development works (see previous Grant of Permission Planning Ref. No. 21389) . More...
RETENTION Dec 02 LOUTH RAMPARK , JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK Retention permission for a dwelling house, domestic garage and all associated site development works *Significant Further Information received on 06/11/2024 - permission is being sought for the decommissioning of the existing percolation area and the installation of a wastewater treatment system and. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH BALLAGAN , GREENORE , CO. LOUTH Permission for the upgrading of existing septic tank systems to two existing dwelling houses with new effluent treatment systems and percolation areas and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Dec 02 LOUTH KILPATRICK HOUSE , BALLAPOUSTA , ARDEE Retention and Permission: Permission for 1. The adaptive reuse of/change of use of existing derelict agricultural buildings from agricultural use to commercial use including a caf\u00E9 and wellness retreat facilities; 2. Alterations and extension to existing courtyard building to include construc. More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 LOUTH MONEYMORE CRECHE , ROCHES LANE TWENTIES , DROGHEDA Permission for 2 no. extensions to the rear of the existing building. Works will include internal alterations, landscaping, external play areas, 19 no. bicycle and 2 no. additional car parking spaces and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 30 LOUTH MOUNTAIN PARK , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Permission for the extension and conversion of an existing domestic garage to a granny flat and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 LOUTH THE BAGGING SHED , GEORGE'S QUAY , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for Phase 1. Temporary placement of coffee kiosk, toilet and signage into existing enclosed yard and all associated site works. Phase 2. Demolition of existing concrete boundary wall to yard, to west and south. Change of use of existing derelict storage building to retail bicycle shop a. More...
RETENTION Nov 29 LOUTH CORNAMUCKLAGH , OMEATH , CO. LOUTH Retention of an unauthorised development consisting of: 1) Existing roofed concrete pergola to northwest side of existing house. 2) Existing concrete light columns to rear of existing house. 3) Existing small soccer pitch with v-mesh fencing & solar lighting to southwest corner of site. 4) Exist. More...
RETENTION Nov 29 LOUTH CARLINGFORD HOUSE , DUNDALK STREET , CARLINGFORD Retention permission for the construction of a single storey detached dwelling house and associated site works within the grounds of a protected structure . More...
PERMISSION Nov 29 LOUTH SHEELAGH , HACKBALLSCROSS , DUNDALK CO.LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house and a detached domestic garage, new site entrance onto public road, wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 LOUTH MILLGRANGE , GREENORE DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for modifications and extension to the existing dwelling house, including: (A) Alterations to the existing internal layout, (B) Alterations to existing dwelling elevations including external finishes, alterations to openings and first-floor windows, (C) Demolition of single-storey sectio. More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 LOUTH TERMON ABBEY , NEWFOUNDWELL ROAD , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Planning Permission for the construction of a residential development containing 43 no. dwelling units comprising of 20 no. 1 bedroom apartments, 20 no. 2 bedroom duplex apartments and 3 no. 3 bedroom terraced units within 5 blocks (A,B,C,D & E) ranging in 2 to 3 storeys consisting of the following:. More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 LOUTH TULLYCAHAN , LOUTH , DUNDALK Permission for a two storey style extension to rear of existing dwelling, demolition of existing rear projection, internal and external alterations and additions to existing dwelling, new vehicular entrance and driveway along with wing walls, piers and gates, wastewater treatment system and all asso. More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 LOUTH NUN’S WALK , COLLON , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of 10 no. two storey terraced & semi-detached dwellings, connection to services, demolition of existing single storey domestic garage, together with all ancillary and associated site development works. The proposed development is located within the curtilage of protec. More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 LOUTH NO. 1 ASCAL SETATNTA THE FERNS , BLACKROCK DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of a new two storey extension to the side of the existing two storey domestic dwelling, construction of a new entrance lobby to the front of the existing dwelling, construction of a sliding glass wall build-out at ground floor level to the rear of the dwelling and all. More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 LOUTH 18 FOREST HILLS/ BUCKHOUSE LANE , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the following: 1. The change of use a childcare facility to a dwelling house. 2. Single storey extensions to the south and west of the existing building. 3. Alterations to all the facades of the building, which includes new external blockwork with a plaster render finish and all ass. More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 LOUTH BEECHGROVE SERVICE STATION , HARDMAN’S GARDENS , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for the redevelopment of the existing service station at Beechgrove Service Station, Drogheda. The development consists of the demolition/removal of the existing shop, canopy and other above ground structures and infrastructure; the removal or retention on site of all underground fuel sto. More...
RETENTION Nov 25 LOUTH PRIEST’S HILL , COLLON , CO. LOUTH. Retention and completion of existing dwelling house and garage granted under planning ref: 071557 and for a new septic tank percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH 116/117 WEST STREET , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for the temporary change of use of 3 no. residential units to short-term let units for a 2-year period and all associated site works, situated within an ACA - Ref. No. 14, West Street and Surrounding Areas . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH SOUTH END , BLACKROCK , CO LOUTH Permission for a new residential development of 5 no. dwelling houses comprising 4 no. new semi-detached 3 bedroom dwelling houses, 1 no. detached 4 bedroomed dwelling house and all ancillary and associated site development works. This application includes a Natura Impact Statement . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH ACLINT EDMONDSTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Planning permission for a proposed dwelling house, domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area, new vehicular entrance onto public road and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 22 LOUTH COOLFORE , MONASTERBOICE , CO LOUTH. Retention and Permission: 1. Permission to construct a single storey dwelling house and all associated site development works and services. 2. Retention permission of the existing log cabin and septic tank system on the site which is to be removed when the new dwelling is constructed . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH MILLTOWN , TERMONFECKIN , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the construction of a two storey dwelling house with a single storey annexe, a new waste water treatment system with a sand polishing filter, for a new entrance gate onto the public road and for associated siteworks, on a site that was previously granted permission under planning refe. More...
RETENTION Nov 22 LOUTH HOATHSTOWN , ARDEE , CO. LOUTH Retention and Permission: (i) Retention of hard standing area. (ii) Permission for an Agricultural Storage Shed (56m x 45m x 12m high) sub-divided into 3no. separate sub-storage areas (Area 1: GFA = 1573sq.m.; Area 2: GFA = 463sq.m; Area 3: GFA = 361sq.m) and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH ST NICHOLAS GAA RATHMULLEN ROAD , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for the installation of a 27 metre high monopole telecommunications support structure carrying antennas, dishes, remote radio units (RRUs), associated equipment, together with ground-based equipment cabinets, GPS, fencing, site lamp, gantry poles, cable ladder, concrete plinths and all as. More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH RICHARDSTOWN , DUNLEER , COUNTY LOUTH Permission to demolish rear extension and front porch to existing dwelling, erect new rear extension incorporating Granny Flat, new waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works *Significant Further Information received on 30/10/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH SCHOOL LANE , COLLON , CO. LOUTH Permission for (1) alterations and upgrading works to existing dwelling house (formerly Linen Mill). (2) Retention of mobile unit for use as storage and security hut during the course of the works. (3) Installation of waste water system and percolation area and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH 115 WEST STREET , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for the temporary change of use of 2 no. residential units to short-term let units for a 2-year period and all associated site works. This is a Protected Structure - Ref. DB-252 (NIAH Ref. 13622043) situated within an ACA - Ref. 14, West Street and Surrounding Areas . More...
RETENTION Nov 22 LOUTH CHARLESTOWN TALLANSTOWN , DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Retention of (1) the conversion of an attached domestic garage and store to residential use, (2) the retention of the enclosure of a front porch and (3) the retention of a detached domestic garage *Significant Further Information Received 04/11/2024 - Replacement of the septic tank with a waster wat. More...
RETENTION Nov 22 LOUTH BALLYBONY , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Retention permission for 1 no. timber horse stable (24.6sqm), associated concrete access steps and apron, upgrading of existing site entrance including hard standing area and associated site development works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH DONAGHMORE , KILKERLEY , DUNDALK Outline permission for the re-establishment of use of an existing derelict dwelling house/cottage and the change of use of existing derelict farm outbuildings to provide residential use together with proposed extensions and modifications to include a wastewater treatment plant, percolation area and . More...
RETENTION Nov 22 LOUTH PHILIPSTOWN , DUNLEER , CO. LOUTH Retention Permission and Permission: The Development consists of the following: 1. Retention permission for cattle shed with underground tanks. 2. Permission for Walled silage pit. 3. Permission for part covering of open yard to provide storage area and All Associated Site Development Works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH IDA DROGHEDA NORTH BUSINESS PARK , MELL DROGHEDA , CO LOUTH Permission to erect a totem sign and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH 'BARLOGUE' , DUBLIN ROAD , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for the following: 1. Construction of new detached 2-storey dwelling along with new detached garage (to south side of existing dwelling). 2. Alterations to existing vehicular entrance 3. All associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 22 LOUTH 4 CHESTNUT GROVE , BAY ESTATE , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Retention permission for a single storey rear extension to an existing dwelling house, a covered outdoor area, an outbuilding which comprises of a fitness area, a home office, storage & WC and associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 22 LOUTH LANNAT , CORCREEGHAGH , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission & Retention Permission: The development will consist of (1) permission for single storey extension to front & rear of existing dwelling house. (2) Retention permission for elevation change to side of dwelling house granted under planning ref. No 98/105, and use existing entrance onto. More...
RETENTION Nov 22 LOUTH 10 MARYVILLE , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH Retention of a single storey extension to rear of dwelling, retention of roof over front entrance to dwelling and retention of extension to detached domestic garage incorporating new roof over same . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH LANDS AT 52 SAINT LAURENCE STREET , DROGHEDA , CO LOUTH Permission comprises of change of use of the Bar and Restaurant premises to provide for use of the building as a Hostel and associated internal reconfiguration works to the building . More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 LOUTH MARSH ROAD , BELLURGAN , DUNDALK Permission for the construction of a single storey flat roof extension to the side of the existing dwelling, the addition of a new window on the existing side elevation, the repositioning of a window on the rear elevation and all associated site works and landscaping *Significant Further Information. More...
RETENTION Nov 22 LOUTH WHITERIVER , DUNLEER , CO. LOUTH Retention Permission for the stoned access laneway and stoned area for the parking of agricultural vehicles associated with agri contracting business and 2 no. articulated trailers for the storage of feed-supplies associated with snail agri business together with all site development works including. More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 LOUTH LOWER FAUGHART , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for proposed dwelling house, waste water treatment system, percolation areas and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 LOUTH WATERUNDER , MELL , DROGHEDA CO.LOUTH Permission for a new standalone warehouse unit with ancillary office, car & HGV site entrance with car parking, wastewater treatment plant and percolation area, potable well, boundary treatments, building signage, inclusion of Natura Impact Statement and all associated site and civil development wor. More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 LOUTH ASH LITTLE , KNOCKBRIDGE , CO. LOUTH Permission for extension to existing agricultural shed and all associated siteworks . More...
RETENTION Nov 19 LOUTH MUCHGRANGE , GREENORE , CO. LOUTH Retention permission is sought for construction and completion of building works for a storage building and workshop including all site development works and an on-site effluent treatment system . More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 LOUTH KELLYSTOWN WIND FARM BALLYMAKENNY BROWNSTOWN CARNTOWN CARSTOWN CARTANSTOWN CASTLETOWN DRUMSHALLON GALLSTOWN GROOM KEARNEYSTOWN KEEVERSTOWN KILLINEER MELL NEW TOWN , MONASTERBOICE PIPERSTOWN STONEHOUSE SWINESTOWN TULLYALLEN TULLYARD AND TULLYESKAR CO Permission for a ten year development for: (i) The construction of 5 no. wind turbines with the following parameters: a) Total tip height range of 179.5m \u2013 180m, b) Rotor diameter range of 149m \u2013 163m, c) Hub height range of 98m to 105m, (ii) Construction of turbine foundations, crane hard. More...
RETENTION Nov 18 LOUTH ‘TAOBH COILLE’ , COOLFORE MONASTERBOICE , CO. LOUTH Retention and completion of conversion and extension of previously permitted structure granted under Ref. no. 07/574 for incorporation into existing dwelling house for residential use. Proposed extension includes construction of a new corridor link. Relocation of existing certified system and instal. More...
RETENTION Nov 15 LOUTH OLD SCHOOL AGHAMEEN , JENKINSTOWN DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Retention permission for works done to date which include new roof, chimneys and structural block repair works and full planning permission for the proposed refurbishment and change of use of \u2018former\u2019 school to dwelling house, new single storey extension to the side elevation, new septic t. More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH ELLWOOD PARK , YELLOWBATTER WEST OF BALLYMAKENNY ROAD , DROGHEDA COUNTY LOUTH Ballymakenny SW Ltd. are seeking permission for residential development on lands to the west of Ballymakenny Road, in the townland of Yellowbatter, Drogheda, County Louth. The proposed development consists of 97 no. units, comprised of 73 no. two-storey, 3 bedroom, semi-detached and terraced houses,. More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH 48 GORT UAINE , CLOGHERHEAD , CO. LOUTH Permission for a proposed two storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling house, new bay window to the front elevation, alterations to side elevation and all associated site development works *Significant Further Information Received on 30/10/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH OLD MELLIFONT ROAD , BEGRATH , TULLYALLEN CO LOUTH Permission for proposed detached double garage ancillary to existing dwelling house and proposed single storey structure to accommodate 3 no. small vintage tractors together with all associated site works *Significant Further Information Received 24/10/2024 - Revised Site Boundaries* . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH UPPER MAIN STREET , DUNLEER , COUNTY LOUTH Planning permission for proposed extensions to the side and rear of the existing dwelling house, including the demolition of an existing rear conservatory and associated site development works at Upper Main Street, Dunleer, County Louth, A92 V1H2 *Significant Information Received on 24/10/2024* . More...
RETENTION Nov 15 LOUTH 44 WOODLAND DRIVE , ARD EASMUINN , DUNDALK Retention for the following: 1. extension to rear of existing dwelling house, 2. conversion of attic space to storage area and 3. part conversion of garage to music room and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH CASTLETOWNCOOLEY , RIVERSTOWN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for extension and alterations to existing dwelling house, new detached domestic garage and all associated site works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH SLIEVEBOY , DUNLEER , COUNTY LOUTH Outline permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH ARDEE ROAD , RATH , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for removal of an existing sunroom, PVC deck and blocking up two existing windows to the south-facing elevations. Proposed works will consist of 1) Construction of two new internal partitions within the existing house. 2) Conversion of an existing storeroom into a toilet. 3) Construction. More...
RETENTION Nov 15 LOUTH SILVERPARK LOUTH HALL , TALLANSTOWN , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Retention Permission & Permission: Retention of existing domestic shed. Permission to construct the following alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling to incorporate an independent living unit. Construct a single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, new porch to side el. More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH TINURE , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH Permission for a proposed two storey/single storey design dwelling house, detached domestic garage/storage area, new vehicular access from cul-de-sac, installation of proprietary waste water treatment system/percolation area together with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH CORNAMUCKLAGH , OMEATH , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of a new dwelling and associated site works to include waste water treatment plant, new access to road network and associated landscaping . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH 10 ROGAN'S LANE/MARKETHOUSE LANE , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Permission for 1. alterations to existing two storey dwelling incorporating internal modifications and changes to the elevations, also to remove an existing 2m high front boundary wall. 2. The Construction of 3 no. two storey terraced dwellings with site boundaries, connection to the public foul/s. More...
RETENTION Nov 15 LOUTH DRUMIN , DUNLEER , COUNTY LOUTH Retention and Permission - the development consists of/will consist of (1) the retention of an underground slurry tank with slatted covers, and (2) the permission development will consist of the erection of a new overground slurry storage tank, a cattle shed and associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH HURLSTONE , ARDEE , CO. LOUTH Permission for the demolition of existing storey and a half dwelling and to replace same with the construction of a storey and a half dwelling, wastewater treatment system with polishing filter, amended entrance, revised site boundaries and all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 15 LOUTH GRANGE CROSS , CARLINGFORD , CO LOUTH Retention permission for the construction of a dwelling house originally granted under planning reference 89/611 in revised location . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH NO. 1 THE COASTGUARDS , COAST ROAD BLACKROCK , CO. LOUTH Permission for a single storey extension to the side/rear of existing dwelling with all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH FEEDE MOUNTPLEASANT , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for an extension and alterations to the existing dwelling house, new wastewater treatment plant and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH GRANGE CLOSE , MUIRHEVNA MOR , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for the demolition of the existing commercial unit and the construction of a three storey residential unit made up of 6 two bedroom apartments (6 apartments in total), secure bin storage, bicycle storage, new boundary treatments including associated hard and soft landscaping, private and . More...
RETENTION Nov 15 LOUTH BARN ROAD BATTSLAND , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH A92 ED62 Retention of 1. storage shed (51.24m2) for PVC windows/doors. 2. Storage shed (43.31m2) for materials associated with PVC windows/doors. 3. Steel container for storage of joinery materials for PVC windows/doors. 4. Office portacabin (40.60m2) incorporating external signage. 5. General non ha. More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH KNOCKNAGORAN , OMEATH , CO. LOUTH Permission for one dwelling house, waste water treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 15 LOUTH CARRICKCARNAN , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the demolition of the existing derelict dwelling and the decommission of the existing septic tank and soak pit. The construction of a new single storey dwelling, domestic garage, wastewater treatment system with soil polishing filters, new site entrance and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 14 LOUTH 73 TRINITY STREET , DROGHEDA , CO LOUTH Permission for the demolition of a single storey extension to both the rear and side of the property and permission for a two storey extension to the rear of the dwelling house with a single storey extension to the side (east) of the dwelling house inclusive of all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 14 LOUTH BARNAVEDDOGE , DROMIN , DUNLEER COUNTY LOUTH Retention and Permission: Retention permission comprises of: (i) Retention of dwelling as under construction on footprint of a former building which has been demolished. (ii) Retention of mobile home as temporary living accommodation along with ancillary space for the duration of building works on. More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 LOUTH STRAND ROAD ANNAGASSAN , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH Permission to demolish single storey domestic extensions and detached domestic garage, erect new single storey extensions and detached domestic garage, make alterations to design of roof of two storey block, upgrade effluent treatment system and all ancillary works at dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 LOUTH OBERON VILLA , KNOCKNAGORAN , OMEATH CO. LOUTH Permission for two no. detached dwellings and four no. semi-detached dwellings (six dwellings in total). Relocating and upgrading of existing entrance onto the R173. Connection to the existing public utilities and all ancillary and associated site development works, all as previously granted in Oc. More...
PERMISSION Nov 13 LOUTH KNOCKNAGORAN , OMEATH , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for extension to the side and rear elevations of the existing cr\u00E8che facility and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 LOUTH 15 BEECH PARK , BLACKROCK , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for the removal of the existing garage to the side of the dwelling to be replaced by the construction of a new one storey extension to the side and rear of the existing bungalow dwelling, relocation of the front door and entrance lobby to the side of the dwelling, construction of a bay wi. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 LOUTH FAUGHART UPPER , MOUNTPLEASANT , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of a single storey rear extension, an extension to the side of the garage and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 LOUTH ASHWALK , TOWNPARKS , ARDEE Permission for the construction of 2no. buildings (Blocks A & B). Proposed Block A is a three storey mixed use building comprising of a ground floor retail unit and a one bedroom apartment with vertical access area (stairs & lift) to the first and second floor residential accommodation; the first fl. More...
RETENTION Nov 11 LOUTH DUNDALK WOMENS AID SAINT MONICAS , AVENUE ROAD DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Retention Permission for 2 no. temporary prefabricated pre-school buildings and retention permission for a permanent storage shed and for a all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH 9 9A & 10 EARL STREET , TOWNSPARK DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for refurbishment, extension and partial demolition of the existing buildings to accommodate a new ground floor commercial unit (176.2 m2), with new shopfront to include new entrance doors off corner Earl Street & Market Square with associated retail storage (30.6m2); residential bin & bi. More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH HAMLINSTOWN , MONASTERBOICE , DROGHEDA Outline Permission for the construction of a new dwelling house which will include the upgrading and extension of existing access roadway, a proprietary waste water treatment system with percolation area along with all other associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH TULLYCAHAN ROAD , LOUTH VILLAGE , CO. LOUTH Permission for a new detached dwelling house, detached garage structure, site entrance, waste water treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH BOLIES , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO. LOUTH Permission for alterations and extension to an existing cattle shed and farmyard facilities. The alterations to the farmyard include for the conversion of an existing dungstead to a covered store and the provision of a new separate covered dungstead and store, together with all associated site devel. More...
RETENTION Nov 08 LOUTH 53 NEWRY ROAD , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Retention permission for the widening of the front entrance gate to a vehicular entrance on to an existing concrete yard area with footpath dishing and new entrance gates and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH DUNBIN , KNOCKBRIDGE , DUNDALK Permission for a two-storey dwelling house, waste water treatment system, vehicular entrance & associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 08 LOUTH 13 ST. CLEMENT'S PARK , POINT ROAD , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Retention permission consists of the construction of a first floor extension to the rear of the property . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH ARDAGHY , OMEATH , CO. LOUTH Permission for one storage shed on site of existing fish processing facility and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 08 LOUTH MULLINSCROSS , DUNLEER , COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for the change of use of an existing agricultural garage/workshop to commercial use (currently being used as an exercise and recreational facility, since the year 2018) and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH DARVER CASTLE , READYPENNY , CO LOUTH Permission for a Civil Ceremony Garden Space (266 Msq) at Darver Castle - a Protected Structure ID No: LHS 011-028 . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH COOLFORE , MONASTERBOICE , CO LOUTH Permission for a single storey dwelling house, detached domestic garage, installation of proprietary waste water treatment system/percolation area and new vehicular access together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH DROGHEDA COMMUNITY SERVICES DERMOT KIERANS CENTRE , SCARLET CRESENT , DROGHEDA CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of new single storey extension to east side of existing community centre and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH ROOSKEY , CARLINGFORD , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of a dependant relative accommodation to include the part conversion of a detached domestic garage, alterations to existing elevations and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH GREENORE ROAD , LIBERTIES , CARLINGFORD CO LOUTH Permission for a mixed use development comprising the construction of a new 27 unit residential development and 3 no. shop units comprising of 7 no. 3 bedroomed two storey terraced dwelling houses, 4 no. two storey 3 bedroomed semi-detached dwelling houses, 1 no. 3 bedroomed detached two storey dwel. More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH REYNOLDSTOWN , CLOGHERHEAD , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works, new vehicular entrance from public road . More...
RETENTION Nov 08 LOUTH LISLEA , OMEATH , CO. LOUTH Retention of sun room extension to side of existing dwelling house and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH DUNDALK STREET , TRINITY CLOSE , CARLINGFORD Permission for elevational changes to a dwelling house as previously granted under ref. 23/073 . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 LOUTH THE REAR OF NO.S 14 & 16 POINT ROAD & MCARDLES TEST CENTRE , COES ROAD , DUNDALK Permission for a change of use of two sections of gardens to the rear of no.s 14 & 16 Point Road, Dundalk to a commercial yard/hard standing area which will be associated with the adjoining McArdle Test Centre facility. Access to the proposed hardstanding area/commercial yard will be via the existin. More...
RETENTION Nov 08 LOUTH SLIEVE , HACKBALLSCROSS , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Retention & Permission: 1. Retention of the conversion of part of an existing vernacular building into 3 no. residential units. 2. Permission for a new domestic waste water treatment system. 3. Permission to make improvements to the existing vehicular site entrance to include all associated site . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Nov 08 LOUTH WALTERSTOWN , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , DUNDALK The construction of a dwelling house, wastewater treatment system and percolation, site access and associated site works *Significant Further Information Received on 21/10/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 LOUTH HAYNESTOWN , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for proposed works to lands for the purposes of a logistics yard, for the existing garden centre, including new vehicular entrance, gates, erection of boundary fencing and the installation of a permeable gravel yard surface . More...
PERMISSION Nov 07 LOUTH WATERWIPES U.C , MATTHEWS LANE SOUTH DONORE ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Permission for an extension of duration of previously approved planning permission ref. no. 21492 for two storey ground and first floor office accommodation linked to existing office area and single storey prefabricated office building with associated alterations to elevations connected to existing . More...
RETENTION Nov 07 LOUTH GREEN ROAD , COMMONS , DROMISKIN CO LOUTH Retention permission of the following: On-site living accommodation to be used for the duration of the build only and for it to be removed following completion of the construction works to the dwelling. Existing timber garden shed. Detached domestic garage. Planning permission for the following: E. More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 LOUTH THE BIG STRAND CRUISETOWN , CLOGHERHEAD DROGEHDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the change of use of two existing vernacular agricultural buildings to residential holiday let accommodation, including extension to one of the buildings, new waste water treatment system and polishing filter percolation area, new vehicular entrance onto public road and all associated. More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 LOUTH NO. 65 MUIRHEVNA , DUBLIN ROAD , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for an extension to outbuilding to include garden room, home gym and toilet and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 LOUTH ROCK ROAD , BLACKROCK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a single-storey detached dwelling house along with all associated site development works. *Significant Further Information received on 23/09/2024 which includes the provision of new site access* . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 LOUTH OUR LADY OF LOURDES HOSPITAL , WINDMILL RD , MONEYMORE DROGHEDA Permission for the erection of a roof level photovoltaic array, a new roof level perimeter edge protection railing and all associated site and ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development . More...
PERMISSION Nov 05 LOUTH ST OLIVER PLUNKETT NATIONAL SCHOOL , SANDY LANE HAGGARDSTOWN BLACKROCK , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for (i) replacement of a section of the existing grass playing field with a new 3G artificial turf playing field (45m x 35m), (ii) perimeter fencing around the proposed 3G artificial turf playing field 2.6m high, (iii) ball stop fencing system up to 6m high, (iv) 6 no. of flood lighting c. More...
RETENTION Nov 05 LOUTH NO. 17 LONG AVENUE , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Retention and completion of a single storey store to the rear of an existing two storey dwelling and all associated site development works. *Significant Further Information received on 06/09/2024*. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 LOUTH LANDS C.4.87KM NORTHEAST OF ARDEE , DERRYCAMMAGH AND BAWN , CO LOUTH Permission for development to consist of a 10 year permission for a Solar PV Energy Development with associated Battery Energy Storage System Compound with a total site area of c. 108.6 ha, to include solar panels mounted on steel support structures, associated cabling and ducting, inverters, transf. More...
RETENTION Nov 04 LOUTH NEWTOWN KNOCKALEVA , COLLON , CO. LOUTH Retention of an existing domestic garage and single storey extension to existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 LOUTH ROCK ROAD , BLACKROCK , CO LOUTH Permission for alterations to existing dwelling house to include demolition of attached single storey garage/storage shed, revised site boundaries, modified vehicular entrance and construction of 3 no. new 4 bedroomed detached dwelling houses and all ancillary and associated site development works i. More...
RETENTION Nov 01 LOUTH 51 WOODLAND DRIVE , ARD EASMUINN , DUNDALK COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for the following works: (a) The demolition of existing bungalow during construction stage and (b) Alterations to previously approved floor plans and elevations and all ancillary and associated works. Previous planning reference 22797 relates to this site . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH 62-63 TRINITY STREET , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for development at No.62/No.63 Trinity Street (McCloskey\u2019s bakery shop and formally McCloskey\u2019s bakery), (No.63 includes Protected Structure Reference No. DB-314 \u2013 NIAH Registration No. 13618007). The site bounds onto Brickfields to the west, Fair Green to the east, and Tri. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH NEWTOWN , KNOCKBRIDGE , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of a storage garage and associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 01 LOUTH 115 WEST STREET , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Retention permission for variations to granted permission ref. no. 22246 to Protected Structure - DB-252, NIAH Ref. 13622043: 1. Revisions to retail area layout. 2. Omission of retail area roof light. 3. New bin store at ground floor lobby. 4. Revised window arrangement at first-floor kitchen. . More...
RETENTION Nov 01 LOUTH ARTHURSTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Retention & Permission to existing dwelling to include: Retention of part conversion of existing attic space to habitable accommodation, alterations and additions to elevations. Permission for conversion of the remainder of the existing attic space to habitable accommodation, a domestic garage and. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH STICKILLIN , ARDEE , CO. LOUTH Permission to decommission existing septic tank and install a new WWTS & all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH NO1 SAINT FURSEYS TERRACE , BLACKROCK , CO LOUTH Permission for A) 2no, 2 Storey, 3 Bedroom Semi Detached dwellings to the side of existing dwelling, B) Partial demolition of existing single storey extension to side of existing dwelling, C) Revised site boundaries and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH EAST OF BALLYMAKENNY ROAD AND SOUTH OF LISTOKE AVENUE , GREENBATTER DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a residential development on lands to the east of Ballymakenny Road and south of Listoke Avenue, in the townland of Greenbatter, Drogheda. The proposed development consists of 97 no. dwellings, comprised of 85 no. 2 storey, 3 and 4 bed detached, semi-detached houses, and 12 no. 2 bed . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH EAST OF BALLYMAKENNY ROAD AND SOUTH OF LISTOKE AVENUE , GREENBATTER DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a residential development on lands to the east of Ballymakenny Road and south of Listoke Avenue, in the townland of Greenbatter. The proposed development consists of 15 no. dwellings, comprised of 5 no. 2 storey, 4 bed detached & semi-detached houses, and 10 no. 2 storey 3 bed terrace. More...
RETENTION Nov 01 LOUTH 29 FAIR STREET , MONEYMORE , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Retention permission for development to Protected Structure DB-067 - NIAH Ref. 13618035 for retention of existing concrete entrance ramp with the addition of handrail and pin kerbs, the replacement of existing uPVC entrance door with hardwood panelled door, the replacement of existing PVC sign with . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Nov 01 LOUTH GREEN ROAD , DUNMAHON , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission 21/1465 for a two storey dwelling house, waste water treatment system, new entrance to access road and all necessary site works *Significant Further Information received on 16/10/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH QUITO HOUSE ANNAVERNA , RAVENSDALE DUNDALK , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the demolition of existing two storey dwelling, construction of a new two storey dwelling with ancillary office and swimming pool. Installation of a new Wastewater Treatment System & Percolation Area with new Private Well. New entrance wall and gates & all associated site works. *Sign. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH MAIN STREET , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO LOUTH Permission for 3 no. 3 bedroom two-storey dwelling houses and the demolition of existing derelict dwelling house and all associated site works. *Significant Further Information received on 11/10/2024* . More...
RETENTION Nov 01 LOUTH LANDS AT THE FERDIA ARMS FRONTING ONTO CASTLE STREET AND BARETT’S LANE , ARDEE , CO LOUTH 1. Retention permission comprises of external alteration works to the facades and internal works to the protected structure which includes for internal partitions and general building refurbishment and adaptation works. 2. The development seeking permission comprises of: (i) Change of use of the Fer. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH DUNANY , TOGHER , CO. LOUTH Permission for: 1) Proposed extension, alterations and upgrading to the existing Dunany Estate Gardener\u2019s Cottage, located within the attendant grounds of Protected Structure - LHS019-009 - Dunany House; 2) Closing of one existing vehicular entrance; 3) Decommissioning of existing septic tank a. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH SAN GORETTI DUBLIN ROAD , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for proposed conversion of attic with new dormer windows and roof lights to rear of existing dwelling, internal alterations and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH ST MARY'S COLLEGE , ST MARY'S ROAD AND NICHOLAS STREET , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for a residential development consisting of: 1. Demolition of (a) two storey sports hall and single storey science block (modern extensions to the former St Mary's School), (b) outbuildings within the curtilage of the protected structures and (c) boundary stone wall to Nichols Street. 2.. More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Nov 01 LOUTH THE WIDOWS HOUSES , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO LOUTH EXTENSION OF DURATION OF 18753 - Planning permission for extensions and modifications to existing 4 dwelling houses to provide 2 dwelling houses. Protected structure LHS-015-010 and LHS-015-011/ NIAH 13826012. Works to include all ancillary and associated site works. This site is located within th. More...
PERMISSION Nov 01 LOUTH BRAMBLE LODGE , DUNDALK ROAD , DUNLEER CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of an extension and alterations to an existing dwelling house and associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Nov 01 LOUTH 44 ROSEVALE , DROGHEDA , CO.LOUTH Retention for a single storey extension to the side of dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 LOUTH LANDS AT ARTHURSTOWN , REAGHSTOWN , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the excavation and removal of existing inert material and waste from the lands and then infilling of adjacent low-lying lands via importing of inert material, soils and waste from within the landholding for the purposes of raising of ground levels to facilitate improvement to existing. More...
RETENTION Oct 31 LOUTH MAIN STREET , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , DUNDALK COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for existing ground floor and first floor extensions to the rear of existing dwelling house and associated works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 LOUTH SCOGGANSTOWN , ARDEE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area, new residential access gate (previously existing agricultural gate) . More...
PERMISSION Oct 30 LOUTH 46 AND 48 MARKET STREET DUNDALK , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for 1. The demolition of an existing single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling house, and replacement of same with a two storey extension, 2. A first floor extension over the single storey annex to the side of the property and a two storey extension to the rear of the property, . More...
PERMISSION Oct 29 LOUTH ST FECHINS GAA , NAOMH FEICHÍN PAIRC BEAULIEU , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Permission for erection of a 5m high sports/ball wall together with associated synthetic playing surface and surrounding fencing, associated flood lighting as well as all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 29 LOUTH CARRICKBAGGOT , GRANGEBELLEW , DROGHEDA CO LOUTH Planning permission for a proposed dwelling house, domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area, new vehicular entrance onto public road and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 LOUTH 27 DUNDOOGAN , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Retention permission for a timber domestic shed and associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 LOUTH ROSE COTTAGE , AVENUE ROAD , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Retention and Outline Permission: 1. Retention permission for completion of side extension to dwelling as granted previously under planning reference 20/721 and permission for provision of new vehicular entrance to same. 2. Retention permission for mobile home for duration of building works. 3.. More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH BALLYNAMONY , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH The development consists of one slatted agricultural shed and all associated site development works. *Significant Further Information received on 03/10/2024 which relates to retention permission for existing silage pit on site* . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH VILLA MARIA DROGHEDA ROAD , STONYLANE TD. ARDEE , CO. LOUTH Permission to remove existing front boundary wall & hedgerow and to replace same with a concrete/brick wall panel system complete with piers, and both a sliding gate and double gate set . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH MELL , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for development comprising a single warehouse unit, 2 no. site entrances, internal access through road and ancillary works including surface water drainage at Mell, over a proposal application site area of 3.38 ha. The proposed development will include 1 no. warehouse unit of 3,347 m2 in. More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH MELL LOWER , DROGHEDA , CO LOUTH The development will consist of Permission for the change of use from Shop and OFF License to Takeaway and all associated site works. *FI received on 04/10/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH CHURCH STREET , COLLON , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of 4 no. two & a half storey detached dwellings, remodelling existing vehicular entrance to facilitate internal access road, ancillary works including; landscaping, footpaths, boundary treatment and to include all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 LOUTH 22 ACORN WAY , WHEATON HALL , DROGHEDA Retention permission for an attic conversion including addition of first floor windows and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 LOUTH CEOL-NA-MARA 15 NEWRY STREET , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Retention permission and planning permission for a development at Ceol-Na-Mara, 15 Newry Street, Carlingford, Co Louth A91 HK07. The works are to a protected structure Ref: R.P.S. No. LHS 005-026 and consist of the following: Retention Permission for works in variance to previous planning granted . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH SKYHILL , DRUMBILLA , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of a new dwelling, new septic tank and percolation area and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 LOUTH WHITERIVER , DUNLEER , CO. LOUTH Retention permission for the dwelling \u2018as constructed\u2019 together with all site development works including access from the public road & mechanical wastewater treatment unit and for permission to construct soil polishing filter and boundary treatment . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 LOUTH THE STABLES , HOEY'S LANE , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Retention permission for an attic conversion and assocaited works, full planning permission for a 1.05 storey extension to the side of dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH 52A ST. BRIDGIDS TERRACE , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for a change of use of an existing sitting room, garage and workshop to a one bedroom apartment, elevational changes, provision of bin stores, bicycle parking, surface water drainage, connection to the public foul water network and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Oct 25 LOUTH MOOREMOUNT , DUNLEER , CO. LOUTH Permission consequent on the grant of outline permission 21/817 for a dwelling house, a detached domestic garage, a waste water treatment system and all associated siteworks . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 LOUTH DRUMBILLA , KILCURRY , CO. LOUTH Retention of an unauthorised development consisting of an existing loose cattle shed extension with slatted underground effluent storage tank to north-west side of existing cattle shed, existing loose cattle shed extension to north-east side of existing cattle shed & associated works . More...
RETENTION Oct 25 LOUTH 39 WEST STREET , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Retention permission for alterations to existing shopfront and associated signage and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH LANDS WITHIN THE TOWNLANDS OF YELLOWBATTER AND MONEYMORE , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission on this site (c. 1.8Ha) in the Townlands of Yellowbatter and Moneymore, at lands bounded generally by greenfield lands and the Twenties Lane (realigned) to the west; residential development permitted under LCC Reg. Ref. 22729 (as amended by LCC Reg. Ref. 23/327 and LCC Reg. Ref. 24/60056). More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH OLD ROAD BROWNSTOWN , MONASTERBOICE , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for proposed new dormer roof to existing dwelling house incorporating a first floor, new front porch, upgrading existing septic tank to a new treatment system and polishing filter percolation area and all associated site development works. *Significant Further Information received on 04/1. More...
PERMISSION Oct 25 LOUTH 21 MOUNT AUBURN , BRYANSTOWN , DROGHEDA Permission for a single storey garden gym (31 sq m) and an adjoined garden workshop/shed (23 m2), 6 m2 solar panels to shed roof and all associated works. *FI received on 08/10/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 LOUTH RATHESCAR MIDDLE/GUNSTOWN/WHITERIVER , DUNLEER , CO LOUTH permission to construct 4 no. poultry houses together with roofed/enclosed service yard, 1 no. office, 1 no. generator store and 1 no. bin/general purpose store, along with all ancillary structures (to include gas storage tanks, 3 no. soilded water tanks, 4 no. meal storage bins and the provision of. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 LOUTH 86 COLLEGE RISE , DROGHEDA , CO LOUTH Permission for a two storey extension to the rear of existing property . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 LOUTH UNIT 1 OVAL HOUSE , IDA BUSINESS PARK , DUNLEER CO. LOUTH Permission for a proposed extension of the existing warehouse facility comprising 115m\u00B2 internal floor space to the west elevation of the warehouse together with associated ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 LOUTH DARVER , READYPENNY , CO. LOUTH Permission to construct a single storey dwelling, form new entrance onto public road, install waste water treatment system and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 LOUTH NO. 1 ASCAL SETATNTA THE FERNS , BLACKROCK DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of a new two storey extension to the side of the existing two storey domestic dwelling, construction of a new entrance lobby to the front of the existing dwelling, construction of a sliding glass wall build-out at ground floor level to the rear of the dwelling and all. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 LOUTH MARTINSTOWN , TOGHER , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, detached domestic garage, waste water treatment system and percolation area, new residential access gate (previously existing agricultural gate) . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 LOUTH DRUMGOOLES CROSS , COLLON , CO.LOUTH Permission for the part conversion of a detached domestic garage to a dependent relative accommodation to include alterations to elevations, the provision of a new external stairs to first floor area and associated site development works. *Further Information received on 23/10/2024* . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 LOUTH BIG STREET , TERMONFECKIN , CO LOUTH Retention permission for a 2 storey dwelling as-built to include additional bedroom at first floor and associated alterations to elevations on foot of planning permission ref. 21/555 . More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 LOUTH NEW ROAD BELLURGAN , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for (i) a new factory and showroom premises to replace former factory and showroom premises (burnt down) known as Christoff Kitchens, (ii) undergrounding of overhead lines, (iii) new septic tank (iv) temporary retention of 2 no. of structures to be removed from site circa 6 months to 1 ye. More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 LOUTH ORIEL ROAD , COLLON , CO. LOUTH Permission for: 1) Proposed extension, alterations and upgrading to the existing vernacular cottage including the demolition of the existing flat-roofed extension to front elevation; 2) Retention of mobile home during the course of the works; 3) Closing of existing vehicular entrance and form new en. More...
RETENTION Oct 21 LOUTH DOOLARGY , RAVENSDALE , DUNDALK COUNTY LOUTH Retention and Permission: Retention permission for extensions and alterations to an existing two storey dwelling and full planning permission sought for the construction of an addition domestic store and the insertion of a new proprietary effluent treatment system and gravel distribution bed with a. More...
PERMISSION Oct 21 LOUTH CARRICKARNON , CARRICKARNON , CO. LOUTH Permission for development to consist of refurbishment of & extensions to existing vernacular building to provide dwelling, to include wastewater treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 LOUTH 3 WHITEMILLS ROSSMOR LOWER FAUGHART , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission is sought for the construction of a new domestic car garage. The development will include site works including the construction of retaining walls and ancillary landscaping . More...
RETENTION Oct 18 LOUTH 258 GREEACRES AVENUE ROAD , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Retention permission is sought for an as built ground floor extension to the side and rear of an existing dwelling. the development also includes the retention of elevational changes to the front, back and rear of the existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 LOUTH ARDEE STREET , COLLON , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a rear/side extension to existing dwelling including raising roof of existing dwelling and internal and external alterations to same and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 LOUTH LOUTH GAA CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE , DARVER , READYPENNY DUNDALK Permission for a proposed spectator stand to existing football pitch No. 1, ball stops to rear of pitch No. 6 and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 LOUTH RAVANNY , LOUTH VILLAGE , CO. LOUTH Permission for the construction of a two storey detached replacement dwelling house and new waste water treatment unit, and percolation area & use existing entrance onto public road and all associated site works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Oct 18 LOUTH HEARTHFIELD , MOUNT AVENUE , DUNDALK CO LOUTH EXTENSION OF DURATAION OF 18/943 - Permission for development at a site located at Farndreg, Mount Avenue and Headford and Mount Avenue, Dundalk. The proposed vehicular access is off Mount Avenue and then off the 'Headford' development estate road. The proposed development will consist of a reside. More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 LOUTH 21 MEADOW VIEW , AVONDALE PARK , DUNDALK CO. LOUTH Permission for the demolition of a single storey garage, utility and WC to the side, conversion of the garage into habitable room, the construction of a new single storey to the front to form a new porch, a new single storey extension to rear with monopitched roof, a new two-storey extension to the . More...
PERMISSION Oct 18 LOUTH FIDDLE CASE PIER MERCHANT’S QUAY , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for the construction/installation of a community floating pontoon on the river Boyne at Fiddle Case Pier, Merchant\u2019s Quay, Drogheda. This includes the preparation of an appropriate assessment screening report in respect of this planning application . More...
RETENTION Oct 18 LOUTH 5 GREENHILLS VILLAS , STONEY LANE DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Retention of the following: 1. Retention of conversion of former garage to side of existing dwelling. 2. Retention of single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling. 3. Retention of render finish to front elevation of existing dwelling, and retention of removal of 2 nr. chimneys. 4. Retent. More...
RETENTION Oct 18 LOUTH ST ITA'S SPECIAL SCHOOL , SHAMROCK LODGE (BOYNE RFC GROUNDS) , BALLYMAKENNY ROAD DROGHEDA Retention and Permission: 1. Retention permission sought for existing school; 2. Permission sought for part ground floor/part first floor extension; 3. All associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 17 LOUTH HILL STREET /DUBLIN ROAD (R132) , DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for an outdoor sports and recreational development consisting of an all-weather multi-use playing pitch also encompassing an 8 lane running track; 1 no. covered spectator stand (maximum capacity 700 persons); a Stand-Alone Single Storey changing rooms building; 3 no. Padel-Tennis Courts; . More...
RETENTION Oct 17 LOUTH DRUMGOOLESTOWN , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO. LOUTH Retention and Permission for the following: 1. Retention of recently installed septic tank to replace existing septic tank and 2. Permission to replace existing percolation area with new percolation area and all Associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Oct 16 LOUTH LURGANKEEL , KILCURRY , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission Consequent on the Grant of Outline Permission Ref. No. 21774 for a dwelling house, waste water treatment system and associated site development works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Oct 16 LOUTH RAMPARK , JENKINSTOWN , DUNDALK Outline planning permission for development to consist of a single dwelling house, septic tank and percolation area on a site of a derelict shed to be removed including all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 15 LOUTH 5 MOORE PARK , ARDEE , CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of an extension and alterations to an existing dwelling house and associated site development works. *FI received on 19/09/2024* . More...
RETENTION Oct 15 LOUTH DRUMGOOLESTOWN , CASTLEBELLINGHAM , CO. LOUTH Retention and Permission for the following: 1. Retention of recently installed septic tank to replace existing septic tank and 2. Permission to replace existing percolation area with new percolation area and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 15 LOUTH LUGBRISCAN , RIVERSTOWN , CO. LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house, a domestic garage, a wastewater treatment system and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 14 LOUTH DRUMARD , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Permission for a two storey dwelling house, a domestic garage, a domestic waste water treatment system, a new site entrance with all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 14 LOUTH DRUMCAH , INNISKEEN , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for restoration alteration and refurbishment of a former vernacular style dwelling house to include proposed extension, new effluent treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH NORTH COMMONS , CARLINGFORD , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for alterations to a previously granted planning permission for a proposed new dwelling house together with garage, vehicular site entrance, and all associated site development works, Ref. No. 22633. The alterations include; a reduction in total floor area from 596m2 to 422m2, design adj. More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH LOUTH GAA CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE , DARVER , READYPENNY DUNDALK Permission for one building to house new dressing rooms and storage area, hurling/kick wall unit to rear of above with provision of retaining walls and guard railings and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH CORNAMUCKLAGH , OMEATH , DUNDALK CO LOUTH Permission for the construction of a new dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH CHAPEL HILL KNOCKNAGORAN , OMEATH DUNDALK , CO. LOUTH Permission for the demolition of the existing two-storey dwelling and attached garage (with the exception of one stone gable wall to be retained) and the construction of a new two-storey replacement dwelling with new attached garage together with all associated site development works. One existing s. More...
RETENTION Oct 11 LOUTH THE DUNES , SEAPOINT , TERMONFECKIN CO. LOUTH Retention permission for a garden room in the garden of the existing dwelling . More...
RETENTION Oct 11 LOUTH BACHELORS LANE , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Retention permission for advertisement signage to the front elevation and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH GRANGEBELLEW , DROGHEDA , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for a rear extension to existing dwelling including side glazed canopy, conversion of attic space to living accommodation including front dormer windows, alterations to existing dwelling and all associated site works. *Significant Further Information received on 25/09/2024 which includes . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH LINNS , ANNAGASSAN , COUNTY LOUTH Permission to demolish front, side and rear extension to existing dwelling including outbuildings, construct new side/rear extension, alterations to existing dwelling, new wastewater treatment system and percolation area, decommission existing septic tank, detached domestic garage, new site boundari. More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH HOEY'S LANE , DUNDALK , CO LOUTH Permission for new community workshop and associated facilities . More...
RETENTION Oct 11 LOUTH MONKSLAND , CARLINGFORD , CO. LOUTH Retention permission for extension to rear of existing dwelling house and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH TERMONFECKIN ROAD NEWTOWNSTALABAN , DROGHEDA , CO. LOUTH Permission for amendments to part of a residential development previously approved under planning Ref: 21412. The amendments include: Alterations to the elevation and boundaries of the unit 13. Amendments to the unit type and position of the units 28 \u2013 33. Provision of an additional 3-bed de. More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH TUITE'S LANE , BLACKROCK , CO LOUTH Permission for a dwelling house and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH REAGHSTOWN , ARDEE , CO. LOUTH Permission for (i) works to facilitate infill and re-contouring of the subject lands to facilitate use for agricultural purposes. (ii) The proposed works will be subject to a waste facility permit/ certificate of Registration and/or notification under Article 27 of the European Communities (Waste Di. More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH 1 CRAWLEY'S COURT , CORD ROAD , CO. LOUTH Permission for a single storey extension incorporating open space to the rear of existing dwelling with minor internal alterations. Demolition of existing shed to rear of dwelling. All associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 LOUTH BOAT TRENCH , ARDEE , CO. LOUTH Permission for the demolition of a dwelling house and the erection of 22 No. Older people and persons with limited mobility housing units consisting of 5 no. blocks of single storey semi-detached and terrace buildings comprising 18 no. one bedroom units and 4 no. two bedroom units. The development . More...
PERMISSION Oct 08 LOUTH DROGHEDA ROAD , CLOGHERHEAD , COUNTY LOUTH Permission for construction of 3 no. 3-bedroom, 2-storey, detached dwelling houses, upgrading existing pedestrian and vehicular access, access road and footpaths and associated landscaping, foul drainage including a connection to existing mains sewer in public road, surface water drainage including . More...