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Recent Notices from Galway City Council

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PERMISSION Jan 31 GALWAY CITY FINNEGANS , NO.1 & NO.2 MARKET STREET , GALWAY CITY Permission for a development which consists of permission for development at a protected Structure (RPS: 5401). The development will consist of (1) Replace Existing sub standard flat roof to rear of existing building with a new first floor rear extension with a new flat roof. (2) Additional floor . More...
PERMISSION Jan 31 GALWAY CITY 2 RENMORE ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of;a. part demolition of existing commercial storage shed b. construct first floor extension c. change of use from commercial storage shed to mixed use comprising of new rear entrance to pharmacy and fire escape stairs from existing first floor residential . More...
RETENTION Jan 31 GALWAY CITY NO. 05. ROCKLANDS AVENUE , BALLYBANE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; (i) The retention of a converted car port to the front of the property from car port to habitable space. (ii) Permission to construct a single-storey structure to connect the converted car port structure to the main dwelling house (iii) The retention . More...
PERMISSION Jan 30 GALWAY CITY MUNSTER AVENUE , GALWAY , CO. GAWLAY Permission for development which consists of the demolition of the existing buildings and the construction of a three storey mixed use building (retail on ground floor, restaurant and offices on first floor and offices on second floor, with a total floor area of 1,271 M\u00B2) and all associated sit. More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 GALWAY CITY BALLYMONEEN ROAD (L5024) , KEERAUN AND BALLYNAHOWN EAST , GALWAY LRD Permission for development which consists of the following: 1. Demolition of 2 no. existing dwellings including 1 no. two-storey dwelling (199 sqm) and 1 no. bungalow (234 sqm) and shed (13.64 sqm) 2. Construction of 156 no. residential units comprising: a. 113 no. houses (16 no. 2-bed, 91 no. More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 GALWAY CITY NO.12 MARKET STREET , GALWAY CITY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of ; we Desmond & David Kavanagh, intend to apply for permission for the following at no. 12 Market Street Galway; (1) change of use at ground floor from commercial shop to residential use, (2) the provision of a new kitchen, living room, Bedroom and bathroo. More...
PERMISSION Jan 29 GALWAY CITY 23 DUBLIN ROAD , RENMORE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; a) demolish existing residential storage shed b) change of use from residential & part of commercial storage shed to medical centre comprising of medical consulting rooms, reception and ancillary accommodation c) alterations to existing elevations d) re. More...
RETENTION Jan 28 GALWAY CITY NO. 3 BEECHWOOD PARK , BALLYBANE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of retention of the following:- (a) Self-contained granny flat, (b) Rear single storey kitchen extension, (c) Rear store/plant room, (d) Rear unit as a store/shed (e) Amendments to front elevation. Permission is also sought to (a) Reduce boundary fence to a . More...
PERMISSION Jan 28 GALWAY CITY 320 CASTLE PARK , BALLYBANE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of to build a single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling house . More...
RETENTION Jan 28 GALWAY CITY NO 12 THREADNEEDLE ROAD , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of to retain the demolition of an existing shed 28.6m\u00B2 and the construction of a new shed 35.1m\u00B2 . More...
RETENTION Jan 27 GALWAY CITY CAPPAGH ROAD , GALWAY , GALWAY Permission for retention is sought for dwelling house, garage, shed and septic tank including all associated services on revised site boundaries . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 GALWAY CITY GLENARDEEN , TAYLORS HILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of alterations to new dwelling house previously approved under Pl. Ref: 24/60040, along with all ancillary site works and site services . More...
RETENTION Jan 27 GALWAY CITY 15 SAINT IGNATIUS TERRACE , THE CLADDAGH , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of to retain the following a) the single-storey front porch b) the two-storey rear extensions c) the rear canopy along with associated site works at the above address . More...
RETENTION Jan 27 GALWAY CITY 128 GLEANN DARA , RAHOON , GALWAY Retention Permission for; Extension to the rear of existing dwelling, side porch roof, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 27 GALWAY CITY NO 30 , EMERSON AVENUE , SALTHILL Permission for development which consists of; Jen and John Hearty are applying for planning permission to construct a rear and front extension on the ground floor comprising a kitchen, family room and living areas with internal modifications at No 30 Emerson Avenue Salthill Galway . More...
PERMISSION Jan 23 GALWAY CITY 2 ST. CLAIRE'S , TAYLOR'S HILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consist of; extension/alterations to existing dwelling house to include: a) 2 storey extension to front of house b) new entrance porch, c) raise roof line and create attic storage space with rear window, d) extend first floor rooms to rear building line, e) new singl. More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 GALWAY CITY THE G HOTEL & SPA , WELLPARK THE OLD DUBLIN ROAD , GALWAY CITY Permission for development which consists of; alterations to G Hotel ground floor including conversion of function space, store and associated kitchen and WC\u2019s into 9no. bedrooms, luggage store, gym and hotel office; alterations to 1st floor existing hotel including conversion of gym, meet. More...
RETENTION Jan 22 GALWAY CITY 1 AN SEAN BHAILE , DOUGHISKA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; 1. Retention of an existing pigeon coup, as a lightweight, temporary timber structure 2. Permission to keep racing pigeons 3. Permission to raise the existing height of the side and front boundary wall with timber panel fencing at this address 1 An S. More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 GALWAY CITY GRAINACH HOUSE BUILDING , MURROUGH DUBLIN ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; 1) The change of use of part of an existing Church to an early-years learning facility. 2) Construction of a pavement, new boundary wall and pedestrian entrance along western boundary. 3) Construction of a staff/enhanced needs carpark and bike covered . More...
PERMISSION Jan 22 GALWAY CITY BALLYBURKE , GALWAY CITY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; 3 Storey Apartment Building Comprising of 12 No. apartments and associated balconies. The proposed development will include 5 no. 1 bedroom apartments and 7 no. 2 bedroom apartments, an integrated bicycle store, solar PV array at roof level, bin store, p. More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 GALWAY CITY 92 RENMORE PARK , RENMORE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; to (a) demolish existing single storey garage & utility room (b) to construct two storey extension to side and three storey extension to rear incorporating basement/plant room (c) to convert attic to office & playroom (d) to construct front porch and (e). More...
RETENTION Jan 21 GALWAY CITY 23 ROCKBARTON ROAD , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; alteration of elevations, construction of extension to the rear, demolition of chimney stack, construction of boundary wall to the front of the property and revision to the site layout. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 GALWAY CITY WEST CITY CENTRE OFFICE AND RETAIL PARK , SEAMUS QUIRKE ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of: 1/ The construction of an additional single storey retail wing, to the west of an existing 2 storey retail and commercial block. The proposed new retail wing will comprise of 1,852m\u00B2 of gross internal floor area with the existing and proposed block. More...
PERMISSION Jan 21 GALWAY CITY BARNA GARDENS , BARNA ROAD , GALWAY The development consists of (i) the renovation of existing ground floor (ii) the construction of single storey porch to the front of existing house, (iii) the construction of single storey extensions to the side and rear of existing house, (iv) alterations to dormer structures on existing roof, (v) . More...
RETENTION Jan 20 GALWAY CITY 80 FORSTER COURT , GALWAY , GALWAY a) Retention of existing garage 31.7m2 and fit-out of part of garage as bedroom/ensuite b) Construction of 31.7m2 first floor extension over garage . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 GALWAY CITY 21 ST.ENDAS ROAD , SHANTALLA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; a 2 story extension to the side garden of existing house with all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 GALWAY CITY ATLANTIC TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY WELLPARK CAMPUS , CLUAIN MHUIRE , WELLPARK ROAD GALWAY. Permission for development which consists of; a two-storey modular building containing Art Studio Spaces and Art Rooms, including a new pedestrian access gate to Tara Grove and all associated site works to complete the development at Atlantic Technological University Wellpark Campus, Cluain Mhuire, . More...
PERMISSION Jan 20 GALWAY CITY 92 MAOILIN , KNOCKNACARRA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; to install a roof light to the front of her dwelling house at 92 Maoilin, Knocknacarra, Galway . More...
RETENTION Jan 17 GALWAY CITY 44 OAKLANDS , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for a development which consists of alterations to the existing outbuilding at the rear of the dwelling to facilitate home office use including; single storey extension of both gables of the outbuilding, reconfiguration of the internal layout, improvements to the U-value of the floor, wal. More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 GALWAY CITY CAPPAGH , BOLEYBEG , CO. GALWAY Permission for development which consists of the change of house and garage plans and all associated services, all previously approved under Planning Ref No. 24/60158 . More...
PERMISSION Jan 17 GALWAY CITY MENLO VILLAGE , MENLO , GALWAY. Permission for development to consist of; to renovate the existing cottage, the works includes the demolition of the existing sub standard single storey rear extension and replace it with a modern single storey rear extension. The upgrading of the existing attached shed and the renovation of the int. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 GALWAY CITY ALTÁN ROAD , RAHOON KNOCKNACARRA , GALWAY Forbairt Sn\u00E1mh Thiar Cuideachta Faoi Theorainn R\u00E1tha\u00EDochta, intend to apply to Permission for development which consists of; Galway City Council for permission for the development of a swimming pool and sports facility at a 0.87ha site accessed from Alt\u00E1n Road and Millers Lane, i. More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 GALWAY CITY A SITE AT WESTSIDE SHOPPING CENTRE , SEAMUS QUIRKE ROAD , GALWAY. Permission for LRD development which consists of; A proposed Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) comprising amendments to a permitted Strategic Housing Development (SHD) scheme of 240 no. student accommodation bedspaces and a caf\u00E9 (ABP-313286-22 refers). The amendments to the permitted d. More...
RETENTION Jan 16 GALWAY CITY 63 THREADNEEDLE ROAD , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; minor changes to elevations of the permitted dwelling, including amended fenestration. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 16 GALWAY CITY 38 , KINGSTON ROAD , GALWAY Permission for a development which consists of alterations and additions to the existing dwelling, including the construction of a side and rear extension and other ancillary site development and associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 15 GALWAY CITY GALWAY CLINIC , DOUGHISKA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of the following: \u2022 2 no. storey extension to the rear of the Galway Clinic providing healthcare facilities. (GFA: 1,637.6 sq.m) comprising additional enhanced medical assessment, diagnostic facilities, staff changing and medical storage facilities. More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 GALWAY CITY CAPPAGH ROAD , KNOCKNACARRA , GALWAY CITY Permission for development which consists of; for the construction of a detached four bedroom dwelling house and detached garage, with a wastewater treatment system, and all associated site services incl. connections. gross floor area of proposed works: 264.5sqm (dwelling house) / 54.1sqm (garage)at. More...
RETENTION Jan 14 GALWAY CITY 1ST & 2ND FLOOR LEVEL , 5 PROSPECT HILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; retention of change of use from office to residential (2 bedroom apartment) at first and second floor level, 5 Prospect Hill, Galway, H91 HC1H. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 14 GALWAY CITY FRANCIS COTTAGE , COOLOUGH MENLO , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; alterations to an existing dwelling including a new floor, energy upgrade items, elevational changes, the construction of a single storey link extension (49 M\u00B2), the refurbishment of an existing outbuilding for residential use (60 M\u00B2), a new tr. More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 GALWAY CITY BALLINDOOLEY , GALWAY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; construction of a new dwelling house, domestic garage along with on-site wastewater treatment system and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 GALWAY CITY 29 THREADNEEDLE ROAD , SALTHILL , CO. GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; 1. Demolition of the existing domestic shed 2. Construction of new dwelling house 3. Construction of a new entrance to service the existing property 4. Construction of 2no domestic sheds to the rear of the site 5. New connection to public services an. More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 GALWAY CITY RIVERSIDE COMMERCIAL ESTATE , TUAM ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; alterations to Front Elevations . More...
RETENTION Jan 13 GALWAY CITY 81 CORRACH BUÍ , RAHOON , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; retain existing rear extension, retain existing bicycle shed, retain existing greenhouse, retain alterations to ground floor layout of house . More...
PERMISSION Jan 13 GALWAY CITY THE FORMER TOPAZ OIL STORAGE FACILITY , LOCATED AT DOCK ROAD QUEEN STREET , AND BOTHAR NA LONG GALWAY CITY. Permission for development which consists of; development at a site (0.93ha) at the former Topaz Oil Storage Facility, located at Dock Road, Queen Street, and Bothar Na Long, Galway City. Granted permission Galway City Council reg. ref 17/83, An Bord Pleanala Ref 300275-17 & Galway City Council reg.. More...
PERMISSION Jan 10 GALWAY CITY HEADFORD RD SHOPPING CENTER , GALWAY SHOPPING CENTER , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; a change of use of the adjacent ground floor vacant retail shop units (Ref: E, F1, F2, G, & H) to facilitate an extended commercial leisure/indoor recreation use. The development will include site works to existing structure to facilitate the change of u. More...
PERMISSION Jan 09 GALWAY CITY ROSSHILL ROAD , ROSCAM , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; Planning Permission to, 1. Retain modifications to existing front facade, 2. Internal modifications to existing house and conversion of existing attic space (area 261.70m\u00B2), 3. Erect a new extension to side and rear of existing house (area 135.15m\u. More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 GALWAY CITY BALLINDOOLY , GALWAY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; We, Sharon Morris and Eamon O\u2019Reilly, intend to apply for permission for development on a site, accessed from the L-51512 and, located in the townland of Ballindooly (also known as Ballindooley), Galway. The ITM XY Coordinates for the site are 53146. More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jan 08 GALWAY CITY DOCK ROAD , QUEEN STREET &BOTHAR NA LONG , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the proposal consists of mixed use office development (c. 34,765sqm) provided in 4 no. blocks over a single basement level. Block A is an eight storey building, located in the north west part of the site adjoining Dock Road/Queen Street containing retail. More...
PERMISSION Jan 08 GALWAY CITY FAIRHILL ROAD UPPER , THE CLADDAGH , GALWAY Permission for development which will consist of: 1.Change of use from Retail and Community uses to Residential use. 2.Demolition of existing model cottage, sheds and workshop structure. 3. Construction of 2 no. detached dwelling houses. 4.Relocation of the site entrance. 5.All other ancillary. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 GALWAY CITY 3 BEACH AVENUE , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; modifications to the existing dwelling house, construction of a rear extension at ground floor, a first floor extension with roof terrace, a second floor extension with balcony and with all necessary siteworks . More...
RETENTION Jan 07 GALWAY CITY MERLIN PARK UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL , MERLIN PARK , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; retention of extensions to the electrical substation and switch room building consisting of (a) a single storey extension to the side of the electrical substation/switch room building incorporating two electrical transformer rooms. (b) a single storey ex. More...
PERMISSION Jan 07 GALWAY CITY THE GATEWAY , 7A SAINT FRANCIS STREET , GALWAY CITY Permission for development which consist of (1) Change of use of former educational use to student accommodation (2) Construction of a new second floor extension over existing first floor as part of the student accommodation proposal (3) Minor alterations to front elevation and (4) All associated si. More...
PERMISSION Jan 06 GALWAY CITY LONARA LODGE , BAILE AN BHRIOTAIGH , AN CAISLEÁN GEARR GAILLIMH S\u00EDneadh dh\u00E1 st\u00F3r a th\u00F3g\u00E1il ar ch\u00FAl an \u00E1itribh at\u00E1 ann cheana f\u00E9in, athruithe ar an teach c\u00F3naithe at\u00E1 ann cheana f\u00E9in agus gach obair choimhdeach ar an l\u00E1ithre\u00E1n. . More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 GALWAY CITY BOSTON SCIENTIFIC , BALLYBRIT BUSINESS PARK , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of: (a) the construction of 2 no. carparks, providing total of 550 new parking spaces, associated landscaping and lighting; (b) the removal of leylandii trees to northern boundary and erection of boundary fence and gate, with landscaping; (c) the provision o. More...
PERMISSION Jan 03 GALWAY CITY 'GARRAI CAOL' MERLIN , IN THE TOWNLANDS OF DOUGHISKA AND MERLIN PARK. , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the proposed development will consist of; 2 No dwelling units, comprising of 2No one bed single storey units of 51 Sq.M. each in a semi-detached configuration along with enclosing side garden walls & gates and dividing rear garden walls, and open amenit. More...
RETENTION Jan 02 GALWAY CITY 30 KINGSTON ROAD , GALWAY , GALWAY Permission for a development which consists of the retention and completion\u00A0for modifications to previously approved plans\u00A0PL Ref 22/120 comprising revised site layout, area increment ant ground floor, alterations to house elevations, together with and all associated site services and dev. More...
RETENTION Jan 02 GALWAY CITY CASTLEGAR HURLING CLUB , DOUGHISKA & MERLIN PARK TD DOUGHISKA ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; retention for the widening of the site entrance roadway at Doughiska & Merlin Park TD, Doughiska Road, Galway. . More...
RETENTION Jan 02 GALWAY CITY NO. 33 , NEWCASTLE ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of the retention permission to retain existing timber outdoor furniture on a permanent basis to existing outdoor seating area as previously granted under 09/490& 12/311 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 31 GALWAY CITY BALLYMONEEN ROAD , GALWAY CITY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of revisions to the apartment scheme previously permitted under Pl. Ref. No. 22/91 (An Bord Pleanala Ref. ABP-315598-23) on lands at Ballymoneen Road, Galway City The development will consist of: (1) The subdivision of previously permitted Apartment No. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 GALWAY CITY 15 FOREST HILLS SHANGORT ROAD , KNOCKNACARRA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; Proposed domestic dwelling single storey extension to the front (North) elevation to include alterations to existing front porch roof and North elevation, minor alteration to side (East) elevation, two storey extension to the side (West) elevation to in. More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 GALWAY CITY SITE 76B , 76. RENMORE ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of the provision of a single detached dwelling house on Site \u201C76B\u201D . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 GALWAY CITY ALKENEVER , NO.39 WHITESTRAND PARK , LOWER SALTHILL GALWAY. Permission for development which consists of; 1) demolition of the existing gable end chimney, chimney stack and single storey flat roof WC structure at rear of house. 2) provision of a new single storey extension with a monopitch roof, covered porch area and 3.No rooflights to the front of the hou. More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 GALWAY CITY PARKMORE , CASTLEGAR , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; (1) alterations and construction of an extension to existing 2 story dwelling house and to decommission the existing septic tank and connect to public services and (2) construction of a new serviced dwelling house and entrance . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 GALWAY CITY SITE 76A , 76. RENMORE ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of (i) To Demolish the existing dwelling house (ii) The provision of a single detached dwelling house on Site \u201C76A\u201D, . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 GALWAY CITY BALLAGH , BUSHY PARK , CO GALWAY Permission for development which consists of to construct a new dwelling house, new effluent treatment system and polishing filter as well as all associated services and site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 23 GALWAY CITY LANDS AT THE WESTERN DISTRIBUTOR ROAD AND ALTAN ROAD , IN THE TOWNLAND OF RAHOON KNOCKNACARRA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of:- A commercial development on a total site area of 3.1 ha, comprised of: 1.Block A: a 1-2 storey retail block with a gross floor area of 3721 sq.m, comprising of: a. a convenience retail store, to include off-license use, (including warehouse and we. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 GALWAY CITY SITE 12 LAKEVIEW , BARNACRANNY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of change of design of previously approved Planning Reference Number 21159 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 GALWAY CITY 31 LEAS NA MARA , BALLYMONEEN ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of to expand creche capacity from 40 to 48 children, within the existing building footprint . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 GALWAY CITY 21 SHOP STREET & , 24 MIDDLE STREET , GALWAY Alterations and change of use to an existing commercial premises to include: A) a reduced caf\u00E9 / retail unit at ground floor (21 m2) and change of use of remainder of ground floor, first, second and third floors to residential accommodation (short term let / student accommodation) comprising 2 . More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 GALWAY CITY THE LODGE ARDMORE , TAYLORS HILL ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of to construct a new 2-storey extension to the existing dwelling house and for alterations and remodelling of the existing house which was previously granted under Planning Reference No 93/202, retention of the existing domestic shed, demolition of the exis. More...
PERMISSION Dec 20 GALWAY CITY COLUMBAN HALL (PROTECTED STRUCTURE RPS REF NO. 9102) , SEA ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which will consist of 1) The demolition of substandard modern extensions to the rear of the existing hall, 2) Refurbishment and conservation work to consolidate the historic fabric of the existing hall building to accommodate a change of use to bakery and caf\u00E9. Work. More...
RETENTION Dec 20 GALWAY CITY 27 BUN CAISE , RAHOON , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of 1. Permission for a rear ground floor extension to dwellinghouse, 2. and provision of side door exit from ground floor of house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 GALWAY CITY GLEANN NA MONÁ , ON LANDS WEST OF BALLYMONEEN ROAD AT THE JUNCTION WITH THE WESTERN DISTRIBUTOR ROAD , KNOCKNACARRA GALWAY Permission for development which consists of the change of use from convenience store with retail use and ancillary off-licence use to a medical clinic and for reconfiguration of the internal layout and provision of integrated ventilation louvres within sections of the top-lights of the windows to t. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 GALWAY CITY MINCLOON , RAHOON , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; to construct a dwelling house, with a connection to a new wastewater treatment system, new entrance, and domestic garage . More...
RETENTION Dec 19 GALWAY CITY 12 CASHELMARA , GALWAY , COUNTY GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; Mr David Casserly intends to apply for planning permission for retention of front porch and rear extension and modifications at 12 Cashelmara, Galway H91 NDE0 The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonabl. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 GALWAY CITY SITE A , CIRCULAR ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the provision of a single detached dwelling house on Site \u201CA\u201D, at Circular Road, Galway. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 GALWAY CITY SITE B , CIRCULAR ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the provision of a single detached dwelling house on Site \u201CB\u201D, at Circular Road, Galway. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 GALWAY CITY 33 EYRE SQUARE , GALWAY , IRELAND Shopfront alterations which comprise of: change of lettering/signage from \u201Cpermanent TSB\u201D with logo, to \u201Cptsb\u201D and change of elevational colours and ATM surround in keeping with corporate colouring. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 GALWAY CITY 134 COLLEGE ROAD , GALWAY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of the a change of use of current apartments and dwelling house to student accommodation, (b) Elevation alterations, Minor increase in ridge level and footprint alterations to Ground, First and Second Floors, (c) construction of an external bins and bike sto. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 GALWAY CITY BALLYMONEEN ROAD , BALLYBURKE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the construction of a 1.8 metre high post and panel fence along the site's eastern boundary and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 GALWAY CITY 9 ST ENDAS ROAD , SHANTALLA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including, the addition of a first-floor bay window to the front elevation and a two-storey rear extension including a single-storey self-contained granny flat . More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 GALWAY CITY 99 UPPER NEWCASTLE ROAD , GALWAY , CO. GALWAY Permission for a development which consists of to (1) demolish an existing dwelling house and sheds, (2) construct a residential apartment complex consisting of two new apartment blocks containing twelve two-bedroom apartments and three one-bedroom apartments (3) alterations to existing vehicular si. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 GALWAY CITY LAND ADJACENT TO ORANMORE TRAIN STATION , IN THE TOWNLAND OF CURRAGREAN , COUNTY GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; A c. 240m section of a parallel railway track (passing loop) to facilitate passing trains and 1 no. rail buffer; and All associated ancillary works and landscaping. A planning application for enhancements to Oranmore Train Station including a sectio. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 GALWAY CITY 32 SLI BURCA , BALLYMONEEN ROAD , CO. GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; construct extension and dormer window with attic conversion to rear of existing dwelling . More...
RETENTION Dec 18 GALWAY CITY 13 KNOCKNACARRA PARK , KNOCKNACARRA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; retention of elevational alterations to an existing 2 storey semi-detached dwelling including the removal of an existing chimney and (b) associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 17 GALWAY CITY 45 SHANTALLA ROAD , SHANTALLA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the demolition of existing utility room and construction of a new 2 storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling, with alterations to existing layout and elevations, plus associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 GALWAY CITY BOOTS , 35 SHOP STREET , GALWAY CO. GALWAY. Permission for development which consists of the removal of existing air conditioning units and ventilation plant on the roof of the property and installation of new high efficiency heat recovery air conditioning units and ancillary equipment on the similar area of the roof. Proposed upstand with . More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 GALWAY CITY DANGAN LOWER IMMEDIATELY TO THE NORTH OF THE N59 , GALWAY-CLIFTEN NATIONAL SCHOOL ROAD , ADJACENT TO THE GALWAY UNIVERSITY REGIONAL SPORTS CENTRE Permission for development which consists of a 11,134 sqm school comprising classrooms, specialist room accommodation, PE Hall/ Multi-Purpose Hall, a 2 classroom Special Needs Unit, ancillary accommodation, five external Ball Courts, 79 car parking spaces, bicycle storage, hard and soft landscaping,. More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 GALWAY CITY SITE LOCATED TO THE WEST OF THE COOLOUGH ROAD (L-1005) IN THE TOWNLAND OF COOLAGH (ALSO KNOWN AS COOLOUGH) , CO. GALWAY IN ADDITION TO ROAD IMPROVEMENT WORKS LOCATED ON THE DYKE ROAD (L-1004) LOCATED IN THE TOWNLAND OF TERRYLAND , CO. GALWAY LRD Permission for development which consists of; 1. demolition of 2 no. existing dwellings and ancillary structures located centrally within the site and demolition of the partial building ruins located in the south-eastern portion of the site. 2. construction of a student accommodation scheme comp. More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 GALWAY CITY 24 THE NURSERIES , TAYLORS HILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; (A) permission to convert the roof attic space of the existing two storey house to habitable space, to include the construction of a rear roof slope box dormer window to the proposed bedroom and ensuite/shower room at attic level. (B) permission for a . More...
PERMISSION Dec 13 GALWAY CITY COOLAGH , BRIERHILL CASTLEGAR , CO. GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; to erect dwelling house, domestic garage, waste water treatment system, polishing filter and all associated services. Gross floor area of proposed works: 176.50sqm) Dwelling House) + 37.50sqm (Domestic Garage) . More...
RETENTION Dec 13 GALWAY CITY SCHOOL ROAD , CASTLEGAR , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; (i) Permission to convert the attached garage to a granny flat on the existing dwelling. (ii) Permission for a Porch Structure to the Front Elevation of the existing dwelling. (iii) Retention of the converted attic storage space to habitable accommoda. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 GALWAY CITY BOSTON SCIENTIFIC LTD. , BALLYBRIT BUSINESS PARK , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; works to Building 2 MOD 3, comprising: (a) the construction of a new external entrance lobby, and new first floor area within the existing building; (b) upgrade of existing south and east facades, including the erection of 2 no. back-lit signs on th. More...
PERMISSION Dec 12 GALWAY CITY LETTERAGH ROAD , LETTERAGH , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; We, Burkeway Homes Limited, intend to apply for planning permission to Galway City Council for development on a site located on the Letteragh Road (L1000), in the townland of Letteragh, Co. Galway. The proposed development will consist of the following:. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 GALWAY CITY 6 AVERARD WEST , GALWAY , CO. GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; changes to the front porch . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 GALWAY CITY BAILE NA MBURCACH , BALLYMONEEN ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; (A) the construction of a two-storey family dwelling, which will include a small self-contained single bedroom residential unit as an integral part of the main dwelling. This unit is capable of re-assimilation into the overall dwelling. (B) The construc. More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 GALWAY CITY NO.5 , SAINT HELENS STREET , GALWAY CITY Permission for development which consists of; (1) Permission sought for alterations to plans approved under Pl. Ref. No. 23199 to include removal of existing roof and replace with additional floor space for habitable purposes (2) All associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 GALWAY CITY 103 GRATTAN ROAD , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; demolish front porch on North West Elevation and replace with a new porch to accommodate a main access to dwellinghouse and minor alterations to Elevation of Dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 GALWAY CITY UNITS 2 & 2A , BALLYBRIT BUSINESS PARK , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; Permission is sought for standalone ESB substation and attached switch room @ Units 2 & 2a, Ballybrit Business Park, Ballybrit, Galway. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 11 GALWAY CITY NO 13 POLLNAROOMA WEST , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; Suzanne and Mark Butler are\u00A0applying\u00A0for permission to demolish the existing derelict house and subdivide the site to construct two semi-detached two-storey houses with all associated site work at No 13 Pollnarooma\u00A0West, Salthill, Galway. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 GALWAY CITY 16 CRUACHAN PARK , RAHOON ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of the construction of a new and relocated entrance with canopy, and a new terrace to the front of the existing dwelling and a new 1-story extension to the rear, including all associated development works . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 GALWAY CITY NINKASI , FR. GRIFFIN AVENUE AND THE CRESCENT , GALWAY CITY Permission for development which consists of; proposed detached single storey garage / store adjacent to existing private dwelling house including all associated hard / soft landscaping, and all ancillary site works and services. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 GALWAY CITY DUBLIN RD , WELL PARK , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; to change elevational finishes on part of existing building at Dublin Rd . More...
RETENTION Dec 10 GALWAY CITY 65 RENMORE PARK , RENMORE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of 1. Retention of demolition of dilapidated rear conservatory & utility 2. Retention of rear conservatory and kitchen extension comprising an additional 10sqm rear extension floor area 3. Retention of 2sqm front porch 4. Retention of alterations to existing. More...
PERMISSION Dec 10 GALWAY CITY BOOTS , 35 SHOP STREET , GALWAY CO. GALWAY. Permission for development which consists of the replacement of existing fascia board and shopfront signage at the front and rear of the Boots Unit. The proposed signage at the front includes: (a) new pressed aluminium fascia board and new illuminated signage including: \u201CBoots\u201D, the word. More...
PERMISSION Dec 09 GALWAY CITY UNIT 1A LIOSBAN BUSINESS PARK , TUAM ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which will consist of the following, Change of use from retail to day centre for the provision of daytime care for vulnerable persons, the erection of signage to the north elevation, new emergency exit door to the east elevation. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 06 GALWAY CITY SUMMERFIELD HOUSE , KNOCKNACARRA , GALWAY Permission for development which will consist of; (A ) The construction of an additional two-storey family dwelling on family property. (B) All associated building works and all associated site works. All works at Summerfield House, Knocknacarra, Galway. . More...
PERMISSION Dec 05 GALWAY CITY 128 , LEARGAN , KNOCKNACARRA GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; Caroline and Orla Roche-Turley are applying for planning permission to construct a rear ground floor extension comprising a kitchen and living area with internal modifications\u00A0at No 128 Leargan, Knocknacarra, Galway . More...
RETENTION Dec 04 GALWAY CITY FUSCIA COTTAGE , CAPPAGH ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; retention permission is sought for the demolition of a domestic shed (67 M\u00B2 approximately) within the curtilage of Fuscia Cottage, Cappagh Road, Galway, a Protected Structure (GCC RPS No. 1602), on behalf of William Sandys Solicitor as legal represe. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 GALWAY CITY FISHERIES FIELD LOCATED AT EARL’S ISLAND , UNIVERSITY ROAD (R863) , UNIVERSITY OF GALWAY CO. GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the University of Galway are applying for planning permission to Galway City Council for public realm enhancement works on a site known as Fisheries Field located at Earl\u2019s Island, University Road (R863), University of Galway, Co. Galway. There is a. More...
PERMISSION Dec 04 GALWAY CITY 14 ENDAS ROAD , SHANTALLA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of extensions and alterations to No. 14, Endas Road, Shantalla, Galway H91DPK3 to include a) demolition of existing rear two story extension, b) construction of new enlarged rear two story extension, c) demolition of existing garden shed /store and constr. More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 GALWAY CITY LOUGH ATALIA ROAD , GALWAY CITY , COUNTY GALWAY Permission for development which consists of the demolition of 1 no. existing shed and 1 no. existing garage and partial demolition of 1 no. existing shed and 1 no. existing garage, and the construction of a 6-storey apartment building consisting of 24 apartments, including 5 x 1-bed, 18 x 2-bed, an. More...
PERMISSION Dec 03 GALWAY CITY CAPPAGH ROAD , BARNA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of: to erect a 24m high telecommunications lattice structure including a headframe together with antennas, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment all enclosed by security fencing. This development will also include the construction of an initial . More...
PERMISSION Dec 02 GALWAY CITY 38 FIONNUISCE , DOUGHISKA , CO. GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; a new front window at roof level . More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 GALWAY CITY UNITS 6 & 7 TORNÓG , HEADFORD ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of an amendment to permitted development Reg. Ref. 24/60083 to incorporate Unit 7 into the permitted healthcare development The proposed development will comprise of the amalgamation of Units 6 and 7; change of use of Unit 7 (approx. 78sqm GFA) from reta. More...
PERMISSION Nov 28 GALWAY CITY TERRYLAND WATER TREATMENT PLANT , DYKE ROAD , TERRYLAND Permission for development which will consist of ground-mounted photovoltaic solar panels with a maximum actual square metreage of 2,830 m2 distributed over grass areas in combination with associated ancillary works. To accommodate solar PV 3 no. trees will be removed, and the fence of length 50 m w. More...
RETENTION Nov 28 GALWAY CITY NO. 3 NO. 5 & NO 7 NEWTOWNSMITH AND , NO. 11 MARY STREET , GALWAY CITY Permission for development which consists of Retention and Completion of (1) change of use of dwellinghouse granted under PI. Ref No. 21/305 to guesthouse accommodation and amalgamation into existing mixed-use guesthouse and restaurant building granted under PI. Ref 19/157 (2) Internal layout change. More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Nov 27 GALWAY CITY 77 DANGAN HEIGHTS , NEWCASTLE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; extension and renovation of existing dwelling house to include rear ground floow and first floor extension, new front porch, new domestic shed first floor winter garden and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Nov 27 GALWAY CITY UNIT 11 WESTSIDE SHOPPING CENTRE , SEAMUS QUIRKE ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; O\u2019Hehirs Bakery T/A BBowes Ltd is applying for permission for retention of single storey cold room extension (7.5 sqm) at Unit 11, Westside Shopping Centre, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway . More...
PERMISSION Nov 27 GALWAY CITY 176 DUN NA COIRIBE , HEADFORD ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consist of a change of use from student accommodation to short term let for a period not exceeding 90 days per calendar year . More...
PERMISSION Nov 26 GALWAY CITY 65A UPPER NEWCASTLE , GALWAY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of retention sought for minor alterations to existing dwelling. Permission is also sought to construct an extension to the existing dwelling, to undertake alterations to the existing dwelling, and to construct a new vehicular access gate / opening onto the p. More...
RETENTION Nov 26 GALWAY CITY REAR OF NO.50 ST. BRENDANS AVENUE , WOODQUAY , GALWAY CITY Permission for development which consists of; retention permission sought from Galway City Council by S. Costello at the Rear of No.50 St. Brendan's Avenue, Woodquay, Galway City. The development will consist of (1) Retention of minor single storey extension to existing apartment (2) Retention of ne. More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 GALWAY CITY BALLAGH , BUSHYPARK , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of the construction of a new dwelling house with incorporated garage, on-site wastewater treatment system, and connection to existing services together with all ancillary site development works . More...
PERMISSION Nov 25 GALWAY CITY GLENROCK BUSINESS PARK (TO SOUTH OF BLOCK D) , BOTHAR NA MINE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; construction of 2 No. individual units in a single block (Total Area- 230sq.m) for use as warehousing /storage, distribution, retail of a type and scale appropriate to the area, offices /specialist offices, light industry, and all other uses compatible w. More...
PERMISSION Nov 22 GALWAY CITY NO.4 MONEENAGEISHA ROAD , GALWAY , GALWAY CITY Permission for development which consists of; (1) Permission sought to demolish existing dwellinghouse (2) Permission to construct a new two storey 22 No. Bed Building for Student Accommodation in the form of 4 No. Apartments (3) New rear pedestrian access to site through development permitted und. More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 GALWAY CITY INFILL SITE BETWEEN UNITS 25 & 26 , GARRAI SHEAIN , ROSCAM Permission for development which consists of; to construct 1 no. 4 bedroom detached dwelling with all associated site works and services on infillsite between unit 25 to 26 with access off Doughiska road R338 previously granted Pl. Ref. 18/115 at Garrai Sheain Roscam Galway . More...
PERMISSION Nov 21 GALWAY CITY GROUND FLOOR LEVEL , 5 PROSPECT HILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; alteration to shopfront including new signage at ground floor level, 5 Prospect Hill, Galway, H91 HC1H. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 20 GALWAY CITY NO.3 UPPER , NEWCASTLE ROAD , GALWAY CITY Permission for development which consists of; (1) Permission sought to construct a single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwellinghouse and (2) All associated site works and services. . More...
RETENTION Nov 19 GALWAY CITY 78 RENMORE PARK , RENMORE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; permission to retain (a) alterations to the approved front, rear and side elevations (pl. Ref No. 19/274 refers) (b) alterations to the internal ground and 1st floor layout (Pl. Ref No. 19/274 refers) (c) construction of external stairs to the rear (d) w. More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 GALWAY CITY KNOCKNACARRA ROAD , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; planning permission is sought by Shane O\u2019 Connor for minor revisions to previously permitted dwelling house (granted under Pl. Ref. No. 23/60006). The development will consist of the raising of the finished floor level by +0.5m to match as built par. More...
RETENTION Nov 13 GALWAY CITY UNITS 9-12 RIVERSIDE COMMERCIAL ESTATE , TUAM ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; I, Tom Coyle, intend to apply for retention planning permission and planning permission for development at Units 9-12, Riverside Commercial Estate, Tuam Road, Galway. Retention planning permission is sought for the following: \u2022 Retention of the r. More...
PERMISSION Nov 12 GALWAY CITY SEAMUS QUIRKE ROAD , RAHOON ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of - The provision of a primary care centre (6-9 no. stories over basement - Gross Floor Area: 9,076sqm) with Pharmacy Retail Unit (Gross Floor Area 125sqm) and Caf\u00E9 Unit (Gross Floor Area 114sqm) at ground floor level. - The provision of a TUSLA Buildi. More...
PERMISSION Nov 11 GALWAY CITY 18 THE MAPLES , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of demolition of a garden shed, the construction of a home office/shed building, within the rear garden at 18 the Maples Salthill . More...
PERMISSION Nov 08 GALWAY CITY CUILLEANN , TAYLOR’S HILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; demolition of a single storey side extension and the construction of a two storey side extension, a new entrance rain shelter, external wall insulation, minor elevational changes and all associated works. . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Nov 08 GALWAY CITY MINCLOON , RAHOON , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; demolition of agricultural sheds and construction of a dwelling house, domestic garage all associated development works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Nov 08 GALWAY CITY CLYBAUN ROAD , KNOCKNACARRA , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; development of 33 apartments, 2 retail units and 1 medical unit . More...
RETENTION Nov 08 GALWAY CITY NO 4 ST HELEN STREET , GALWAY , GALWAY Permission to retain and complete elevation alterations to previously approved extension and renovations, under Planning Reference No. 19/278, to dwelling house at the below address. These alterations include a) Revising Eastern Elevation roof profile to accommodate neighbouring house grant of permi. More...
RETENTION Nov 08 GALWAY CITY PARKMORE , CASTLEGAR , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the development will consist of the retention of a serviced dwelling house and all associated services on revised site boundaries to that previously granted under 16/214 . More...
RETENTION Nov 04 GALWAY CITY SAN ANTONIO TERRACE , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; retention permission is to be sought on behalf of \u2018Foxfield Inns DAC\u2019 for Retention of a development of 8 no. apartments located at San Antonio Terrace, Salthill, Galway, previously Planning Ref. no. 19/266. Amendments to the development now fo. More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 GALWAY CITY 33 , KINGSTON ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a new dwelling house and garden store, alterations to the entrance gate, driveway and boundary wall and other ancillary site development and associated works . More...
RETENTION Nov 04 GALWAY CITY 15 MONKSFIELD , SALTHILL , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; retention permission for unauthorized rear garden structure to existing dwelling house. Proposal includes alterations to bring this structure in line with development plan requirements, and all associated site services and landscaping works. . More...
PERMISSION Nov 04 GALWAY CITY FORMER CONNACHT TRIBUNE PRINTWORKS , 15 MARKET STREET , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; Permission for development at the former Connacht Tribune printworks (part of a protected structure), 15 Market Street, Galway, H91 TCX3, comprising: change of use of former printworks and associated areas to indoor licenced food hall / market and dinin. More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Nov 04 GALWAY CITY SPORTSGROUND , COLLEGE ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the redevelopment of the sportsground involves the following works: phase 1 works-the works in phase 1 involve the replacement of the existing grass playing pitch with a new synthetic surface playing pitch and associated site works including floodlight u. More...
PERMISSION Oct 31 GALWAY CITY LETTERAGH ROAD , LETTERAGH , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; demolition of an existing dwelling 60.99m\u00B2, construction of 2 dwelling units (Dwelling A = 207.7m\u00B2 & Dwelling B = 200.8m\u00B2), connection to public foul water system and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 24 GALWAY CITY 76 RENMORE PARK , RENMORE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; planning retention of conversion of garage to en-suite bedroom & alterations to front elevation of dwelling and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 GALWAY CITY GALWAY RACECOURSE , BALLYBRIT , CO. GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the construction and demolition of the temporary stables and the construction of permanent stables, pavilion, machinery and maintenance sheds, pre-parade ring as well as ancillary site works Permission is being sought for a period of 10 years An Enviro. More...
PERMISSION Oct 23 GALWAY CITY 50 FORSTER COURT , GALWAY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; (i) the demolition of existing garden shed, (ii) the construction of single storey extension to the rear with new garden shed, (iii) the construction of new dormer structures to the existing roof both front and rear, (iv) alterations to elevations, (v) a. More...
RETENTION Oct 23 GALWAY CITY CROWES BAR , 90 BOHERMORE , GALWAY Permission for development which will consist of the Retention of Roof construction over back door adjoining toilet facilities to the rear of premises known as Crowes Bar . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 GALWAY CITY 46 RENMORE PARK , RENMORE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; to demolish existing single storey extension and to build a two storey and single storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 GALWAY CITY UNIT 2A WILLIAM STREET WEST , CO. GALWAY , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; permission for a change of use at Unit 2A William Street West, Galway. The works will include for the provision of a quiet lounge within the existing curtilage of the current ground floor unit only. A new external door will be provided, to access the adj. More...
RETENTION Oct 21 GALWAY CITY CRANN MÓR , BALLYMONEEN ROAD , KNOCKNACARRA GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; to retain an existing shed for use as an outdoor room ancillary to the main living house, and to retain and complete an extension to same shed for use as a gym and sauna. Permission is also sought to construct a detached domestic garage. . More...
RETENTION Oct 21 GALWAY CITY 45 CLAREMONT PARK , CIRCULAR ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of a wooden boundary fence to the rear of 45 Claremont Park. The fence adjoins no. 44 Claremont Park. Its height is 2.8 m above the ground level of no. 45 and 1.8 m above the ground level of no. 44 - see attached drawings and photos . More...
PERMISSION Oct 16 GALWAY CITY 6 AVERARD WEST , GALWAY , CO. GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; changes to the front porch . More...
PERMISSION Oct 14 GALWAY CITY 52 SAINT JAMES CRESENT , MERVUE , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; extension and modifications to existing house, including all associated ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 11 GALWAY CITY A 0.531 HA SITE PREVIOUSLY COMPRISING: A) THE FORMER O'CONNOR'S WARWICK HOTEL AT THE CORNER OF UPPER SALTHILL ROAD AND THE ENTRANCE TO LENABOY PARK; , B) NO. 152 UPPER SALTHILL ROAD (THE FORMER OASIS NIGHTCLUB); C) NO. 154 UPPER SALTHILL ROAD (FORMER Bartra Property (Galway NH) Limited intend to apply for permission for development at this 0.531 Ha site previously comprising: a) the former O\u2019Connor\u2019s Warwick Hotel at the corner of Upper Salthill Road and the entrance to Lenaboy Park; b) No. 152 Upper Salthill Road (the former Oasis Nig. More...
RETENTION Oct 10 GALWAY CITY 13 KNOCKNACARRA PARK , SHANGORT ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; retention planning permission for the following development: (a) elevational alterations to an existing 2 storey semi-detached dwelling including the removal of an existing chimney and (b) associate site works . More...
PERMISSION Oct 09 GALWAY CITY CEANNT RAILWAY STATION , STATION ROAD , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; Iarnrod Eireann are seeking permission for changes to an already approved application ref. no. 14/18 at Ceannt Railway Station Galway. The proposed changes are to increase the size if the new public toilet facilities. Ceannt Railway Station is a protecte. More...
RETENTION Oct 09 GALWAY CITY MEEHAN'S SPAR , UNIT 1 ROSCAM HOUSE ROSCAM , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of; the retention of an existing storage container located in the services yard to the rear of the existing shop unit (area for retention 7.5 sq.m). . More...
RETENTION Oct 09 GALWAY CITY GALWAY PRIMARY CARE CENTRE , UNIT 1 IDA SMALL BUSINESS PARK , GALWAY Permission for development which consists of retention and completion of car parking at Galway Primary Care Centre, Unit 1 IDA Small Business Park, Galway. . More...