PERMISSION Jan 20 OFFALY BORD NA MÓNA LANDS WITHIN THE TOWNLANDS OF CLONCRAFF OR BLOOMHILL CLONASCRA BALLYDUFF CLONADERG DOON DEMESNE LACKAGH BEG LACKAGH MORE , CORMORE AND CORBEG CORBANE BALLYDALY KILCOLGAN BEG TURRAUN LEABEG LEAMORE OUGHTER DERRYMORE BUNAKEERAN , LUMCLOON the development of a recreational shared cycle and walkway located on Bord Na M\u00F3na lands within the townlands of Cloncraff or Bloomhill, Clonascra, Ballyduff, Clonaderg, Doon Demesne, Lackagh Beg, Lackagh More, Cormore and Corbeg, Corbane, Ballydaly, Kilcolgan Beg, Turraun, Leabeg, Leamore, Oug.