30/01/2025 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
for a) changes to elevations of the house and increase in extension size, b) changes to the elevations of a domestic shed, c) an extension to a farm shed, d) a garden GYM building, e) a pergola, f) two garden sheds, g) site entrance, and h) a domestic well.... Read more |
28/01/2025 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
(1) Alterations and extensions to existing dwelling, including the conversion of the attic space to a bedroom and shower room. Proposals involve work to a protected structure RPS No. 2585. (2) Construction of a garden shed/home GYM in the rear garden of the existing dwelling, along with all associated site works... Read more |
27/01/2025 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
RETENTION PERMISSION :Retention permission for the change of use and amalgamation of Units 04 (45sqm) & 05 (70sqm) from retail to resident’s amenity space providing a recreational use GYM area, in a total combined area of 115 sqm.... Read more |
23/01/2025 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
a 90.3sq.m single storey extension to the existing club GYM building and all associated ancillary site services ... Read more |
22/01/2025 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Retention Permission to retain (A) a domestic shed/store/home GYM and (B) the raised ground around the building (retaining wall, yard and concrete floor) as well as all associated works... Read more |
20/01/2025 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for development at this site Coopers Cross, Sheriff Street Upper, Castleforbes Road and Mayor Street Upper, North Lotts, Dublin 1. And otherwise generally bounded by Mayor Street Upper to the south, existing Mill Hall and Blacksmith House to the west, existing Sean O`Casey Park and Glazier House to the north and Castleforbes Road to the east.
The proposed development comprises a change of use of an existing ground floor and lower ground floor level unit (c. 448 sqm GFA) in Building 1 from Retail/Café use to GYM use (c. 448 sqm GFA), including ancillary Café element at ground floor level.
The existing unit is situated on the north side... Read more |
17/01/2025 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The development will consist of a change of use from existing workshop to a proposed GYM with reception area, the erection of new signage to the front of building and all other ancillary site development works.... Read more |
14/01/2025 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Construct a Community Hub consisting of community hall, GYM, GAA Dressing Rooms, Meeting Room, MUGA (multi use games area), hurling wall, extension to walkway track to include juvenile pitch, new carparking area and associated site work... Read more |
10/01/2025 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
for the construction of a new single storey dwelling, ancillary domestic GYM/store, new access, installation of a new wastewater treatment system and percolation area & all associated site works. The planning application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) ... Read more |
10/01/2025 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
(1) Construction of a Local Community Centre and Sports Hub (this will include an open plan multi-purpose function room, kitchenette, store, GYM & viewing gallery overlooking the pitch), alterations to the the bathroom facilities of the existing clubhouse building & construction of a communal entrance linking the existing & proposed buildings (2) Reconfiguration of the existing car parks layout, development of an overspill car park to be accessed by a pedestrian walkway from the existing carpark & relocation of the onsite waste treatment system(3) Construction of a new ball wall with perimeter fencing with an all weather astro turf infill associat... Read more |
08/01/2025 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The development will consist of the construction of a single-storey detached rear garden room, with home GYM, home office, storage and plant room, PV panels and 2 no. south-facing rooflights, including associated landscaping and siteworks.... Read more |
06/01/2025 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
the development will consist of a redesigned single storey dwelling, GYM outbuilding and associated connecting car port from that approved under application KA201163, along with a slightly redefined site boundary (to match folio no. MH79879F) and a repositioned and resized wastewater treatment system and polishing filter. All other aspects of the development to remain as previously approved... Read more |
23/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
for Construction of single storey wheelchair accessible GYM building to rear of dwelling house... Read more |
23/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
for an extension to the side of existing dwelling, to include connection and incorporation of garage into house to provide utility/ GYM space, alterations and all associated site works... Read more |
23/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for Retention for the following: 1) Internal and external alterations to existing as-built dwelling house, 2) Single storey extension to rear of dwelling house, 3) Increased footprint and height to previously permitted domestic garage to include first floor loft storage space, 4) Increased footprint and height to previously permitted domestic garage and being used in its entirety as office and GYM space ancillary to existing dwelling house.... Read more |
23/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
PERMISSION & RETENTION: The development will consist/consists of (1) The completion and retention of a single storey rear kitchen extension with flat roof (2) Permission for proposed new vehicular entrance with off street parking at front of house (3) Permission for new first floor front bedroom window and VELUX window in roof at front of existing mid terrace house. (4) Permission for detached single storey garden room/home office with GYM area inclusive of internal alterations and all associated site works.... Read more |
22/12/2024 |
Ulster (full address available after signup) |
20/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
demolition of an existing two storey GYM (380 sqm) is being sought at this site and all associated site work at this site... Read more |
20/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
1) Alterations and extensions to existing dwelling, including the conversion of the attic space to a bedroom and shower room. Proposal involve work to a protected structure RPS No. 2585. 2) Construction of a garden shed/home GYM in the rear garden of the existing dwelling, along with all associated site works... Read more |
20/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
renovating and extending the existing dwelling house, including the removal of the existing carport structure, the replacement of the existing sun room with a new kitchen, the replacement of the existing attached storage building with a new storage building and GYM, and all associated site works... Read more |
20/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The proposed development will consist of: Change of use of part of the ground floor level (492 sqm) from bar/restaurant to GYM. Change of use of the basement floor level (618 sqm) from night club to GYM. Removal of the mezzanine levels at ground and basement floor levels. Associated modifications to the layout at ground and basement floor levels to accommodate the proposed change of use and All associated site development works.... Read more |
20/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Planning permission for demolition of existing greenhouse in rear garden & to construct new detached shed unit for use as home studio/ GYM & study, ancillary use to the main dwelling, with tiled roof over and associated site works.... Read more |
20/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
CHANGE OF USE Aidan Roche of Feel Fit GYM intend to apply for planning permission for development at No. 117b Church Road, East Wall Dublin 3 which also backs onto the adjacent Shelmalier Road. The development will consist of a change of use from existing workshop to a proposed GYM with reception area, the erection of new signage to the front of building and all other ancillary site development works.... Read more |
19/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for (a) retention permission to retain the existing sunroom as constructed to the existing dwelling house (b) full Planning Permission to demolish existing porch construct extensions to the existing dwelling house including a new porch GYM room utility room larger kitchen and larger family room make alterations to the existing dwelling house and all associated works (d) full planning permission to decommission the existing septic tank install a mechanical wastewater treatment unit and polishing filter and all other associated site works.... Read more |
19/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
The proposed development will consist of the construction of a detached building for domestic use ancillary to the main dwelling and the development of on-site renewable energy infrastructure. The proposed development will comprise of: 1) the removal of existing tennis court, 2) the construction of a detached building comprising of storage and gallery space, GYM and leisure facilities including lap pool and padel and tennis courts at roof level, in addition to access lift and pavilion area, 3) the provision of 14 no. ground mounted arrays, each with 18 no. photovoltaic panels; 4) 12 no. mini wind turbines of 1.25 metres in height, 5) the provision... Read more |
19/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The installation of 1 no. 4.8m x 8m x 2.9m high, Garden Room to contain a Home Office/Study, A home/personal GYM and shower in the rear garden finished externally in timber/metal cladding.... Read more |
19/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
(a) a new two storey extension to the east of the existing school buildings and (b) a single storey extension to the north of existing SNU building. The two storey extension consists of a new corridor link to the existing original school building (NIAH ref no: 22113014) and includes 8 no. specialist teaching rooms, storage and ancillary accommodation. The single storey extension to the existing SNU building includes 3 no. class base rooms, a practical activity room, central activities space and ancillary accommodation. Also a separate single storey extension consisting of a new office, to the south east of the SNU building. Other works include: demolition of existing single storey building containing prep room and store to north east of sch... Read more |
18/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
addition to former garage and for change use of entire to home GYM and office and with connection to all services and associated site works... Read more |
18/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
for construction of two rear single storey extensions of a living area and a GYM, alterations to existing dwelling, demolition of existing garage and all associated site works... Read more |
18/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
for the existing two storey building comprising GYMNASIUM and associated facilities on the ground floor, home office and family room at first floor level all ancillary to main dwelling along with all other ancillary site development works... Read more |
18/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The proposed amendments to the permitted aparthotel development consist of the following:
• Internal alterations to the permitted layout from basement to ninth floor level resulting from the introduction of a new stair core.
• Alterations to the permitted layout at basement level including reconfiguration of storage areas, staff facilities, plant and back of house area and relocation of cycle parking;
• Alterations to the permitted layout at ground floor level including the relocation of the GYM from basement to ground floor level, replacement of café / restaurant with a shop (68 sq.m), and associated reconfiguration of lobby / lounge including... Read more |
17/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The development consists of the construction of a new single storey pitched roof shed to the north eastern boundary of the rear garden. The shed is to include new home office, GYM and WC. The development is to include all ancillary site works and drainage as required.... Read more |
17/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
RETENTION PERMISSION The development consists of the retention of existing single storey flat roof shed to the northern boundary of the rear garden. The shed includes home office, GYM and WC.... Read more |
13/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for amendments to roadside boundary walls, lift building and access as constructed, part change of use of lift building from store to home GYM/office, fabric upgrades, modifications and extension to the existing dwelling house, privacy screen at roadside, upgraded landscaping, carport at parking deck, new wastewater treatment system and all associated site development works.... Read more |
12/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Planning permission is sought for conversion of existing farm shed to new home GYM and home office facility on first floor, additional renovations to structure and all associated site works... Read more |
11/12/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
of a single-storey structure comprising of a storage facility, home office & home GYM. Gross floor space of work to be retained: 115 sqm... Read more |
11/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for alterations and extensions to the existing two- storey split level semi-detached house at 26A Montpelier Hill Arbour Hill, Dublin 7. D07 R6X7 comprising reconstruction and extension of the existing lower ground floor level with a new flat roof, extension of the existing upper ground floor level, addition of new first floor level and second floor level extensions, with screened balcony terraces to the rear at upper ground floor level, first floor level and second floor level, plus new rooflights to the existing pitched roof, new solar panels on the flat roof reconfiguration of the existing front elevation fenestration associated internal alterations and site development, plus a new single storey Read more |
11/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The development will consist of a mews structure incorporating a mezzanine floor. The building to be used as a home office, a GYM , habitable accomodation or a combination of these uses . The proposal will also involve moving the existing vehicular access gates from the rear lane to the northern corner of the rear garden and the installation of timber sheeted , steel framed vehicular and pedestrian gates in a 2.1m high screen .... Read more |
10/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
The proposed development comprises of amendments, modifications, extension and part change of use of the existing two storey Spa building connected to the hotel to the west of the hotel, including:
(a) At ground floor level:
(i) Refurbishment of the existing spa facilities and consolidation of all spa facilities into the ground floor of the existing two storey spa building;
(ii) An extension to the ground floor to the west of circa 38 sq.m gross to provide for additional space to accommodate the full extent of the spa facilities at ground floor. The proposed extension at this level occurs in the location of an existing deck area to the west end of the building.
(iii) New outdoor area to be west of new extension.
(iv) An extension t... Read more |
10/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
the extension to existing dwelling and for retention for GYM, games room and storage shed to rear of property and all associated site works... Read more |
10/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
for: (1) 2 no. glamping sites with converted bus and converted shipping container tourist accommodation thereon, on the glamping sites previously permitted under planning permission ref: PL21/304; (2) change of use and extension of existing barn to provide recreational facilities for tourists, storage and a home GYM; (3) access track to glamping sites; (4) domestic garden shed; (5) landscaping; and Permission for: (6) a new wastewater treatment system to serve the existing dwelling and tourist accommodation; (7) car and bicycle parking; (8) closure of an existing secondary vehicle entrance and upgrading of the existing main house entrance; and (9... Read more |
10/12/2024 |
Ulster (full address available after signup) |
to erect portal frame detached GYM building and all associated works... Read more |
09/12/2024 |
Ulster (full address available after signup) |
09/12/2024 |
Ulster (full address available after signup) |
to erect portal frame detached GYM building and all associated works ... Read more |
06/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
development relating to a Large-scale Residential Development consisting of modifications to the Strategic Housing Development permitted under ABP Ref.: ABP-305476-19, as amended by ABP Ref.: ABP-311676-19.The proposed modifications to the previously approved development will consist of: The provision of a single-storey Active Open Space Building (c.206 sqm) located to the north-west of the overall permitted SHD lands adjacent to the playing pitches comprising a multi-purpose room (c.101.5 sqm) with 2 no. changing room areas of c.26 sqm, ancillary changing room for referees (c.10 sqm), storage area (c.17.5 sqm.), kitchenette (c.6 sqm), WC facilities as well as the associated omission of a 2-storey split level residential amenity building of... Read more |
06/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
for the existing two storey building comprising GYMNASIUM and associated facilities on the ground floor, home office and family room at first floor level all ancillary to main dwelling along with all other ancillary site development works ... Read more |
06/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for the following Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) comprising the construction of 176 no. apartment units (comprising a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bed units in 2 no. blocks ranging in height from 7 to 10 storeys over podium level), 1 no. creche, 1 no. GYM, 1 no. retail/café unit and all associated ancillary development works including a new vehicular access, new pedestrian access, footpaths & cycle lanes, landscaping, amenity and open space areas, boundary treatments, bicycle and car parking, bin storage, public lighting and all other ancillary development at The Former Ford Distribution Site, fronting on to Centre Park Road, Ballintemp... Read more |
06/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Keywell DAC intends to apply for Permission at this site (c.0.17 ha) at No. 1 Essex Street East, Dollard House, Nos. 2-5 Essex Street East and Nos. 2-5 Wellington Quay (Protected Structure), The Clarence Hotel, Nos. 6-8 Wellington Quay and Nos. 6-8 Essex Street East (Protected Structure) and Anne`s Bar, No. 8 Essex Street East, Temple Bar, Dublin 2.
For development comprising proposed hotel refurbishment, conservation and alteration (c.8,544 sq m gfa total), and vertical roof and infill building extension (c.841 sq m gfa total), to accommodate the addition of 104no. new hotel keys (resulting in 162no. total existing and proposed) and ancillary hotel amenities including retail-bakery, licenced restaurants, bars and ev... Read more |
05/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
the development being retained are additions to existing dwelling and domestic garage consisting of kitchen extension to rere, attic conversion for two bedrooms and en-suite, attic storage room, covered roof canopy to front entrance door, increased size of domestic garage, provision of loft to domestic garage for use as a GYM and all associated elevational changes... Read more |
04/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for proposed construction of a personal GYMNASIUM/shed and all associated site development works to the rear of existing dwelling house... Read more |
02/12/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
the change of use of an existing disused bar/restaurant (commercial premises) to a new use as a GYMNASIUM (commercial premises), together with the provision of new signage and associated lighting... Read more |
02/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
(i) Construction of a three-storey extension to the rear of the existing hotel comprising 90 no. guest bedrooms with an area of plant at roof level of the extension; (ii) Creation of opening in rear façade of the existing hotel at ground floor level with the omission of one existing guest bedroom to allow for a new single-storey connection to the proposed extension; (iii) Modifications to the existing floor plan of the tenor suite at the ground floor level of the existing hotel to provide for a new restaurant, extend the existing kitchen, provide bathrooms and to separate the restaurant from the spa and GYM; (iv) provision of single-storey extensi... Read more |
02/12/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
construction of a new shed in the rear garden to accommodate a GYM
and garden room, including the installation of two rooflights... Read more |
30/11/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
Change the use of the existing 2-storey retail warehouse use to 2-storey GYMNASIUM use, including removal of interior partitions, providing additional sanitary accommodation and connecting into existing services.... Read more |
29/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The overall site includes a Protected Structure (Steward`s Crafts - Record No. 020), Units 39-40, Hills Industrial Estates, Lower Lucan Road, Co. Dublin. The proposed development will consist of:- Change of use from GYM to wholesale outlet and local shop;- Minor alterations to the elevations to facilitate the change of use;- The provision of car parking spaces, bicycle spaces and a loading bay for deliveries and;- All associated site development works.... Read more |
29/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
retention of an outbuilding comprising of a home office and GYM for domestic use only and all associated site development works... Read more |
28/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Planning permission for the retention of 1) First floor extension to the rear 2) Ground floor single storey timber-built GYM structure in the rear garden and all associated site works .... Read more |
27/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Erection of a flat roof, ancillary outbuilding to serve as home office & GYM.... Read more |
27/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Development will consist of a new ground floor only detached building in the rear of the existing site to be used for GYM/Office and Storage and all ancillary works .... Read more |
27/11/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
Permission for development which consists of:-
A commercial development on a total site area of 3.1 ha, comprised of:
1.Block A: a 1-2 storey retail block with a gross floor area of 3721 sq.m, comprising of:
a. a convenience retail store, to include off-license use, (including warehouse and welfare block) and a net retail floor area of 2721 sq.m;
b.1 no. retail unit;
2.Block B: a 2-3 storey mixed use development with a gross floor area of 2055 sq.m comprised of:
a. GYM Space;
b.5 no. retail units;
c.Community Space;
3.Block C: a 2-3-storey, mixed use development (gross floor area of 1537 sq.m) comprised of:
a.6 no. office/retail/m... Read more |
26/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
RETENTION PERMISSION: for changes to already approved single storey building in rear garden for use as home GYMNASIUM and playroom (Planning Ref:4191/23). Changes include increased floor area from 39.37 SqM to 46 SqM , also increased roof ridge height from 3.93M to 4.4M, as well as Retention of existing steel garden shed for use as domestic storage.... Read more |
26/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
The construction of a new members` GYMNASIUM, alterations to the existing maintenance and emergency access route, and all associated site works... Read more |
26/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
25/11/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
The development will consist of the following: demolition of existing dwelling house (known as the Beach House); construction of a new hotel including 12 bedroom suites, wedding function room, bar, commercial kitchen, GYM, spa and leisure facilities with sauna, cinema room, yoga studio, entrance foyer, reception, store rooms, plant room, office and staff quarters; activities shed; walled courtyard; connection to existing services; along with all associated ancillary site development works including footpaths, lighting, parking, drainage and landscaping/amenity areas.... Read more |
23/11/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
Permission for the following: Retention of annex/single storey extension (area 81m2) to eastern side of original house (PD/14869/82) comprising of WC, lobby, games room/ GYM, study, fuel store, boiler house and standalone garden shed (9m2), together with associated site works at... Read more |
22/11/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
Forbairt Snámh Thiar Cuideachta Faoi Theorainn Ráthaíochta, intend to apply to Permission for development which consists of; Galway City Council for permission for the development of a swimming pool and sports facility at a 0.87ha site accessed from Altán Road and Millers Lane, in the townlands of Rahoon, Knocknacarra, Galway. The proposed development will consist of the construction of a prefabricated aluminium frame and fabric tensile envelope with independently constructed facilities building within the envelope and will include the following:
1. Provision of a 35 x 25m competition standard swimming pool with adjustable floor (max depth 2m);
2. Ground floor changing rooms ‘wet village’ including steam room, sauna and first aid (425 s... Read more |
22/11/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
Permission for development which consists of; alterations to G Hotel ground floor including conversion of function space, store and associated kitchen and WC’s into 9no. bedrooms, 1.no luggage store, GYM and hotel office; alterations to 1st floor existing hotel including conversion of GYM, meeting space, and hotel ancillary spaces into 14no. Bedrooms; change of use to 1st floor of Unit 7-8 Wellpark Retail Park from 474m2 of retail warehouse use to hotel use, including the provision of 5no. hotel bedrooms, office space and linen store; alterations to 2nd... Read more |
22/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
1. Change of use of portion of existing storage shed to club GYM; 2. External signage to side of GYM & storage shed; 3. 2 no additional floodlights servicing 4G pitch to rear and Planning Permission to extend above mentioned storage shed and club GYM to include additional dressing rooms, referee room and treatment room with showers and toilet facilities along with external signage to side of proposed extension... Read more |
21/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
for refurbishment, alterations and extension of the existing house, including linking existing house with an existing stone agricultural outbuilding on site. Permission to raise part of the roof of the existing house, also fitting new rooflights to the north and east roofs of the house. Permission for change of use is sought for this existing outbuilding from agricultural to residential use. Permission is also sought for the refurbishment, alteration and change of use from agricultural to residential of another existing stone outbuilding on site to accommodate a home office, GYM and storage areas ancillary to the primary dwelling house, including ... Read more |
15/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Retention permission for an outbuilding comprising of a domestic storage area, home office, GYMNASIUM, covered area for solid fuels and associated site development works... Read more |
15/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
to construct a steel framed community GYM and all ancillary site works... Read more |
14/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
construction of a single storey pre formed steel, GYM building and all associated siteworks... Read more |
14/11/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
Permission for development which consists of; development at a site (0.93ha) at the former Topaz Oil Storage Facility, located at Dock Road, Queen Street, and Bothar Na Long, Galway City. Granted permission Galway City Council reg. ref 17/83, An Bord Pleanala Ref 300275-17 & Galway City Council reg. ref 20/367. The proposed change of use of the ground floor unit of Bonham Quay Block C. (Unit area 567m2) with current granted use as restaurant and retail unit to proposed use as a fitness centre/ GYM within the previously permitted footprint.... Read more |
14/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
CHANGE OF USE of existing single storey detached garage for use as detached habitable rooms use to include home GYM, home office, play room, shower room, wc and store (approx 50m2 gross internal area) in rear garden of existing house (overall site area approx 539m2 0.054ha) & associated site works including external paving & foul drainage connection to existing manhole.... Read more |
14/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The development will consist of: 1. The change of use of part of the first floor from retail to GYM use within a unit with a gross floor area of circa 790sqms; 2. Alterations to ground floor lobby entrance and steps; and 3. The installation of temporary wheelchair access ramp to the lobby entrance along the centre`s eastern elevation. 4. Planning permission for a 24 hour GYM; 5. Erect two new external signs, including manifestations to first floor windows. 6. Installation of bicycle parking.... Read more |
14/11/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
Retention of 1) the widening and re-alignment of the vehicular access point off the public road 2) re-configuration and extension of the driveways and hard landscaped areas / water feature / raised flower beds / pathways around dwelling 3) installation of primary holding tank associated with wastewater treatment system at revised location and configuration 4) the management of surface water drainage within the site; 5) Provision of a steel garden shed and concreted area; 6) the construction of an additional first floor to garage containing domestic GYMNASIUMRead more |
13/11/2024 |
Ulster (full address available after signup) |
13/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
PERMISSION The Proposed development includes a garden room intended for use as a GYM and office to the rear garden of the existing property. The footprint of the proposed building will be 36 SQM with an internal floor area of 27.9 SQM. The garden room is proposed to have a flat roof with an overall ground to roof height of 3.1 meters. The exterior walls will be finished with a sand/cement render. Plus all associated works.... Read more |
12/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
planning permission is sought for conversion of existing farm shed to new home GYM and home office facility on first floor, additional renovations to structure and all associated site works... Read more |
12/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for an extension to outbuilding to include garden room, home GYM and toilet and associated site works... Read more |
11/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for Retention for the following: 1) Internal and external alterations to existing as-built dwelling house, 2) Single storey extension to rear of dwelling house, 3) Increased footprint and height to previously permitted domestic garage to include first floor loft storage space, 4) Increased footprint and height to previously permitted domestic garage and being used in its entirety as office and GYM space ancillary to existing dwelling house.... Read more |
11/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
retain GYM room and associated site works. Permission is sought to extend existing changing rooms, new lighting design layout and all associated site works... Read more |
08/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for 1) the conversion of existing ball alley at the rear of club pavilion to construct a new extension comprising a club GYM with a ground floor area of 296sqm, a mezzanine level area of 99 sqm and a ridge height of 7.557m, 2) alterations to western elevation of pavilion to provide for a new fire corridor and escape door, 3) the construction of new hurling wall between existing training and playing pitches incorporating astro-turf and retaining wall and 4) all other associated drainage and site development works... Read more |
08/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Construction of a building consisting of a domestic garage to the ground floor, and home office/studio/ GYM to the first floor - such building being ancillary in use to the main dwelling house, and for all associated site works... Read more |
07/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
retain GYM room and associated site works. Permission is sought to extend existing changing rooms, new lighting design layout and all associated site works... Read more |
06/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for an extension to outbuilding to include garden room, home GYM and toilet and associated site works... Read more |
06/11/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
demolition to the side (west) 27.4 sqm existing adjoining single story shed and partial demolition of rendered section of stone wall, to the rear (north) 5.7 sqm rear return and, 13.0 sqm timber deck and associated stairs; repairs to roof to existing dwelling house as required; proposed extension to be comprised of: at ground floor level, the erection of extension to the side (west) of existing dwelling house 37.9 sqm comprised of kitchen/dining room, to the rear (north) 14.0 sqm rear return to provide WC and stairs, and 28.0 sqm deck and associated external stairs to the north; at lower ground floor level, the addition of 98.6 sqm extension to rear (north) of existing dwelling house comprised of bedroom, living room, home Read more |
05/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
retain the construction of a domestic shed used as a home office & home GYM in conjunction with my existing dwelling, the erection of a boundary fence and all associated site works ... Read more |
04/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The development will consist of change of use and conversion from GYM,... Read more |
04/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for extension of the existing single-storey with mezzanine level Felda Health and Spa to include the construction of a 668m2 single-storey flat roof extension to the South-West side elevation consisting of a 148m2 ancillary retail unit and 415m2 of additional GYM area. The development includes the removal of 17 no. existing car parking spaces, provision of 90 no. covered cycle parking spaces, a 6.8m-high totem pole sign to the corner of Dublin Road and Old Golf Links Road with New pedestrian connection to the Fairways Centre with associated alterations to the car park with provision of pedestrian crossings, new signage to South-West ele... Read more |
04/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
RETENTION of detached garden shed to rear garden to be used as home office/ GYM/ancillary living and storage space and small cabin to rear garden.... Read more |
04/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
an office and GYM with shower in rear garden... Read more |
04/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The proposed development consists of the change of use of the vacant café/ restaurant unit (with a gross floor area of 328 sq.m) at the ground floor level of the existing building to GYM use (Class 11).... Read more |
01/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
to (a) change the use of the abattoir to a GYM and to carry out alterations to the buildings to include an exterior leisure area, (b) demolition of the cattle shed, and (c) construct 5 No. padel courts with carparking together with associated site works and services... Read more |
01/11/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
for (a) demolition of existing domestic shed building located in the rear garden of existing dwelling, (b) construction of new larger building in the rear garden of existing dwelling. The subject building is proposed to facilitate a home office, home GYM / storage and games / entertainment space ancillary to the main dwelling, (c) connection to existing site services, landscaping and all associated development works... Read more |
01/11/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for the change of use of the existing community GYM into a community hub which will include a full day-care childcare service (over 2 floors), a public WC, CE workers office, works will also include a first floor extension and alterations to the elevations of the building that is the subject of the change of use and link extension with the existing pre-school and all associated site works.... Read more |
31/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
for a new single storey garden room in the garden to the rear of the existing buildings on site, incorporating general garden storage, home office/ GYM room and all associated site works . This development consists of development within the curtilage of a protected structure under RPS No. 719 and NIAH No. 22903023... Read more |
30/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
for (a) demolition of existing domestic shed building located in the rear garden of existing dwelling, (b) construction of new larger building in the rear garden of existing dwelling. The subject building is proposed to facilitate a home office, home GYM / storage and games / entertainment space ancillary to the main dwelling, (c) connection to existing site services, landscaping and all associated development works... Read more |
27/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The installation of 1 no. 4.8m x 8m x 2.9m high, Garden Room to contain a Home Office/Study, A home/personal GYM and shower in the rear garden.... Read more |
25/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
permission for extension and alterations to existing two storey dwelling house, including partial demolition of existing extensions, new single story extension to the front, two-storey extensions to the rear, two-story outbuilding containing a garage and first floor home GYM to replace existing car port and associated site works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application... Read more |
25/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
(i) Modifications to the existing floor plan of the tenor suite at ground floor level to provide for a new restaurant; (ii) provision of a proposed new single-storey extension of 210 SqM to the proposed restaurant at ground floor and basement level to the north-west corner of the existing hotel; (iii) modifications to internal partition walls to extend the existing kitchen, provide bathrooms and to separate the restaurant from spa and GYM; (iv) removal of existing external escape staircase from basement and provision of a new entrance and reception area to GYM<... Read more |
25/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for the construction of a physical activity sports hub development comprising (1) construction of a new running track with track viewing path and new grassed areas and (2) construction of a 2-storey extension to the existing sports hall to accommodate new lift and stairs changing facilities and GYMNASIUM and alterations to the existing roof and facades installation of 12 no. new rooflights and 11 no. photovoltaic panels and all associated site works.... Read more |
24/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
a detached storage shed; the blockwork wall and gate within the grounds of the school and Planning Permission for change of use of the above noted shed to use as a school GYM and all associated site and ancillary works. All within the curtilage of a protected structure (RPS ref. 101)... Read more |
24/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The construction of shaded pergola & seating area connected to rear of existing two storey house, and garden room containing an office & GYM (Area= 35m2) with associated site works.... Read more |
24/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
RETENTION of detached garden shed to rear garden to be used as home office/ GYM/ancillary living and storage space and small cabin to rear garden.... Read more |
22/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for the following works to existing dormer style dwelling 1) dormer style extension to side front and rear 2) single storey granny flat to side and front 3) internal and external alterations to existing dwelling 4) single storey detached building to accommodate garage home office and GYM 5) re-located site 6) new sewerage system to replce existing and 7) all associated works... Read more |
22/10/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
Planning Permission Is Sought To Demolish Disused Sheds And Front Boundary Wall And Construct Single Storey GYMNASIUM Building, New Front Boundary Wall, Railings And Associated Works.... Read more |
21/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
the change of use of existing retail & associated storage unit to GYMNASIUM, internal alterations to facilitate this change of use, proposed new signage and all associated and ancillary works... Read more |
18/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The development will consist of a GAA Cluster Facility including: a) 3 no. floodlit GAA pitches (Pitches No`s 1., 3. & 4.) comprising; Pitch no. 1, a sand-based grass pitch (145m x 90m) with floodlights with a lux level of 500 mounted on 7 no. 21.4m high columns;
Pitch no. 3, a sand-based grass pitch (140m x 90m) with floodlights with a lux level of 350 mounted on 6 no. 21.4m high columns;
Pitch no. 4, a synthetic all weather pitch (140m x 90m) with floodlights with a lux level of 350 mounted on 6 no. 21.4m high columns;
All pitches will have GAA goal posts and ball stop netting to rear of same, (90m x 16m in height to the eastern end of Pitch no. 1 and Pitch no. 4 and 30m x 16m in height elsewhere) electronic scoreboards and 2 dugout... Read more |
18/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
RETENTION PERMISSION & PERMISSION : Retention Planning Permission & Planning Permission for development at this site 29 Temple View Row, Dublin 13, D13 P2W0. Retention development will consist of a ground floor only detached building to the rear of the existing site been currently used as a GYM & games room & storage. Planning permission will consist of a proposed new ground floor only extension attached to the retention building to the rear of the existing site to be used for home office & storage and all ancillary works.... Read more |
17/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for the construction of an extension to an existing detached domestic garage in the rear garden to be used as a GYM/games room ancillary to the existing dwelling house. Permission for retention is also sought for a) a sunroom as constructed to the rear of the existing house including the demolition of an old existing sunroom & b) a dormer window as constructed to the rear roof of the existing house and all associated site works... Read more |
16/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Seabren Developments Limited intend to apply to South Dublin County Council for planning permission at the Speaker Connolly Tavern. The site is bounded by Firhouse Road to the northwest, Ballycullen Avenue to the northeast, Firhouse Shopping Centre and car park to the south and neighbourhood shops to the east of the site. Vehicular access to the site will be from the existing vehicular access on Ballycullen Avenue with the existing right of way to and from the Supervalu Shopping Centre maintained. The proposed development will consist of the demolition of the Speaker Connolly public house including the part single part two storey public house, and ancillary stores and structures (c.411sqm), on a development site of 0.323 Hectares (overal... Read more |
14/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Single and double storey rear Extension with first floor set back, attic conversion along with new dormer roof with window to the rear to form new study, new rooflight to front roof, new GYM room to the rear of garden with new door at existing access to rear laneway.... Read more |
14/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for the construction of a mixed use development at Carrigaline Town Centre on a 1.84 ha site consisting of 88 no. residential housing units (23 no. 1 beds, 47 no. 2 beds and 18 no. 3 beds). 5 no. ground floor retail units are proposed in the form of a café, GYM, hair salon, day care and news agents comprising 886.3 m2. Permission is also sought for the development outlined herein as well as 48 no. car parking spaces and 128 no. bicycle parking spaces. Pedestrian access is proposed to the east off Main Street R611 and to the north of the site off Pottery Road, vehicular access is proposed to the west and will be a continuation of the exi... Read more |
11/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION The proposed development will consist of the following works to accommodate a 100-bedroom hotel with café and bar at ground floor level: Removal of asbestos sheeting from the roof of the single-storey kitchen at the rear of No.46 Baggot Street Upper (Langkawi Restaurant on the ground floor, and the dental practice on the upper floors of No.46 both remain in place), demolition of an 89 sq.m, two-storey extension (built in 1984) from the rear of No.48 Baggot Street Upper (the retail unit on the ground floor of No.48 remains), change the use of the upper floors of No.48 from offices to hotel with proposed separate entrance via new, ground-floor, side-door onto Baggot Street Upper, at No.48, demolition of 1... Read more |
10/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
planning permission is sought for the construction of an extension to the side and rear of existing dressing rooms to include sports hall/function room, GYM toilets and install proprietary waste water treatment unit to replace existing septic tank on site together with all associated site works... Read more |
10/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
to (i) Renovate and extend the existing two storey dwelling house, proposed extensions to include bedrooms, kitchen, living area, home office / study, games room, GYM, swimming pool, circulation and utility spaces. (ii) Upgrade the external elevations of the existing stables. (iii) all associated site works... Read more |
10/10/2024 |
Ulster (full address available after signup) |
to construct a single storey detached Spa and Wellness Centre consisting of GYM, Swimming Pool, Treatment Rooms, Internal and External Amenity / Leisure Areas, associated Plant rooms and staff facilities, Effluent and Pool waste water treatment Systems, carparking, landscaping and all ancillary site works. The proposed development is located within the curtilage of protected structures Reg. No.s CV0159 and CV0158... Read more |
10/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for the change of use of the existing community GYM into a community hub which will include a full day-care childcare service (over 2 floors), a public WC, CE workers office, works will also include a first floor extension and alterations to the elevations of the building that is the subject of the change of use and link extension with the existing pre-school and all associated site works.... Read more |
09/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Removal of existing flat roof to the side, along with the hipped roof to the side
and rear. To be replaced by a ground-floor flat roof extension with an increased
height and roof light to the side, as well as a first-floor flat roof extension to the
rear (South), also featuring a roof light. Additionally, there will be a single-story
ground-floor flat roof extension to the rear (South). The small timber shed in the
rear garden will be removed and replaced with a new shed to serve as a home
office and GYM.... Read more |
08/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
for Construction of a Shed For Storage and use of GYM equipment
for Club Members during training and all associated Site Works... Read more |
08/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for alterations and extensions including single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling house namely, car port, storage area, living room, GYM, office, bathroom and swimming pool, hard and soft landscaping, replacement of existing effluent treatment system and installation of new effluent treatment system and polishing filter. Removal of existing road boundary wall and construction of 2m high replacement boundary wall and provision of new landscaped boundary and alterations to existing entrance. (change of plan as per planning reg. 22/6446... Read more |
07/10/2024 |
Connaught (full address available after signup) |
We, Maeve Ann & Conor Mitchell, intend to apply to Sligo County Council for Planning Permission to: 1) Construct a single-storey extension to the rear, 2) Construct a first-floor extension to the northeast elevation, 3) Construct a new domestic shed to the rear, 4) Convert the existing domestic shed into a home GYM with an additional front window and new stone cladding, 5) New stone cladding on the south and east elevations of the existing single storey extension and, 5) Carry out all ancillary site works at 1 Ballincar Heights, Ballincar Td., Rosses Point, Co. Sligo. F91NN27.... Read more |
07/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Permission is sought for a single storey home office and GYM measuring 59m2 with... Read more |
05/10/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
the construction of a structure containing a home office and GYM to the rear of the property, the erection of 15 no. roof mounted PV panels, the construction of a new rear boundary wall and all ancillary works... Read more |
04/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
planning permission is sought for the construction of an extension to the side and rear of existing dressing rooms to include sports hall/function room, GYM toilets and install proprietary waste water treatment unit to replace existing septic tank on site together with all associated site works... Read more |
04/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE The development will consist of: The renovation, refurbishment and extension of the existing Protected Structure to provide for an upgraded Sports Club facility. Proposed works to the existing Protected Structure are inclusive of: (1) demolition of the existing non-original 20th century single-storey toilet block extension to the south of the main building; (2) removal of existing internal staircase from ground to first floor levels including false ceiling over, and infilling of the stair void with a new timber floor to match existing; (3) removal of non-original stud partition walls at ground and first floor levels and removal of existing internal door openings at ground and first floor levels; (4) removal of existing ... Read more |
03/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
for existing attic floor of existing end of terrace two storey house for use as non-habitable office/study/ GYM and a shower room and all associated site works, retention permission is required to retain the existing shower room in situ... Read more |
01/10/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: (i) internal reconfiguration (inclusive of the blocking up of existing opes and enlarging non-original window opes for doorways, removal of non-original doors and frames, provision of new partition walls, new kitchen and new washroom facilities and replacement of non-original fanlight above the front door) at basement, lower ground and upper ground floor levels; (ii) refurbishment of front/southeast elevation (inclusive of repairing/upgrading of original windows as appropriate, cleaning/repairing/re-pointing of brickwork, cleaning/repairing/painting metal window railings and front boundary railings and painting front door); (iii) refurbishment of rear/northwest elevation (inclusive of th... Read more |
27/09/2024 |
Ulster (full address available after signup) |
to construct a single storey detached Spa and Wellness Centre consisting of GYM, Swimming Pool, Treatment Rooms, Internal and External Amenity / Leisure Areas, associated Plant rooms and staff facilities, Effluent and Pool waste water treatment Systems, carparking, landscaping and all ancillary site works. The proposed development is located within the curtilage of a protected structure Reg. No. CV35005 at Cabra Castle, Cormey, Kingscourt, Co Cavan, A82 EC64... Read more |
27/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The site is generally bounded by a Dublin City Council car park and multi-use games area to the north; Chancery Street to the south; 19-20 Chancery Street and St. Michan`s Place to the west; and 8-12 St. Michan`s Street and St. Michan`s Street to the east.
The development will consist of:
a) The demolition of all existing buildings and structures on site (1-4 storeys) including reconfiguration of part basement level (total GFA approx. 1,794 sq m) and the construction of a 7 - 8 storey (approx. 26.4 m overall height) over part basement level building (total GFA approx. 5,635 sqm) accommodating 12 no. residential apartment units (approx. 1,180 sq m) and a 96 no. bedroom tourist hostel (approx. 4,455 sq m) with additional plant, tank room a... Read more |
27/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
for the restoration and extension of the existing vacant building to provide additional accommodation for the adjacent hotel, The Court Yard Hotel, Main St, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, W23 E9TI. In summary the proposed development consists of a mixture of no. 8 hotel bedrooms and 9 no. large studio bedrooms, a GYM/fitness centre, circulation and storage areas. The development comprises: (i) the partial demolition of the existing two-storey non-original extension to the north of 1 and 2 Ralph Square; (ii) partial demolition of rear roof to facilitate the rear extension. The development includes drainage, landscaping, boundary treatments and all ancillary... Read more |
26/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Applying for planning permission for retention of garden shed / GYM/pla... Read more |
26/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
construction of a community centre consisting of multi-use games room, GYM area, physio room, meeting room, tuck shop with tea & coffee facilities, changing facilities for existing walking track and community events and toilet / shower facilities with services, signage and all associated site works
... Read more |
25/09/2024 |
Ulster (full address available after signup) |
for RETENTION of (1) A rear extension to the dwelling house (2) The conversion of the attached domestic garage to living space (3) and all ancillary site works. Also PERMISSION (1) To demolish a side extension, front porch and detached domestic garage (2) To construct new extensions to both sides and the front of the dwelling which will include an attached domestic garage and home GYM (3) to carry out internal alterations and new windows layout to the front (4) To construct a new raised roof over the entire building which will include first floor bedrooms and bathrooms (5) To close up and decommission an existing septic tank and soak-pit and to ... Read more |
25/09/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for:
1) Partial demolition of the existing roof and stone wall to the rear of the existing dwelling attached to Father Matthew Tower, a Protected Structure, No. 00492, and demolition of the existing entrances to the dwelling and balcony.
2) Construction of single storey extensions to the rear and basement, new entrances, new balcony, a new extended raised ridge pitch roof with 3 No. dormers and flat roof, and an outdoor terrace on existing flat roof.
3) Change of use of the existing garage to habitable rooms, namely to bedroom and GYM.
4) Alterations to the existing elevations, and all associated site works.
... Read more |
25/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Planning Permission for single storey detached office/ GYM/shed to rear... Read more |
24/09/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
for construction of a shed for storage and use of GYM equipment
for club members during training and all associated site works... Read more |
24/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
a new single storey extension to the South of the existing dwelling, of area 34.8sqm comprising of new home office, GYM, and link to existing dwelling, all with white rendered finish and flat roof with zinc facia, along with all ancillary site works... Read more |
24/09/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
a portal frame shed used for school storage and adjacent blockwork wall and gate. Permission for change of use of shed from storage to use as a school GYM for use by students only... Read more |
24/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for the construction of a GYMNASIUM building incorporating... Read more |
23/09/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
a single storey detached building for use as a home office, home GYM, BBQ/dining area and sauna to the rear of the existing house with associated site works and ancillary use of the home... Read more |
23/09/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
the conversion and extension of garage into bedroom, home office, GYM, in which extension will be amalgamated with the house. New front entrance porch with additional single storey extension, an outdoor chimney stack to be constructed at rear of house, the upgrade of the waste water treatment system and all associated site works... Read more |
22/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
Current Use
The subject building is used for the storage, cleaning and repair of goods from flood/fire damaged structures
The structure comprises offices, mezzanine floor level and warehouse area
Proposed Change of use for Mezzanine Level
The proposed change of use applies only to the Mezzanine level.
It is proposed that the mezzanine level will be used as a Yoga Space which essentially is an open space. It is proposed to provide Yoga Classes in the mezzanine area.
Unlike a GYM a Yoga space does not use any equipment, except for yoga mats, foam/cork bricks, bolsters (firm cushions), belts and foldable chairs that are stored neatly away 95%... Read more |
22/09/2024 |
Ulster (full address available after signup) |
... Read more |
20/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
the development will consist of the continued use of two existing temporary office buildings and their associated amenities, which comprise of: (1) A temporary office building [1,772.6 sq.m. GFA and 7.05m in height] consisting of welfare facilities (including a GYMNASIUM, studio, WCs, changing room / lockers, and shower facilities), canteen / kitchen, meeting rooms / office space, an IT room, document control room, electrical room, plant room, and circulation areas and stairwells. (2) A temporary office building [3,326.2sq.m. GFA and 10.6m in height] con... Read more |
19/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
The development will consist of change of use and conversion from GYM,... Read more |
19/09/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for extension to existing hotel premises comprising of SPA/ GYM facility on ground floor and a total of 16 no. guest bedrooms over first and second floors, together with associated elevational alterations and site development works... Read more |
18/09/2024 |
Leinster (full address available after signup) |
1.retention sought for change of use from previously approved GYM/Games room to short term letting.
2.retention for structure as constructed listed in item no.1.... Read more |
17/09/2024 |
Munster (full address available after signup) |
Permission for alterations and extensions including single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling house namely, car port, storage area, living room, GYM, office, bathroom and swimming pool, hard and soft landscaping, replacement of existing effluent treatment system and installation of new effluent treatment system and polishing filter. Removal of existing road boundary wall and construction of 2m high replacement boundary wall and provision of new landscaping boundary and alterations to existing entrance. (change of plan as per planning reg 22/6446)... Read more |