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Recent Notices from Clare County Council

Commencement Notices are only available for paid plan subscribers.

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PERMISSION Sep 09 CLARE "SAINT MARTINS" , KILRUSH ROAD , ENNIS CO CLARE V95 HWR1 is sought for development consisting of the part demolition, alterations and extensions to the existing single-storey dwelling house including first floor attic conversion and extensions, new roof lights to front, demolition of existing side garage and construction of a single-storey attached dwelli. More...
PERMISSION Sep 09 CLARE DRUMLESH , INAGH , CO. CLARE for the construction of a 2 storey dwelling, detached domestic garage, onsite wastewater treatment system and percolation area, connection to necessary services, new entrance together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 09 CLARE CLAUREEN DRUMCLIFF ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for 4 no. 2 bedroom apartments together with associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Sep 09 CLARE CLIFDEN , COROFIN , CO.CLARE to construct a new detached single storey dwelling house, wastewater treatment system, percolation area, well, upgrade an existing site entrance and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 08 CLARE GORTMAGY , HILL ROAD , KILLALOE CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse including car port and home office, install an effluent system and and percolation area entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 06 CLARE FURROOR , LISSYCASEY , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 06 CLARE CROSSDERRY , COOLMEEN , CO. CLARE to construct a single dwelling house, garage, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 06 CLARE MOOGHAUN NORTH , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE to (a) Construct side extension and fenestration changes to existing cottage (b) Construct detached domestic garage together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Sep 06 CLARE CLOONMORE , CREE , KILRUSH CO CLARE V15 A248 to construct a private garage incorporating a home office with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Sep 06 CLARE ANNAGH , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to renovate and change the layout of the existing dwelling, construct extension to the rear of the dwelling, and to install a replacement effluent treatment system all with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 06 CLARE DREWSBOROUGH ROAD , TUAMGRANEY , CO CLARE V94 N84F to demolish existing sheds to rear of dwelling house and to construct a two storey extension to the rear of dwelling house and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 06 CLARE KILLOW (KILBRECKAN) , CLARECASTLE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwellinghouse with integrated auxiliary living accommodation, garage & proprietary waste treatment plant, bored well & road entrance including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 06 CLARE BACK ROAD , KILMIHIL , CO CLARE to construct a new dweling hosue, new entrance, garage, connection to public sewerage and water services and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 05 CLARE LISCULLAUN , O'CALLAGHAN'S MILLS , CO. CLARE for a single dwelling house, garage, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 05 CLARE SKEHANAGH , CLARECASTLE , CO. CLARE to construct a new agricultural entrance onto the public road including site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 05 CLARE CLOUGHAUNINCHY , QUILTY , CO. CLARE for a dwellinghouse, garage, wastewater treatment system, soil polishing filter, vehicular entrance and ancillary site works. . More...
RETENTION Sep 05 CLARE KILLARD , DOONBEG , CO CLARE of existing dwelling as constructed together with rear extension and retention of part use of existing dwelling for short term tourism accommodation and for permission to construct a garage/fuel shed along with ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 05 CLARE CARROWKEEL WEST , INAGH , CO. CLARE for development which will provide for the upgrade of the Inagh wastewater treatment plant and will generally comprise the following: construction of a new by-pass channel at the inlet works, construction of a new stormwater holding tank, construction of new sludge drying reed beds, construction of . More...
PERMISSION Sep 05 CLARE GORT ROAD BUSINESS PARK , GORT ROAD , ENNIS to carry out the following development: For the Extension of existing public carpark. The proposed development will include: 1) Removal and realignment of existing kerb line for the provision of 62 No. macadam based parking speaces (2.5m x 5m). 2) Provision of road manholes, gullies, drainage pip. More...
PERMISSION Sep 05 CLARE RICE COLLEGE , NEW ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE for 1. Demolition of existing buildings 2. Construction of a two storey/part three-storey extension to existing buildings comprising classroom accommodation & new PE hall 3. Proposed hurling wall & 4. Proposed new vehicular entrance, cycle & car parking, landscaping, boundary treatment, drainage, pl. More...
PERMISSION Sep 05 CLARE DRUMELLIHY , CREE , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, entrance, waste water treatment system and percolation area plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE DREWBOROUGH , SCARIFF , CO CLARE for change of use of an existing shop to a Youth Service Centre and renovation of building to meet current fire regulations . More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE "LISHEEN" ESB HOUSE , CASTLEBANK , ARDNACRUSHA CO CLARE to convert the existing attached garage at side of house into extended family room (existing house) including raising height of existing flat roof of garage to match floor to ceiling height of existing family room (house). Permission for retention for the following (1) Detached flat roofed double ga. More...
RETENTION Sep 04 CLARE 4 FERGUS PARK , ENNIS , CO CLARE to RETAIN the two storey extension to the rear of the dwelling, the new window to the gable of the original dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary . More...
RETENTION Sep 04 CLARE 21 MOUNTAIN VIEW , ENNIS , CO CLARE to RETAIN the development which consists of the conversion of the attached garage for domestic use, the new pitched roof over the garage & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Sep 04 CLARE DALY'S HOUSE B&B , DOONMACFELIM , DOOLIN CO CLARE V95 RW62 to RETAIN the following: 1. Dining Room Conservatory and extension to the ground floor B&B bedroom both to the rear of the Dwelling, 2. the first floor BnB Bedroom Suite, 3. the changes to the external appearance of the dwelling, which differ to those granted under Planing Permision P99/1763 & all o. More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE BALLYBROGHAUN , KILLALOE , CO CLARE to renovate and extend the existing derelict cotage within the curtilage of the dwelling house for use as a one bedroomed ancillary unit, for the enjoyment of the occupants of the main dwelling, install a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE FARRIHY , KILKEE , CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE LISMORRIS , LISSYCASEY , CO CLARE V95 H6X3 to (a) converting an existing attic to living accommodation with first floor gable windows, install roof windows on the existing roof and carry out alterations to the existing dwelling, (b) construct a domestic garage (c) construct stone walls and piers with gates at existing entrance and construct . More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE WUTHERING HEIGHTS , KILMORE , CO CLARE V94 N8W5 for the change of use of an existing derelict public house for use as a dwelling house. Permission is also being sought for the following to facilitate the change to a dwelling house:- 1) renovation of the existing building to include elevational changes; 2) demolition of existing single storey exte. More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE 68 AN TSEAN DUN , ROSLEVAN , ENNIS CO. CLARE V95 HW3R for the construction of an Independent Living unit Extension to side and rear of existing dwelling to comprise of Kitchen/Dining/Living, 2 Bedrooms, one with En-Suite and walk-in-wardrobe, Bathroom and Utility including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE BALLYMACKEA BEG , MULLAGH , CO CLARE for the following development (a) internal alterations to an existing cottage; (b) addition of a second floor; (c) construction of a side extesnion; (d) construction of a garage; (e) ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE CRATLOEKEEL , CRATLOE , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house, garage, waste water treatment system, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 04 CLARE CLARE VILLE LISCANNOR ROAD , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE V95R2V9 for development which will consist of a single storey mono-pitched roofed garage to the rear featuring a window, double doors and entry door, ancillary works and drainage to facilitate the development . More...
PERMISSION Sep 03 CLARE KNOCKNEPPY , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE to renovate and extend the existing derelict dwelling, build a garage, install a wastewater treatment system and all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 03 CLARE CHIPFIELD , BAREFIELD ENNIS , CO. CLARE for change of use of an existing dwelling and former B&B for use as a children's respite house, to include a new waste water treatment system and percolation area and ancillary site works and RETENTION permission for the demolition of an existing conservatory. . More...
PERMISSION Sep 03 CLARE SRANGALLOON , CRUSHEEN , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 03 CLARE MAIN STREET , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE V95 VPP9 to renovate, extend and reuse the stone outbuildings to the rear of the main building as a 2 bed roomed unit for short stay letting and to alter the front facade of the main building to create a new access corridor to the rear yard and proposed unit & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 03 CLARE BURREN , BALLYNACALLY , CO CLARE to revise previously granted permission P21-193 to include extending floor area of as granted Agricultural Slatted Unit plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 02 CLARE KILBAHA NORTH , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE for partial demolition of existing old silage pit and construction of a calf shed & underground effluent tank and all associated siteworks. . More...
PERMISSION Sep 02 CLARE KILLERK EAST , DARRAGH , CO CLARE to carry out alterations and extension to dwelling house, construct private garage, install treatment sysstem, form new entrance to publc road and carry out ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 02 CLARE 34 CORROVORRIN GROVE , ENNIS , CO CLARE V95 F5TE to a) Demolish the existing attached garage, b) Cosntruct a new front porch and attached garage for use as a garage/workshop/store, ground floor bedroom and en-suite including all ancillary services and works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 02 CLARE RINSKEA , WHITEGATE , CO. CLARE for modification to previously granted planning permission reference number P22-824 to construct a dwelling house, garage, new site entrance, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 02 CLARE DRUMQUIN , BAREFIELD , ENNIS to construct a new dwelling house, access road, entrance, garage and install a new wastewater treatment system along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Sep 02 CLARE KILVOYDAN , COROFIN , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the removal of an existing 12 metres wooden telecommunications support structure and associated site development works and replacement with a new 18.05 metres monopole telecommunications support structure carrying antennas, dishes and remote radio units (RRUs) t. More...
RETENTION Aug 31 CLARE BALLYBROUGHAN , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE V95 VH6Y to retain existing attic development not approved under planning reference number 07/3011 and planning permission is sought to carry out modifications to include dormer windows to the front and side and replace existing ground floor windows . More...
PERMISSION Aug 31 CLARE MURROOGHKILLY , FANORE , CO. CLARE for a new dwelling House, a proprietary wastewater treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
RETENTION Aug 30 CLARE FLOOD'S COTTAGE , FINAVARRA , BALLYVAUGHAN CO. CLARE to RETAIN the extension and alterations to the dwelling, known as Flood's Cottage, which is a protected structure, RPS No. 420 and all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 30 CLARE SUMMERHILL , CLONLARA , CO. CLARE for (A) The refurbishment and conversion of existing structure/agricultural building into a 2 bedroom dwelling (B) Construction of new roof over same (C) internal and elevational alterations to building (D) Installation of proprietary waste treatment plant and bored well and (E) construction of . More...
PERMISSION Aug 30 CLARE CAHERLEAN , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of: (a) the demolition of a single storey existing dwelling with a lower level granny flat and attached garage (b) the construction of a replacement two storey dwelling with a lower level games and plant room, first floor terrace area along with attached shed/boot . More...
PERMISSION Aug 30 CLARE 14 ROSS NA GREINE , BALLYCASEY , SHANNON to change use from commercial to two apartments on the ground floor and erect two dwelling houses, one at each side of existing block and connect to existing services and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 30 CLARE KNOCKNAHOON , KILMURRY MCMAHON , CO CLARE of 1. The porch and sunroom extensions onto the existing dwelling, 2. The renovation of the original cottage on site into a self contained one bedroomed unit, for the ancillary enjoyment of the occupants of the main dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Aug 30 CLARE KNOCKYCLOVAUN , ARD NA DEIRGE , KILLALOE CO. CLARE to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission P18/581 for the construction of 2 no. detached dwellings and all associated site development works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Aug 30 CLARE KNOCKYCLOVAUN , ARD NA DEIRGE , KILLALOE CO. CLARE to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission P18/580 for the construction of 3 no. detached dwellings and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 30 CLARE WITHIN THE TOWNLANDS OF CASTLEBANK PARTEEN BALLYKEELAUN AND DRUMMIN , ARDNACRUSHA , CO. CLARE the development will consist of planning permission for a period of 10 years to construct and complete a Solar Energy development with a total site area of 36.70 hectares, to include the construction of PV panels mounted on metal frames, a substation, inverter substations, internal access tracks (ne. More...
PERMISSION Aug 30 CLARE DERRY , BAREFIELD , ENNIS for the construction of a garage for a campervan with store to side and also permission to install Solar P.V. Panels to the south roof of the building including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 30 CLARE BALLYMURTAGH , SHANNON FREE ZONE WEST , SHANNON for development which consists of the construction of two light industrial facilities with ancillary office space, yard spaces, refuse stores with carparking, bicycle parking, ESB substations, switch room and associated site works. Permission is sought for Building 01 the industrial and office faci. More...
PERMISSION Aug 30 CLARE URLANMORE , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, wastewater treatment system and new entrance including ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 30 CLARE DARRAGH NORTH , ENNIS , CO CLARE the development consists of retaining existing outhouses and private car park . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Aug 30 CLARE CAHEREA , LISSYCASEY , CO CLARE (Reference No P24/75), to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 30 CLARE LISSOFIN , TULLA , CO CLARE to change the design the dwelling house granted under existing planning permission number P22-242 with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 30 CLARE COOLDERRY , ARDNACRUSHA , CO CLARE V94 RR6P for the following as part variation of previously granted permission P08/1258: to retain A) Revised entrance location, B) Revised percolation area location, C) Change of use of Domestic Garage to Home Office, D) Domestic Garage, E) First Floor Accommodation Area to Existing Dwelling, F) Increased Ri. More...
PERMISSION Aug 30 CLARE SHANNON AIRPORT , RINEANNA SOUTH , SHANNON CO. CLARE for an extension of an existing car park at Shannon Airport, Rineanna South, Shannon, Co Clare. The proposed development will consist of the extension of an existing car park providing an additional 1051 parking spaces including a dedicated surface water drainage network, the re-alignment of airsid. More...
PERMISSION Aug 29 CLARE IN THE TOWNLANDS OF KILBANE KILLEAGY (RYAN) SHANNAKNOCK , KILLEAGY (STRITCH) KILLEAGY (GOONAN) BALLYMOLONEY , MAGHERAREAGH AND LACKAREAGH BEG CO. CLARE. The development will consist of: (i) The construction of 7 no. wind turbines with the following parameters: a. Total tip height range of 179.5m \u2013 180m, b. Rotor diameter range of 149m \u2013 155m, c. Hub height range of 102.5m to 105m, (ii) Construction of associated foundations, hardstand and . More...
PERMISSION Aug 29 CLARE NEWPARK , ROSSMANAGHER , SIXMILEBRIDGE CO CLARE for the refurbishment of existing derelict dwelling and for the construction of an extension to same to comprise of kitchen/dining, bathroom and en-suite including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 29 CLARE KILCOLUMB , KILMALEY , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct a dweling house, sewage treatment system, new entrance onto the public road and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 29 CLARE RIVERVIEW , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE V95 TE29 to RETAIN a) the front elevation of the original dwelling house as constructed and b) the rear extension to the original dwelling house including all ancillary site services . More...
PERMISSION Aug 29 CLARE QUIN GARDENS , QUIN , CO. CLARE for a residential development comprising 56 no. residential units, (7no. detached houses, 46no. semi-detached houses and 3no. terrace houses), construction of public footpath to the existing road, ancillary surface car parking, vehicular & pedestrian access to the proposed development, connection to. More...
PERMISSION Aug 29 CLARE MAIN STREET , LAHINCH , CO CLARE for the following works a) the change of use of existing ground floor residential area to use as a commercial unit b) the alteration of the front elevation to allow for a revised external facade and raised roof to accommodate a second floor c) the construction of new two and three storey over ground. More...
PERMISSION Aug 29 CLARE LISCANNOR CHILDCARE SERVICE , HOLLAND STREET LISCANNOR TLD. , LISCANNOR CO.CLARE V95 R896 for the construction of an extension to the existing Liscannor Playschool and all associates site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 29 CLARE 5 SHANNON PARK , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of, a) demolition of a single-storey section of the dwelling and b) construction of a new two-storey extension to the side of the dwelling, along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 29 CLARE SIXMILEBRIDGE TD. , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for design changes to the previously permitted development as granted under planning reference 22/459. The design changes proposed are as follows: 1. Addition of 2nd floor bedroom, ensuite bathroom, dormer window to rear elevation, roof light to front elevation to house numbers 35-44, 46-51, 56-59. More...
PERMISSION Aug 29 CLARE MUCKINISH , SPANCIL HILL , ENNIS CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 28 CLARE CAPPA , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. A00 AA0A to construct a new dwelling house, provide a new access on to an existing access road and connect to the public sewer and storm water services along with all associated works at Cappa, Kilrush, Co. Clare. . More...
RETENTION Aug 28 CLARE NEWTOWN , KILKEE , CO CLARE V15 F590 to retain as-built rear extension, raised roof ridge, three number velux windows to the front of the house and demolition of the derelict front porch to the existing dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Aug 28 CLARE CLOONEENAGH , CREE , CO CLARE for development of a livestok strawbedded loose shed and a hay barn store withassociated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Aug 28 CLARE BALLYBEG , ENNIS , CO CLARE to construct an extension to the rear of an existing dwelling house and carry out alterations to the existing dwelling along with ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Aug 28 CLARE TARMON , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to RETAIN an extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house plus elevational changes to the dwelling along with all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 28 CLARE KILLARD , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE permission is sought for an extension to an existing bungalow dwelling at Killard, Doonbeg, Co. Clare, V15KR90, on behalf of Jimmy and Rebecca Kirby of Red Phalarope Investment Holdings Ltd. The proposed works include the demolition of the existing stand-alone garage and removal of the porch, bay wi. More...
PERMISSION Aug 28 CLARE MOUNTIEVERS , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 28 CLARE ERRINA , CLONLARA , CO. CLARE for change of House Design from that previously approved under P20/740 for specified houses. Houses 4 & 6 Errina Locke and Houses 5 & 7 Errina Close proposed to be replaced with New House Type 5D. Additionally Houses 6 & 8 Errina Close and Houses 5 & 7 Errina Locke to be replaced with new House Type. More...
PERMISSION Aug 28 CLARE QUIN , CO CLARE to construct an entrance, dwellinghouse and garden shed together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
RETENTION Aug 27 CLARE BACK ROAD , KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE to retain domestic garage together with all associated site development works, boundaries and services . More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE NO.6 CÓIS TRÁ , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE to (a) carry out alterations & extensions to existing dwelling house (b) construct domestic shed (c) construct tiered walls & landscaping to front of site together with all ancillary site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE FLAG ROAD , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to alter & extend existing house along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE GORTNAGLOGH , BROADFORD , CO CLARE for the extension and refurbishment of the existing derelict dwelling at Gortnaglogh, Broadford, Co. Clare. Works to include a single-storey extension to the front of the dwelling incorporating an entrance porch, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. Works to also include refurbishment of the exis. More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE BALLYGSTELL , KILFENORA , CO CLARE to extend and renovate the existing derelict dwelling, which is a protected structure RPS No. 627, install a wastewater treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE RATHLAHEEN SOUTH , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE for the construction of an extension to rear of existing dwelling to include Kitchen/ Dining/ Living, Utility room, Hallway and 2 no En-suite Bedrooms, including renovation, internal alterations and elevational changes to Existing Dwelling. Permission is also sought for installation of a Waste Tre. More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE COAST LODGE GUESTHOUSE & RESTAURANT , DOUGH TLD. , SPANISH POINT for extension comprising 2 No. Apartments (1 No. 2 bed apartment and 1 No. 1 bed apartment) in a separate building to the existing Coast Lodge Guesthouse & Restaurant, with modifications to the existing site entrance and boundary wall setback to provide a public footpath, removal of existing on site. More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE BALLYMACLINAUN TLD. , LISCANNOR , CO. CLARE for refurbishment, alterations and extensions to an existing house, landscaping and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE TOOREEN , KILSHANNY , CO. CLARE to construct a dwellinghouse with effluent treatment system, new entrance and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE SALLYBANK , TRUAGH , KILMORE CO. CLARE to construct a slatted slurry storage tank with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE THE LAKES RETIREMENT VILLAGE , HILL ROAD , KILLALOE for the following development at Apartments No. 9 and No. 13, The Lakes Retirement Village. 1. Development of attic conversion comprising bedroom and bathroom. 2. Fit 3 No. velux rooflights to front elevation and 3. Construct new stairase from first floor to attic . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Aug 27 CLARE TOORMOORE , RUAN , CO. CLARE (Ref. No. P22/518) to construct a single dwelling house, private garage, vehicular entrance, wastewater treatment system and ancillary site works on Site A . More...
PERMISSION Aug 27 CLARE LASSANA , CLOONEY , CO. CLARE to renovate and change the layout of the existing dwelling and to construct a single storey extension to the rear and side fo the dwelling, all with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 26 CLARE MOY GAA CLUB , MOY BEG , CO CLARE for the following development: to constuct 2.5m wide walking track with associated 6m high lighting poles around proposed track, future junior play area including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 26 CLARE ARDKYLE , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO CLARE for development which will consist of alterations, rear extension and change of use of existing domestic garage to a granny flat accommodation, along with ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 26 CLARE ARMADA HOUSE , LEAGARD SOUTH , SPANISH POINT CO. CLARE for development at this site; Armada House, Spanish Point, Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare which is a protected structure (RPS No. 025). The development will consist of the provision of a footpath between Armada House and the R482. The development will also include for associated landscaping, public light. More...
PERMISSION Aug 26 CLARE KILCONNELL , LISCANNOR , CO. CLARE to construct a spectator stand and machinery / equipment store together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE CLONLOGHAN , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, waste water treatment system, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE SRAGH , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to extend existing dwelling house, install foul sewerage treatment plant and percolation area . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE 30 CONNOLLY VILLAS , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to construct a single storey extension to the rear of his dwelling and to create off street parking to the front of the dwelling . More...
RETENTION Aug 23 CLARE TOORNAHOOAN , LISDOONVARNA , CO CLARE of the revised location of the dwelling on site; the extension to the dwelling, the altered fenestration to the dwelling, which was granted permission under ref P11/616 and for RETENTION permission for the shed on site for horticultural use and for PERMISSION to revising the site boundaries granted . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE CAHERRUSH , QUILTY , CO CLARE to demolish existing shed and construct a dwelling house, garage, garden/office, deck area, install proprietary wastewater treatment system, percolation area and associated ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Aug 23 CLARE SITE 5 HOLLAND STREET , LISCANNOR TOWNLAND , LISCANNOR for permission consequent on the grant of outline permission Ref No. 21/846 for the construction of a dwelling house, connection to public services, public road entrance and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE BALLYKILDEA , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE to erect a dwelling house and garage, install an effluent system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE CILL STUIFIN , SCHOOL ROAD ATTYCRISTORA , LAHINCH to construct 1 No. detached dwellinghouse together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE GROVEMOUNT HOUSE , CLOONAVEIGE , ENNISTYMON for development which will consist of the change of use of the existing guest and dwelling house to Medical Centre, with alterations to elevations requiring infilling of some external opes, and new fire escape, with accesible entrance and extended car parking . More...
RETENTION Aug 23 CLARE BOHERAROAN , LIMERICK ROAD , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS for change of use of first floor storeroom of former laundrette permitted under P96/509 to a one bedroom apartment including internal alterations to same, provision of private open space to rear and all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 23 CLARE NEWTOWN , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO. CLARE to RETAIN a) retention of enlarged family room with en-suite extension overhead. b) retention of alterations to the fenestration of the dwelling. c) retention of positioning of the wastewater treatment system and polishing filters and d) PERMISSION to alter the site boundaries and associated site . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE CLONMONEY WEST , HURLERS CROSS , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS to modify and extend existing dwelling house to accommodate pre-school playroom . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE TONAVOHER , KNOCK , KILRUSH CO. CLARE for (a) Alterations to the existing cottage elevations and internal layout; (b) Construction of a new extension to the side and rear of the cottage; (c) All associated site works and services. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 23 CLARE DRUMQUIN , BALLYNACALLY , ENNIS CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage, complete with a sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 22 CLARE MARINE RESEARCH FACILITY , RINE , BURRIN for the refurbishment of the existing Marine Research Facility at Rine, Burrin. The proposed works will include minor modifications to the building elevations, modifications to the entrance for universal access, provision of PV panels, replacement of the existing septic tank and percolation area wi. More...
PERMISSION Aug 22 CLARE THE MILL YARD FREDERICK SQUARE , IEVERSTOWN , SIXMILEBRIDGE CO CLARE to construct a new industrial / warehouse unit, including car parking spaces and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 22 CLARE KILVOYDAN , COROFIN , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the removal of an existing 12 metre wooden telecommunications support structure and associated site development works and replacement with a new 18.05 metre monopole telecommunications support structure carrying antennas, dishes and remote radio units (RRUs) tog. More...
PERMISSION Aug 22 CLARE HOTEL DOOLIN , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the conversion of 8 No. existing holiday homes into 16 No. holiday suites, the demolition of rear garden walls, construction of external terraces to the rear and associated ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 22 CLARE "HALMA" LARKINS CROSS , PARTEEN , CO CLARE of (1) conservatory, (2) attic conversion, (3) extension to rear & (4) detached garage . More...
PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE SHESHIA , BELLHARBOUR , CO. CLARE for a new dwelling house, install a waste water treatment system and all asociated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE KILBANE KILLEAGY (RYAN) SHANNAKNOCK KILLEAGY (STRITCH) , KILLEAGY (GOONAN) BALLYMOLONEY MAGHERAREAGH AND LACKAREAGH BEG , CO. CLARE. a ten-year planning permission for development at a site in the townlands of Kilbane, Killeagy (Ryan), Shannaknock, Killeagy (Stritch), Killeagy (Goonan), Ballymoloney, Magherareagh and Lackareagh Beg, Co Clare. The development will consist of: (i) The construction of 7 No. wind turbines with the f. More...
PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE KILLEEN , COROFIN , CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, proprietary wastewater treatment system with all necessary ancillary services at the above address . More...
PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE ISLAND , LISDOONVARNA , CO. CLARE for the construction of a new single dwelling, separate garage, new entrance, driveway, new hedge at boundary, new septic tank, wastewater treatment system and percolation area, soakaways, bored well and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE NOUGHAVAL , DOORA , ENNIS CO CLARE to RETAIN changes to elevations and PERMISSION to convert existing detached garage into independent living unit, connected to exsting septic / percolation area, including all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE KNOCKNAGARHOON , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, access road and domestic wastewater treatment system along with all associated site works and services . More...
RETENTION Aug 21 CLARE RYNN LODGE , QUINPOOL , PARTEEN CO CLARE V94K3T6 of domestic garage at the side of the dwelling and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE CLONMONEY NORTH , BUNRATTY , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of a revised dwelling house design, including amendments to site layout, all to that previously granted under Planning Ref. P19-987 . More...
RETENTION Aug 21 CLARE CAHIR , BALLINRUAN , CO. CLARE to RETAIN the following alterations to the dwelling: an extension to the rear and side, first floor area with roof windows, changes to position and size of doors and windows. Also, for retention permission of a detached garage to the rear of the dwelling . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE LECARROW UPPER , FEAKLE , CO. CLARE for development which wil consist of the construction of a new residence, site entrance and access road, bored well, waste treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE CHURCH ROAD , CLONLARA , CO. CLARE to construct 2 No. semi-detatched dwelling houses, connection to existing public service infrastructure, access entrances to the road network of permitted development, Ref. No. P20-740 and allassociated site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 21 CLARE FREAGHAVALEEN , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE of the roof finish and alterations to the front boundary wall along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 21 CLARE SHOREPARK , KILDYSART , CO. CLARE V95 VF57 to demolish the existing sub-standard dwelling house and to construct a replacement dwelling house with minor elevational and internal layout changes along with a new private on-site domestic wastewater treatment system and all other associated ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE BALLYGEERY WEST , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of: 1 No. enclosed battery energy storage system compound on a total of c. 6.2 hectare site, to include: 1 no. 220kv GIS electrical substation building and 1 no. single storey customer substation building, control and switch room, 220kv transformer and four no. aux. More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE MAIN STREET , CLARECASTLE , ENNIS CO. CLARE V95 Y2W1 to (a) Convert existing post office and residential accommodation to 2 No. 2 Bedroom Apartments and 1 No. 3 Bedroom Apartments with the redesign of the front elevation (b) To Demolish existing garage to rear (c) to construct 2 No. 1 Bedroom Apartments onto existing apartments granted under planning . More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE KILMURRY , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the provision of a 2-storey dwelling house (237 sq.m), garage (45 sq.m), wastewater treatment plant, new access to the public road and all associated and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE BALLYHEE , LARCHILL , ENNIS to construct a dwelling house including attached car-port and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE CULLENAGH , ENNISTYMON , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE DREWSBORO , SCARIFF , CO. CLARE to renovate and repair existing storage building and for change of use of same to dwellinghouse and connect to mains services and all associated site works . Note this is a protected structure . . . More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE NEWQUAY TLD. , NEWQUAY , CO. CLARE for a glamping site with 5 no. glamp units, a reception/services/recreation building with roof mounted PV panels, existing site entrance modifications, access road, parking area, landscaping, on site wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE CAHERCALLA BEG , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house and private garage along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE MOYGALLA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dairy washings tank and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 20 CLARE MAIN STREET (R471) , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE. for development which will consist of: the construction of a single storey, discount foodstore with ancillary off-license sales area and a gross floor area of 2,290sqms (1,499sqms net sales area). Construction of surface level car parking spaces, including electrical vehicle (EV) charging spaces and. More...
PERMISSION Aug 19 CLARE BLOCK G2-4 , SMITHSTOWN BUSINESS PARK , SHANNON for development which will consist of proposed roof-mounted photovoltaic, PV, panels on the existing profiled metal roof and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 19 CLARE FANORE MORE TLD. , FANORE , CO. CLARE to demolish an existing dwelling house (H91 P9YH) and to construct a replacement dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 19 CLARE ROSE HOUSE LARKINS CROSS , KNOCKBALLYNAMEATH PARTEEN , CO. CLARE for the conversion of the existing outbuildings into 2 No. 2 Bed apartments, 1 No. 1 bed apartment and 2 No. Studio apartments, demolition of the remainder of the existing outbuildings as indicated, onsite wastewater treatment system, connection to necessary services, together with all associated an. More...
PERMISSION Aug 19 CLARE CLONROAD MORE , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to alter and reduce gym and dressing room building previously granted under P21-1218 together with all associated site development works and services . More...
RETENTION Aug 19 CLARE BALLYTARSNA , KILSHANNY , CO. CLARE of the extension to the existing dwelling and all associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Aug 19 CLARE CAPPAGH TD FORTLAWN , FORT ROAD KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. of enabling works and planning PERMISSION for change of design and relocation of dwelling house and garage granted under planning P21-719 along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 19 CLARE OAKFIELD , CLONLARA , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, waste water tratment system, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 19 CLARE TULLA ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE. to alter and extend an existing derelict house and boundary walls along with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Aug 19 CLARE 11 SYCAMORE DRIVE LIMERICK ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE V95 P2CN of a pergola to the rear of the dwelling house . More...
PERMISSION Aug 17 CLARE DOUGH , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE for modifications to the existing dwelling which include the removal of the existing rear extension, the construction of a new single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, the construction of a new two storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, a single storey car port t. More...
PERMISSION Aug 17 CLARE SIXMILEBRIDGE TD. , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of alterations to part of approved housing development (P22/459 refers) to include alteration of site area, relocation of houses 15-29 inclusive, 30-32 inclusive and 52-54 inclusive. The altered layout shall contain a total of 40 no. two storey semi-detached units,. More...
PERMISSION Aug 16 CLARE O'BRIENSBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for development, the development consists of a new floating mooring for canoe, row boat and small craft access, access platform and gangway upgrade of existing onshore access path. A Natura Impact Statement and Ecological Impact Assessment have been prepared in respect of the proposed development . More...
PERMISSION Aug 16 CLARE CLOGHAUN BEG (EAST) , CREEGH , CO CLARE the development will consist of a dwelling house and garage with proprietary wastewater treatment system and polishing filter together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 16 CLARE ROSLEVAN , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
RETENTION Aug 16 CLARE FREAGH CASTLE , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE V95 HE02 to RETAIN the existing cottage for use as Ancillary Living Accommodation including all ancillary services and works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 16 CLARE CASTLEQUARTER , CRATLOE , CO. CLARE for a change of house type from that permitted under planning ref P22/1027 to include the additional construction of a detached garage adjacent to the house. Works to include upgrading and extending the existing access road, providing a proprietary waste water treatment system & soil polishing filte. More...
PERMISSION Aug 16 CLARE SITES IN THE TOWNLANDS OF KILKEE LOWER AND FOOHAGH , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to apply for a 10-year permission for development at these sites (c.4.56ha combined total) in the townlands of Kilkee Lower and Foohagh, Kilkee, Co. Clare (no Eircode available); comprising two areas of land principally bound: Subject Site (A) to the north by residential dwellings at Victoria Park a. More...
PERMISSION Aug 16 CLARE FAIRHILL , FEAKLE , CO CLARE for development which will consist of demolishing remains of an existing structure and the construction of a dwelling house, with an effluent treatment system, upgrade of an existing access to a public road, and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 15 CLARE BALLYNAGRANAGH , CRUSHEEN , CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house and garage, complete with a sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 15 CLARE SHANTRAUD , KILLALOE , CO CLARE for development at the site at Shantraud, Killaloe, Co. Clare. The development will consist of the construction of a single storey dwelling house, entrance from public road, driveway, connection to group water scheme, sewerage treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
RETENTION Aug 15 CLARE BRIDGE STREET , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE V94FC0V to RETAIN and complete extension to the rear of house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 15 CLARE GLENBONIFFE , FEAKLE , CO CLARE. to construct a new Dwelling House, Private Garage, Site Entrance, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 15 CLARE UNITS 37-40 (FORMER ICELAND) & 40A (DEALZ) , SHANNON TOWN CENTRE , TULLYVARRAGA & TULLYGLASS SHANNON CO CLARE for development, the development will consist of an amendment to the permitted amalgamated retail unit as granted under Reg. Ref. No. 23/634 and will comprise the provision of an ancillary off - licence sales area of c. 95.1sq.m and all ancillary site services and site development works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 15 CLARE VANDELEUR WALLED GARDEN , FEAGARROGE KILLIMER ROAD , KILRUSH CO CLARE to retain and complete restoration and alterations to the existing stable block to support tourism development to include: new double door ope and double doors in existing stone wall with new external steps to access new ESB meter room and to carry out all associated and ancillary site works to faci. More...
PERMISSION Aug 15 CLARE KNOCKERRA WEST , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to erect 5 No dwellings & foul sewer treatment systems & percolation areas, to connect to ancillary services and to develop service road and new site entrance . More...
PERMISSION Aug 15 CLARE LEITRIM , CREE , KILRUSH CO CLARE to build a new dwelling, garage, bore a well, install a wastewater treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 15 CLARE BARNTICK , CLARECASTLE , ENNIS CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwellinghouse, advanced wastewater treatment and the upgrading of existing entrance including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 14 CLARE LIOS ANAMA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE. for a development comprising 31 no. residential units, (2 no. detached houses, 26 no. semi-detached houses, 3 no. terrace houses), ancillary surface car parking, vehicular & pedestrian access to the proposed development, connection to existing public water supply; foul water drainage services includ. More...
PERMISSION Aug 14 CLARE CARROWKEEL EAST , INAGH , CO CLARE for the following works, (A) Demolish an existing flat roofed extension to the rear of the dwelling, (B) Construct extensions to the sides of the dwelling, part of which includes an attached garage and car-port and (C) Use part of the dwelling as a granny flat, all with associated site works, and ac. More...
PERMISSION Aug 14 CLARE HILL ROAD , KILLALOE , CO CLARE for the alteration to the basement of the existing house design, previously granted under Planning No. P21/673 to include additional underground car parking and ancillary works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Aug 14 CLARE TOORNAHOOAN , DOOLIN , CO CLARE for the development which will consist of a dwelling house with proprietary wastewater treatment system & polishing filter with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 14 CLARE CREGGANE , QUILTY , CO CLARE to RETAIN front porch and rear extension as constructed to existing farmhouse with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Aug 14 CLARE FLAG ROAD , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to renovate and extend the existing dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Aug 14 CLARE GORTCURKA , DYSERT , CO CLARE to RETAIN the storage shed on site & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Aug 14 CLARE BALLYGRIFFEY SOUTH , ENNIS , CO CLARE Planning ref: P22/72 for the construction of a new two-storey 4 bedroom detached dwelling house with new garage, water treatment system, vehicular access, and the carrying out of all other ancillary works on site. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 14 CLARE FOSSABEG , SCARIFF , CO. CLARE to install an all weather pitch and floodlighting and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 14 CLARE CLOONCULLIN , COORACLARE , CO CLARE to construct a granny flat with its own sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 13 CLARE KILASPUGLINANE , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE for the renovation and extension of existing 157sqm single-storey bungalow. Works includes the construction of a single-storey extension to the rear and side of the existing dwelling, a single-storey shed 57sqm and all associated ancillary works. Total size of the four-bedroom dwelling 268sqm. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 13 CLARE KNOCKLOSKERAUN , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to alter and extend existing dwelling house, modify existing site entrance and create a new agricultural entrance along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 13 CLARE TOLER STREET , KILRUSH , CO CLARE for the following: to replace existing flat roof over rear extension with new raised flat roof, relocate existing rear wall of extension, revise rear and side elevations of extension, including permission to re-locate existing side access gate, including all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 13 CLARE CRAG , LAHINCH , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, create entrance to private road, connect to mains sewer and water and carry out ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 13 CLARE GORTACLOB , DOOLIN , CO CLARE for development which will consist of a dwelling house with proprietary wastewater treatment system & polishing filter together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 13 CLARE CAPPANTYMORE , MEELICK , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, access road and domestic wastewater treatment system along with all associated site works and services . More...
RETENTION Aug 13 CLARE DOONMORE , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE of the dwelling house as constructed which includes additions/variations/deviations from approved plans granted under Planning Permission Ref: P01/435 and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 13 CLARE CRATLOEMOYLE , CRATLOE , CO. CLARE to improve agricultural land by placing inert fill, modification of existing access route to lands with provision of new entrance/exit to replace existing entrance/exit and all ancillary site works required to facilitate the proposed development . More...
PERMISSION Aug 13 CLARE FAIRYFIELD , PARTEEN , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, entrance, connect to all public services and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 13 CLARE LOWER QUAY , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE the development will consist of the construction of a new garage with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 12 CLARE NOOAN , RUAN , CO CLARE of the en-suite shower room to the rear of the existing dwelling house and the detached garage including all ancillary services and works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Aug 12 CLARE BUSHYPARK HOUSE , BUSHYPARK , ENNIS CO. CLARE to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission for P 18/967 for development at Bushypark Addiction and Treatment Centre, Bushypark, Ennis, Co. Clare. Bushypark House is a protected structure RPS No. 044. The development will consist of (1) the construction of a single storey rear extension . More...
PERMISSION Aug 12 CLARE CREEGH SOUTH (WEST) , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to RETAIN and complete extension. The development consists of retaining and completing extension to the rear of the existing dwelling and renovating the existing building . More...
PERMISSION Aug 12 CLARE BALLYNACALLY , ENNIS , CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage, complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 12 CLARE CREEGH NORTH , CREEGH , CO CLARE the development wil consist of a dwelling house with proprietary wastewater treatment system and polishing filter together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 12 CLARE DRUMCURREEN , MAURICES MILLS , INAGH CO CLARE the development will consist of a dwelling house and garage with proprietary wastewater treatment system and polishing filter together with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 12 CLARE 11 ELMWOOD DRIVE , BALLYCANNAN WEST , MEELICK CO. CLARE to RETAIN a garage and storage shed, and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 12 CLARE CAHERLOGHAN , TULLA , CO CLARE for the expansion and redevelopment of the Clare GAA Centre of Excellence facility and all ancillary site works. The proposed development includes (i) The construction of a 1-2 storey extension to the existing Clare GAA Centre of Excellence building accommodating additional player welfare facilities. More...
PERMISSION Aug 12 CLARE THE FAIR GREEN , TULLA , CO CLARE for installation of an Information Board at The Fair Green,Tulla to commemorate the 1400 anniversary of the foundation of St Mochulla's Monastery close to this site . More...
PERMISSION Aug 12 CLARE FINTRA BEG , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to alter and extend existing dwelling house along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 09 CLARE LOUGHVILLE , LAHINCH ROAD , ENNIS CO CLARE to demolish a garage, make internal changes to existing bungalow and construct a two storey extension . More...
PERMISSION Aug 09 CLARE BALLYILLAUN , KILMALEY , CO CLARE to construct loose cattle house consisting of calf and calving shed . More...
PERMISSION Aug 09 CLARE MUCKINISH , SPANCILHILL , CO CLARE for development of a livestock slatted unit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Aug 09 CLARE TEERNAGLOGHANE , COORACLARE , CO. CLARE for the following: 1) elevational alterations to the existing house, specifically the rearrangement of the existing windows and front door and the introduction of timber cladding, 2) construction a private garage 3) relocation and upgrade of the existing wastewater treatment system 4) improvements t. More...
PERMISSION Aug 09 CLARE THE MONASTERY , FRANCES STREET , KILRUSH to install solar panels on the roof of the existing house along with all associated works. The Monastery is a Protected Structure RPS No. 860. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 08 CLARE KNOCKNAHOOAN , KILMURRAY-MCMAHON , KILRUSH for construction of an easy feed slatted house comprising underground slatted slurry tanks, feed area for cattle, agitation point, calf penning area, central passage, walled in manure pit, and cattle crush on site of old cubicle house to be demolished and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 08 CLARE CALLURAGH WEST , ENNISTYMON , CO. CLARE for development of American Barn Horse Stables with fenced outdoor exercise arena and manure pit with associated ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 08 CLARE THE ENNISTIMON HUB , MONASTERY LANE , ENNISTIMON CO CLARE V95 NX86 to carry out the following development: For the redevelopment of a former retail storage building to provide a 2-storey office building. The proposed development will include: 1) The change of use of the building to office accommodation. 2) Demolition of the steel framed and clad building located at. More...
RETENTION Aug 08 CLARE CAPPAGH , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to RETAIN two sheds as constructed within the curtilage of the subject property . More...
PERMISSION Aug 08 CLARE MEENROSS , SCARIFF , CO CLARE to construct a slatted cattle shed with cattle handling facilities and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 08 CLARE DOCTOR'S HILL , KILFENORA , CO CLARE the development will consist of three single storey extensions of 36.0sqM, 6.4sqM and 3.4sqm to front, side and rear of the existign dwelling, with site works. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 08 CLARE COOLAGH , BROADFORD , CO. CLARE for the change of use of former garda station to a residential dwelling, the building up of the existing porch area and installing a window, relocation of the front entrance door, the construction of a new front porch, new windows on the west elevation and changes to door and window locations on the. More...
RETENTION Aug 08 CLARE FAHY BEG , BRIDGETOWN , CLARE to RETAIN partially constructed detached dormer dwelling house and permission for completion of same, onsite wastewater treatment system and percolation area, connection to necessary services, construction of new entrance detail together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 08 CLARE COOLLDARRA , CLOONFADDA , KILLALOE CO. CLARE V94PHK7 to erect a porch to the front of house and a first floor extension comprising a bedroom and ensuite to the existng house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 08 CLARE BURRANE , KILLIMER , CO. CLARE. V15 AH56 to renovate and extend a former pub into a private residence along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 08 CLARE BALLYNACRAGGA , KILDYSART ENNIS , CO. CLARE to (1) RETAIN the erection of flood lighting standards and the construction of two dugouts, (2) Planning permission for the provision of a walking track incorporating low level lighting, provision of flood lights on the aforementioned lighting columns and construction of a spectator stand along with. More...
RETENTION Aug 07 CLARE BALLYCAR ROAD , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE of increased roof height and installing new roof light windows to rear of dwelling with internal modifications . More...
PERMISSION Aug 07 CLARE COOLLISTEIGE , CLONLARA , COUNTY CLARE to erect a 30 metre high telecommunications lattice tower with antennas, dishes and associated equipment attached, and with equipment cabinets at ground level all enclosed by security fencing and to include new entrance gates and an access track . More...
RETENTION Aug 07 CLARE SANDY LODGE , SEAFIELD , QUILTY CO CLARE V95 V8C4 to RETAIN the internal access road, steel storage shed, gravelled area, all located to the rear of the dwelling house on site & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Aug 07 CLARE DAN , CREE , KILRUSH CO CLARE V15 P683 to RETAIN the domestic garage on site, changes to the fenestration and the external finishes to the porch on the existing dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Aug 07 CLARE BISHOPSQUARTER , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO CLARE to RETAIN the building and associated works on site and for PERMISSION to complete building works for the provision of one bedroomed Tigin for family use, install a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 07 CLARE SCHOOL HOUSE , BUNRATTY CASTLE & FOLK PARK , BUNRATTY CO CLARE V95WP63 for permanent retention of prefabricated single storey flat roof extension to rear and side of the existing school house building previously granted temporary permission under planning permission Ref: P19/878 and for the provision of additional prefabricated single storey flat roof extension to side. More...
RETENTION Aug 07 CLARE SCART , KILKISHEN , CO. CLARE. to RETAIN the conversion of an existing private garage attached to the dwelling house into a playroom along with elevational changes and the construction of a standalone private garage with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 07 CLARE LISMULBREEDA , DARRAGH , ENNIS CO CLARE to modify and construct extension to existing vehicle testing centre and install new sewerage treatment system/percolation area on enlarged site . More...
PERMISSION Aug 07 CLARE SCOIL MUIRE NA DEA CHOMHAIRLE (KILKISHEN NATIONAL SCHOOL) , KILKISHEN , CO. CLARE the proposed works will consist of 1) the construction of a single storey extension (521 sqm), comprising 2no. SEN classroom bases, 2no. quiet space rooms associated with the SEN bases, a central activities space, daily living skills room, multi-activity room, an office, pupil toilets with shower ar. More...
PERMISSION Aug 07 CLARE GRACELANDS , BAREFIELD , ENNIS CO. CLARE for the change of use of existing vacant bakery building into 3 no. one bedroomed apartment units together with all ancillary site works required to facilitate the proposed development . More...
PERMISSION Aug 06 CLARE ROSS , O'BRIENSBRIDGE , COUNTY CLARE A single dwelling house, attached carport and garage, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 06 CLARE TEERGONAEN , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE V95EY16 to retain (i) a glasshouse, (ii) a pump-house, (iii) a car-port, (iv) an extension to an existing garage and the change of use to a one-bedroom apartment. Permission to alter fenestration and internal details of an existing boat-house for a change of use to a seasonal commercial art studio and permi. More...
PERMISSION Aug 06 CLARE KEEVAGH , QUIN , CO CLARE for the construction of an extension to the rear of an existing dwelling house and carry out alterations to the existing dwelling along with ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 06 CLARE KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE , V15W732 for the installation of a modular home to be used as ancillary living accommodation with all necessary ancillary services . More...
RETENTION Aug 06 CLARE CARMODY STREET , ENNIS , CO CLARE of pvc windows to the front elevation which were fitted in lieu of timber sash windows and contrary to condition 3 (b) of planning reference P20-737 . More...
RETENTION Aug 03 CLARE TARMON , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to RETAIN an extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house plus elevational changes to the dwelling along with all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE CLOGGA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE to construct a 3 column round roof shed and associated ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE 138 CAHERCALLA ESTATE , KILRUSH ROAD , ENNIS COUNTY CLARE for the following development (a) construction of a first floor extension over the existing private garage; (b) conversion of the private garage to residential use; (c) construction of a single storey section to the rear of the house; (d) construction of a standalone storage shed / office building t. More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE DOONSALLAGH EAST , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to erect agricultural storage shed . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE CARROWKEEL , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE V95A5X2 for develpment, the development will consisst of; a) renovation of existing vacant dwelling, b construction of new dormer extension to rear of dwelling, c) decommissioning of existing septic tank, d) provision of new proprietary wastewater treatment system and percolation area e) and all associated. More...
RETENTION Aug 02 CLARE CARROWMORE SOUTH , DOONBEG KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. A00 AA0A for an existing dwelling house along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE CLOGGA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, install proprietary wastewater treatment system, percolation area and associated ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE CLOGGA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE to construct a five bay linear roof shed, seepage tank and associated ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE BUILDING 156 SHANNON FREE ZONE , SHANNON , COUNTY CLARE V14 VH70 for the installation of a 62 kW ground mounted Solar PV System and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 02 CLARE THE RED GATES KILLEEN , COROFIN , CO. CLARE to Retain a shed and further extension as constructed for use as Short Term Tourist Accommodation . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE CRATLOEKEEL , CRATLOE , CO CLARE to alter and extend existing dwelling house along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE RATHCRAGGAUN , SLAVEEN , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house including attached garage and carport, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE MOYRIESK , QUIN , CO CLARE to Alter, Extend & Refurbish existing 2 storey \u2018courtyard dwelling house\u2019 (the work will include reconstruction & re-building of adjacent courtyard dwelling ruin as part of the development) and all associated site works and services. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE MOANMORE LOWER , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, entrance, waste water treatment system and percolation area plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE CLONMONEY NORTH , BUNRATTY , CO. CLARE to construct an extension to rear and side of existing cottage and associated works to include renovation of cottage, installation of a wastewater treatment system and site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE KNOCKNAMANA , CLARECASTLE , ENNIS for the Construction of a Dwelling House, wastewater treatment system and new entrance including ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 02 CLARE KILRUSH HOUSE / COALHOUSE , FRANCES ST KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. of as-built partially constructed extension and Planning Permission for the subdivision of the existing site to form a separate independent dwelling, to complete the refurbishment & extension, construction of boundary walls including forming a new street level entrance along with all associated work. More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE GORTGARRAUN TD. , MEELICK , CO. CLARE to construct 64 no. dwelling houses comprising 3 no. 4 bedroom semi-detached houses, 35 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached houses and 26 no. 2 bedroom apartments and all associated site works and services including a playground and road re-alignment. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been included in the. More...
PERMISSION Aug 02 CLARE GORTNAGLOGH , BROADFORD , COUNTY CLARE to construct a single dwelling house, garage, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Aug 01 CLARE DOONAGHBOY , KILKEE , CO. CLARE. to RETAIN an extension and elevational changes to the existing dwelling house previously authorised under planning Ref No. P99/424 along with all associated ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 01 CLARE MOINEAR NA DARACH , MAIGH DARA AND BALLYHANNON NORTH , QUIN CO. CLARE to make alterations to the development previously authorised under planning permission ref no. P22/1039, to include: (a) minor amendments to the house positions on site; (b) amendments to the house floor plans and layouts; (c) amendments to fenestration and elevational treatments of dwellings; and (. More...
RETENTION Aug 01 CLARE O'CURRY ST , KILKEE , CO CLARE to RETAIN change of use of former first floor store to existing accommodation/apartment plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 01 CLARE KILRUSH ROAD , KILDYSART , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, widen existing entance and connect to public water and sewer services plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 01 CLARE DONOGROGUE , KILLIMER , KILRUSH CO CLARE to change the design and the location on site of the proposed dwelling house authorised under planning permission P20-440 with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Aug 01 CLARE CLOONFADDA TLD. , KILLALOE , CO.CLARE to refurbish an existing house and to construct a ground floor and a dormer roof extension, which includes the provision of a supported living accommodation unit, and all associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the planning Authority with this Application. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 01 CLARE GLENCONAUN BEG , KILDYSART , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Aug 01 CLARE FIRE TRAINING GROUND ON THE LANDS ADJACENT , TO THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SHANNON RADAR SITE , ON THE NORTH SIDE OF RUNWAY 06-24. SHANNON AIRPORT CO CLARE for the installation of a Fire and Rescue Training unit for the purpose of training fire fighting personnel. Also included in the development shall be a water network, controlled/initiated gas, drainage network, concrete hardstanding areas and all other associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Aug 01 CLARE KILLESTRY , KILLALOE , CO CLARE for a replacement single storey detached house, a waste water treatment system and all associated works . More...
RETENTION Jul 31 CLARE TEERGONEAN , DOOLIN , CO CLARE of the outdoor canopy area, food/beverage container and toilet cubicle along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 31 CLARE SITE NO 7 DÚN NA CHOILLE , MOUNTIVERS SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE to RETAIN the relocation of approved house type on site no.7 and increase in floor area of approved house type (P18-519 and P23-60105 Refer), Permission for revised position of detached garage and revised site boundary together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jul 31 CLARE CRAGAWEELCROSS , BAREFIELD , ENNIS CO CLARE for the proposed private dwelling house, outbuilding to accommodate carer\u2019s accommodation, home office, stable and garden storage, widen existing site entrance, new waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 31 CLARE NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS GAA GROUNDS , BALLYCAR ROAD , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS CO CLARE for the construction of a new clubhouse, car parking and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 31 CLARE CAPPA LAWN , NEWPARK , ENNIS CO. CLARE to construct an entrance, dwelling house and shed together with all associated site development works and connections to public services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 31 CLARE PORTDRINE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , PORTDRINE , CRATLOE CO CLARE to construct 4 No. warehouse units to include office accommodation within each unit and connections to the existing estate services, provision of additional heavy and light vehicular parking together with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 31 CLARE MAIN STREET , WHITEGATE , CO CLARE to demolish existing derelict buildings to front and rear of site, construct 5 no two storey dwellings, connect to existing public services, associated site development work and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 30 CLARE LEADMORE WEST , KILRUSH , CO CLARE for development of a livestock slatted unit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Jul 30 CLARE CARRAHAN , TULLA , ENNIS for the following proposed developement: a. To demolish existing single storey rear annex and utility sheds b. Alteration and refurbishment of existing dwelling house c. Construct both 2 storey and part single storey rear extensions d. Construct detached remote home office and gym including utility . More...
PERMISSION Jul 30 CLARE BALLYMAQUIGGIN , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for the following works: (A) renovate and change the layout and elevations of the existing dwelling and garage (B) change use of the garage as living accommodation (C) construct ground floor extensions to dwelling (D) raise roof and construct first floor extension to the dwelling, and (E) upgrade th. More...
RETENTION Jul 30 CLARE ROO WEST , ARDNACRUSHA , CO CLARE to RETAIN changes to original house plans submitted for grant of planning permission P8/10268, and for detached shed and all associated site development works . More...
RETENTION Jul 30 CLARE KILTANON HOUSE , TULLA , CO. CLARE of the conversion and change of use of previous outbuildings to short-term tourist accommodation together with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 30 CLARE WOODBINE HEIGHTS , SPANISH POINT , CO. CLARE of (a) the existing side boundary fence as constructed at No. 12 Woodbine Heights. (b) planning PERMISSION to erect a low level security fence across the front of the open area, complete with access gate, to extend from the waste water treatment fence to the side of No. 12 Woodbine Heights. (c) OUTL. More...
PERMISSION Jul 30 CLARE DRUMMIN , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of a dwelling house, garage, access road, a proprietary wastewater treatment system and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 30 CLARE LIMERICK ROAD , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE V95 T6N1 for demolition/refurbishments/alterations to existing derelict dwelling and the construction of a two-storey extension at rear of same. Provision of rainwater harvesting system and associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 30 CLARE TOBERANIDDAUN , LISSYCASEY , ENNIS CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 29 CLARE FITZS CROSS , DOOLIN , CO CLARE to revise planning Ref No P22/283 to include 2 No ground floor apartments . More...
PERMISSION Jul 29 CLARE BALLYNAGUN WEST , CREE , CO CLARE to erect dwelling house, garage, foul sewer system, percolation area and new site entrance . More...
PERMISSION Jul 29 CLARE ST. FLANNAN'S CATHEDRAL , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of 1 no. external universal access ramp and 2 no. internal universal access ramps. St. Flannan's Cathedral is a protected structure RPS no. 153. . More...
PERMISSION Jul 29 CLARE GORTNAGLOGH , BROADFORD , CO. CLARE to construct dwellinghouse, garage, bored well, waste water treatment system, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 29 CLARE CLOONEYOGAN SOUTH , LAHINCH , CO CLARE V95 E284 to RETAIN existing steel columns and concrete slab and for PERMISSION to construct a new office/storeroom along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 26 CLARE KILMOON WEST , LISDOONVARNA , CO CLARE for development at Toovahera Church (which is a Protected Structure Number 175), which will consist of creating an area for use as a church carpark with a new entrance from the pubic road to the carpark, altering the existing roadside wall of the church, and all other associated site and ancillary w. More...
RETENTION Jul 26 CLARE MAIN STREET , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE of pergola to the front of their cafe and extension to rear of their cafe and for Permission to extend and close in existing kitchen store area between the kitchen and rear extension and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 26 CLARE SHANNON AIRPORT , SHANNON , CO. CLARE the development will consist of the demolition of existing single storey administration offices, consolidation/protection works to the western end of the shared services building, the removal and upgrade of the facade to the eastern end of the main terminal building over 2no. stories, the reconfigur. More...
PERMISSION Jul 26 CLARE NEW QUAY , BURRIN , CO CLARE to renovate derelict cottage. Demolish rear extension and adjoining derelict sheds. Construct single storey side extension, advanced wastewater treatment system and percolation area together with all ancillary site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 26 CLARE BOHERBOLLOG , COROFIN , CO CLARE to alter and extend existing dwelling house a long with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 26 CLARE CAHERYCAHILL , LISCANNOR , CO. CLARE to construct a porch to the front of the existing dwelling house and carry out all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 25 CLARE TROMRA CASTLE , QUILTY , CO. CLARE to renovate, alter and extend the existing dwelling house to include raising the height of the dwelling house, making elevational changes, construction of a new private garage and carport and all associated ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 25 CLARE MOUNTRIVERS , DOONBEG , CO CLARE of existing apartment, sun room and shed . More...
PERMISSION Jul 25 CLARE DRUMLISH , INAGH , CO CLARE for development of a livestock slatted unit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
RETENTION Jul 25 CLARE CASTLEPARK , KILMIHIL , CO CLARE to RETAIN the following: Front , Rear and Gable Extensions to existing dwelling with minor elevational changes, 2 No existing Domestic Sheds, front boundary/access treatment plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 25 CLARE KNOCKBEHA , FLAGMOUNT , CO. CLARE for the following development: to (a) construct a first-floor extension over part of the existing dwelling house; (b) elevational changes to the existing house; (c) upgrade existing wastewater treatment system; (d) all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 25 CLARE BALLYVELAGHAN , NEW QUAY , CO. CLARE to construct an entrance, dwelling house, detached domestic garage, wastewater treatment system and soil polishing filter together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 25 CLARE RYAN INN , O' BRIEN'S BRIDGE , CO. CLARE for the change of use of an existing derelict public house for use as a dwelling house. Permission is also being sought for the following to facilitate the change to a dwelling house:- 1) renovation of the existing building to include elevational changes; 2) demolition of existing single storey ext. More...
PERMISSION Jul 25 CLARE ARDATAGGLE , BRIDGETOWN , CO. CLARE V94 DD2R to construct an extension and alterations to existing house, amendment to existing vehicular entrance, and all associated site development works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 25 CLARE SHANNON AIRPORT , RINEANNA SOUTH , SHANNON for a 1.2mW PV solar farm development. The proposed works will consist of a 1.2mW PV solar farm located within the airfield, with an area of approximately 2.25 hectares, comprising of linear arrays of solar photovoltaic panels on ground mounted frames (with associated cabling and ducting), a modula. More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jul 25 CLARE RUSHAUN , KILNAMONA , CO CLARE (P21/493), to construct a dwelling house, and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION CONSEQUENT Jul 25 CLARE RUSHAUN , KILNAMONA , CO CLARE (P21/492), to construct a dwelling house, and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road and all associted site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 24 CLARE CRAGBRIEN , BALLYNACALLY , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 24 CLARE CAHERMACKATEER , COROFIN , CO CLARE to construct a detached single storey dwelling house, upgrading of an existing site entrance, new wastewater treatment system and percolation area, domestic well and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 24 CLARE BALLYVONNAVAUN , CLARECASTLE , CO CLARE to construct a New dwelling house, domestic garage, entrance, wastewater treatment system and all other associated siteworks and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 24 CLARE TINTRIM , WHITEGATE , CO CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, garage, upgraded site entrance, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 24 CLARE SHANNON AIRPORT , RINEANNA SOUTH , SHANNON CO . CLARE for a proposed development (planning permission for removal of existing signage and provision of new wayfinding and associated site works) to be located on lands at Shannon Airport, Rineanna South, Shannon, Co Clare. The development will consist of the removal of existing signage, provision of 4 No. More...
PERMISSION Jul 24 CLARE THE MAPLES , ENNIS , CO. CLARE. for a development comprising 48 no. residential units, (32 no. semi-detached houses, 8no. terrace houses and 8 no. duplex apartments), ancillary surface car parking, vehicular & pedestrian access to the proposed development including a new road, footpath and cyclepath extensions from the existing de. More...
PERMISSION Jul 24 CLARE KINTURK , CONNOLLY , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house with attached car port and garage, proprietary treatment system and associated site works, including new road entrance . More...
PERMISSION Jul 23 CLARE MAGHERA , LAHINCH , CO CLARE for development, the development consists of the construction of a slatted unit and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 23 CLARE BALLAGHBOY , DOORA , ENNIS of extensions to existing dwelling house, former stable building now used as storage and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 23 CLARE TOOMULLIN , DOOLIN , CO CLARE to construct an extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 23 CLARE NO. 7 THE LINKS , DOUGH LAHINCH , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of a single storey sun room extension to the front of the house, a single storey extension to the rear of the house, internal alterations and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 23 CLARE SCART , TULLA ROAD , KILKISHEN CO. CLARE to construct a 2 storey dwelling house, detached domestic garage, vehicular entrance, connection to the village wastewater treatment system and public watermain, including all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 23 CLARE CLONFADDA , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE to construct a garage with first floor study and link to their existing dwelling house along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 22 CLARE MOVEEN WEST , KILKEE , CO. CLARE. to (i) demolish Old Dry Store (ii) demolish old straw store (iii) construct a new calf house (iv) construct a new roof over existing cubicles (v) construct a new roof over existing slatted tank (vi) construct a new slatted livestock house. Proposed slatted house to incorporate easy feed, cubicles, f. More...
PERMISSION Jul 22 CLARE CLONLARA COMMUNITY SPORTS & LEISURE CENTRE , CLONLARA , CO CLARE V94VXD4 for alterations to the existing ground and first floor layouts to incorporate a caf\u00E9 on the ground floor, gym and cardio studio on the ground and first floors, new meeting room on the first floor, minor internal alterations, modifications to the existing elevations to incorporate new windows, t. More...
PERMISSION Jul 22 CLARE GARRAUN , PARTEEN , CO. CLARE for a connection to the public sewerage system for an existing single dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jul 22 CLARE SHYAN , KILMIHIL , CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, garage and wastewater treatment system including all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 20 CLARE ERINAGH , CLONLARA , CO. CLARE to construct an extension, garage, treatment plant and percolation area and all ancillary site works to existing dwelling abd for permission to demolish existing shed to the front of the dwelling. . More...
PERMISSION Jul 20 CLARE DERREEN WEST , FANORE , CO. CLARE H91 C6FA to construct a home office & gym to the rear / side of the existing dwelling house and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 19 CLARE DROMORE WOOD NATURE RESERVE , DROMORE , RUAN CO CLARE for 1.) Partial demolition of existing storage building, 2.) Restoration and repair of remaining storage building to use as a bat roost 3.) Construction of revised staff facilities building and all associated site works previously permitted under Planning Reference P2360227 . More...
PERMISSION Jul 19 CLARE CASTLETOWN , CARRAN , CO CLARE for the construction of 4 agricultural storage sheds and associated site works adjacent to an existing farmyard . More...
RETENTION Jul 19 CLARE DRUMCARAN MORE , LAHINCH ROAD , ENNIS CO CLARE V95Y52W to retain change of use of part of storage area to off-licence with minor internal alterations (Note change of use of storage area to off-licence was previously approved under Planning Permission Ref: P19/461). . More...
PERMISSION Jul 19 CLARE DRUMMAN EAST , WILLIAMSTOWN HARBOUR , WHITEGATE CO. CLARE The regeneration and redevelopment of existing buildings and land, for tourism and recreational purposes in the townland of Drumman East at Williamstown Harbour, Whitegate, Co. Clare. The development consists of: (i) Demolition of existing toilet block, office and ancillary buildings; (ii) developme. More...
PERMISSION Jul 19 CLARE CAHERLOUGHLIN MUCKINISH WEST , BALLYVAUGHAN , COUNTY CLARE to construct a new addition to the rear of their existing dwelling house and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jul 19 CLARE KNOCKALISHEEN , MEELICK , CO. CLARE for develpment which will consist of a 60M * 30M Astro Turf playing surface, 2 nr changing rooms toilets, treatment plant with percolation, 2 nr storage facilities, kerbing with open graded permeable stone surface for 30 car park spaces and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 19 CLARE ERRINA , CLONLARA , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, waste water treatment system, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Jul 19 CLARE CAHERCALLA ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for a dwelling house, vehicular entrance, connection to services and ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 19 CLARE 5 COLLEGE RD , ENNIS , CO CLARE to RETAIN additional internal floor area and alterations to elevations to existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jul 19 CLARE DOONMORE HOUSE , DOONBEG KILRUSH , CO CLARE to renovate existing un-occupied dwelling house, change of use of existing out buildings to supplementary additional domestic accommodation to dwelling house, installation of wastewater treatment unit, polishing filter and all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 19 CLARE TOOREEN , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE. to extend and renovate the existing dwelling house along with elevation changes to the house and to construct a new wastewater treatment system along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 18 CLARE CORRACLOON , FEAKLE , COUNTY CLARE to construct a single dwelling house, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jul 18 CLARE AGHALINNY NORTH , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO CLARE to Extend the Appropriate period of Planning Permission P17/897 on the Grant of Outline Permission (P15-152 refers) for a dwelling house, garage, vehicular entrance, waste water treatment plant, percolation area and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 18 CLARE DROMADREHID , ENNIS , CO CLARE to construct a new extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house and a new standalone private shed to the side of existing house along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 18 CLARE TYREDAGH LOWER , TULLA , CO CLARE to convert and construct an extension to the existing private garage building for use as a granny flat, installation of new wastewater treatment system together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 18 CLARE LEHAKNOCK , KILMALEY , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 18 CLARE CLOONTEEN , BALLYALLA , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 18 CLARE KNOCKAHID , BALLYNACALLY , CO CLARE to renovate an existing dwelling which is a protected structure (RPS No. 037) demolish an existing two storey extension constructed to the rear of the dwelling, construct a replacement three storey extension, and to install a replacement effluent treatment system, all with associated site works, and. More...
PERMISSION Jul 18 CLARE LAKEISLE , O'CALLAGHANS MILLS , CO CLARE for the construction of single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling, internal alterations together with all associated ancillary and incidental works . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Jul 18 CLARE BALLYGRIFFEY SOUTH , FOUNTAIN , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, septic tank sewage treatment system and access to public road . More...
PERMISSION Jul 18 CLARE SHEEAUN , KILMALEY , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 17 CLARE BALLYNACRAGGA , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE to construct a single dwelling house, garage, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 17 CLARE CLOONSELHERNY , TUBBER , CO CLARE for development, the development consists of the construction of an agricultural loose house and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 17 CLARE CLENAGH , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO CLARE for development, the development consists of the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a waste water treatment system with a percolation area, new entrance onto public road and associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 17 CLARE ANNAGH , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE V95 AEY9 of the altered domestic garage, converted for use as a detached ancillary residential unit for the enjoyment of the occupants of the main dwelling on site, PERMISSION to upgrade the existing septic tank & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Jul 17 CLARE CLOONTEEN , BALLYALLA , ENNIS CO CLARE of the conversion of an existing detached garage to use as a granny flat, including the construction of a link area between the dwelling and the granny flat area, and the construction of a shed with covered area attached to the rear of the dwelling, all with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 17 CLARE BURRENFADDA , CRANNY , CO CLARE to increase the height and roof of the existing proprietary over-ground slurry storage tank with associated ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 17 CLARE BALLYMACRINAN TD , KILRUSH , COUNTY CLARE for development the development will consist of construction of a single storey dwelling house, new vehicle entrance and driveway to dwelling, an effluent treatment system and all ancillary site works and services . More...
RETENTION Jul 17 CLARE FITZS CROSS , DOOLIN , CO CLARE to revise planning Ref No P22/283 and to retain 2No ground floor apartments . More...
RETENTION Jul 17 CLARE CLOONFADDA TLD. , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE V94 F40T to RETAIN an Outbuilding/ Shed and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jul 17 CLARE KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE for retention to RETAIN (a) the partially constructed shed to the side of the dwelling house; and (b) elevational changes to the dwelling house; and planning PERMISSION to complete the construction of the private shed to the side of the dwelling house along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 17 CLARE DOONMORE , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private shed, site entrance, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 17 CLARE BRUACHLAN , WESTBURY , CO CLARE for the following development to erect 22 No 2 storey housing units, nos 25 -30 and Nos 90-105 Bruachlan, (comprising 6no 2-bedroom semi-detached houses, 12 no 3-bedroom semi-detached houses and 4 no 2- bedroom terraced houses). This application is also for PERMISSION to carry out all necessary infr. More...
PERMISSION Jul 16 CLARE BALLYMALONEY & BALLYQUIN MORE , KILBANE , CO. CLARE for the phased extraction of 2.9 hectares of sand and gravel over a period of 7 years, on land located in the townland of Ballymaloney. The proposed development includes for the provision of a new site entrance and vehicular access road; on site wheel wash facility; new drainage channel, silt fence . More...
PERMISSION Jul 16 CLARE CLOUGHLEA , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a new single storey extension to the southwest side of existing dwelling, new 2 storey dormer extension to the northwest side, relocation of parking area, new rooflight to the rear, elevational changes to the rear, replacement of external windows and doors and all associated . More...
PERMISSION Jul 16 CLARE SHANNON AIRPORT , SHANNON , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of a single-storey extension to existing Gates 1 to 5 departures terminal, provision of external plant area and covered external circulation routes. Other works include minor elevational changes to adjacent areas and alterations to personnel access/egress locations. More...
PERMISSION Jul 16 CLARE TERROVANNAN , O' CALLAGHAN MILLS , CO. CLARE to renovate and sub-divide existing dwelling house to two independent dwelling houses to include the construction of a rear extension and the development of new sewage treatments system to both dwelling houses with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 16 CLARE KILLERK WEST , DARRAGH , ENNIS CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage complete with a new entrance, sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 16 CLARE DROMEEN , RUAN , CO CLARE to carry out alterations and construct an extension to existing cottage, to remove existing septic tank and construct a new septic tank, percolation treatment system, widen existing entrance gate, construct a new access road and to construct a new bat house. The site is within a Heritage Landscape (. More...
RETENTION Jul 16 CLARE THE PROMENADE , LAHINCH , CO CLARE of existing coffee hatch . More...
RETENTION Jul 15 CLARE ROSLEVAN , TULLA ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE to retain domestic shed as constructed together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 15 CLARE CLOONLAHEEN , KILMALEY , ENNIS for the following development: (a) Demolition of the existing single storey extension to rear of the dwelling house, (b) Construction of a new two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling house, (c) internal modifications to existing dwelling house, (d) Part demolition and conversion of existi. More...
PERMISSION Jul 15 CLARE DOUGH TLD. , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE for the refurbishment and extension of an existing house and associates site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jul 15 CLARE COIRE MEALA CASTLEBANK , ARDNACRUSHA , CO. CLARE V94 W6KV to RETAIN a ground floor extension with alterations to existing house and for planning permission to construct a detached garage building with new entrance, for insertion of dormer windows and alterations to existing attic space, and a yoga studio extension to first floor flat roof to existing house. More...
RETENTION Jul 12 CLARE ATTYCRISTORA , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE to RETAIN the balcony as constructed to the rear of the existing dwelling house . More...
RETENTION Jul 12 CLARE BALLYBRAN , OGONNELLOE , CO CLARE of roadside boundary wall, pedestrian and vehicular entrances as constructed, change of site boundaries and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 12 CLARE BRIDGETOWN , O BRIENSBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for the construction of 4 new dwellings, new vehicular entrance, pedestrian access, footpaths and individual wastewater treatment systems with percolation areas including ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jul 12 CLARE ST. JOSEPH'S SECONDARY SCHOOL , SPANISH POINT , MILTOWN MALBAY CO.CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a two-story extension to the main school building which will accommodate general classrooms along with toilets, and storage facilities. External covered canopy will connect main building with proposed extension. Additionally, there will be . More...
PERMISSION Jul 12 CLARE BALLYNOTE WEST , KILRUSH , CO CLARE for alterations to the proposed dwelling house as granted under application P23/60278 to include a childcare facility on the ground floor along with ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Jul 11 CLARE MOLOUGHA , KILLIMER , CO. CLARE. retention of the construction of a mechanic workshop and permission to construct a carpark and handling area ancillary to the workshop along with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Jul 11 CLARE NO 13 ATLANTIC VIEW HOLIDAY HOMES , WEST END , KILKEE CO CLARE of a shed attached to the side of the dwelling, with all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 11 CLARE 7 CORROVORRIN GREEN , ENNIS , CO. CLARE of the granny flat as constructed to side and rear of existing dwelling house together with all associated site development works and services . More...
RETENTION Jul 11 CLARE SANDY LODGE , SEAFIELD , QUILTY CO CLARE V95 V8C4 retention of the extension to the rear and resultant alterations to fenestration of existing dwelling and all associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 11 CLARE NUAFFE , INCH , CO CLARE to construct an extension to existing dwelling, new wastewater treatment system and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 11 CLARE LOUGHVILLE , LAHINCH ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE a variation to previously approved Planning Permission Ref: P21/1312. The variation of design consists of changes to the site layout and the following residential units consisting of 10 no. 4 bedroom units, 26 no. 3 bedroom units and 2 no. 2 bedroom bungalows and associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 10 CLARE HIGH MEADOWS , GALLOWS HILL , CRATLOE CO CLARE for the construction of a new single storey standalone structure to the rear of the existing dwelling to contain a lap swimming pool & sauna and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 10 CLARE BRICKHILL EAST , CRATLOE , CO. CLARE to RETAIN an existing log cabin ancillary to the existing dwelling house and planning permission for the construction of an extension to the existing dwelling house and the decommissioning of existing septic tank system, the installation of a new replacement wastewater system with percolation area a. More...
PERMISSION Jul 10 CLARE BOOLTIAGH & GLENMORE , CO CLARE is sought for the continued operation of the existing Booltiagh Wind Farm as permitted by An Bord Pleanala Ref: 03.120616 (Clare County Council Pl. Ref: 00/567) for a further period of 10 years from the date of the expiry of the current planning permission (30th September 2025) per Condition no. 2 o. More...
PERMISSION Jul 10 CLARE BALLYNEVAN , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 10 CLARE KINTURK , CONNOLLY , CO. CLARE retentino of inadvertent demolition of existing cottage and partly-built dwelling house to first floor level. Planning permission is sought to complete the said dwelling house and associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jul 10 CLARE 1 HILLCREST GROVE , KILKISHEN , CO. CLARE permission for elevational changes to existing dwelling and internal alterations to same and permission for the demolition of lean-to roofed canopy to front of dwelling. Retention Permission is also sought for the construction of a domestic garage and for permission for the construction of an extens. More...
PERMISSION Jul 10 CLARE NEW PIER ROAD , BALLYVAUGHAN , CO CLARE to (a) construct new single storey Clubhouse and Community recreation facility, (b) construct new vehicular and pedestrian site entrance and access road, (c) install new wastewater treatment system (d) minor modifications of public road and ancillary site works. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has b. More...
PERMISSION Jul 10 CLARE CARROWBLOUGH MORE , KILKEE , CO CLARE V15 WV76 to construct Vehicular Entrance to existing dwelling plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 09 CLARE GOLF LINKS ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to demolish derelict house and to construct 3 no. dwelling houses consisting of 1 no. 4 bedroom detached house and 2 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached houses along with associated site works and services . More...
RETENTION Jul 09 CLARE LISCULLAUN , COROFIN , CO CLARE for construction of extensions to rear of dwelling, porches to sides of dwelling and a detached shed to rear of dwelling, all with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 09 CLARE HURLER'S CROSS , CLONMONEY WEST , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS for the construction of a dwelling house, garage and proprietary waste treatment plant and road entrance including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 09 CLARE KINCORA , BALLYVALLY , KILLALOE CO CLARE for the demolition of a storey and a half, derelict, detached cottage and for a replacement part two storey, part single storey house, a waste water treatment system and all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 08 CLARE EI ELECTRONICS CAMPUS , SHANNON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , SHANNON CO. CLARE. for the development of an extension to the existing light-industrial manufacturing facility, consisting of a single storey of high bay warehousing with ancillary office, manufacturing, and R&D areas over 3 storeys resulting in a combined 5100m\u00B2 of new floor area, with screened roof level plant.. More...
PERMISSION Jul 08 CLARE BALLYMACLINAUN , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE to construct extensions to the front and side of the existing dwelling, with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 08 CLARE LEANA , KILNABOY , CO CLARE to demolish derelict dwelling and to construct replacement dwelling house, waste water treatment system, percolation area, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 08 CLARE 7 CARMODY STREET , ENNIS , CO.CLARE for the conversion of existing shop and accommodation to 2 No. two-bedroom apartments, and for permission to construct a two-storey extension to rear of building to comprise of two bedrooms with internal modifications and changes to the fa\u00E7ade of the building including connection to public serv. More...
PERMISSION Jul 05 CLARE CARROWNTEDAUN , LAHINCH , CO CLARE to alter and extend the existing outbuildings by building new agricultural sheds & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 05 CLARE CARROWMORE , SCARRIFF , CO CLARE to carry out the folllowing development: Extension of the existing burial ground at Carrowmore, Scarriff, Co Clare. The proposed development will include: 1. Circa 167 double plots and 10 single plots, 2. Access road improvedments including turning bays, 3. Footpaths, 4. Drainage, 5. Tarmacadam fini. More...
RETENTION Jul 05 CLARE COOLREAGH BEG , BODYKE , CO. CLARE of bay window and other minor changes to the elevations of house, garage/shed for private domestic use and existing entrance and driveway as constructed and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 05 CLARE SMITHSTOWN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , SHANNON CO CLARE , V14 N993 of the erecting of 1,764.23 m2 or 370.83 kWp of photovoltaic panels on the existing two roofs of our buildings located east and south of our factory land, with all associates site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 04 CLARE COOLAGH , BROADFORD , CO. CLARE for the change of use of former garda station to a residential dwelling, the building up of the existing porch area and installing a window, relocation of the front entrance door, the construction of a new front porch, new windows on the west elevation and changes to door and window locations on the. More...
RETENTION Jul 04 CLARE ARMADA HOUSE , SPANISH POINT , CO. CLARE and PERMISSION for development at Armada House, Spanish Point, Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare which is a protected structure (RPS No. 025). The development consists/will consist of:i. The retention of 1 no. bay window (5 sq. m) to the southeast of the residential amenity rooms (Stable Rooms); ii. The ret. More...
PERMISSION Jul 04 CLARE NUTFIELD , BAREFIELD , CO. CLARE for the development of a single-storey extension that will accommodate a mainstream classroom and 2no. SET (Special Education Teaching) classrooms, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 04 CLARE CORRACLOON , FEAKLE , CO.CLARE to refurbish the existing vacant and derelict dwelling house, add a small extension to the rear of the dwelling house, install a new wastewater treatment system and associated percolation area along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 04 CLARE BALLYBROUGHAN , CRATLOE , CO. CLARE to extend existing private dwelling house at first floor level over attached garage and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 04 CLARE LISSANE EAST , CLARECASTLE , CO. CLARE of a garden fuel storage shed, an extension of an existing garden shed and a garden hut temporary structure in the rear garden of the house . More...
RETENTION Jul 04 CLARE DERRYGARRIFF , CRUSHEEN , CO. CLARE (i) Retention of log cabin as constructed for use as permanent residence and all ancillary site works including connection to existing septic tank, and, (ii) permission for the change of use of existing substandard dwelling house for use as domestic shed/storage . More...
RETENTION Jul 04 CLARE BALLYVALLEY , KILLALOE , CO CLARE of as constructed extensions to the front and side of an existing domestic garage, (including the provision of a garden room), raising the ridge and eaves heights to provide a first floor loft storage space and forming a gable to the front and rear of the extended garage in lieu of hipped roofs . More...
RETENTION Jul 04 CLARE TOORNAHOOAN , DOOLIN , COUNTY CLARE V95PX81 of the sunroom, garages and covered patio, and permission to modify the site boundaries granted permission under planning reference number P01/1621, along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 04 CLARE 4 ARD NA GRÉINE , SHANNON , CO. CLARE for the construction of a second storey extension to dwelling and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 04 CLARE CORLEA BEG , FLAGMOUNT , CAHER CO CLARE of the extension, renovation and site works carried out to the existing dwelling and Permission to complete the building works which will include changes to the existing fenestration, install a wastewater treatment system & al other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE CREGGAUN/ BALLYORTLA SOUTH , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house, garage, entrance, driveway, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jul 03 CLARE DOOLIN , CO CLARE to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission for P19/120 for development which will consist of construction of a new dwelling farmhouse with associated wastewater treatment system, site works and services and permission to use existing farm track as access road to proposed farmhouse . More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE CLONKETT , CRANNY , KILRUSH COUNTY CLARE to alter and extend the existing cottage and for a two- storey extension to the side of the existing cottage along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE CLOGHAUN BEG , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to erect agricultural storage shed and new site entrance . More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE NOUGHAVAL , DOORA , ENNIS CO. CLARE. to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, private wastewater treatment system along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE GLENROWAN , COOLISTEIGUE , CLONLARA CO CLARE V94 D9P7 to construct an extension on to existing dwelling to the front and rear of the dwelling and attic conversion, together with the construction of 4 dormers to the front roof, 2 dormers to the rear roof and a dormer and velux window on the roof of the rear extension, together with the construction of a. More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE BOLOOGHRA , LISSYCASEY , CO CLARE for development of a livestock slatted unit and manure pit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE LACKENNASKAGH , DARRAGH , ENNIS CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage, complete with a sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE LISCORMICK/BALLYVOHANE , KILDYSART , CO. CLARE. to enhance an existing farm entrance for safer entry and egress of farm machinery, for the upgrade and adjustment of an existing farm road and construction of a small bridge to facilitate inter farm access along with all associated works . More...
RETENTION Jul 03 CLARE NO.5 CORRY LANE , KILKEE , CO. CLARE of an extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE CNOC NA FHRAOIGH , AN CHREATALACH , CONTAE AN CHLAIR (i) Chead Coinne\u00E1la do chla\u00EDfort mar a t\u00F3gadh \u00E9 agus (ii) Chead chun teach c\u00F3aithe pr\u00EDobh\u00E1ideach, gar\u00E1iste scoite, c\u00F3ras c\u00F3ire\u00E1la fu\u00EDolluisce agus na hoibreacha su\u00EDmh go l\u00E9ir a bhaineann leis a th\u00F3g\u00E1il . More...
PERMISSION Jul 03 CLARE ACHA BHILE LOUGHVILLE , LAHINCH ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE for change of use of vacant/unoccupied creche building to 4 no. 2 bedroomed 3 person apartment units, together with elevation changes, lobby extensions with enclosed bin storage, reconfiguration of existing car-parking layout to provide for private open space for 4 apartment units and to provide for. More...
PERMISSION Jul 02 CLARE MOYRIESK , QUIN , CO. CLARE to change design of private dwelling house and garage as previously granted under Planning Register Reference P23/60262 and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 02 CLARE WHITEHALL , PARTEEN , CO. CLARE of extension and associated elevational changes of existing dwelling house along with storage sheds and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 02 CLARE ENNIS ROAD , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE V95 FX59 for the Installation of a Pre-Fabricated Modular Unit to be used as a pre-school facility including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 02 CLARE LAVALLY NORTH , BALLYNACALLY , CO CLARE to construct dwellinghouse, garage with loft, advanced treatment system and ancillary site works including development of existing entrance to the site . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Jul 02 CLARE PHAYERS ROAD , MEELICK , CO CLARE for the construction of a detached single storey dwelling, detached domestic garage, new entrance, onsite wastewater treatment system, connection to necessary services together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 01 CLARE BALLINAGUN EAST CREE , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. to RETAIN (a) construction of front and rear extension to existing dwelling house; (b) attic conversion to existing dwelling house including new Velux window to the front elevation; (c) alterations to outbuildings and change of use of outbuildings to residential accommodation ancillary to main dwell. More...
PERMISSION Jul 01 CLARE COOGA , COROFIN , CO.CLARE to (a) construct a new single storey extension to the front of the existing building, (b) modifications to the existing building, (c) construct a new detached boat shed, (d) modifications to the existing site entrance, (e) demolition of an existing shed and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 01 CLARE CLONREDDAN , COORACLARE , CO. CLARE. to RETAIN minor alterations to the existing dwelling house and planning PERMISSION to install a new wastewater treatment unit & percolation area, and revised site boundaries along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 01 CLARE CLOGHAUN BEG (EAST) , CREE , CO. CLARE to install a new effluent treatment sytem to serve existing dwelling, with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 01 CLARE BALLYBRACK TD , O'BRIENSBRIDGE , CO CLARE to fill the existing poor quality agricultural land with stone and soil in order to raise the level of the ground, including all ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jul 01 CLARE BALLINPHUNTA , BRICKHILL , CRATLOE CO. CLARE of extensions to both side and rear of existing dwelling to comprise of Kitchen, 2 bedrooms with en-suites and walk-in-wardrobe, pantry, utility, stairs, boiler house and store, and retention permission for 1 dormer window to front and 4 rooflight windows to rear of dwelling including ancillary site. More...
RETENTION Jul 01 CLARE ISLAND VIEW , QUILTY , CO CLARE of the sunroom and the garage/kitchen extension to the existing dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jul 01 CLARE DEERPARK WEST TD. , DEERPARK INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , ENNISTYMON CO. CLARE to demolish existing loading bay and to construct an extension along with associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jun 28 CLARE DÚN CARRAIG , TUAMGRANEY , CO. CLARE for demolition of existing partially constructed dwelling house; construction of 4 no. detached two storey dwelling houses; decommissioning of existing on site waste water treatment; connections to existing public surface water, waste water & drinking water supply infrastructure and all other ancill. More...
PERMISSION Jun 28 CLARE JACKDAW RIDGE , KNOCKNAGOUG QUIN , CO. CLARE. to Retain entrance wall and gates, abutment wall and elevational changes and Permission to construct an extension to the dwelling house, remove offsite an existing container and construct a new domestic garage along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 28 CLARE CAPPANTYMORE , MEELICK , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, access road and domestic wastewater treatment system along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jun 28 CLARE SCARIFF , CO CLARE to alter granted planning permission reference P19/415 by subdividing the two storey detached house into two apartments along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 28 CLARE CORLEA , CLOONTRA WEST , OATFIELD SIXMILEBRIDGE COUNTY CLARE for development which will consist of the use of a caravan as an independent dwelling adjacent to an existing outbuilding. . More...
PERMISSION Jun 28 CLARE MOVEEN WEST , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to alter and extend the existing dwelling house along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jun 27 CLARE KNOCK INCH , ENNIS , CO. CLARE. to refurbish and extend an existing dwelling along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 27 CLARE SLIEVEDOOLEY LABASHEEDA , ENNIS , CO. CLARE. to refurbish and extend an existing dwelling along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 27 CLARE ARDILAUN GUEST HOUSE , GORT ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE to extend the caretaker/ owner\u2019s dwelling apartment comprising an access balcony at ground level and an additional bedroom ensuite at the first-floor level. Proposed modifications to the guest house will comprise of the following; conversion of the storage semi-basement to two guest bedrooms an. More...
PERMISSION Jun 26 CLARE DEL GASH BALLYVALLY , KILLALOE , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of extensions and alterations to existing dwelling, the provision of a granny flat and all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 26 CLARE BALLYNEW , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE for the development of a domestic garage ancillary to dwelling house granted permission under planning reference P23/617 together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 26 CLARE BALLYSHANNY , KILFENORA , CO. CLARE to renovate and extend the existing dwelling house including the replacement of the existing extension, upgrade of wastewater treatment system, upgrade of existing entrance and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION Jun 26 CLARE BALLYGASTELL , KILFENORA , CO CLARE to renovate and extend the existing derelict dwelling, install a wastewater treatment system & all other assocaited site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 26 CLARE LISDOONVARNA FAILTE LIMITED , LISDOONVARNA SPORT & AMENITY PARK LISDOONVARNA PAVILION , RATHBAUN LISDOONVARNA CO CLARE to construct 4 No single storey extensions to the existing Pavilion Building. The extensions will consist of the following: 1 Accessible Changing area and WC, M & E / Storage space 2. Proposed Storage Space linked to existing stage area; 3 and 4 Multi-Function Meeting and Office areas to front and r. More...
PERMISSION Jun 26 CLARE BALLYOGAN , BAREFIELD , ENNIS for the construction of a dwelling house, wastewater treatment system, utilising existing entrance including ancillary site works . More...
RETENTION Jun 26 CLARE NO 117 CLUAIN AIRNE , SHANNON , CO CLARE of a complete single-storey garage to the rear and a complete single-storey extension to the side of existing semi-detached bungalow . More...
PERMISSION Jun 26 CLARE TREACY'S OAKWOOD HOTEL , AIRPORT ROAD SMITHSTOWN , SHANNON CO CLARE for development at an existing hotel consisting of: extension to Second Floor to accommodate additional 29 no. Bedrooms; extension to First Floor to accommodate additional 6 no. bedrooms; alterations to existing layout of part ground floor and part first floor; new lift and all associated site works. More...
PERMISSION Jun 25 CLARE CHURCH STREET , KILLALOE , CO CLARE at a site at Church Street, Killaloe, Co Clare for: at existing building: Demolition of extensions to rear of existing property, form new gated pedestrian access to rear of site within building volume. Change of use from retail to community use to provide Universal Access. Changing Place Bathroom, w. More...
PERMISSION Jun 25 CLARE LISSYCASEY LAUGH AND LEARN CENTRE , LISSYCASEY ENNIS , CO. CLARE to Retain enabling works carried out to date and Permission to construct a new stand alone classroom and shed along with all necessary associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 25 CLARE KILBAHA NORTH , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the construction of a straw storage shed and all associated siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Jun 25 CLARE BALLYDUNEEN , LISSYCASEY , CO CLARE for development which will consist of modifying the extensions from those previously granted under Planning Application P21/1113 along with ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Jun 25 CLARE CRAGBRIEN , DARRAGH , ENNIS CO CLARE V95CD1H of a garage building . More...
PERMISSION Jun 25 CLARE GARRAUNNATOOHA , KNOCKERRA KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. to construct a new dwelling house, new entrance, private garage and install a new wastewater treatment system along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 24 CLARE CRAGGAUNBOY , WILLBROOK , COROFIN CO CLARE to renovate and change of use of the property known as Willbrook School to a dwelling, construct extension to the rear, install a new effluent treatment system, and upgrade the existing vehicle entrance, all with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 24 CLARE BALLYSHEEN MORE TD , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO CLARE to demolish existing lean-to building at rear of existing cottage, including proposed treatment unit and percolation area, including all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 24 CLARE RANNAGH , TULLA , CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house and garage with effluent treatment system, new entrance from public road, and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 24 CLARE COOLMUINGA , KNOCKERRA , KILRUSH CO CLARE to renovate and extend the existing dwelling house to include the provision of a new sewage treatment system together with all necessary ancillary services . More...
RETENTION Jun 24 CLARE CLOONEYOGAN SOUTH , MOY , CO CLARE of the internal access road and widened access point . More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION Jun 24 CLARE BALLYGRIFFEY SOUTH , FOUNTAIN , ENNIS CO CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, septic tank sewage treatment system and access to public road . More...
PERMISSION Jun 24 CLARE CAHERBARNAGH , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE for development of a livestock slatted unit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION Jun 21 CLARE CAHER , OGONNELLOE , CO CLARE for the development which will consist of a rear extension, front porch and alterations to existing dwelling and all ancillary works. . More...
PERMISSION Jun 21 CLARE CAHERHURLY , BODYKE , CO CLARE for a dwelling house, entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 21 CLARE LISSANE EAST , CLARECASTLE , CO CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling house and garage complete with a sewage treatment system and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 21 CLARE 4 CHAPEL LANE , ENNIS , CO CLARE for development of a protected structure located in an archaeological conservation area. The development will consist of restoration / replacement of front windows / front facade, restoration / replacement and renovation of the building, partial removal of rear facade to facilitate an extension to . More...
PERMISSION Jun 21 CLARE CLOGHAUN BEG (EAST) , CREEGH , CO CLARE the development will consist of a dwelling house and garage with proprietary wastewater treatment system and polishing filter together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 20 CLARE HILL ROAD KNOCKYCLOVAUN , KILLALOE , CO CLARE for construction of two storey dwelling, detached domestic garage, new entrance, onsite waste water treatment system, connection to necessary services together with all associated ancillary and incidental works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 20 CLARE CLOONAHERNA , QUIN , CO CLARE for development, the development consists of the construction of a slatted unit and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 20 CLARE CASTLEBANK , ARDNACRUSHA , CO CLARE for a Medical Centre and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 20 CLARE 4 CAPPA COVE , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to carry out alterations to existing dwelling house, the works will consist of the construction of zinc clad box dormers, to the front and rear elevations of the property, to increase the first floor living space . More...
PERMISSION Jun 20 CLARE RADHARC DOIRE SMITHSTOWN , SHANNON , CO. CLARE. for development which will consist of (a) the construction of 13 no. two storey dwelling houses, (b) 15 no. two storey dwelling houses with optional additional attic bedroom accommodation. Total no. of 28 houses (c) all ancillary site works (d) connection to previously applied for roads, paths and . More...
PERMISSION Jun 19 CLARE LACKAMORE , LAHINCH , LAHINCH to make alterations to the design of the proposed dwelling house previously authorised under planning permission ref no. P22414, along with all associated site works and services. . More...
PERMISSION Jun 19 CLARE BALLYKETT TULLABRACK EAST TULLABRACK WEST TULLABRACK AND GOWER SOUTH , KILRUSH , CO. CLARE for the erection of 4 no. wind turbines with an overall ground to blade tip height of 150m with a rotor diameter of 136m and a hub height of 82m, the construction of crane hardstand areas and turbine foundations, the creation of a new site entrance onto the L6132, construction of 1 no. temporary con. More...
PERMISSION Jun 18 CLARE SPRINGFIELD , CLONLARA , CO CLARE to retain as constructed shed and PERMISSION for machinery storage shed and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jun 18 CLARE 136 SHANNON HEIGHTS , KILRUSH , CO CLARE V15 P270 of domestic shed/garage to rear of existing dwelling, elevational changes to existing dwelling including additional gable window and rooflights plus all ancillary site works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jun 18 CLARE HARTS HOLLOW , KNOCKNAHOON , KILMURRY MCMAHON CO CLARE to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission for P19/240 to RETAIN extension to existing dwelling house and permission to upgrade sewer system. . More...
RETENTION Jun 18 CLARE THE SQUARE , CARRIGAHOLT VILLAGE , CARRIGAHOLT to RETAIN the single storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house together with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Jun 18 CLARE TOORNAHOOAN , LISDOONVARNA , CO. CLARE for a single dwelling house, garage, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 17 CLARE SENSING HOUSE , EAST PARK SMITHSTOWN , SHANNON for development consisting of proposed roof mounted Photovoltaic PV panels on existing roof and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 17 CLARE NOS 1-4 BUTTERMARKET STREET AND SIMM'S LANE , DRUMBIGGLE , ENNIS CO CLARE for development at Drumbiggle Road, Nos. 1-4 Buttermarket Street and Simm's Lane, Drumbiggle, Ennis, Co Clare. The proposed development will consist of demolition of existing structures at Nos. 1-4 inclusive Butter Market Street, and partial removal of the existing wall to the eastern boundary. Cons. More...
RETENTION Jun 17 CLARE CRAG , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE of the Machinery Shed, Silage Pit & all other site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 17 CLARE TYREDAGH UPPER , TULLA , CO. CLARE For the construction of a new entrance, a single storey dwelling with a waste water treatment system and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jun 17 CLARE MERMAID HOUSE , MAIN STREET , LISCANNOR CO. CLARE of the change of use to restaurant (g.f.a. 277 sqm; net area 100 sqm) of part of the ground floor (from retail use) and first floor (from office use) of the existing two storey building, retention of an extraction vent and of an external refuse/bin storage compound on the western side of building a. More...
PERMISSION Jun 17 CLARE ST.BRIGID'S WELL NO.2 , DERREEN TLD. , LISCANNOR CO. CLARE for an extension to an existing house and associated site works. . More...
RETENTION Jun 17 CLARE CREGG , LAHINCH , CO. CLARE of the apartment as constructed (previous application P96/897 refers) and Planning Permission to change the use of apartment as granted under planning reference P96/897 to an independent dwelling house separate from adjacent dwelling and to provide new vehicular entrance and separating boundary wall. More...
PERMISSION Jun 17 CLARE JUNCTION OF MARKET PLACE AND GARRAUNAKILLA LANE , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for the development which will consist of: (a) to demolish fire damaged former furniture store and ancillary buildings along with the demolition of an existing 2 storey commercial/retail building adjoining same. (b) The construction of a new 2 and part 3 storey building compromising the following ac. More...
PERMISSION Jun 15 CLARE DREWSBORO , SCARIFF , CO. CLARE to renovate and repair existing storage building and for change of use of same to dwellinghouse and connect to mains services and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 14 CLARE ANNAGH , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE for (a) modifications to the existing dwelling (b) to demolish an existing shed to the side of existing dwelling (c) to construct a new single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling (d) to construct a detached shed and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jun 14 CLARE HILL RD , BUNRATTY WEST , CO CLARE of additional internal floor area and alterations to the side and rear elevations of existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jun 14 CLARE ENNIS ROAD , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO CLARE to alter and extend existing property. The works involve the following (a) to change the use of an existing commercial premises into residential use and to extend into the existing residential area (b) to demolish an area at ground and first floor level at the rear and replace with new constructions. More...
PERMISSION Jun 14 CLARE QUIN GARDENS , QUIN , CO. CLARE for (i) for construction of detached two storey dwelling house, onsite waste water treatment system, together with all associated ancillary and incidental works (ii) Retention of landfill activities as already undertaken . More...
RETENTION Jun 13 CLARE GORTACURKA , MAURICE'S MILLS , ENNISTYMON of 1. The change of use of an existing agricultural building to self-catering short-stay rental accommodation, and 2. The installation of a wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 13 CLARE COORE WEST , MULLAGH , CO CLARE V95 X6P4 to extend and renovate existing dwelling, install a waste treatment system and all other site and ancillary works. This permission is in lieu of that which was granted under reference P23/446 . More...
PERMISSION Jun 13 CLARE TROMRACASTLE , QUILTY , CO CLARE V95 PX08 for the following; a) to construct a new first floor extension onto existing garage b) to alter the external elevations and internal floor layouts to existing house. c) to replace existing sunroom along with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 12 CLARE RATHCRAGGAUN , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to construct an entrance, dwellinghouse and detached domestic garage, install a wastewater treatment system and soil polishing filter together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jun 12 CLARE CARROWLAGAN , MULLAGH , CO CLARE to build a dwelling, garage, install a wastewater treatment system, and all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 12 CLARE CORRACLOONMORE , CAHER , CO CLARE for development which will consist of the provision of 175m long, 3.5m wide shale road driveway, parking and turning circle form existing entrance over right of way to access land together with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 12 CLARE RINNAGONNAGHT , DOONBEG , CO CLARE to RETAIN changes made to the layout of the dwelling hosue previously granted planning permission under planning reference number P07-2736 and for PERMISSION to complete the development of the first floor dormer area to include 2 no. balcony dormers with all necessary ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION Jun 12 CLARE CREEGH COTTAGE DOONBEG , CAHERFEENICK KILRUSH , CO. CLARE for renovation works and two storey extension to existing dwelling, demolition of existing sheds, new wastewater treatment system and polishing filter, all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION Jun 12 CLARE CREEVAGH , KILNABOY , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, wastewater treatment system, bored well and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION Jun 11 CLARE CLAREFIELD , KILKEE , CO. CLARE of uncovered slatted tanks and a shed with milking parlour, collecting yard and slatted tanks and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 11 CLARE ENNIS ROAD AND MULLAGH ROAD , MILTOWN MALBAY , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of the installation of balconies to the first and second floors, solar panels on the roof, all to the rear/east elevation and replacement sash windows. This is an Architectural Conservation Area. . More...
PERMISSION Jun 11 CLARE VERDANT HILL , TULLA ROAD ENNIS , CO. CLARE V95 T65X to construct a new vehicular entrance and parking area together with associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 11 CLARE LEADMORE WEST , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to demolish existing barn, construct new dwelling, including all ancillary site works, connection to proposed treatment unit and percolation area, utilising existing site entrance with modifications . More...
PERMISSION Jun 11 CLARE BALLYCAR , NEWMARKET-ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE for the construction of a single storey side extension to the existing dwelling house, including all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 11 CLARE CLAREFIELD , KILKEE , CO. CLARE to build a cubicle shed with slatted tanks and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 10 CLARE QUERRIN , KILKEE , CO. CLARE for a) construction of a bird hide; b) proposed picnic area on existing concrete slab; c) proposed road side accessible parking; and d) all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 10 CLARE LISDOONVARNA TOWNLAND , LISDOONVARNA , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling with on-site wastewater treatment, garage and new site entrance . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION Jun 10 CLARE LOUGHVELLA , LAHINCH ROAD , ENNIS CO. CLARE to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission for P17/977 for 51 No. residential units, comprising of 2 No. 2 bedroom detached dwellings; 1 No. 3 bedroom detached dwelling; 42 No. 3 bedroom semi-detached; 6 No. 4 bedroom semi-detached dwellings, all including connection to water supply, pu. More...
PERMISSION Jun 10 CLARE GRATTEN STREET , KILKEE , CO CLARE to amend condition 3(a)(i) of planning P23/407 to allow for inclusion of a first floor bay window to the South West elevation with all necessary ancillary services . More...
RETENTION Jun 10 CLARE GORTNAGLOUGH , BROADFORD , CLARE of the as-constructed single storey extensions to the front and rear of the existing dwelling together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 10 CLARE DERRYFADDA , CLONLARA , CLARE for construction of detached agricultural equipment storage building, together with all associated ancillary and incidental works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 07 CLARE PARLIAMENT STREET (L1122) THE SQUARE (N 67) / CHURCH STREET (L 5132) , MCINERNEY'S LANE (L 5031) , ENNISTYMON CO CLARE to undertake the follwoing development: Streetscape Enhancement in Ennistymon, County Clare. The location of the proposed works are at Ennistymon, Co Clare in the follwoing areas: 1 Parliament Street (L1122) 2. The Square (N67)/ Church Street (L5132), 3 McInerney's Lane (L5031) 1) Public relm ehance. More...
RETENTION Jun 07 CLARE ROSSCLIFF , BALLYNACALLY , CO. CLARE to RETAIN an extension to an existing agricultural shed and retention for an agricultural machinery shed along with ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Jun 07 CLARE BLACKWATER , ARDNACRUSHA , CO. CLARE Retention of a two-storey extension to the rear of the dwelling and retention permission for the existing garage as constructed together with all all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 07 CLARE QUIN ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for a period of 7 years for a builder\u2019s storage compound including 1) container accommodation for offices, welfare and storage 2) the erection of a 2.4m perimeter fence with access gates, 3) site lighting together with associated site development works and services. A Natura Impact Statement (N. More...
PERMISSION Jun 06 CLARE DERRYFADDA , CLONLARA , CO CLARE for the construction of a detached two storey dwelling, new entrance, onsite wastewater treatment system, bored well, together with all associated ancillary and incidental site works . More...
RETENTION Jun 06 CLARE 1 MOUNT CHARLES TERRACE , KILKEE , CO. CLARE of front and rear extensions to existing dwelling and carparking area to former front garden, Permission to retain and complete home office to rear garden plus all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 06 CLARE 1 CAPPA VILLAGE & 2 CAPPA VILLAGE , CAPPAGH KILRUSH , CO. CLARE. for alterations to the front fa\u00E7ade of 2 no. residential properties, which comprise of: a) the proposal to reposition entrance doorway, b) enlargement of the ground floor window, c) the addition of raised plaster mouldings to the first floor window surrounds at 2 Cappa Village, d) the installat. More...
RETENTION Jun 06 CLARE BARNTICK , CLARECASTLE , ENNIS CO CLARE V95 XHR1 of the following: the conversion of the attached garage for domestic use, the extension to the dwelling at ground and first floor levels, the altered fenestration to the dwelling and the revised entrance location & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION Jun 06 CLARE FORT ROAD , CAPPA , KILRUSH CO CLARE V15 AH90 of the following: alterations to existing dwelling (as granted under Kilrush Town Council Planning Ref 813/85, to include velux windows to attic storage space, gable window to attic storage, alterations to rear elevations and Retention Permission for existing garage, / shed at rear of house, includi. More...
PERMISSION Jun 05 CLARE CARROWKEEL WEST , INAGH , CO. CLARE. for the construction of 21 houses with reserved open space, access roads, footpaths , connections to public sewer and storm water, ancillary services along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 05 CLARE COOLNAHELLA , BODYKE , CO CLARE to construct a straw bedded shed with slatted tank and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION Jun 05 CLARE BALLYGIRREEN , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE to construct a dwelling house, garage, waste-water treatment system and soil polishing filter together with all associated site development works and services . More...
RETENTION Jun 04 CLARE RATHCLOONEY , CRUSHEEN , CO. CLARE of roof windows on the existing dwelling . More...
PERMISSION Jun 04 CLARE CLAREABBEY , CLARECASTLE , CO CLARE to construct a two storey dwelling house, including all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 31 CLARE LACK WEST , KILMIHIL , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of constructing a new entrance/exit onto R485 from existing batching plant and associated site works as granted on P01/156 . More...
RETENTION May 31 CLARE BALLINTLEA SOUTH , CRATLOE , CO. CLARE of alterations to existing dwelling and new domestic garage. The alterations to the existing dwelling house consists of attic conversion which included two dormer windows to front, gable window to southwest and roof windows to rear . More...
PERMISSION May 31 CLARE BALLAGHALINE , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE for proposed construction of one dwelling house with garage, proprietary waste water treatment system, and new entrance, with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION May 31 CLARE BAUNKYLE HOUSE , BAUNKYLE COROFIN , CO.CLARE for the construction of (a) 10 no. Glamping pods, (b) 1no. Short term rental chalet, (c) 19 no parking bays for short term stay camper vans, (d) new car park, (e) Renovation of existing hay barn to accommodate reception, communal shower and toilet facilities and recreation room, (f) new connection t. More...
PERMISSION May 31 CLARE BALLAGHALINE , DOOLIN , CO. CLARE for proposed private dwelling house, new site entrance, waste water treatment system all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 30 CLARE CAHERCALLA ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for the construction of a single-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, the construction of a new two storey extension to replace the existing single storey volume to the side of the existing dwelling, alterations to the existing front elevation, the removal of existing shed to the r. More...
PERMISSION May 30 CLARE DRUMMINNANOV , FEAKLE , CO. CLARE for the development which will consist of the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 30 CLARE MOORE STREET , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to carry out the following development. The construction of a residential development consisting of: a) The demolition of two existing dwellings, and part demolition of an existing commerical unit, sheds and outbuidings. B) The construction of 16 no. new residential units in four separate blocks com. More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION May 29 CLARE BALLYVAUGHAN , CO CLARE to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission for P18/696 to extend the existing hotel, creating 8 additional guest bedrooms and all associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION May 29 CLARE TULLAGOWER , COORACLARE , CO CLARE for development, the development consists of a new waste water treatment system with the refurbishment of the exiting access to site and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 29 CLARE DRUMMIN , BROADFORD , CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse, entrance, driveway, install an effluent treatment system and all associated site works and all associated site works . More...
RETENTION May 28 CLARE THE CORNER BAR THE SQUARE , ENNIS ROAD , KILDYSART CO. CLARE of three no. cooling units to the rear of the premises along with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 28 CLARE FEIGHROE , CONNOLLY , ENNIS to construct a slatted unit, demolish old shed and associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 28 CLARE 74 O'CONNELL STREET , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to (a) Demolish existing flat roofed extensions and store (b) Construct an extension consisting of a ground floor retail unit and 1st floor apartment (c) Carry out internal alterations and external fenestration changes to existing building which is a protected structure (RPS No. 788) together with a. More...
PERMISSION May 28 CLARE QUERRIN , KILKEE , CO CLARE for development, the development will consist of the construction of a slatted shed . More...
PERMISSION May 28 CLARE BALLYLANNIDY , ENNIS , CO CLARE for a development which will consist of the following (a) 16. No. dwelling houses in total consisting of 2. No. detached two storey dwelling houses and 14. No. semi-detached two storey dwelling houses (b) all ancillary site development works and connections to public services . More...
PERMISSION May 28 CLARE POULNADARREE , KILLIMER , CO. CLARE to remove existing sheds and to construct a new dwelling house, site entrance, access road, wastewater treatment system and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 27 CLARE CLOONNAGARNAUN , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE. to construct a new dwelling house, access road, entrance, private garage and install a new wastewater treatment system along with all associated works . More...
PERMISSION May 24 CLARE MAIN STREET , TULLA , CO CLARE for demolition of existing buildings, construction of a two storey dwelling house, a commercial unit with first floor office and storage space and one number two storey house at the laneway, including all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 24 CLARE RHYNAGONNAUGHT , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 24 CLARE RHYNAGONNAUGHT , DOONBEG , CO. CLARE to construct a new dwelling house, private garage, site entrance, on-site wastewater treatment system and all associated ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 24 CLARE LIFFORD ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for the following development: (a) to sub-divide the existing retail shop to provide two individual retail units; (b) to make elevational changes to include the construction of a new shop front and new entrance; (c) all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION May 24 CLARE DIAMOND ROCKS CAFE , WEST END , KILKEE to construct an extension to the side of the existing caf\u00E9 along with all associated site works and ancillary services . More...
PERMISSION May 23 CLARE CLOUGHLEIGH ROAD AND SHALLEE DRIVE , ENNIS , CO CLARE to carry out the following development. The cosntruction of a residential development consisting of: (1) Cloughleigh Road A-Demolition of derelict house B- Construction of a Group Home with car parking, boundary treatment and associated site works and services. (2) 27 Shallee Drive, in between house. More...
PERMISSION May 23 CLARE BACK ROAD , KILRUSH , CO CLARE to carry out the following development. The construction of a new housing estate development consisting of: a) 12 no. residential units comprising of: a) 2 no. 1-bedroom, single storey houses, ie. Type A 2 no. - 2-bedroom, single storey houses, i.e. Type B 8 no. 2-Bedroom two Storey houses, i.e Type. More...
PERMISSION May 23 CLARE SKEHANAGH , CLARECASTLE , CO. CLARE to construct a new agricultural entrance onto the public road including site works . More...
PERMISSION May 23 CLARE COACH HOUSE LANE , WEST END , KILKEE CO. CLARE to construct an extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling house, to include conversion of the existing shed for use as part of the house, along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION May 23 CLARE HERMITAGE , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for the following development: to convert the front lawn to a hard surfaced area and to make elevational alterations to the existing front boundary wall and footpath for the purpose of vehicular access, including all associated site works and services. . More...
PERMISSION May 22 CLARE BALLYMURTAGH , SHANNON , CO CLARE to construct a new warehouse building which will house mixed use industrial units with office accommodation for industrial light industrial, storage, warehouse and logistic usage including ancillary site works and a stormwater attenuation tank . More...
PERMISSION May 22 CLARE CAPPAGH HOUSE CAPPAGH , CLOGHLEA SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO.CLARE for the installation of a domestic waste water treatment system with polishing filter to serve existing house together with all associated siteworks . More...
RETENTION May 22 CLARE DRUMULLAN KILMURRY , SIXMILEBRIDGE , CO. CLARE of a domestic garage and retention of alterations to existing dwelling house's front elevation and roof. . More...
PERMISSION May 22 CLARE 96 TURNPIKE ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to (a)RETAIN front parking area as constructed, (b) CONSTRUCT an extension to front of dwelling house together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION May 21 CLARE BALLYVORDA , LISCANNOR , CO CLARE to build a new dwelling, install a waste water treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION May 21 CLARE BALLYTIGUE , LISDOONVARNA , CO CLARE to construct a building for use as offices, meeting room, staff welfare facilities & storage area to the south west of the existing private dwelling & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION May 21 CLARE NUTFIELD , BAREFIELD , CO CLARE for proposed development which will consist of the construction of a single-storey dwelling house, wastewater treatment system, percolation area, private well, upgrades to existing entrance, and all ancillary site works. . More...
PERMISSION May 21 CLARE BALLYEA SOUTH , INAGH , CO CLARE for development of a machinery shed and a livesstock slatted unit with cattle crush and a roofed manure pit with associated ancillary siteworks . More...
PERMISSION May 21 CLARE BALLYCUNNEEN , NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS , CO. CLARE V95 N2N1 to demolish existing substandard garage and Permission for the construction of a domestic garage and store including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 21 CLARE KILMOON WEST , LISDOONVARNA , CO CLARE to develop the area adjacent to Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Church for the purpose of providing a carpark, realign the existing roadside wall of the Church, create a new entrance for the carpark to the public road & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION May 20 CLARE MOYRIESK , QUIN , CO. CLARE of (a) rear first floor dormer windows and porch canopy, (b) roof windows, (c) enlarged domestic garage, (d) garden shed, (e) front boundary wall and entrance, together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION May 20 CLARE QUINGARDENS (TD) , QUIN , CO. CLARE. to erect a 30 metre high lattice telecommunications support structure, including a headframe together with antennas, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment and works, all enclosed in security fencing and to construct a new access track and revised site entrance. A Natura Impact Statement. More...
PERMISSION May 20 CLARE MAIN STREET , KILKISHEN , CO. CLARE for the construction of a new dwelling, connection to services and all associated site works and RETENTION permission for the foundation slab as constructed . More...
PERMISSION May 20 CLARE 3 CASTLEWOOD PARK , ENNIS , CO CLARE V95 EY1K to construct an extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house including all ancillary site services and works . More...
PERMISSION May 20 CLARE BALLYMALEY , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for the Installation of a Modular Home to be used as Ancillary Living Accommodation with connection to existing wastewater treatment system including ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 20 CLARE ARDSOLLUS , QUIN , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 17 CLARE THE REAR OF THE ENNISTIMON HUB , MONASTERY LANE , ENNISTIMON CO CLARE proposes to carry out the following development: for the redevelopment of a former retail storage building to provide a 2-storey office building. The proposed development will include: 1) The change of use of the building to office accommodation. 2) Demolition of steel framed and and clad building l. More...
PERMISSION May 17 CLARE DRIMMEENNAGUN , BROADFORD , CO. CLARE to erect a new entrance and driveway to serve both existing house currently under renovation and adjoining house currently under construction and close up existing entrance and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 17 CLARE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT DOOLIN NATIONAL SCHOOL , DOOLIN , CO CLARE V95 TC66 for the following development: for the construction of a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) with associated site fencing, netting, artificial surface, 4 No. 10m high floodlighting poles associated fittings and all associated ancillary site development works . More...
PERMISSION May 17 CLARE SMITHSTOWN LIGHT ENGINEERING , BAY H1A - SMITHSTOWN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE SHANNON , CO. CLARE for development, the development will consist of proposed roof mounted Photovoltaic PV panels on an existing profile metal roof and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 17 CLARE CLARE ROAD , ENNIS , CO. CLARE to erect safety / security railing and gates to existing forecourt, together with all associated site development works and services . More...
PERMISSION May 16 CLARE BALLYVELAGHAN , NEW QUAY , BURREN CO CLARE to construct a dwelling house, garage, and proprietary waste water treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 16 CLARE 42 PARNELL STREET , ENNIS , CO. CLARE for material change of use and material alteration of existing 1st Floor Office and Storage area into a Caf\u00E9 including Kitchen Area and Customer Seating Area including all required ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION May 16 CLARE BALLINGADDY WEST , ENNISTYMON , CO. CLARE to A. Amend Condition No. 4 of Outline Planning Permission Reg. Ref. 16-299 to allow for a part single storey part two storey dwelling on revised finished floor levels and amend Condition No. 5 to allow for alternative material finishes B. Amend the design and finished floor levels of the dwelling g. More...
RETENTION May 16 CLARE AILLWEE CAVES , BALLYCAHILL/BALLYALLABAN , BALLYVAUGHAN CO CLARE of existing unit on site and PERMISSION to convert same into staff accommodation including all ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION May 16 CLARE GLENDINE NORTH FAHANLUNAGHTA MORE CURRAGHODEA , LETTERKELLY CLOGHAUN MORE TOOREEN SILVERHILL , DOONSALLAGH EAST AND KNOCKALASSA CO CLARE for a ten-year planning PERMISSION for the construction of a renewable energy development at this site, in the townlands of Glendine North, Fahanlunaghta More, Curraghodea, Letterkelly, Cloghaun More, Tooreen, Silverhill, Doonsallagh East and Knockalassa, Co. Clare (approximately 6.5km to the east o. More...
PERMISSION May 16 CLARE KILKEE EAST , RUAN , CO CLARE to construct dwelling house, garage, treatment system, bored well, create new entrance to public road and carry out ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 16 CLARE KNOCKANEENA , CAHER , CO. CLARE to erect a dwellinghouse and garage for private domestic use, install an effluent treatment and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 16 CLARE SITE NO. 2 HOLLAND STREET , LISCANNOR , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of a) alterations to the plans and elevations of the dwelling house granted permission under planning reference P21/1188 and permission to construct a domestic garage together with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 16 CLARE SITE 5 LISCANNOR TOWNLAND , LISCANNOR , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, vehicular entrance, wastewater treatment system, connection to services & all ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 15 CLARE CARROWNTEDAUN , LAHINCH , CO CLARE to build a new dwelling and garage, install a wastewater treatment system & all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
RETENTION May 15 CLARE CLOONFADDA TLD. , KILLALOE , CO.CLARE to RETAIN an Outbuilding/ Shed and all associated site works. . More...
PERMISSION May 15 CLARE RABBITPARK COTTAGE CAHIRACON , KILLADYSERT , CO. CLARE for development which will consist of; a redesign of a permission previously granted under Planning Reference 19/410 for alterations and an extension to the existing dwelling, including demolition of the existing 1960s extension, raising the existing roof by 1.2m, internal layout changes, replacemen. More...
RETENTION May 15 CLARE DROMOD , BODYKE , CO. CLARE of an existing garage for private domestic use and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 15 CLARE CHURCH ROAD , TULLA , CO. CLARE for the construction of an extension to the rear, side & front of existing detached dwelling house, together with all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 15 CLARE TULLAHER , KILKEE , CO. CLARE for a single dwelling house, advanced wastewater treatment system along with ancillary site works . More...
PERMISSION May 14 CLARE BALLINY NORTH , FANORE , CO CLARE to build a new dwelling, install a wastewater treatment system, and all other associated site and ancillary works . More...
PERMISSION May 14 CLARE CROVRAGHAN , KILDYSART , CO. CLARE to demolish part of the existing dwellinghouse and the existing shed and to construct an extension to the rear of the existing dwellinghouse along with all associated site works and services . More...
PERMISSION May 14 CLARE WELL ROAD , KILKEE LOWER , KILKEE CO CLARE for the following development: (a) to demolish the existing disused toilet block and administration building; (b) to construct two no. semi-detached houses to cater for manager\u2019s accommodation and caretakers accommodation; (c) to extend the existing electrical outbuilding in the Southern park (. More...
OUTLINE PERMISSION May 14 CLARE BALLYNACRAGGA , NEWMARKET ON FERGUS , CO. CLARE for the construction of a dwelling house, garage, a proprietary waste water treatment system and ancillary site works . More...
EXTENSION OF DURATION May 14 CLARE LISMORRIS , LISSYCASEY , CO CLARE to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission for P18/941 to construct a private dwelling house, detached garage, installation of new wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works . More...
PERMISSION May 14 CLARE NO. 10 THE CREEK , QUERRIN , KILKEE CO CLARE to build an extension at rear of the existing dwelling house with all necessary ancillary services . More...