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Recent "Protected Structure" planning applications:

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RETENTION Jan 10 WATERFORD Ardsallagh , Youghal , Co. Waterford permission for alterations to an existing dwelling which is a protected structure (RPS ID WA750659), including internal alterations, alterations to external ground levels, construction of a vehicle entrance and boundary wall, and PERMISSION for a new domestic waste water treatment system, and all o.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 31 WATERFORD 21 Grattan Square , Dungarvan , Co. Waterford for change of use from retail to restaurant and takeaway and all ancillary works on ground and first floor areas. This building is Protected Structure and is located in an area of architectural conservation. More...
PERMISSION Dec 19 WATERFORD Waterford Castle Golf Club , The Island. Ballinakill , Waterford for the construction of a single-storey extension to the rear of the existing golf club building to accommodate additional function room seating area together with all associated site works and drainage connections. The development is within the curtilage of the protected structure RPS no. WA730215. More...
PERMISSION Dec 18 WATERFORD Ballyduffmore , Dungarvan , Co. Waterford for a new single storey garden room in the garden to the rear of the existing buildings on site, incorporating general garden storage, home office/gym room and all associated site works . This development consists of development within the curtilage of a protected structure under RPS No. 719 and NIA.... More...
PERMISSION Dec 16 WATERFORD Ballynatray House , Ballynatray Estate , YoughalCo.Waterford for Proposed works to the grounds of Ballynatray House, a PROTECTED STRUCTURE, Works to include :Removal of 2no existing wastewater treatment units and installation of 1no new wastewater treatment system, construction of a helicopter landing area and associated site works. More...
PERMISSION Nov 18 WATERFORD 12 & 13 Broad Street , Waterford , Waterford for material alterations to our premises at 13 Broad Street, Waterford, (Protected Structure RPS WA730685) namely for the change of use of existing first, second and third floors from retail storage to residential, and for the construction of a rear extension at first, second and third floor levels.... More...
PERMISSION Nov 06 WATERFORD Aisling , Newtown , Dunmore Road for Complete renovation of existing dwelling, comprising new roof, new windows, reconstruction of one brick chimney changes to internal layout, together with new single storey extension, connection to services and all associated site works within the attendant grounds of a protected structure.. More...
PERMISSION Oct 22 WATERFORD Tinnalyra , Grange , Co. Waterford to extend the graveyard at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Grange, Co. Waterford. The development of the graveyard extension relates to the curtilage of St. Mary's Catholic Church which is a protected structure - RPS WA750012, on the Waterford City and County Development Plan 2022-2028. The works incl.... More...