330m |
20/09/2024 |
N/A |
Murphy & Gunn car dealership, 44 Kenilworth Square South, and to the rear of 45-47 Kenilworth Square South, Rathgar, Dublin 6. |
Murphy & Gunn car dealership located at 44 Kenilworth Square South, and to the rear of 45-47 Kenilworth Square South, Rathgar, Dublin 6. The site has frontage to Rathgar Avenue, Kenilworth Square South and Garville Lane.
The proposed development will consist of:
-Demolition of single storey car showroom fronting Rathgar Avenue and 2-storey building fronting Garville Lane;
-Construction of a residential development of 18 units comprising:
Block A - A terrace of 3 no. 4-bedroom 3-storey houses facing Kenilworth Square South;
Block B - A terrace of 5 no. 3-bedroom 3-storey houses facing Rathgar Avenue;
Block C - A pair of 4-bedroom 3-storey houses facing Garville Lane, with 2 no. integrated parking spaces;
Block D - A ter... login required. |
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350m |
16/08/2024 |
N/A |
45 Kenilworth Square South Dublin 6 |
Permission for development at No. 45 Kenilworth Square South, Rathgar, Dublin 6. The development will consist of change of use, reconfiguration and extension of the property from office use to a 3-bedroom dwelling. The development includes: Demolition of existing single storey commercial floorspace to side and rear o... login required. |
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470m |
12/08/2024 |
N/A |
33 Clareville Road Terenure Dublin 6W D6W R996 |
First floor extension to the rear. Attic conversion for storage with two dormer windows to the rear. Raised gable to the side, First floor extension to the side. Velux window to the front. Two storey extension to the side. Two new windows to the side first floor.... login required. |
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470m |
06/08/2024 |
33 Clareville Road Harold's Cross Terenure Dublin 6W |
The development will consist of: First floor extension to the rear. Attic conversion for storage with two dormer windows to the rear. Raised gable to the side, First floor extension to the side. Velux window to the front. Two storey extension to the side. Two new windows to the side first floor.... login required. |
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490m |
19/07/2024 |
41 Eaton Square Dublin 6W D6W TW22 |
Planning Permission for non habitable attic conversion with dormer to rear.... login required. |
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190m |
11/06/2024 |
6 Coulson Avenue Dublin 6 D06 T049 |
The development seeking permission for development will consist of the construction of a dormer window in the main roof to the rear of the house along with replacing the ... login required. |
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240m |
22/05/2024 |
404 Harold's Cross Road Dublin 6W D6W FP63 |
Extension to rear return at 2nd floor, new roof & cladding to rear return, demolition of rear chimney.... login required. |
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400m |
09/05/2024 |
8 Eaton Square Terenure Dublin 6 D6WET62 |
For the replacement of existing window at second floor to rear elevation with a larger window.... login required. |
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430m |
17/04/2024 |
53 Kenilworth Square South Dublin 6 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Permission for reconstruction of existing upper ground floor extension to the rear, construction of a new two storey extension to the rear, new outdoor terrace to the rear at upper ground floor level, with steps down to back garden level, i... login required. |
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450m |
03/04/2024 |
89/91 Terenure Road North Terenure Dublin 6w Dublin 6W PX76 |
Planning Permission for change of use from bank use to 2 retail units, ancillary storage and internal alterations, new shopfronts & painted brick, internal shutters, new illuminated fascia signage (c. 5.2 sqm) all at Ground floor, 89/ 91 Terenure Road North, Dublin 6W.... login required. |
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70m |
22/03/2024 |
77 Brighton Square Terenure Dublin 6 D06K5C2 |
The development will consist of: 1) The demolition of the existing structurally unsound two storey return and annexe to the rear
elevation (south); 2) The construction of a new, two-storey extension to the rear elevation (south) of the existing building with flat green roof and parapet: The west elevation to the proposed extension is reduced to a single storey where it addresses the shared
boundary wall between number 77 ... login required. |
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350m |
21/03/2024 |
20 Healthfield Road Terenure Dublin 6 D06 F611 |
Demolition of single storey rear boiler room and construction of single storey rear extension with internal alterations, changes to elevations, conversion and extension of existing garage with rais... login required. |
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80m |
20/03/2024 |
11 Brighton Road Rathgar Dublin 6 D06 F224 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a single storey (41m2) outbuilding at the rear for creche use and all associated site works.... login required. |
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390m |
14/03/2024 |
51 Kenilworth Square Rathgar Dublin 6 D06 Y274 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for alterations to previously approved plans (reg. ref. 4027/23) to now include for demolition of the existing non-original garage on Garville Lane and widening of existing garage entrance to provide off-street parking to be accessed from Garville Lane.... login required. |
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80m |
12/03/2024 |
11 Brighton Road Rathgar Dublin 6 D06F224 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a single storey (41m2) outbuilding at the rear for creche use and all associated site works.... login required. |
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430m |
11/03/2024 |
No. 348 Harold's Cross Road Dublin 6W D6W VW99 |
For development to amend a previously permitted Build-to-Rent residential development (DCC Reg. Ref. 2769/21 / ABP Ref. 311691-21) currently under construction at a site of 0.21 ha (the original site being c. 0.23 ha) at No. 348 Harold's Cross Road, Dublin 6W, D6W VW99 (formerly known as 'Kenilworth Motors'). The site is principally bounded by Laundry Lane to the north, Harold's Cross Road to the east, Kenilworth Manor to the south, and Rosary Park to the west. (The extant planning permission permits inter alia the demolition of the structures on site (with the exception of certain boundary walls) the construction of a part-two, part-three, part-four, part-five storey building accommodating 50 No. apartments, with terraces and or balconies facing east, south and west, and ancillary car parking, waste storage, communal residential facilities, plant/ ancillary areas and all associated works all accessed from Harold's Cross Road and Laundry Lane.) The development will consist of the overall increase in floor area of 148 sq m (from c. 4,900 sq m to 5,048 sq m), including increase at Lower Ground Floor (from 381 sq m to 429 sqm); increase at Upper Ground Floor (from 1261 sq m to 1,296 sq m); increase at First Floor (from 1,291 sq m to 1,301 sq m); increase at Second Floor (from 1,118 sq m to 1,143 sq m) increase at Third Floor (from 849 sq m to 879 sq m). The maximum height of the building remains unchanged (c. 48.50 m). The overall number of units increases by 2 No. (from 50 No. units (4 No. studio units; 42 No. 1-bed units; 2 No. 2-bed/3-persons; and 2 No. 2-bed/4- persons) to 52 No. units (4 No. studio units; 41 No. 1-bed units; 5 No. 2-bed/3-persons; and 2 No. 2-bed/4-persons)). The development will also consist of revisions to the internal layout: increase in floor area at Lower Ground Floor (by 48 sq m) to accommodate the related bicycle store and increased plant area; revised internal layouts of the 3 No. Lower Ground Fl... login required. |
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240m |
28/02/2024 |
410 Harold's Cross Road Dublin 6W |
Permission for extension to rear ground, first and 2nd floor, new roof to rear return, demolition of rear gable chimney and walls, alterations to rear windows, internal and external works at 410 Harold's Cross Road, Dublin 6W, D6W E720... login required. |
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250m |
21/02/2024 |
Rear 58 & 60 Garville Avenue Upper accessed from Garville Lane Upper Rathgar Dublin 6 |
The development will consist of:
a) Removal of existing fencing, gates and site clearance.
b) Construction of 2 no. 2 storey, 3 bedroomed dwellings incorporating off-street car... login required. |
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400m |
20/02/2024 |
8 Eaton Square Terenure Dublin 6 D6WET62 |
For demolition of the existing single storey conservatory & sheds to rear, and construction of single storey ground floor extension to the rear & attic dormer ... login required. |
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