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  20 Cecilia Street Dublin 2

Jan 22 2024

Application Received

Jan 31 2024


Mar 15 2024

Decision Due
  • Submitted to Dublin City Council, 22 / 01 / 2024
  • Application Type: Retention Permission
  • Current Status: Decision Notice Issued
  • Decision Summary: Invalid
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RETENTION planning permission for two aluminium electric exterior signs at this location, the granary building, Meghan's Coffee Shop , 20 Cecilia Street, Dublin 2; curr... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    490m 12/07/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID Hodges Figgis 56-58 Dawson Street Dublin 2 D02 XE81 No changes to be made to shopfront design. Replacement of rotten timber shopfront elements, lead repairs to all windows, repair and replace damaged glazing. Redecorate all timber elements in RAL6009 Fir Green. Signage: Existing signage to be removed and replaced with Gold brushed steel lettering, HODGES FIGGIS with building numbers 56-58 in Perpetua Pro Titling Light. HF Monogram t... login required. Details...
    300m 10/07/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID Abbey House Jervis Street North City Dublin 1 D01 KV56 Change of use of a 10.7m2 area of an existing Future Learning Language School to a new coffee takeaway shop, consisting of upgrading existing front elevation with a new hatch to the front of the premises and upgrading of internal alterations to provide new catering retail unit.... login required. Details...
    290m 09/07/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 12 Lower Liffey Street Dublin 1 PERMISSION : The development will consist of the change of use from a Shop to a Restaurant/Takeaway with all ancillary site works.... login required. Details...
    130m 09/07/2024 N/A 36 Dame Street Dublin 2 Permission is sought by Hittatum Limited for development at No.36 Dame Street, Dublin 2. The development will consist of a single-storey office extensi... login required. Details...
    90m 08/07/2024 N/A 9-11 The Bad Ass Cafe Crown Alley Dublin 2 PERMISSION AND RETENTION for development at this site; Bad Ass Café, 9-11 Crown Alley, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, D02ED77 and Unit 2/3, Temple Bar Square, Dublin 2, DO2 X738. 9-11 Crown Alley is a Protected Structure. The development will consist of; a) on the Crown Alley façade, the retention of the illuminated "Bad Ass" fascia sign; b) on the Crown Alley façade, the replacement on the fascia sign of the 2D blac... login required. Details...
    300m 05/07/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID Abbey House Jervis Street Dublin 1 D01 KV56 PERMISSION for change of use of a 10.7m2 area of an existing Future Learning Language School to a new coffee takeaway shop, consisting of upgrading existing front elevation with a new hatch to the front of the premises and upgrading of internal alterations to provide new catering retail unit.... login required. Details...
    490m 04/07/2024 N/A 56 Mary Street Dublin 1 D01 R8C9 RETENTION: We, SK Wonder Greenfield Limited, intend to apply for retention permission for development at this site: 56 Mary Street, Dublin 1. The development consi... login required. Details...
    210m 02/07/2024 N/A 38/39 Ormond Quay Lower North City Dublin 1 D01 A593 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: permission for the temporary signage at 38/39 Ormond Quay Lower, North City, Dublin 1, D01 A593 by way of the following : provision of temporary signage to the fascia of 38 Ormond Quay Lower, to consist of vertical painted lettering indicating the wording 'Yamamori' followed with a painted logo above the lettering. This will be lit by a wall sconce located to the base of the lettering and another sconce located to the top of the logo. ... login required. Details...
    90m 02/07/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID The Bad Ass Cafe 9-11 Crown Alley Dublin 2 . D02ED77 and Unit 2/3 Temple Bar Square Dublin 2 D02 X738. Planning permission for development at this site: Bad Ass Café, 9-11 Crown Alley, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, D02ED77 and Unit 2/3 Temple Bar Square, Dublin 2, DO2 X738. 9-11 Crown Alley is a Protected Structure. The development will consist of; a) on the Crown Alley façade, the retention of the illuminated "Bad Ass" fascia sign; b) on the Crown Alley façade, the replacement on the fascia sign of the 2D black ... login required. Details...
    300m 28/06/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID Abbey House Jervis Street Dublin 1 D01 KV56 Change of use of a 10.7m2 area of an existing Future Learning Language School to a new coffee takeaway shop, consisting of upgrading existing front elevation with a new hatch to the front of the premises and upgrading of internal alterations to provide new catering retail unit.... login required. Details...
    180m 28/06/2024 N/A 12/13 South Great Georges Street Dublin 2 D02 RD36 Planning permission for the proposed understairs keg storage to the rear lane all at Yamamori Izakaya - Japas & Sake Bar, 12/13 South Great Georges Street, Dublin 2, D02 RD36 which forms part of the complex of buildings occupied by the Central Hotel which is a protected structure (RPS ref. 2719).... login required. Details...
    180m 28/06/2024 N/A 12/13 South Great Georges Street Dublin 2 . D02RD36 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning Permission for the proposed Maintenance Platform to the rear lane all at Yamamori Izakaya -Japas & Sake Bar, 12/13 South Great ... login required. Details...
    490m 26/06/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 56 Mary Street Dublin 1 RETENTION: Retention permission for development at this site: 56 Mary Street, Dublin 1. The development consists of: the change of use from 3no. flats, at first, second and third floor levels, to short-term tourist rental accommodation units and all associated site works.... login required. Details...
    240m 25/06/2024 N/A Bridge House 24-25 Parliament Street Dublin 2 . D02X971 PROTECTED STRUCTURE The development consists of: (i) change of use at the basement and ground floors (nos.24-25) from restaurant to uses ancillary to the existing guesthouse comprising an additional 3 no. guest bedrooms with ensuites, kitchen, dining room, lounge, office, reception area, stores, and 3 no. W.C.s. The existing kitchen and dining room will be relocated from 1 st floor (No. 24) to the basement and replaced with 2 no. guest bedrooms (5 no. new guest bedrooms in total); (ii) External Modifications inclusive of: (a) The removal of the non-original shopfront at ground floor level and associated entrance lobbies, (b) The provision of a contemporary shopfront composed of painted metal cladding to select colour and glazing, (c) The cleaning of the re-exposed granite window cills at first floor level (following shopfront height reduction), (d) The provision at ground floor level of a single-storey extension to the rear of No.25 to accommodate a suite containing a bedroom and en-suite bathroom around an enclosed yard, (e) Amending the shared rear courtyard door to No.25 to form a window; forming a new door on the north side of the rear extension, (f) Removal of redundant mechanical ventilation ductwork and electrical trays to the rear façade and return and making good opes associated with same, (g) Removal at second floor level of the non- original metal clad portion of the rear return to No.25 and r... login required. Details...
    420m 18/06/2024 N/A Dublin City Council Headquarters Civic Offices Block 1 Woodquay Dublin 8 Permission to install spectrum monitoring equipment on the chimney of block 1. This spectrum monitoring equipment consists of three receive only antennas, along with a radio control unit.... login required. Details...
    200m 31/05/2024 N/A Dollard House 2-5 Wellington Quay and 1-5 Essex Street East Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:RETENTION: For a change of use of the ground floor from retail (artisan delicatessen) with ancilllary coffee dock, as originally permitted under DCC Reg. Ref. 2343/14, to licened premises with food service (consumption on premises).... login required. Details...
    430m 27/05/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID Dublin City Council Headquarters Civic Offices Wood Quay Dublin 8 The Commission for Communications Regulations (ComReg) intend to apply for permission to install spectrum monitoring equipment on the chimney of Block 1 Dublin City ... login required. Details...
    360m 27/05/2024 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Ground Floor 56-58 Drury Street Dublin 2 D02 HT29 RETENTION & PERMISSION : We, Sharkbait Trading Company Limited, intend to apply for retention permission (for restaurant use) and planning permission (for signage) for development at this site at Ground Floor, 56-58 Drury ... login required. Details...
    360m 24/05/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID Ground Floor 56-58 Drury Street Dublin 2 D02 HT29 RETENTION & PERMISSION : We, Sharkbait Trading Company Limited, intend to apply for retention permission (for restaurant use) and planning permission (for signage) for development at this site at Ground Floor, 56-58 Drury ... login required. Details...
    210m 22/05/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 38/39 Ormond Quay Lower Dublin 1 D01 A593 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for temporary signage by way of the following: -Provision of temporary signage to the fascia of 38 Ormond Quay Lower, to consist of vertical painted lettering indicating the wording 'Yamamori' followed with a painted logo above the lettering. This will be lit by a wall sconce located to the base of the lettering and another sconce located to the top of the logo. -Provision of temporary signa... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Ll
    • Description: Locally Important Aquifer - Bedrock which is Moderately Productive only in Local Zones

    • Unit Name: Lucan Formation
    • Description: Dark limestone & shale (`calp)
    • Labels: CDLUCN / LU

    • Moderate ( M)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
    • No Results...

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • Quay (QUAY) - #DU02868
    • Building (BUIL) - #DU02885
    • Building (BUIL) - #DU02955
    • Meeting-house (MEHO) - #DU03483
    • House - indeterminate date (HOUS) - #DU03484
    • House - indeterminate date (HOUS) - #DU03485
    • House - indeterminate date (HOUS) - #DU03486
    • House - indeterminate date (HOUS) - #DU03487
    • House - indeterminate date (HOUS) - #DU03525
    • House - indeterminate date (HOUS) - #DU03526
    • House - indeterminate date (HOUS) - #DU03527
    • House - indeterminate date (HOUS) - #DU03528
    • Burial ground (BUGR) - #DU01113
    • Building (BUIL) - #DU01272
    • Religious house - Augustinian friars (RHAF) - #DU01300
    • Ritual site - holy well (HOWE) - #DU03101
    • Meeting-house (MEHO) - #DU02980
    • Kiln - lime (LIME) - #DU02901
    • Burial ground (BUGR) - #DU02521
    • Inn (INNI) - #DU01169

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    Irish Landmark Trust 50020120 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1710 - 1730 house office Yes
    The Ark 50020071 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1710 - 1750 church/chapel theatre/opera house/concert hall Yes
    Focus Ireland 50020068 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1730 - 1750 house office Yes
    The Temple Bar 50020111 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 house public house Yes
    McDonalds 50020113 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 shop/retail outlet restaurant Yes
    Dame Cafe / The Company Shop 50020128 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1890 - 1910 restaurant; office Yes
    KC Peaches 50020131 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1885 - 1900 shop/retail outlet restaurant Yes
    No Building Name 50020136 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1830 - 1880 store/warehouse shop/retail outlet Yes
    The Temple Bar 50020110 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1830 - 1850 house public house Yes
    Oysters at the Temple Bar Trading Company/ The Temple Bar Trading Company / The Locksmith Apartments 50020112 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 house restaurant; shop/retail outlet Yes
    Centra 50020129 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 shop/retail outlet Same as Original Yes
    Club Lapello 50020130 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 shop/retail outlet building misc Yes
    Linda Joyce's Hair Temple 50020137 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1830 - 1880 house; shop/retail outlet shop/retail outlet Yes
    Crow Street Bazaar / Cafe Italiano 50020138 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1750 - 1770 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Shan Indian Cuisine / Printing and Photocopying Service 50020139 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1875 - 1885 building misc shop/retail outlet; restaurant Yes
    No Building Name 50020072 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1740 house workshop Yes
    No Building Name 50020069 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1760 house office Yes
    Pinxto 50020070 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1760 school restaurant Yes
    Folkster 50020073 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1760 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Anthony Murray Hair and Beauty Group 50020140 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1880 - 1885 office shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 50020148 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1710 - 1750 house shop/retail outlet; theatre/opera house/concert hall Yes
    Flip / Helter Skelter 50020149 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1740 house apartment/flat (converted); shop/retail outlet Yes
    Nico's 50020143 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1775 - 1795 house apartment/flat (converted); restaurant Yes
    Preen 50020144 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1775 - 1795 house; office apartment/flat (converted); shop/retail outlet Yes
    Bobo's 50020145 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1775 - 1795 house restaurant; apartment/flat (converted) Yes
    Akina Beauty and Laser Clinic 50020142 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 building misc shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 50020150 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1740 house apartment/flat (converted); shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 50020055 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1910 house Yes
    The Merchant House / Basic Instinct 50020074 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1710 - 1730 house guest house/b&b Yes
    Super Thai Massage / Internet & Call Centre 50020075 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1710 - 1730 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Friends Meeting House / Paul Ryan Music / Eustace Street Buildings 50020077 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1805 - 1825 meeting house Same as Original Yes
    Irish Film Institute 50020076 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1805 - 1825 meeting house cinema Yes
    Trinity Bar 50020147 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1905 - 1910 office public house Yes
    The Foggy Dew 50020152 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 public house Same as Original Yes
    Crackbird / Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe 50020089 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1875 office restaurant Yes
    No Building Name 50020105 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1725 - 1745 house workshop Yes
    Focus Ireland 50020104 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 house office Yes
    No Building Name 50020107 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house office Yes
    No Building Name 50020153 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1865 - 1870 office hotel; public house Yes
    Ray's 50020151 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1825 - 1845 house apartment/flat (converted); restaurant Yes
    Fresh 50020180 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1820 - 1840 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Crown Alley Cocktail Club 50020175 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1830 - 1850 public house Yes
    Bedford Stuy Temple Bar Barbers 50020172 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1915 - 1920 office office; shop/retail outlet Yes
    The Bad Ass Café 50020173 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1940 - 1960 laundry restaurant Yes
    No Building Name 50020174 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1830 - 1850 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    John J. Cooke & Co. Ltd. 50020171 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1890 - 1910 office shop/retail outlet Yes
    Café Irie / Lucy’s Vintage Basement / Lucy’s Lounge 50020168 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Geopal 50020108 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1925 - 1945 print works office Yes
    Urban Outfitters 50020116 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1835 - 1840 university shop/retail outlet Yes
    Filmbase 50020117 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 shop/retail outlet office Yes
    River House Hotel 50020119 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1710 - 1730 house hotel Yes
    The Hub / The Mezz 50020118 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1740 house building misc Yes
    GPS Travel 50020121 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1700 - 1740 house office Yes
    Central Bank 50020194 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1970 - 1980 bank/financial institution Same as Original Yes
    Irish Theatre Institute 50020106 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1705 - 1715 house office Yes
    Glycine Temple Bar Jewellery 50020122 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1710 - 1750 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Montys of Kathmandu 50020123 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house restaurant Yes
    Apache Hostel 50020124 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1860 - 1865 office hostel Yes
    Melt 50020126 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1810 - 1830 print works building misc Yes
    Temple Bar Medical Centre 50020091 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1800 - 1840 house surgery/clinic Yes
    Dillons Hair Salon 50020093 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    The Granary 50020132 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1830 - 1850 store/warehouse shop/retail outlet Yes
    Beards & Barnets / Shotsy 50020133 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1830 - 1850 store/warehouse shop/retail outlet Yes
    KC Peaches 50020127 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1880 - 1900 shop/retail outlet restaurant Yes
    Square Wheels Cycleworks / Shan Indian Restaurant 50020134 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1880 - 1885 shop/retail outlet Same as Original Yes
    Shan Restaurant / Irish Film Academy 50020135 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1880 - 1885 shop/retail outlet college Yes
    Brick Alley Cafe 50020102 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1820 house restaurant Yes
    Mexico to Rome 50020100 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1870 - 1890 house restaurant Yes
    Temple Bar Gallery and Studios 50020094 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1990 - 1995 factory museum/gallery Yes
    The Norseman 50020101 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1910 - 1930 public house Same as Original Yes
    The Shack Restaurant 50020103 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1820 house restaurant Yes
    Temple Lane Studios 50020109 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1820 store/warehouse studio Yes
    Tango's / Second Age Theatre Company 50020148 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1710 - 1750 house shop/retail outlet; theatre/opera house/concert hall Yes
    Rebirth of Cool / Sharpsville 50020150 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1740 house apartment/flat (converted); shop/retail outlet Yes
    Dublin Citi Hotel/Dublin Trinity Bar 50020153 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1865 - 1870 office hotel; public house Yes
    The Pieman Café / Jam Art factory / Connected Ink 50020174 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1830 - 1850 house shop/retail outlet Yes

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • No Results...

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