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  Russelstown Wood , Russelstown , Palatine

Mar 28 2023

Application Received

May 12 2023

Further Info. Requested

Jun 07 2023

Further Info. Received

Jul 27 2023


Aug 01 2023

Decision Due

Aug 29 2023


Aug 28 2028

Expiry (if required)
  • Submitted to Carlow County Council, 28 / 03 / 2023
  • Application Type: PERMISSION
  • Decision Text: CONDITIONAL
  • Decision Summary: Granted
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the erection of a single storey timber cabin (to be used for holiday home lettings) adjacent to existing two storey dwelling (being adjacent to ... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    140m 16/07/2024 N/A Russellstown Woods , Palatine , Co. Carlow Retention Planning and Planning Permission for the following; - a) Retention of garage raft foundation slab as constructed, b) Retention of mezzanine floor level in dwelling, c) Retention of exterior alterations and alterations to window & door openings in dwelling. d) Planning permission sought to complete construction of a p... login required. Details...
    2km 05/07/2024 N/A Friarstown , Co. Carlow to construct a two storey dwelling, detached single storey double garage, upgrading of existing entrance, bored well, waste water treatment system, percolation area and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    2.4km 06/06/2024 CONDITIONAL Ballyhade , Castedermot , Co. Kildare for sun room as constructed to the side of existing single storey dwelling house, all ancillary site works and services... login required. Details...
    780m 07/05/2024 N/A Burton Hall , Palatine , Co. Carlow alterations to previously approved house plans and including 7 kennels and all associated site works. This is further to previous Planning Register Reference 08/202... login required. Details...
    1.7km 12/04/2024 CONDITIONAL Burton Hall Demesne , Carlow , Co. Kildare the construction of a single storey extension to the side & rear elevation of my existing dwelling, retention permission for the construction of a home office & home Gym and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    1.7km 09/04/2024 N/A Burton Hall Demesne , Carlow . , Co. Kildare Development will consist of permission for the construction of a single storey extension to the side & rear elevation of my existing dwelling, retention permission for the construction of a home office & home Gym and all associated site works at, Burton Hall Demesne, Carlow, Co. Kildare.... login required. Details...
    310m 17/10/2023 REFUSED Russellstown , Co. Carlow to construct a two-storey dwelling house, garage, new site entrance, bored well, proprietary treatment system, associated percolation area, all ancillary site works and services... login required. Details...
    170m 17/10/2023 REFUSED Russellstown , Palatine , Co. Carlow the construction of a new single storey dwelling, an adjoining domestic carport, a domestic shed / store, a bored well, secondary treatment system & soil polishing filter, a new entrance, connection to services and all associated works... login required. Details...
    790m 11/10/2023 N/A Russelstown , Carlow , R93A526 unauthorised development, including the construction of a commercial building, 2. No. domestic sheds/stores, 2. No. metal shipping containers used for storage of goods for a charitable organisation, and all associated site works ... login required. Details...
    310m 11/10/2023 N/A Russellstown , Co. Carlow to construct a two-storey dwelling house, garage, new site entrance, bored well, proprietary treatment system, associated percolation area, all ancillary site works and services... login required. Details...
    2.7km 11/10/2023 CONDITIONAL Ballyhade , Castledermot , Co. Kildare alterations and refurbishment of an existing single storey vernacular dwelling and a new single storey extension to the rear; alterations and setback of vehicular entrance and road boundary ... login required. Details...
    790m 05/10/2023 N/A Russelstown , Carlow , Carlow permission for unauthorised development, including the construction of a commercial building, 2. No. domestic sheds/stores, 2. No. metal shipping containers used for storage of goods for a charitable organisation, and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    2.3km 22/09/2023 REFUSED Ballyhade , Castledermot , Co. Kildare to transfer 2 acres of sterilized lands (PL ref 88/222) from proposed site to other land holdings in Ballyburn Upper, Castledermot, Co. Kildare. Full planning permission is sought to con... login required. Details...
    790m 21/09/2023 N/A Russelstown , Carlow , Carlow unauthorised development, including the construction of a commercial store, 2. No. domestic sheds / stores, 2. No. metal shipping containers used for storage of goods for a charitable organisation, and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    1.6km 31/08/2023 CONDITIONAL Friarstown , Bennekerry , Co. Carlow a single storey sunroom to the rear of existing single storey dwelling and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    2.3km 10/08/2023 REFUSED Friarstown , Co. Carlow to construct a part single storey, part two storey dwelling, detached single storey double garage, new entrance off existing laneway, bored well, waste water treatment system, percolation area and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    0m 07/03/2023 N/A Russellstown Woods , Russellstown , Palatine the erection of a single storey timber cabin (to be used for holiday home lettings) adjacent to existing two storey dwelling (being adjacent to protected structure/entrance CW473) and all associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development... login required. Details...
    1km 06/03/2023 CONDITIONAL Rutland , Carlow , Carlow permission to install an agricultural field entrance and associated site works... login required. Details...
    2.8km 23/01/2023 CONDITIONAL Straboe , Killerig , Co. Carlow alteration and extension to existing dwelling and all associated site works... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Ll
    • Description: Locally Important Aquifer - Bedrock which is Moderately Productive only in Local Zones

    • Unit Name: Tullow Type 2 Equigranular Granite
    • Description: Pale, fine to coarse-grained granite
    • Labels: IDTWGRE / Tw2e

    • High ( H)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
    • No Results...

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • No Results...

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    No Results...

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • M/N09

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