1.2km |
23/12/2024 |
N/A |
Oldtown , Ballyragget , Co. Kilkenny |
for Construction of (i) Roofed slatted feeding shed (ii) slatted feeding area (iii) Roofed loose area (iv) Roofed slatted area with loose area and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.5km |
23/11/2024 |
N/A |
Donaghmore , Ballyragget , Co. Kilkenny |
to construct a single-storey dwelling, a new entrance, a private borewell, a wastewater treatment system, and a percolation area, along with all associated site works... login required. |
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1.9km |
29/01/2024 |
Clone , Freshford , Co. Kilkenny |
for a development of 10 no. short stay / holiday static glamping pods, replacement of existing pumphouse with storage shed containing pumphouse, alterations to as built wastewater treatment plant and percolation area plus associated site works... login required. |
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1.2km |
08/01/2024 |
Oldtown , Ballyragget , Co. Kilkenny |
of (i) slatted shed (ii) outside slatted area with loose shed (iii) meal storage shed (iv) silage slabs (v) storage shed and all associated site works... login required. |
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170m |
05/09/2023 |
Grange , Ballyragget , Co Kilkenny |
to construct a single & storey dwelling house, domestic garage, provision of a new treatment plant & percolation area, new vehicular site entrance and all associated site developments works at... login required. |
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2.9km |
21/07/2023 |
Ballyconra Parksgrove and Moatpark , Ballyragget , Co. Kilkenny |
for the Proposed installation of a network connection and grid connection, and minor amendments to solar farms previously approved under planning application references 17/669 and 22/126. The proposed development will consist of the installation of a 33kV network connection between the solar farms approved under planning application references 17/669 and 22/126 comprising: c. 921m of overhead line and 9 No. wooden poles; onward connec... login required. |
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2.8km |
18/07/2023 |
Connahy , Ballyragget , Co Kilkenny |
to construct slatted shed with underground effluent tanks and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.9km |
14/07/2023 |
Ballyconra , Ballyragget , Co Kilkenny |
for development. The development will consist of the extension of the operational lifespan of a solar farm permitted by Kilkenny County Council under Planning Ref. 17/669 from 25 years as permitted (by reason of Condition No. 4 of permission Ref.17/669) to 40 No. years... login required. |
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2.4km |
12/06/2023 |
Seskin South , Ballyragget , Co. Kilkenny |
to construct walled silage pits and all associated site works... login required. |
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160m |
10/05/2023 |
N/A |
Grange , Ballyragget , Co. Kilkenny |
for the demolition of an existing single storey rear extension. Permission to construct a single storey rear extension to link existing single storey domestic garage and Permission for change of use of existing domestic garage to family flat and all associated site works ... login required. |
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160m |
27/04/2023 |
N/A |
Grange , Ballyragget , Co. Kilkenny |
for the demolition of an existing single storey rear extension. Permission to construct a single storey rear extension to link existing single storey domestic garage and Permission for change of use of existing domestic garage to family flat and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.1km |
28/03/2023 |
Ballyconra , Lisdowney , Co. Kilkenny |
The installation of a new wastewater treatment system and polishing filter at existing dwelling and all associated siteworks.... login required. |
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2.6km |
30/03/2022 |
Parksgrove , Ballyraggett , Co. Kilkenny |
for indefinite retention of an existing domestic garage, including first floor loft storage as varied from a previously granted permission 08/1286... login required. |
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