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  Connabury , Castleblayney , Co. Monaghan

Jan 12 2025

Application Received

Mar 08 2025

Decision Due
  • Submitted to Monaghan County Council, 12 / 01 / 2025
  • Application Type: PERMISSION
  • Current Status: NEW APPLICATION
  • Decision Text: N/A
  • Decision Summary: No Decision
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planning permission for a development which will consist of a split level part single storey, part two-storey dwelling house with integrated domestic garage, access via existing private ... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    1.3km 23/12/2024 N/A Bree , Castleblayney , Co. Monaghan retention permission for the change of use of an existing storage building to that of a wash-line building for recyclable goods and the following as-constructed changes from previous planning application ref no 19-106. 1. Height increase in wash-line line building previously granted. 2. The retention of a single storey porta... login required. Details...
    0m 22/12/2024 N/A Drumcrew , Castleblayney , Co. Monaghan permission for the development will consist of a split level part single storey, part two-storey dwelling house with integrated domestic garage, access via existing private entranc... login required. Details...
    1km 19/12/2024 N/A Henry St. / Market Sq , Castleblayney , Monaghan permission for the erection of 4 No. individual self-contained accommodation units, creating a wellness recovery area incorporating outdoor icebaths with cover... login required. Details...
    1km 27/11/2024 N/A Henry St. / Market Sq , Castleblayney , Monaghan permission for the erection of 4 No. individual self-contained accommodation units, creating a wellness recovery area incorporating outdoor ice baths with cover... login required. Details...
    1.4km 08/11/2024 CONDITIONAL 28 , Park Road , Castleblayney permission for the construction of a single story extension to the side and rear of 28 Park Road and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    470m 21/10/2024 N/A Tullanacrunat , Castleblayney , CO. MONAGHAN permission for development consisting of a single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling and all associated site works at Pine Villa Tullyanacrunat Castleblaney Co Monaghan... login required. Details...
    1.1km 18/10/2024 N/A Henry Street , Castleblayney , County Monaghan permission for a development which will consist of: Proposed material alterations to existing two-storey house and outbuilding to rear and all associated works at Henry Street, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, A75 VR83. Proposed works to incl... login required. Details...
    1.7km 09/10/2024 N/A Shercock Road , Killycard , Castleblayney permission to retain the site works which have commenced and permission for a residential development of 52 no. houses on a site of 3.5ha at Shercock Road, Killycard, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan. The site subject to this application forms part of a residential development known as Castle Park which was previously granted planning permission under Reg Reference numbers: 08/225 and ref 19/155. The development consists of the follo... login required. Details...
    1.2km 04/10/2024 N/A THE NED KELLYS BUILDING , MAIN STREET , CASTLEBLAYNEY permission for a change of use of the existing vacant first and second floor restaurant / office use to bed and breakfast / hostel accommodation, alterations to the elevati... login required. Details...
    2.7km 20/09/2024 N/A Killycard , Castleblayney , Co Monaghan permission to consists of the installation of a single storey modular unit, for use as a site office, new waste water treatment system and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    1.6km 26/08/2024 CONDITIONAL Cavanaguillagh , Castleblayney , County Monaghan permission to erect single storey extension to the front & rear of existing single storey dwelling, elevational changes to existing dwelling, demolish shed, treatment plant, percolation area, using existing entrance and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    1km 04/06/2024 CONDITIONAL Lower Commons Onomy , Castleblayney , Co. Monaghan permission for a development will consist of the following 1) Proposed demolition of existing shed and 2) Proposed construction of a tyre repair workshop and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    2.7km 28/05/2024 CONDITIONAL Drumaliss , Castleblayney , Co.Monaghan permission for retention of the following: existing single storey boiler house/ store, detached single storey garage for use ancillary to the dwelling, renewal and ... login required. Details...
    360m 28/05/2024 N/A Onomy and Annahale Townlands , Castleblayney , Co.Monaghan Permission for (a) site works to facilitate the proposed development to include excavation and general site preparation works, (b) Use of existing entrance serving Chruch Heath along with provision of internal access roads and footpath to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access, (c) Provision of a residential development over 3no. phases comprising 43no. dwellings in total as follows : 1. House type A: 4 Bed detached (7no units) 2. House type B: 2 bed semi-detached (2no. units) 3. House type C: 4 bed semi-detached (10 units) 4. House type D: 3 bed semi-detached (12no. units) 5. House type E: 4 bed mid-terrace (4no. units) 5. House type F: 3 bed end-terraced (8no. units) (d) provision of associated garden areas and in-curtilage works for wach dwelling to include boundary fencing and boundary walls as required. (e) Provision of residential communal open space are... login required. Details...
    1.1km 27/05/2024 CONDITIONAL Conabury , Castleblayney , Co. Monaghan permission sought by Íontas Arts & Community Resource Centre for a change of Use from Library facility to part of Day Care facility, internal alterations and associated works... login required. Details...
    1km 16/05/2024 N/A Lower Commons , Onomy , Castleblayney permission for a development consisting of the construction of a tyre repair workshop and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    500m 09/05/2024 CONDITIONAL Castleblayney College , Dublin Road Connabury T.D. , Castleblayney Co. Monaghan permission for a development consisting of:(1)Construction of a two-storey extension to the Southeast of the existing school consisting of a 3-classroom SEN base, associated toilets, Central Activities Area, 2 No. Replacement Classrooms and all ancillary spaces. Together with an external play area and sensory garden adjacent to the extension. PV panels will be mounted on the roof of the proposed building. (2) Alterations within the existing school provides a Safe Base Classroom and forms an internal link to the proposed SEN extension at ground and first floor levels. (3) Internal alterations wit... login required. Details...
    1.2km 03/05/2024 CONDITIONAL Main Street , Castleblayney , Co. Monaghan permission for a three storey extension to rear and renovation of existing building to provide additional retail floor area on the ground floor, and 8No. apartments at 1st and 2nd floor level and all associated site works... login required. Details...
    1.3km 30/04/2024 CONDITIONAL Mc Grath Road , Drumillard Little , Castleblayney Co. Monaghan permission to construct a multi-storey apartment building with 10 no. apartments in total Mix of apartments as follows, 3 x 3bedroom, 4 x 2bedroom, 1 x 1bedroom and 2 x studio, including communal open space and all associated site... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Pl
    • Description: Poor Aquifer - Bedrock which is Generally Unproductive except for Local Zones

    • Unit Name: Drumagelvin Greywacke Formation
    • Description: Greywacke
    • Labels: OSDRUM /

    • High ( H)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • No Results...

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    No Results...

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • M/N53

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