250m |
13/08/2024 |
N/A |
Bank of Ireland Building Bridge Street , Townspark Carrick on Shannon , Co Leitrim |
Change of Use of 2nd Floor of Bank of Ireland Building from Office Space to Apartments (3 No 2 Bedroom & 1 No Studio Apartment) with associated alterations to the external facades... login required. |
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2.6km |
12/07/2024 |
N/A |
Hartley , Carrick on Shannon , County Leitrim |
(1) demolish existing conservatory on the west elevation, (2) erect a new replacement conservatory to the west elevation, (3) remove existing window from east elevation, (4) ... login required. |
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510m |
28/06/2024 |
Scoil Mhuire , Summerhill , Carrick on shannon |
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1.5km |
24/06/2024 |
N/A |
Ballynamony ( Leitrim By ) , Carrick on Shannon , Co Leitrim |
erect a single storey extension to the rear and gable of dwelling house, erect a domestic garage and, all associated works ,... login required. |
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190m |
20/06/2024 |
N/A |
Cannon House , Main Street , Carrick-On-Shannon |
1) To demolish the previous extension and stone outbuilding at the back of Cannon house. 2) To make the following alterations to Cannon House A) change use of existing first floor office space to residential use including internal alterations. B) Alterations to carriageway to provide level access to proposed extension including alterations to rear and front elevation. 3) To construct 3 storey and 4 storey exten... login required. |
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2.4km |
05/06/2024 |
N/A |
Cloonsherevagh , Carrick On Shannon , Leitrim |
(1). To construct a two storey domestic extension to the rear of the existing domestic dwelling, (2). To carry out elevational changes to the facade of the existing dwelling. (3). To construct a domestic garage and all ancillary works.... login required. |
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1.3km |
25/04/2024 |
8 Rosebank Cove , Carrick-on-shannon , Co Leitrim |
(1) alterations to existing dwelling, (2) provide an extension to the south-eastern side of the existing dwelling, (3) alterations to existing roadside wall and (4) all ancillary site works.... login required. |
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2.5km |
24/04/2024 |
Keenaghan Td , Carrick on Shannon , Co. Leitrim. |
The development consists of the retention of 1) installation of 2 no. new steel shipping containers to serve as temporary changing rooms, new portacabin to facilitate refreshments area, complete with con... login required. |
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2.3km |
19/04/2024 |
Annagh House Cleaheen Td. , Cootehall Boyle , Co Roscommon |
Permission for Retention of existing Garden Room with associated site development works at... login required. |
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890m |
12/04/2024 |
No. 20 Glenpatrick , Cortober Carrick on Shannon , Co Roscommon |
Permission for Construction of Domestic Garage to serve the existing dwelling house with associated site development works at... login required. |
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430m |
26/03/2024 |
N/A |
Leitrim Road , Carrick-On-Shannon , Co. Leitrim |
(1.) Change of use from existing garage/ workshop to new dwelling house. (2.) Extension to rear of building. (3.) Connection to public sewer and all other associated site development works.... login required. |
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170m |
21/03/2024 |
McHugh’s Bar , Bridge Street Carrick-on-Shannon , Co. Leitrim |
retention of an external clock which was recently erected on the front façade of existing public house at “McHugh’s Bar”, Bridge Street, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim For Enda & Caroline McHugh.... login required. |
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2.5km |
20/03/2024 |
N/A |
Aghancarra Td , Carrick on Shannon , Co Leitrim |
Development of Phase 1 of New Club Facilities to include 3 No Playing Pitches, Parking Area, Temporary Dressing Rooms, New Access onto the Public Road with Realignment of the Cornamucklagh Rd/Summerhill Rd junction, Connection to Services and all associated site development works... login required. |
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1.1km |
08/03/2024 |
N0 8 Glen Carrick , Townparks , Carrick-on-Shannon |
(A) 2 Storey side and rear extension (B) Modify existing entrance (C) Removal of existing Chimney and (D) any other site works as required.... login required. |
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940m |
28/02/2024 |
Shannon Grove 42-43 , Carrick-On-Shannon , Co. Leitrim |
(1) Construct two no. two-storey semi detached dwellings, (2) Construct two new site entrances, (3) Connect to all public services and all ancillary works... login required. |
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900m |
28/02/2024 |
Shannon Grove Apartments , Carrick-On-Shannon , Co. Leitrim |
(1.) retain the conversion of a former void space to the rear of the ground floor apartments in two separate apartment blocks into living accommodation, including the retention of window openings to the ground floor elevations; and (2.) the extension of 2 no.... login required. |
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170m |
21/02/2024 |
McHughs Bar , Bridge Street , Carrick on Shannon |
(1) retention of the first floor level bar extension to the rear of the existing licenced premises and stairway leading to same and (2) permission is sought to enclose the currently open ... login required. |
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380m |
30/01/2024 |
Townparks , Leitrim Road , Carrick-on-Shannon |
Planning permission for a change of use from commercial unit on the ground floor and office unit on the first floor to use as self catering accommodation for short term rental on the ground and first floors including internal alterations of the building.... login required. |
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170m |
24/01/2024 |
N/A |
McHugh's Bar , Bridge Street , Carrick on Shannon |
(1) the retention of the first floor level bar extension to the rear of the existing licenced premises and stairway leading to same and (2) permission is sought to enclose the currently op... login required. |
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