2.5km |
02/08/2024 |
N/A |
Rosserk , Killala , Co Mayo |
1): Construct new single storey dwellinghouse and domestic garage
2): Install new waste water treatment system and percolation area to EPA 2021 standards
3): Carry out all ancillary site works at Rosserk, Killala, Co Mayo... login required. |
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2.6km |
07/07/2024 |
French road , Belleek Ballina , Co Mayo |
Planning application to (1): Construct new dwellinghouse and domestic garage (2): Install on site waste water treatment system and (3): Carry out all Ancillary Site Works at French road, Belleek, Ballina, County Mayo... login required. |
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2.9km |
13/06/2024 |
N/A |
Gorteen , Ballina , Co. Mayo |
The development will consist of demolition of existing industrial building, construction of new industrial building and all associated site works.
Gross Floor area of proposed works: 145 sq. m (Demolition), 280 sq. m (Proposed Extension)... login required. |
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2.5km |
10/05/2024 |
N/A |
Belleek , Ballina , Co. Mayo |
The development will consist of a solar PV farm on a total site area of 16.5 hectares (ha.), to include the following elements:
• linear solar photovoltaic (PV) panel arrays, providing an output of up to 23MW, ground mounted on steel supported structures with associated cabling and ducting;
• 42 no. ground mounted inverters;
• 3 no. transformer substations;
• 9 no. battery storage containers (providing up to 16MW of battery storage);
• construction of culverts along an existing drain;
• a new site access;
• Upgrades to an existing site entrance, including... login required. |
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400m |
26/04/2024 |
Culleens , Killala Road , Ballina |
retention of minor alterations to dwelling house (front porch and 3 windows in front elevation instead of 4 windows) and retention of domestic shed... login required. |
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2km |
15/04/2024 |
Garrankeel , Belleek , Ballina |
Construction of a new house, access road, connections to public services and ancillary site development works and services above and below ground... login required. |
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2km |
19/03/2024 |
N/A |
Friars Court Laghtadawannagh , Killala Road , Ballina Co Mayo |
Application is being made to Mayo County Council on behalf of Thawside Ltd for planning permission to construct 92 no. houses comprising 40 no. 3 bed semi detached houses, 10 no. 2 bed semi detached ho... login required. |
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400m |
13/03/2024 |
N/A |
Culleens , Killala Road , Ballina |
retention of minor alterations to dwelling house (front porch and 3 windows in front elevation instead of 4 windows) and retention of domestic shed... login required. |
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2.6km |
11/03/2024 |
Rathmeel , Ballina , Co. Mayo |
Demolition of existing derelict dwelling house and the construction of a new dwelling house, on-site effluent pump system, connection to public utilities together with ancillary site development works... login required. |
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2.3km |
13/02/2024 |
N/A |
Carrowkelly , Ballina |
Section 5 Declaration: Refurbishment of a derelict cottage including stripping of asbestos roof slates and re-roofing, replacing PVC windows with timber framed versions, rebuilding existing front porch with re-instatement of original door, addition of new window on back gable end of house... login required. |
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1.5km |
13/02/2024 |
Rathroeen , Ballina , Mayo |
Full planning permission for the following: (1) Demolish existing detached two-story dwelling house, (2) Construct replacement detached two-story dwelling house, together with all associated site works at Rathroeen, Ballina, Co. Mayo.... login required. |
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2.6km |
01/02/2024 |
Belleek , Ballina , Co Mayo |
To construct dwellinghouse, domestic garage, install waste water treatment system and carry out ancillary site works... login required. |
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820m |
21/12/2023 |
Culleens , Killala Road , Ballina Co. Mayo |
(1) Construct new dwelling house, (2)Construct new domestic garage, (3) retention permission of a temporary mobile home (for the duration of the works only)... login required. |
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1.9km |
28/11/2023 |
Garrankeel , Ballina , Co.Mayo |
The application will consist of planning permission to (1) Demolish existing back extension, (2) Alter and extend existing dwelling house, and (3) Carry out all required ancillary works on site.... login required. |
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2.3km |
20/10/2023 |
Belleek Woods , Belleek , Ballina |
construction of a puddle clay pond, semi-circular mound composed of excavated material and installation of a new bench, and planting of a mix of native wildflowers and trees... login required. |
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590m |
10/10/2023 |
Culleens , Killala Rd , Ballina Co. Mayo. |
full planning permission for the following: (1) Demolish existing detached dwelling house, (2) Construct replacement detached dwelling house, together with all associated site works at Culleens, Killala Rd, Ballina, Co. Mayo.... login required. |
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2.2km |
27/09/2023 |
Rosserk , Killala |
extend and reconstruct dwelling house, demolish rear section of dwelling house area 5.9 sqm, construct proprietary effluent treatment unit, percolation area including all ancillary site works... login required. |
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620m |
08/09/2023 |
73 Abbey Court , Killala Road , Ballina |
Change of Plans for planning previously granted (Planning Reference PL23/60068) at 73 Abbey Court, Killala Road, Ballina, Co. Mayo... login required. |
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2.1km |
14/08/2023 |
Coonealcaraun , Ballina , Co. Mayo |
retention permission for revised entrance and driveway from that granted under P98/2820 (eastern boundary) to west side of front boundary, retention permission for revised boundaries to south elevation (rear boundary), retention permission for additional windows and velux roof lights to side a... login required. |
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