480m |
05/02/2025 |
N/A |
36, Watermill Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 F439 |
Permission to widen existing Pedestrian entrance to create a new vehicular entrance to facilitate off street parking and EV charging with associated kerb dishing.... login required. |
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0m |
30/01/2025 |
N/A |
41, Maywood Crescent, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 H003 |
The development will consist of blocking up a front window, the installation of external wall insulation to the front, side and rear of the existing structur... login required. |
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450m |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
33 Avondale Park, Raheny - St. Assam, Dublin 5 , D05F884 |
Attic conversion for storage with side raised gable, including a dormer window to the rear and front, and two new side windows at attic level. Single-storey flat roof extension to the rear.... login required. |
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150m |
30/10/2024 |
14, Maywood Lawn, Raheny, Dublin 5 |
PERMISSION for the construction of a first floor extension to the side of the existing house and conversion of the attic space with a dormer on the rear slope of the main roof.... login required. |
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160m |
24/10/2024 |
41 Maywood Avenue, Raheny, Dublin 5 |
RETENTION: of (A) First floor extension over existing garage, (B) All associated site works.... login required. |
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150m |
23/10/2024 |
14, Maywood Lawn, Raheny, Dublin 5 |
The construction of first floor extension over garage to the side of existing house and conversion of attic space with dormer on the rear slope of the main roof.... login required. |
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150m |
23/10/2024 |
14, Maywood Lawn, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 ED82 |
Planning Permission for the construction of a first floor extension at the side of the existing house and the conversion of the attic with a dormer on the rear slope of the main roof and associated site works.... login required. |
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150m |
15/10/2024 |
14, Maywood Lawn, Raheny, Dublin 5 |
Permission for the construction of first floor extension over garage to the side of the house and conversion of attic space with a dormer to the rear of the house.... login required. |
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480m |
15/09/2024 |
60, Saint Assam's Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 W5P1 |
The development will consist of: 1.) Extend the house at the side at first floor level 2.) Convert the attic with dormer to the rear and two Velux skylights to the roof at the front and one at the side 3.) Extend the current driveway access by 1m to front with all ancillary works.... login required. |
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300m |
27/08/2024 |
Site adjacent to/adjoining No. 1 & No. 54, The Village, Bettyglen, Dublin 5 |
2 x Semi-detached, three storey 4 bedroom dwelling houses. Both dwellings to have rear gardens, upper floor terraces and provision of 2 new vehicular accesses, Provide 9 number new off-street car parking spaces within an extended hard surfaced and permeable paved area on the west side of the existing The Village cul d... login required. |
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300m |
22/08/2024 |
Site adjacent to/adjoining No. 1 & No. 54, The Village, Bettyglen, Dublin 5 |
2 x Semi-detached, three storey 4 bedroom dwelling houses. Both dwellings to have rear gardens, upper floor terraces and provision of 2 new vehicular accesses, Provide 9 number new off-street car parking spaces within an extended hard surfaced and permeable paved area on the west side of the existing 'The Village' cul d... login required. |
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140m |
13/08/2024 |
51, Raheny Park, Dublin 5 , D05NP86 |
Planning permission is sought for a new single storey flat roofed extension to the rear of the existing house. The widening of the existing vehicle entrance. Plus all associated site works. All at 51 Raheny Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05NP86.... login required. |
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300m |
12/07/2024 |
The Village, Bettyglen, Raheny, Dublin 5 |
PERMISSION for 2 x Semi-detached, three storey 4 bedroom dwelling houses. Both dwellings to have rear gardens and upper floor terraces, Provide 9 number new off-street car parking spaces within an extended hard surfaced and permeable paved area on the west side of the existing 'The Village' cul de sac road i... login required. |
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300m |
27/06/2024 |
93 Avondale Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 Y437 |
The development will consist of provision of a new 4.5m wide vehicular and pedestrian entrance including driveway to the front of the dwelling from Avondale Park.... login required. |
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420m |
27/06/2024 |
449, Howth Road, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 YW53 |
1. Removal of the existing lean-to roof of the existing single storey rear extension. 2. Removal of the existing rear chimney stack. 3. Construction of a single storey flat roof rear extension to consist of a kitchen/dining & lounge. 4. Proposed attic conversion with a rear facing flat roof dormer to consist of a home office & WC. 5. Proposed single store... login required. |
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470m |
26/06/2024 |
37, Watermill Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 |
The development will consist of: (i) Construction of a single storey ground floor extension with mono pitched roof to front elevation; (ii) Alterations to existing porch roof; and (iii) All associated ancillary site works to facilitate the proposed development.... login required. |
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340m |
07/06/2024 |
144, Bettyglen, Raheny, Dublin 5 |
Permission. The development will consist of an attic conversion with a flat dormer roof extension to the rear and the installation of two rooflights on the front main roof slope.... login required. |
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480m |
23/05/2024 |
64, Saint Assam's Park, Dublin 5 |
The development will consist of the provision of a new first floor and attic level extension [48sqm] to the side and rear of the existing house, and above the in-progress ground floor rear e... login required. |
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480m |
21/05/2024 |
58, Saint Assam's Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 HD72 |
First floor extension to side over existing garage, with jerkinhead style roof design. Attic conversion with velux and dormer windows to rear and increase width of vehicular access and increase area for off street parking all to front... login required. |
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