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  Saint Assam's Community Hall, Saint Assam's Church, Howth Road, Dublin 5

Oct 04 2024

Application Received

Nov 27 2024

Further Info. Requested

Nov 27 2024


Nov 28 2024

Decision Due
  • Submitted to Dublin City Council, 04 / 10 / 2024
  • Application Type: Permission
  • Current Status: Decision Notice Issued
  • Decision Summary: No Decision
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PROTECTED STRUCTURE The development will consist of: The renovation, refurbishment and extension of the existing Protected Structure to provide for an upgraded Sports Club facility. Proposed works to the existing Protected Structure are inclusive of: (1) demolition of the existing non-original 20th century single-storey toilet block extension to the south of the main building; (2) removal of existing internal staircase from ground to first floor levels including false ceiling over, and infilling of the stair void with a new timber floor to match existing; (3) removal of non-original stud partition walls at ground and first floor levels and removal of existing internal door openings at ground and first floor levels; (4) removal of existing fire escape stair at the southwestern corner of the building and the provision of a new fire escape stair in its place; (5) internal reconfiguration at ground and first floor levels of the existing building, including the addition of new stud partition walls and internal door openings to accommodate a Gym, a Club Social Hub, and a Club Office all at ground floor level; and a Sports Hall and Club Meeting Room at first floor level. Internal works at first floor level are also inclusive of: (6) remedial works to existing timber floor where required; remodelling of timber floor projecting into window bays along the north elevation, cutting back the floor to form a void and installation of aluminium fire-rated glazing; and remodelling of existing non-original fire escape door to the south elevation. External works to the existing Protected Structure include: (7) removal of modern brickwork to allow for a new window in the existing oculus opening over the arch on the western elevation; (8) remodelling of 3 no. existing window openings to the southern elevation at ground floor level to form 2 no. arched door openings and 1 no. arched window opening; (9) remodelling of 3 no. existing window openings to the southern elevation at first floor level, with one opening to be removed and 2 no. arched door openings being created; (10) repointing of stone work using lime pointing where required; (11) removal of existing aluminium gutters and replacement with new cast aluminium gutters; ... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    470m 04/09/2024 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 24, Tuscany Downs, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 KD66 The demolition of the existing shed at the back garden, Levelling of the ground and the construction of a single storey, timber frame shed.... login required. Details...
    460m 14/08/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 395A, Howth Road, Raheny , Dublin 5, D05PC63 junction Wade's Ave /Howth Road . OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION to construct a single story extension in the side garden to the front of current house. This to be joined to the house by a glass porch built onto the left side (head on) of current house. This extens... login required. Details...
    420m 01/08/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 21 Saint Anne's Terrace, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 KD39 A part single storey part two storey rear extension and the widening of the vehicular entrance.... login required. Details...
    420m 26/07/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 21 Saint Anne's Terrace, Raheny, Dublin 5 Part single storey part two storey rear extension.... login required. Details...
    300m 22/07/2024 GRANT OUTLINE PERMISSION 29, Station Road, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 X512 Outline planning permission for a two storey dwelling on the corner of Springdale Road, Raheny and Station Road, Raheny with vehicular access from Springdale Road, and all associated site works.... login required. Details...
    260m 27/06/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 449, Howth Road, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 YW53 1. Removal of the existing lean-to roof of the existing single storey rear extension. 2. Removal of the existing rear chimney stack. 3. Construction of a single storey flat roof rear extension to consist of a kitchen/dining & lounge. 4. Proposed attic conversion with a rear facing flat roof dormer to consist of a home office & WC. 5. Proposed single store... login required. Details...
    360m 27/06/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 93 Avondale Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 Y437 The development will consist of provision of a new 4.5m wide vehicular and pedestrian entrance including driveway to the front of the dwelling from Avondale Park.... login required. Details...
    420m 26/06/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 37, Watermill Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 The development will consist of: (i) Construction of a single storey ground floor extension with mono pitched roof to front elevation; (ii) Alterations to existing porch roof; and (iii) All associated ancillary site works to facilitate the proposed development.... login required. Details...
    320m 07/06/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 13, Watermill Drive, Raheny, Dublin 5 , D05VX27 Demolition of 2no. garden storage sheds, the construction of a new 61sq.m two-storey extension to the rear and side of the existing house, the refurbishment and thermal upgrade of the existing house, alt... login required. Details...
    120m 08/05/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 26, Station Road, Raheny, Dublin 5 Planning permission is sought for widening an existing pedestrian access to create a vehicular access with ancillary site works... login required. Details...
    330m 03/05/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 15 Avondale Park, Raheny, Dublin 5 PERMISSION development will consist of (1) to remove the front boundary wall and amend footpath to create off street car-parking in front of dwelling and the creation ... login required. Details...
    330m 30/04/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 15, Avondale Park, Dublin 5 Planning permission for (1) to remove front boundary wall and amend footpath to create off street car parking in front of dwelling (2) to construct new piers and permeable hard standing and associated landscaping and ancillary site work.... login required. Details...
    380m 10/04/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 7 St Anne's Terrace, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05Y336 Planning Permission At No. 7 St. Anne's Terrace, Raheny 7 Dublin 5. DO5 Y336 (House end of terrace) To construct single storey extension attached to rear and side of house consisting of utility room toilet and extension to dining area with flat roof finish height 2.990m.... login required. Details...
    320m 04/03/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 154 Ashcroft, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05WK03 Planning permission sought for a new single storey flat roof extension to the front of the existing house. Plus all associated site works.... login required. Details...
    450m 26/02/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 6 St Assams Park, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 W922 PERMISSION to demolish existing single storey extension at rear and construct two storey and single storey extensions all to rear. Two number dormer windows to front. Extension to existing garage at side,... login required. Details...
    390m 08/02/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 97 Avondale Park, Dublin 5, D05YT95 The development will consist of provision of a new 3.8m wide vehicular entrance and driveway to the front of the dwelling from Avondale Park.... login required. Details...
    440m 31/01/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 21 Cill Eanna, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05X665 Planning permission is being sought for 1. a first floor bathroom and extended bedroom extension to the side over the existing garage and utility room 2. an atti... login required. Details...
    380m 15/01/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 10 Springdale Road, Raheny, Dublin 5 1) The construction of a 1.5 storey detached dormer bungalow in the rear garden, including all associated site works, landscaping and SUDs drainage deta... login required. Details...
    190m 22/12/2023 GRANT PERMISSION Units 10-11 Raheny Shopping Centre, Howth Road, Dublin 5 Permission is sought for change of use from bank (financial institution) to use as veterinary clinic, alterations to internal layout, new external signage with trough lighting and ancillary works.... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Pl
    • Description: Poor Aquifer - Bedrock which is Generally Unproductive except for Local Zones

    • Unit Name: Tober Colleen Formation
    • Description: Calcareous shale, limestone conglomerate
    • Labels: CDTOBE / TC

    • Low ( L)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
    • No Results...

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • Church (CHUR) - #DU00816
    • Graveyard (GRAV) - #DU00817
    • Ecclesiastical enclosure (ECCE) - #DU00818

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    Crescent Cottages 50030070 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 worker's house house Yes
    St Assam's Church 50030072 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1710 - 1715 church/chapel Yes
    No Building Name 50030071 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1850 - 1870 church/chapel Yes
    Mint Cottage 50030073 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1785 - 1790 school restaurant Yes
    Crescent Cottages 50030070 (Survey ID: SURV042) Regional, 1780 - 1800 worker's house house Yes
    St Assam's Church 50030072 (Survey ID: SURV042) Regional, 1710 - 1715 church/chapel Yes
    No Building Name 50030071 (Survey ID: SURV042) Regional, 1850 - 1870 church/chapel Yes
    Mint Cottage 50030073 (Survey ID: SURV042) Regional, 1785 - 1790 school restaurant Yes

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • No Results...

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