410m |
27/01/2025 |
Apartment 20, Wicklow Court, 38/40 South Great George's Street, Dublin 2, D02 R662 |
Planning permission for change of use of a one bedroom apartment from residential use to short-term rental accomodation .... login required. |
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480m |
22/01/2025 |
N/A |
St. Andrew's Former Tourism Centre, Suffolk Street/ St. Andrews Street, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at St. Andrews Former Tourism Centre (Protected Structure), Suffolk Street/St. Andrews Street, Dublin 2.
The development will consist of:
1. Change of use of former Tourist Information Office, restaurant, and annex exhibition hall (now vacant) to food/dining hall and cultural use all to be operated under single management.
2. The alteration and selective removal of certain internal modern additions to restore the structure closer to its original appearance. These removals include:
• Office partitions at the ground and first floor levels
• The existing bridge across the nave on the first floor levels
• Part of the first floor mezzanine within the apse
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480m |
22/01/2025 |
N/A |
St Andrew's church Suffolk Street, St. Andrews Street,, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: We, Failte Ireland, intend to apply for Permission for development at the east side of St. Andrews Former Tourism Centre (Protected Structure), Suffolk Street/St. Andrews Street, Dublin 2. The development will consist of:
1. A single-storey, contemporary-style extension to the east apse of the former Tourism Bureau (church buildin... login required. |
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190m |
20/01/2025 |
N/A |
68 Arran Street East conjoined with 18 Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin 7, D07 AK15 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a single-storey rear extension of 3.5m2, reordering of soil and rainwater pipes, removal of cementious render and application of new breathable external insulation to rear elevation; new hanging sign to front façade; internal alterations consisting of partial r... login required. |
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160m |
14/01/2025 |
N/A |
Apartment 59, Castlegate Apartments , Castle Street , Dublin2 , D02EP44 |
Change of use of a one bedroom apartment from residential use to short- term rental accomodation .... login required. |
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480m |
10/01/2025 |
St. Andrew's Church, Suffolk Street, St. Andrew's Street, Dublin 2, D02 KX03 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: We, Failte Ireland, intend to apply for Permission for development at St. Andrews Former Tourism Centre (Protected Structure), Suffolk Street/St. Andrews Street, Dublin 2. The development will consist of:
1. Change of use of former Tourist Information Office, restaurant, and annex exhibition hall (now vacant) to food/dining hall and cultural use all to be operated under single management.
2. The alteration and selective removal of certain internal modern additions to restore the structure closer to its original appearance. These removals include:
Office partitions at the ground and first floor levels
The existing bridge across the nave on the first floor levels
Part of the first floor mezzani... login required. |
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490m |
09/01/2025 |
N/A |
57a Jervis Lane Upper, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: (i) general refurbishment of the front elevation to include cleaning, provision of new render finish, repair of existing windows and provision of new A-rated doors/windows; (ii) change of use of existing commercial building to provide hotel accommodation with associated alterations to the internal layout comprising the removal/insertion of wall partitions, the provision of a new staircase from second to third floor level and the creation of 3 no. access points, at first, second and third floor levels, to the ... login required. |
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340m |
07/01/2025 |
N/A |
16, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 |
Removal of existing shopfront and provision of a new shop front and signage.... login required. |
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160m |
06/01/2025 |
Apartment 59, Castlegate Apartments, Castle Street , Dublin 2, D02 EP44 |
Permission for change of use of a one bedroom apartment from residential use to short-term rental accommodation.... login required. |
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410m |
23/12/2024 |
N/A |
16/17, College Green, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development at Ground Floor & Basement of 16/17 College Green, Dublin 2. The development will consist of works to a protected structure to include new exterior illuminated signage located at fascia level facing College Green.... login required. |
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190m |
20/12/2024 |
68 Arran Street East conjoined with 18 Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin 7 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a single-storey rear extension of 3.5m2, reordering of soil and rainwater pipes, removal of cementious render and application of new breathable external insulation to rear elevation; new hanging sign to front façade; internal alterations consisting of partial r... login required. |
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320m |
19/12/2024 |
N/A |
33 and 34 Dame Street, Dublin 2, D02WY24 |
The development will consist of : 1. Change of use at 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , and 5th floor levels from educational to residential apartment use, with material alterations to the internal layout to form 14 apartment units (11no. 1-bedroom units , 1 no. 2-bedroom units and 2 no
3-bedroom units) . 2. Dame Street facade: Renovation of the existing mansard structure to the 5th floor to no. 33 to replicate the existing , installation of new windows to 1st , 2nd , 3rd, 4th floors , and installation of new entrance doors and overhead sign to ground floor : 3. Dame Lane facade: installation of new windows to the existing openings to the rear of no... login required. |
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180m |
17/12/2024 |
N/A |
64, Dame Street, Dublin 2 |
The development will consist of an extension to the existing rear three storey section of 64 Dame Street consisting of a partial 12 sqm extension at second floor level and a vertical extension creating two additional floors of accommodation above the e... login required. |
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450m |
12/12/2024 |
47 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1, D01 HR23 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : RETENTION : The development will consist of : Retention of the repointing of the front facade of 47 Middle Abbey Street , Dublin 1 , a five storey , terraced protected building and permission to make changes to previous planning (ref. no. 2016/16 ) to renovate and refurbish the same building... login required. |
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130m |
09/12/2024 |
Apartment 3, No. 10B-11 Essex Street East, Dublin 2, D02NP83 |
Extend the existing rooftop stair enclosure on the existing roof terrace to create a goldsmith studio consisting of an additional area of 20sq. m. The proposed structure w... login required. |
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140m |
06/12/2024 |
No 12 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, D02 EH42 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: Refurbishment works including:
Fire upgrade works to all floors of the building, including the construction of new fire rated lobbies on the ground, first and second floors, upgrading the fire rating of floors and selected walls & doors, the replacement of a fixed modern roof light over the stairwell with an AOV, fire rating of two windows on the rear elevation, fire alarm and emergency lighting upgrades.
Further works include:
The removal of the inner glazed entrance screen at ground floor and replacement with new entrance doors and glazing to the exi... login required. |
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70m |
06/12/2024 |
No. 1 Essex Street East, Dollard House, Nos. 2-5 Essex Street East & Nos. 2-5, Wellington Quay, The Clarence Hotel, Nos. 6-8 Wellington Quay & Nos. 6-8 Essex Street East |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Keywell DAC intends to apply for Permission at this site (c.0.17 ha) at No. 1 Essex Street East, Dollard House, Nos. 2-5 Essex Street East and Nos. 2-5 Wellington Quay (Protected Structure), The Clarence Hotel, Nos. 6-8 Wellington Quay and Nos. 6-8 Essex Street East (Protected Structure) and Anne's Bar, No. 8 Essex Street East, Temple Bar, Dublin 2.
For development comprising proposed hotel refurbishment, conservation and alteration (c.8,544 sq m gfa total), and vertical roof and infill building extension (c.841 sq m gfa total), to accommodate the addition of 104no. new hotel keys (resulting in 162no. total existing and proposed) and ancillary hotel amenities including retail-bakery, licenced restaurants, bars and event spaces, as follows:
- Clarence Hotel: Removal of existing Clarence dormer roof (L04) and plant room (L06) and addition of 1-storey dormer extension (c.256 sqm, L05) above No.6-8 Essex Street East (southern) elevation and Clarence Hotel east elevation, and alteration (subdivision) and refurbishment of Levels 01 to 06 inclusive, to accommodate 37no. additional hotel keys. Ancillary hotel lounge bar/reception area (c.177 sq m), refurbished Octagon Bar (c.78 sq m) and Stout Bar (c.45 sq m) and contemporary music bar (c.133 sq m) at ground floor (L00), and hotel gym (c.88 sqm) and live music venue (c. 269 sq m) at basement level.
- Dollard House: Change of use of existing upper floors, from L01 to L04 inclusive, to accommodate 46no. hotel keys; change of ground floor (L00) to use as ancillary restaurant (c.232 sq m), retail bakery-coffee shop (c.96 sqm) and associated kitchen and back-of-house facilities; and new event and banqueting space (c.320 sq m total) at L01. Removal of existing eastern wing dormer roof (L04) at Dollard House and replacement with 1-storey dormer extension (c.95 sq m) to accommodate 2no. new hotel keys (L05) at eastern interface with Clarence Hotel.
- No.1 Essex Street East: Change of use of existing upper floors, from L01 to L03 inclusive, to accommodate 3no. hotel keys, and removal of existing roof structure (L04) and addition of 2-storey dormer extension (c.69 sq m) to accommodate 1no. hotel key (duplex, L04-L05), above No.1 Essex Street East.
- Anne's Bar, No.8 Essex Street East: Demolition of existing Anne's Bar (c.214 sq m gfa) and construction of a new 6-storey hotel extension (c.635 sq m), to accommodate 15no. hotel keys (L01-L05), replacement licenced bar (c.44 sq m) at ground floor (L00) and back of house facilities at mezzanine level, at No.8 Essex Street East.
And all as... login required. |
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410m |
03/12/2024 |
13, Trinity Street and St. Andrew's Lane, Dublin 2 |
Torchglen Limited, intend to apply for planning permission for development at 13 Trinity Street and St. Andrew's Lane, Dublin 2. The proposed development is seeking permission for amendments to the previously granted application for a 30-bedroom tourist hostel, granted under Reg. Ref. 3312/23 at the subject site. The amendments include internal work including a revised internal lift and stair cores to comply with Fire Regulations resulting in a... login required. |
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360m |
02/12/2024 |
The Old Storehouse, 3 Crown Alley, Dublin 2 and to the rear of 8 Cope Street, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION & RETENTION: Permission in respect of a two- storey storage building (69 m²) with undercroft, located in a yard (with vaulted cellars (29 m²) below) to the rear of the Old Storehouse, 3 Crown Alley (Protected Structure), Dublin 2, and to the rear of 8 Cope Street (Protected Structure), Dublin 2. Retention is sought for executed demolition of: a) mono-pitch, corrugated metal roof and flashings on timber rafters and ceiling joists below, b) first floor brick gable wall on northern boundary, c) yard façade wall at ground and first floor built of random-rubble, brick, and concrete block plus rainwater goods, d) external concrete stairs, landing, box-metal handrail and double- door timber enclosure below, e) 2 no. window openings with concrete cills, timber window frames and casements, one with metal security grill on inner face, f) first floor timber entrance door and frame in external stud wall of timber cladding on timber stud with 1 no. window of fixed pane and two casements and rainwater goods, g) ground floor entrance door, frame and wall. h) internal flush-doors, architraves, plasterboard-finished timber stud walls and ceilings. Plus, for retention of executed construction of: i) 3 no. double glazed rooflights and mono- pitch felt roof, timber rafters and wall plate, lead flashings, and rainwater goods j) northern boundary gable wall reinstated at first floor in concrete block, k) new yard façade of c... login required. |
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