360m |
28/01/2025 |
N/A |
14 O'Connell Street Upper, North City, Dublin 1 , D01WP59 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE The development will consist of upgrade works to replace existing exterior signage with new signage with updated colours and logo.... login required. |
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370m |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Telephone House, No’s 43-46 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 |
The proposed amendments to the permitted aparthotel development consist of the following:
• Internal alterations to the permitted layout from basement to ninth floor level resulting from the introduction of a new stair core.
• Alterations to the permitted layout at basement level including reconfiguration of storage areas, staff facilities, plant and back of house area and relocation of cycle parking;
• Alterations to the permitted layout at ground floor level including the relocation of the gym from basement to ground floor level, replacement of café / restaurant with a shop (68 sq.m), and associated reconfiguration of lobby / lounge including introduction of a licensed bar area;
• Internal alterations to the permitted layout from ground floor level to ninth floor leve... login required. |
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490m |
16/12/2024 |
N/A |
Site bound by City Quay to the north, Moss Street to the west & Gloucester Street South to the south, Dublin 2. The site includes 1-4 City Quay (D02 PC03), 5 City Quay and 23-25 Moss Street (D02 F854) |
The proposed development comprises:
- Demolition of the existing buildings and structures (it is noted the structures or part thereof may be demolished in compliance with a Dangerous Buildings Notice prior to a decision being made);
- Construction of a building up to 14 storeys in height (61.05 metres above ground) over a double basement including office use, arts centre and café, auditorium, and ancillary uses;
- The arts centre is contained at ground and lower ground floor levels;
- The offices are proposed from ground to 13th floor (14th storey) with terraces to all elevations;
- The double basement provides for 11 car parking spaces, 314 bicy... login required. |
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480m |
06/12/2024 |
72 Middle Abbey Street (site with Frontage to North Lotts to rear) Dublin 1 |
(i) omission of existing recessed mezzanine floor areas atop third floor level and reinstatement of full fourth floor level; (ii) works to external elevations including paint removal and repairing of pointing on Middle Abbey Street elevation; and replacement of sand cement plaster with insulating lime plaster and increasing height of ground level window openings to North Lotts elevation; (iii) removal of existing internal staircases, relocation of entrance door to North Lotts, provision of new internal staircase... login required. |
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250m |
27/11/2024 |
85, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE - We Test Triangle Ltd are seeking planning permission to The Andhra Bhavan Restaurant at 85 Marlborough St, Dublin 1, D01 H973, for a new kitchen extract system comprising a fire ... login required. |
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30m |
19/11/2024 |
16, Talbot Street, Dublin 1, D01 P2P2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of:
i) The change of use of the upper three floors above ground level (first floor, second
floor, and loft) from current use of office to residential use
ii) Extension to the rear at first floor level, above existing ground floor, to create new
residential unit and internal renovation works to create three new residential units, totalling 1 no 2 bedroom apartme... login required. |
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380m |
15/11/2024 |
64-72 and 77, Sean MacDermott Street Lower, Dublin 1, no. 61 and to the site of the former Scots Church,, Sean MacDermott Street Lower, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : The Office of Public Works, intend to apply for Planning Permission for development at this site at no. 64-72 and 77 Seán MacDermott Street Lower, Dublin 1 (Site A, 0.77 ha), at no. 61 and to the site of the former Scots Church, Sean MacDermott Street Lower Dublin I (Site B, 0.05 h protected structure (RPS no.7480); overall site area 0.82 h. Site A is bounded Seán MacDermott Street Lower to the North, Railway Street to the South, Sophia Housing and Buckley Student Accommodation to the East and St Mary's Mansions to West, Site B is bounded by Seán MacDermott Street Lower to the North, private residence to the East and Sophia Housing to the South and West.
The development will consist of
1 The change of use of the former Our Lady of Charity and Refuge Convent and Magdalene Laundry to the National Centre for Research and Remembrance (NCRR) (total circa 7510sqpm); the provision of a purpose built archival repository (circa 4,030sqm, 2-4 storeys over basement); provision of 3 storey entrance wing (circa 210sqm) accessed via new shared pedestrian and vehicular entrances from Seán MacDermott Street Lower and Railway Street; and the conservation, refurbishment, and upgrade of the existing convent, chapel and dormitory block (circa 3,490sqm). The development will also comprise of the following-
a. demolition of the existing single storey Gardener's Lodge (82sqm);
b. demolition Of existing single storey glazed corridor (72sqm);
c. demolition of existing lift shaft structure (20sqm) and external fire escape stairs;
d. demolition of existing basement level store rooms, access steps and railings (9sqm);
e. demolition of existing external single storey lean-to structure;
f. demolition of existing site boundaries and external walls;
g. provision of dedicated garden with hard and soft landscaping as a Garden of Reflection (circa 430sqm);
h. provision of surface bicycle parking , hard and soft landscaping; integrated ESB substation; and all associated site works;
2. The provision of a new Educational Facility (circa 3,690sqm ) 3-5 storey block over basement (with rooftop terrace and rooftop plantroom enclosure setback at... login required. |
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240m |
15/11/2024 |
Block A, Joyce's Court, Joyce's Walk, Talbot Street, Dublin 1, D01 FV59 |
ICOT College Dublin is making an application for a revision to previously granted planning permission (Planning Reg. Ref. 4537/23) at Block A, Joyce's Court, Joyce's Walk, Talbot Street, Du... login required. |
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30m |
13/11/2024 |
16 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, D01 P2P2 |
i) The change of use of the upper three floors above ground level (first floor, second floor, and loft) to residential apartments for long-term rental
ii) Extension to the rear at first floor level, above existing ground floor, to create new residential unit
iii) Reinstatement of lower section of original rear a... login required. |
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240m |
13/11/2024 |
Block A Joyce's Court, Joyce's Walk, Talbot Street, Dublin 1, D01 FV59 |
ICOT College Dublin is making an application for a revision to previously granted planning permission (Planning Reg. Ref. 4537/23) at Block A, Joyce's Court, Joyce's Walk, Talbot Street, Du... login required. |
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210m |
08/11/2024 |
N/A |
The Ripley Court Hotel, 37 Talbot Street, Dublin 1 |
(A) Internal modifications to the existing layout hotel building comprising: (i) at basement level, removal of 7 no. parking spaces to provide for 4 no. en suite hotel bedrooms, store room and a protected corridor with escape stairs. Provision of new windows to proposed bedrooms on the eastern elevation. A new fire door will be provided to access existing escape stairs. Alterations to existing cold store, switch room and WCs to provide for kitchen store, changing rooms and staff canteen. Relocation of water tank, removal 2 no. parking spaces and creation of new ope to provide 4 no. parking spaces. Merging of 2 no parking spaces to provide 1 no. accessible parking space; (ii) at ground floor, alterations to conference rooms and bar, foyer, and hotel bar to provide for 17 no. en suite hotel bedrooms, guest laundry room, 2 no. offices and WCs. Provision of new windows to the proposed bedrooms on the eastern elevation. Removal of roof light ... login required. |
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400m |
17/10/2024 |
86-87 Parnell Street, Dublin 1, D01KN77 and D01AK16 (relating to the Academy Plaza Hotel, at Nos, 10-14 Findlater Place and 83-85 Parnell Street, Dublin 1, D0l X2X0) |
Academy Plaza Hotel Partnership is applying for permission for development at Nos. 86-87 Parnell Street, Dublin 1, D01 KN77 and D01 AK16 (relating to the Academy Plaza Hotel, at Nos. 10-14, Findlater Place and Nos. 83-85 Parnell Street, Dublin 1, D0l X2X0).
The development will consist of the demolition of existing structures at Nos. 86 and 87 Parnell Street (547 sqm Gross Floor Area (GFA)) and the construction of a seven storey extension to Parnell Street, comprising:
-36 No. hotel bedrooms at 1st to 6th floor levels (with the associated omission of 6 No. existing hotel bedrooms), associated hotel storage / plant area at basement level and new internal access to existing Academy Plaza Hotel basement level;
-2 No. retail units at ground floor level (c.79.1 sqm GFA and c. 74.43 sqm GFA respectively) including new opening to Strong's Court.
The development will also include: sedum/green roof and plant at roof level; si... login required. |
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340m |
11/10/2024 |
Clerys Building,18-27 O'Connell Street Lower and Sackville Place, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : PERMISSION for development at the Clerys Building, 18-27 O'Connell Street Lower Sackville Place Dublin. The development will consist of; Planning permission for a proposed single external sign to the existing elevation on the Ground Floor unit to the southern side of the building at 18-27 O'Connell Street Dublin 1 (known as the Clery... login required. |
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470m |
09/10/2024 |
N/A |
50/51, O'Connell Street Lower, North City, Dublin 1 |
McDonald’s Restaurants of Ireland Ltd. intend to apply for planning permission for development at Nos. 50/51 O’Connell Street Lower, Dublin 1. The development will consist of proposed improvement works to the existing shopfront/front eastern elevation to include new window frames and glazing to the upper floors to replace existing frames, new window fascias to match existing, new bay window fascias to high level shopfront decorated to ma... login required. |
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400m |
08/10/2024 |
68, O'Connell Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01 P8Y9 |
RETENTION: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for retention is sought by Percy Nominees Limited for restoration, refurbishment and modifications to the protected structure at 68 O'Connell Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01 P8Y9. The works requiring permission for retention consist of the following:
All original fireplaces cleaned and retained. Fire protection provided to all existing structural support straps. New wall to first floor to recreate what was previously constructed. Works to doors. Wall lining to ground floor and part of basement. Wall ven... login required. |
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410m |
04/10/2024 |
Nos. 86 and 87 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 (relating to the Academy Plaza Hotel, at Nos. 10-14, Findlater Place and Nos. 83-85 Parnell Street, Dublin 1, D0l X2X0). |
Permission for development at this c.0.03 Ha site at Nos. 86-87 Parnell Street, Dublin 1, D01 KN77 and D01 AK16 (relating to the Academy Plaza Hotel, at Nos. 10-14, Findlater Place and Nos. 83-85 Parnell Street, Dublin 1, D0l X2X0).
The development will consist of the demolition of existing structures at Nos. 86 and 87 Parnell Street (547 sqm Gross Floor Area (GFA) and the construction of a seven storey extension to Parnell Street, comprising:
• 36 No. hotel bedrooms at 1st to 6th floor levels (with the associated omission of 6 No. existing hotel bedrooms), associated hotel storage / plant area at basement level and new internal access to existing Academy Plaza Hotel basement level;
• 2 No. retail units at ground floor level (c.79.1 sqm GFA and c. 74.43 sqm GFA respectively) including new opening to Strong’s Court.
The development will also include: sedum/green roof and plant at roof level; signage at g... login required. |
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320m |
01/10/2024 |
8, Cathedral Street, Dublin 1 |
PERMISSION AND RETENTION is being sought by Shining Star Capital Ltd for development at No. 8 Cathedral Street, Dublin 1 D01 V0C6. The development will consist of/consists of;
1. Retention of modifications to the existing shopfron... login required. |
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420m |
01/10/2024 |
Unit 2, GPO Building, Henry Street, Dublin 1 |
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430m |
26/09/2024 |
GPO Buildings, 4 Henry Street, Dublin 1, D01 R5F2 |
PROTECTED STRUCURE: The development will consist of alterations to existing shop unit (Protected Structure ref. 6010), including new signage, alterations to shop front, renovations and amendments to the internal layout... login required. |
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