160m |
28/01/2025 |
N/A |
14 O'Connell Street Upper, North City, Dublin 1 , D01WP59 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE The development will consist of upgrade works to replace existing exterior signage with new signage with updated colours and logo.... login required. |
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440m |
07/01/2025 |
N/A |
16, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 |
Removal of existing shopfront and provision of a new shop front and signage.... login required. |
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430m |
19/12/2024 |
19, Talbot St, North City, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Change of use from general retail to café with take away .... login required. |
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400m |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Telephone House, No’s 43-46 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 |
The proposed amendments to the permitted aparthotel development consist of the following:
• Internal alterations to the permitted layout from basement to ninth floor level resulting from the introduction of a new stair core.
• Alterations to the permitted layout at basement level including reconfiguration of storage areas, staff facilities, plant and back of house area and relocation of cycle parking;
• Alterations to the permitted layout at ground floor level including the relocation of the gym from basement to ground floor level, replacement of café / restaurant with a shop (68 sq.m), and associated reconfiguration of lobby / lounge including introduction of a licensed bar area;
• Internal alterations to the permitted layout from ground floor level to ninth floor leve... login required. |
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230m |
12/12/2024 |
47 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1, D01 HR23 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : RETENTION : The development will consist of : Retention of the repointing of the front facade of 47 Middle Abbey Street , Dublin 1 , a five storey , terraced protected building and permission to make changes to previous planning (ref. no. 2016/16 ) to renovate and refurbish the same building... login required. |
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400m |
10/12/2024 |
N/A |
Rotunda Hospital Campus, Parnell Square, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE The proposed development comprises a 4-storey over basement maternity hospital building extension (Critical Care Wing, c. 9,946 sq m gross floor area) including: 80no. additional hospital bedrooms, new theatre and ancillary facilities, a new link corridor (Level 02) and connections with the existing Entrance Building and Main Hospital Building (protected structure); and, all ancillary demolition, site development, conservation, and landscaping and boundary works on campus, including: -•Associated refurbishment works within the existing Entrance Building. •Refurbishment of the existing ward space on Level 02 within the Plunkett Cairns Wing, Medical Residence Building and Main Hospital Building (Protected Structures). •Plant at basement of the proposed new Critical Care Wing. •Chimney flues, plant and associated screening at roof level of the proposed new Critical Care Wing and at roof level of the existing Entrance Building. •Demolition of - existing single-storey Outpatient department (c.1,174 sq m GFA), vehicular ramps and tunnel; - existing plant structures, including single-storey plant/waste store, low voltage switch room and defunct water tank, in the central garden area. •Construction of a new single-storey bi... login required. |
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170m |
06/12/2024 |
N/A |
72 Middle Abbey Street (site with Frontage to North Lotts to rear) Dublin 1 |
(i) omission of existing recessed mezzanine floor areas atop third floor level and reinstatement of full fourth floor level; (ii) works to external elevations including paint removal and repairing of pointing on Middle Abbey Street elevation; and replacement of sand cement plaster with insulating lime plaster and increasing height of ground level window openings to North Lotts elevation; (iii) removal of existing internal staircases, relocation of entrance door to North Lotts, provision of new internal staircase... login required. |
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400m |
04/12/2024 |
Site (c. 0.99ha) at the Rotunda Hospital Campus, Parnell Square, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed development comprises a 4-storey over basement maternity hospital building extension (Critical Care Wing, c. 9,946 sq m gross floor area) including: 80no. additional hospital bedrooms, new theatre and ancillary facilities, a new link corridor (Level 02) and connections with the existing Entrance Building and Main Hospital Building (protected structure); and, all ancillary demolition, site development, conservation, and landscaping and boundary works on campus, including: -
• Associated refurbishment works within the existing Entrance Building.
• Refurbishment of the existing ward space on Level 02 within the Plunkett Cairns Wing, Medical Residence Building and Main Hospital Building (Protected Structures).
• Plant at basement of the proposed new Critical Care Wing.
• Chimney flues, plant and associated screening at roof level of the proposed new Critical Care Wing and at roof level of the existing Entrance Building.
• Demolition of existing single-storey Outpatient department (c.1,174 sq m GFA), vehicular ramps and tunnel;
• existing plant structures, including single-storey plant/waste store, low voltage switch room and defunct water tank, in the central garden area.
• Construction of a new single-storey bi... login required. |
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480m |
02/12/2024 |
N/A |
The Old Storehouse, 3 Crown Alley, Dublin 2 and to the rear of 8 Cope Street, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION & RETENTION: Permission in respect of a two- storey storage building (69 m²) with undercroft, located in a yard (with vaulted cellars (29 m²) below) to the rear of the Old Storehouse, 3 Crown Alley (Protected Structure), Dublin 2, and to the rear of 8 Cope Street (Protected Structure), Dublin 2. Retention is sought for executed demolition of: a) mono-pitch, corrugated metal roof and flashings on timber rafters and ceiling joists below, b) first floor brick gable wall on northern boundary, c) yard façade wall at ground and first floor built of random-rubble, brick, and concrete block plus rainwater goods, d) external concrete stairs, landing, box-metal handrail and double- door timber enclosure below, e) 2 no. window openings with concrete cills, timber window frames and casements, one with metal security grill on inner face, f) first floor timber entrance door and frame in external stud wall of timber cladding on timber stud with 1 no. window of fixed pane and two casements and rainwater goods, g) ground floor entrance door, frame and wall. h) internal flush-doors, architraves, plasterboard-finished timber stud walls and ceilings. Plus, for retention of executed construction of: i) 3 no. double glazed rooflights and mono- pitch felt roof, timber rafters and wall plate, lead flashings, and rainwater goods j) northern boundary gable wall reinstated at first floor in concrete block, k) new yard façade of c... login required. |
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190m |
27/11/2024 |
85, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE - We Test Triangle Ltd are seeking planning permission to The Andhra Bhavan Restaurant at 85 Marlborough St, Dublin 1, D01 H973, for a new kitchen extract system comprising a fire ... login required. |
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370m |
26/11/2024 |
16, Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2, D02 DP66 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE / RETENTION AND PERMISSION : is sought for 4no. projecting signs on the front elevation of the building and an internally mounted Hello sign. Permission is sought for the replacement of existing signage with new, white, internally illuminated KFC lettering, the installation of a double-sided light box fitted internally above the entrance, the replacement of 4no. projecting signs with KFC branded signage and an internally installed double sided digital EGP in the window. Permission is also sought... login required. |
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400m |
25/11/2024 |
19, Abbey Street Upper, Dublin 1 |
PERMISSION The works will include the demolition of the rear (South) facing elevation, renovation and restoration of existing derelict 3 storey over basement building, and construction of a 2 storey extension to infill rear (South) yard, a new 2 storey rooftop exten... login required. |
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480m |
22/11/2024 |
The Old Storehouse, 3 Crown Alley, Dublin 2, and to the rear of 8 Cope Street, Dublin 2 |
Retention and Permission in respect of a two- storey storage building (69 sqm) with undercroft, located in a yard (with vaulted cellars (29 sqm) below) to the rear of the Old Storehouse, 3 Crown Alley. Dublin 2, and to the rear of 8 Cope Street. Dublin 2. Retention Is sought for executed demolition of. a) mono-pitch corrugated metal roof and flashings on timber rafters and ceiling joists below, b) first floor brick gable wall on northern boundary, c) yard façade wall at ground and first floor built of random-rubble, brick, and concrete block plus rainwater goods d) external concrete stairs, landing box-metal handrail and double-door timber enclosure below, e) 2 no, window openings with concrete cills, timber window frames and casements, one with metal security grill on inner face, f) first floor timber entrance door and frame in external stud wall of timber cladding on timber stud with 1 no. window of fixed pane and two casements and rainwater goods, ( g ) ground floor entrance door, frame and wall, h) internal flush-doors, architraves plasterboard-finished timber stud walls and ceilings. Plus, for retention of executed construction of: i) 3 no. double glazed rooflights and mono- pitch felt roof, timber rafters and wall plate, lead flashings, and rainwater goods, j) northern boundary gable wall reinstated at first floor in concrete block, k) new yard façade of concrete block-backed walls faced in ... login required. |
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400m |
20/11/2024 |
19, Abbey Street Upper, Dublin 1 |
PERMISSION The works will consist of the demolition of the rear (South) facing elevation, renovation and restoration of existing derelict 3 storey over basement building, and construction of a 2 storey extension to infill rear (South) yard, a new 2 storey rooftop extensio... login required. |
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400m |
19/11/2024 |
16, Talbot Street, Dublin 1, D01 P2P2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of:
i) The change of use of the upper three floors above ground level (first floor, second
floor, and loft) from current use of office to residential use
ii) Extension to the rear at first floor level, above existing ground floor, to create new
residential unit and internal renovation works to create three new residential units, totalling 1 no 2 bedroom apartme... login required. |
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440m |
14/11/2024 |
16, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, D02 XA00 |
Removal of existing shopfront and provision of a new shop front and signage.... login required. |
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400m |
13/11/2024 |
16 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, D01 P2P2 |
i) The change of use of the upper three floors above ground level (first floor, second floor, and loft) to residential apartments for long-term rental
ii) Extension to the rear at first floor level, above existing ground floor, to create new residential unit
iii) Reinstatement of lower section of original rear a... login required. |
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440m |
11/11/2024 |
16, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, D02 XA00 |
PERMISSION AND RETENTION: Removal of existing shopfront and provision of a new shop front and signage.... login required. |
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370m |
06/11/2024 |
Ambassador Theatre, Parnell Street, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE Millennium Theatre Company intend to apply for planning permission for development at The Ambassador Theatre (Protected Structure - RPS No. 6437), Parnell Street, Dublin 1. The proposed development involves the repair and reinstatement of existing neon signage on the southeast and north... login required. |
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370m |
31/10/2024 |
The Ambassador Theatre (Protected Structure – RPS No. 6437), Parnell Street, Dublin 1 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE PERMISSION Millennium Theatre Company intend to apply for planning permission for development at The Ambassador Theatre (Protected Structure - RPS No. 6437), Parnell Street, Dublin 1. The proposed development involves the repair and reinstatement of existing neon signage on the southeast and ... login required. |
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