310m |
27/09/2024 |
N/A |
Former Maxol Filling Station and former motor sales/service garage (formerly Mi Beach Road Dublin 4 |
We, Royalton Developments Dublin 4 Ltd. intend to apply for planning permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development comprising amendments to a permitted Strategic Housing Development of 112 no. units (An Bord Pleanála Ref: 310299-21) on the c. 0.385 ha site comprising the former Maxol Filling Station and a vacant motor sales/service garage (formerly Michael Grant Motors), Beach Road, Dublin 4 (Eircodes D04 A9P3 and D04 T4A0), which is actively under construction. The proposed amendments include changes to the ground floor layout and basement layout of the permitted development. These changes include amendments to the basement footprint the western section of the permitted retaining wall, including the arrangement of the attenuation tank within the basement. In addition, changes are proposed in the north-eastern section of the basement at the vehicular ramp. This will create a GIA increase of c. 293 sq m in the basement. In addition, the proposed amendment is comprised of a reorganisation of the basement layout including reorganisation of plant areas, attenuation tank, cycle parking areas and bin stores; redesign of the vehicular... login required. |
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390m |
10/09/2024 |
47 Claremont Road Sandymount Dublin 4 D04 X938 |
PERMISSION & RETENTION: The proposed development will consist of:
1. Permission for an attic conversion to create two bedrooms with rear dormer windows, rooflight to the front and... login required. |
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190m |
09/09/2024 |
Side Garden No. 2 Newbridge Avenue Sandymount Dublin 4 |
The development will consist of the: 1. Use of existing vehicular entrance off Newbridge Avenue for the existing and proposed new
house 2. The construction of a 2 bedroom two storey detached... login required. |
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400m |
05/09/2024 |
87A Sandymount Road Dublin 4 |
Permission for change of use from a single storey paramedical clinic back to a single storey two bedroom domestic dwelling including all associated internal alterations to the premises.... login required. |
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190m |
20/08/2024 |
The Mews Fairfield Court Herbert Road Sandymount Dublin 4 |
Planning permission for the following: Removal of existing pitched (hipped) roof and replacement with flat (green) roof, increase in height of external walls to allow for parapet to new flat roof , removal of existing ground floor bay window, glazed entrance screen and... login required. |
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400m |
20/08/2024 |
87A Sandymount Road Sandymount Dublin 4 |
Planning Permission for the change of use from paramedical clinic back to a domestic dwelling including all associated internal allerations to the premises 87A, Sandymount Road, Dublin 4.... login required. |
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300m |
16/08/2024 |
A site to the rear of St. Matthew's National School Cranfield Place Sandymount Dublin 4 D04FK11 and 10 Tritonville Road Dublin 4 D04YW32 |
St. Matthews National School, intend to apply for retention permission for development at a site to the rear of St. Matthew's National School, Cranfield Place, Sandymount, Dublin 4 DO4FK11 and 10 Tritonville Road, Dublin 4, DO4YW32 The development consists of the retention of the following development: a) Extension of the school site of St. Matthew's National School to the north into lands formerly part of 10 Tritonville Road to accommodate an external play area of 360 sqm. b) New timber fence screening with an overall height of C. 2.8m, matching the existing wall, on the eastern boundary between the external play area and residential dwellings on Church Avenue; c) New boundary wall (c. 1.8m) and metal fencing (c. 1... login required. |
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160m |
13/08/2024 |
35 Farney Park Sandymount Dublin 4 D04 YW29 |
Permission for development to 35, Farney Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4 (a 2 storey semidetached house) for demolition of existing single storey garage to front and demolition of existing extension to side and rear to provide a two storey extension to front, side and rear wi... login required. |
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460m |
26/07/2024 |
14 Dodder Terrace Dublin 4 |
Permission to subdivide the existing two storey detached dwelling house with previously approved two storey flat extension (PP. Ref no. 3767/15) into 2 no. semi-detached, two storey dwelling houses with 3 and 2 bedrooms respectively with front access from shared paved parking space.... login required. |
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430m |
22/07/2024 |
26 Serpentine Park Ballsbridge Dublin 4 D04 X7W0 |
1. Construction of single storey extension to the rear (south west) of the property.
2. Construction of ground and first floor extension to the front (north east) of the property including new entrance porch and canopy.
3. Conversion of existing attic into bedroom including ... login required. |
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300m |
22/07/2024 |
N/A |
30 Seafort Gardens Sandymount Dublin 4 |
The development will consist of
(i) demolition of existing single storey extension to rear;
(ii) construction of new two storey extension to rear and side of dwelling;
(iii) construction of new link corridor between house and garden room;
(iv) main entrance relocated from side elevation to front elevation of house;
(v) provision of new bin and bike... login required. |
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460m |
08/07/2024 |
46 O'Connell Gardens Bath Avenue Sandymount Dublin 4 D04EP03 |
The proposed development will consist of the demolition and removal of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling; insertion of new vehicular access gates beside the existing pedestrian gate on the front boundary; constructio... login required. |
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220m |
21/06/2024 |
29 Tritonville Road Sandymount Dublin 4 |
Permission is sought for alterations to a detached dwelling. The development will consist of - Alterations to basement open plan room to a bedroom and study with a fire escape corridor, conversion of large rear window to patio door by low... login required. |
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170m |
17/06/2024 |
51 Sandymount Road Dublin 4 |
PERMISSION for alteration to the front boundary railings to create a new vehicular entrance and also one parking
space with landscaping in the front garden.... login required. |
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170m |
12/06/2024 |
51 Sandymount Road Sandymount Dublin 4 |
Alteration to the front boundary railings to create a new vehicular entrance and also one parking space with landscaping in the front garden.... login required. |
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170m |
05/06/2024 |
9 Newbridge Avenue Sandymount Dublin 4 D04 H2T2 |
Alterations to front railings together with dished kerb to provide vehicular entrance gates and off street parking in front garden. A new first floor window to side gable elevation.... login required. |
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350m |
29/05/2024 |
76 Sandymount Road Dublin 4 |
Alterations to an approved rear extension to an existing two-storey semi-detached dwelling (currently under construction), granted under reg. ref. WEB1715/23, to consist of alterations to the approved rear dormer at attic level.... login required. |
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160m |
29/05/2024 |
1 Lansdowne Square Ballsbridge Dublin 4 D04 R5H6 |
Conversion of his attic to non-habitable space including a new dormer window to the rear elevation, 2 roof lights to the front elevation all at roof level.... login required. |
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180m |
15/05/2024 |
15 Newbridge Avenue Sandymount Dublin 4 D04 P8F7 |
The development will consist of: provision of 1 no car parking space to the rear, enlargement of existing pedestrian gate to form a new vehicular entrance to the rear off Petty Lane, and all associated ancillary, landscaping and site development works.... login required. |
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