370m |
06/09/2024 |
N/A |
Rear of 21 Cabra Road Dublin 7 D07 R5V9 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : For development at this site Rear of 21 Cabra Road, Dublin 7, Co. Dublin, D07 R5VG. The development consists of Minor Design Alterations to amend a previously permitted apartment scheme (Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 2983/21 and ABP Ref. ABP-311288-21) on site of 0.08ha. The proposed design alterations include the a following 1. Alterations to the permitted building footprint to accommodate an increase in the size of the Ground and First Floor Levels (This change has altered the overall building area from 369.2sqm to 386sqm and it allows for the building to comply with the Building R... login required. |
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460m |
04/09/2024 |
N/A |
32 Phibsborough Road Dublin 7 |
Reinstating original facade at 32 Phibsborough Road... login required. |
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50m |
29/08/2024 |
61 Grangegorman Upper Dublin 7 |
Planning permission is sought by Arian Keoghan Nooshabadi Annabel Sharma for the demolishing of existing single story extension, the erection of a single story extension, th... login required. |
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500m |
28/08/2024 |
N/A |
Nos. 23 and 24 Prussia Street and the lands to the rear Stoneybatter Dublin 7 D07 FW30 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Grangegorman Development Agency intends to apply for permission for development at this site within the TU Dublin Grangegorman Campus, Grangegorman Lower, Dublin 7, located to the rear of nos. 23 and 24 Prussia Street Stoneybatter, Dublin 7, DO7 FW30. The site is located within the Grangegorman Strategic Development Zone. The development will consist of: the demolition of a section of the Grangegorman Strategic Development Zone boundary wall (a protected structure, RPS ref. 1674) and remedial works, including the provision of new entrance pillars, and the provision of utilities connections to the existing network within the Grangegorman Strategic Development Zone to facilitate the provision of a temporary construction traffic haul route alongside a temporary pedestrian and bicycle link between the Grangegorman Strategic Development Zone site and Prussia Street via the adjoining site at nos. 23 and 24 Prussia Street. This temporary link will include 2.5m high manually operated steel security gates at either end and... login required. |
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470m |
26/08/2024 |
N/A |
324B North Circular Road Phibsborough Dublin D07NX86 |
RETENTION PERMISSION : Stay With Us Ltd intends to apply for retention planning permission for development consisting of: Retention of an external retractable awning... login required. |
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290m |
13/08/2024 |
N/A |
Broadstone Bus Depot Dublin 7 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : The development will consist of Retention of the constructed 648sqm two storey modular structure that forms the Dublin Bus Central Control and Operation Dep... login required. |
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50m |
29/07/2024 |
61 Grangegorman Upper Phibsborough Dublin 7 D07 R8P6 |
Development will consist of demolishing the existing single storey extension, the erection of one-storey kitchen extension and detached home office at the rear of the dwelling at 61 Grangegorman Upper, Phibsborough, Dublin 7. The works include all associated internal site works.... login required. |
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170m |
16/07/2024 |
N/A |
285 North Circular Road Phibsborough Dublin 7 D07PT18 |
Permission for partial demolition of existing dwelling to allow for: the construction of a single storey 22 sqm rear and side extension, removal of a rear chimney, conversion of the existing garage to habitable space while raising its flat roof level and parapet to match the heights of t... login required. |
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170m |
05/07/2024 |
285 North Circular Road Phibsborough Dublin 7 D07 PT18 |
Permission for partial demolition of existing dwelling to allow for the construction of a single storey 22sqm rear and side extension, conversion of the existing garage to habitable space while raising its flat roof level and parapet to match the heights of the new extensi... login required. |
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280m |
28/06/2024 |
A 0.0168 hectare site located to the immediate south of No. 71 Rathdown Road Dublin 7 |
i) Removal of existing fence on site and partial removal of existing boundary walls to Rathdown Road and the adjoining unnamed laneway.
ii) Construction of a part single, part three-storey, four bedroom, flat roofed detached dwelling served by private amenity space, in the form of garden space to the front and rear at ground floor level and an ex... login required. |
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40m |
23/05/2024 |
40 Rathdown Road Grangegorman Dublin 7 D07 KW90 |
Alterations to the roof of the two-storey terraced house involving the partial removal of the rear roof and construction of a new dormer attic room with stair access from the first floor landing.... login required. |
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40m |
17/05/2024 |
40 Rathdown Road Grangegorman Dublin 7 D07 KW90 |
Alterations to the roof of the two-storey terraced house involving the partial removal of the rear roof and construction of a new dormer attic room with stair access from the first floor landing.... login required. |
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420m |
24/04/2024 |
8 Avondale Avenue Phibsborough Dublin 7 D07 X635 |
The development consists of the demolition of the existing single storey extensions and garden shed to the rear of the property and the construction of new 2 storey flat ro... login required. |
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360m |
22/04/2024 |
3 Avondale Road Dublin 7 |
Niall Mooney and Triona Yearsley are seeking Planning Permission, at 3 Avondale Road, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, D07 DH52, for the removal of an existing poorly proportioned, narrow, ground floor bay-window to the front of their home, to be replaced with... login required. |
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420m |
15/04/2024 |
67 Dowth Avenue Cabra Dublin 7 |
Change of use at the first and part ground floor to reinstate residential use from existing office use granted in register ref 2893/98, new first floor window to the side. Alterations to the existing offi... login required. |
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470m |
10/04/2024 |
53 Dowth Avenue Cabra East Dublin 7 D07 W5P9 |
Two-storey extension to the rear. Attic conversion for storage with dormer to the rear. New first floor front window.... login required. |
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190m |
22/03/2024 |
3 Rosemount Road Dublin 7 D07 AE16 |
The development will consist of the conversion of the existing attic including the construction of a new rear-facing dormer window.... login required. |
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470m |
26/02/2024 |
53 Dowth Avenue Cabra East Dublin 7 D07 W5P9 |
Two-storey extension to the rear. Attic conversion for storage with dormer to the rear. New first floor front window.... login required. |
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360m |
23/02/2024 |
27 New Cabra Road Dublin 7 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for works at 27 New Cabra Road, Dublin 7, a two storey over basement terrace with return, a protected structure. The development consist of the... login required. |
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