400m |
29/08/2024 |
N/A |
49-51 Pleasants Street Pleasants House & 5 Pleasants Lane Dublin 8 |
Permission for development at a site on lands (c. 0.0745 ha) at 49-51 Pleasants Street (D08 XHF2, DO8 VN22, DO8 EF24). Pleasants House (DO8 F54N) & 5 Pleasants Lane (D08 HY62), Dublin 8. The subject site is bounded by Pleasants Street to the south, Pleasants Lane to the east, O'Neill's Buildings (a laneway) to the west and by the Camden Hotel to the north. The development will consist of amendments to the previously permitted office scheme ... login required. |
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140m |
26/08/2024 |
N/A |
70 & 71 Lombard Street West Portobello Dublin 8 D08 W5F9 & D08 A2N7 |
The development will consist of: The amalgamation of terraced houses 70 & 71 Lombard Street West into a single domestic dwelling.
The development will consist of the
i) amalgamation of 70 & 71 Lombard Street West into a single domestic dwelling
ii) demolition of the existing extension to the rear of 70 Lombard St West;
iii) the partial demolition of the rear boundary wall dividing No’s 70 &71;
iv) repair or replacemen... login required. |
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400m |
23/08/2024 |
Site on lands (c. 0.0745 ha) at 49-51 Pleasants Street (D08 XHF2 D08 VN22 D08 EF24) Pleasants House (D08 F54N) & 5 Pleasants Lane (D08 HY62) Dublin 8 |
The subject site is bounded by Pleasants Street to the south, Pleasants Lane to the east, O'Neill's Buildings (a laneway) to the west and by the 'Camden Hotel' to the north.
The development will consist of amendments to the previously permitted office scheme (DCC Planning Reg.Ref. 3457/22 & ABP Ref. 314353-22) consisting of the construction of an addit... login required. |
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0m |
01/08/2024 |
59 Harty Place Portobello Dublin 8 D08 R8Y0 |
Permission is sought for amendments to previously approved Planning Application Reg. Ref. 3716/23 consisting of: reduction of the first floor extension depth to 3.5m from the existing house rear elevation; omission of first floor doors & Juliet balcony and replacement with windo... login required. |
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160m |
23/07/2024 |
N/A |
10 Arbutus Place Portobello Dublin 8 D08 Y3OC |
The development will consist of replacement of the existing rooflight with 2 No. 'VELUX Conservation' rooflights to the front facade.... login required. |
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400m |
18/07/2024 |
N/A |
23 O'Donovan Road Dublin 8 D08 H2RO |
Permission for development consisting of :
(i) proposed two storey extension to the side of the house with a pitched roof and a flat roof with a roof-light over the single storey part of the extension where it extends past the original building line to the back,
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330m |
08/07/2024 |
1 Mill Street The Liberties Dublin 8 |
PERMISSION for amendments to previously approved permission Reg Ref. 4357/19.
The proposed amendments are as follows:
1. Modifications to north & south entrances to reception space including new revolving door to Mill Street
2. General internal modifications including increase in reception floor area with consequent red... login required. |
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330m |
04/07/2024 |
1 Mill Street The Liberties Dublin 8 |
Amendments to previously approved permission Reg Ref. 4357/19.
The proposed amendments are as follows:
1. Modifications to north & south entrances to reception space including new revolving door to Mill Street
2. General internal modifications including increase in reception floor area with consequent reduction ... login required. |
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110m |
24/06/2024 |
N/A |
The City Lodge Building Rear Annex The Old Meath Hospital Campus Long Lane Heytesbury Street Arnott Street & William Place Dublin 8 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE The development will consist of works to and the change of use of an existing two-storey over partial basement building known as "The City Lodge Rear Annex" (a Protected Structure, RPS no. 3818), from healthcare to office use for medical administration associated with the HSE provision of public services and ancillary accommodation (approx. 404 sq m). The works include the demolition of existing boiler room to West elevation (approx. 3 sq m); infill of existing partial basement and associated external lightwell (approx... login required. |
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430m |
18/06/2024 |
Grantham House at the corner of Grantham Street and Camden Street Lower Dublin 8 |
RETENTION: Retention permission for the temporary and intermittent use of an internal curved LED screen at ground floor level and part of the first and second... login required. |
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460m |
05/06/2024 |
3 D08 PN4N & 3A D08 YD9X Grantham Place Dublin 8 |
RETENTION : this development will consist of retention planning permission for 2 no. 2 storey terrace dwellings and all associated site works.... login required. |
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360m |
30/05/2024 |
19 South Circular Road Dublin 8 D08 N9XR |
Permission for development at this site 19 South Circular Road, Dublin 8. The development consists of the refurbishment and reinstatement of the current arrangement of 3no. residential units back to a single-family dwelling, the demolition of existing lean-... login required. |
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150m |
28/05/2024 |
14 Ovoca Road Dublin 8 |
(a) demolition of existing single storey rear extension & separate Garden shed, with alterations to site boundary walls (b) construction of new single storey flat roof exte... login required. |
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450m |
27/05/2024 |
No. 91 Camden Street Lower Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: No. 91 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2 which is a protected structure, RPS. 1159. At the rear there are two returns and a yard linked by right of way to the street at Camden Row.
The development consists of:
(a) At Roof Level: taking down and re-building existing chimney stack, rebuilding the existing original brick chimney and construction of new DPC where stack breaks the roof slope to prevent falling damp, re-using the existing bricks and clay pots, with a new lime mortar flaunched capping.
(b) At Ground Floor Level - Change of use from retail/deli to cafe/restaurant (c. 86.9 sq.m) including: removal of existing floor slab and replacement with a limecrete insulated slab, careful refurbishment of cast-iron columns and downstand beams and application of intumescent fire proofing protection to metal structure to comply with fire officers requirements, careful refurbishment and repair of period meat carcass hanging systems and T&G timber wall linings, provision of a new glazed corridor to allow for dual access to the café/restaurant and protected stairs to upper floors. Removal of non-original internal stairs to the rear return and rebuilding of compliant stairs in same location, provision of external seating area to the rear for use with proposed café/ restaurant (22.4 sq.m).
(c) At First Floor Level - Change of use from retail/office to café/restaurant (c. 87.0 sq.m) including: two existing rooms to the main building from office/retail use to café seating and lobby. To the two rear return: two existing rooms to use as visitor restrooms, staff facilities, kitchen and ancillary space/uses associated with the cafe / restaurant. Removal of non-original internal stairs to the rear return and rebuilding of compliant stairs in same location.
(d) At Second Floor Level - Change of use from office associated with the retail/deli use to art gallery use (c. 52.7 sq.m).
(e) At Attic Level, restoration of historic cruciform oak-beam roof structure to main building and reinstatement of timber sheeting to th... login required. |
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500m |
22/05/2024 |
38 Lennox Street Portobello Dublin 8 D08 R5P0 |
The development will consist of the erection of a retractable awning on the shopfront... login required. |
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500m |
15/05/2024 |
38 Lennox Street Portobello Dublin 8 |
The development will consist of the erection of a retractable awning on the shopfront.... login required. |
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150m |
10/05/2024 |
47 Lombard Street West Dublin 8 D08 H0V2 |
Extend and raise the roof height of the existing rear garage. With two velux windows. Raise the roof of the existing rear utility room. New side window.... login required. |
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500m |
08/05/2024 |
38 Lennox Street Dublin 8 |
The development will consist of the erection of a retractable awning on the shopfront.... login required. |
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150m |
07/05/2024 |
47 Lombard Street West Dublin 8 |
The development will consist of: Extend and raise the roof height of the existing rear garage. With two velux windows. Raise the roof of the existing rear utility room. New side window.... login required. |
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