230m |
23/01/2025 |
N/A |
8, Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2, D02 E033 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE / RETENTION : Retention of the use of the premises as Medical and Related Consultants and of alterations to the interior and exterior areas of the property comprising:
1) external metal stairs, glass balustrade and platform lift from street level to basement level to the front of the building
2) modifications to two storey return at rear consisting of blocking up some opes at basement and ground floor level;
3) a single storey timber clad extension to return at rear accommodating plant and equipment;
4) plant and ductwork installed to the rear of building;
5) replacement of windows and some external doors;
6) localised repairs of front and rear façades;
7) repairs to main roof;
8) amendments to the internal layout to suit fire safety and tenant requirements inclu... login required. |
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230m |
21/01/2025 |
8, Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE RETENTION of the use of the premises as Medical and Related Consultants and of alterations to the interior and exterior areas of the property comprising: 1) external metal stairs, glass balustrade and platform lift from street level to basement level to the front of the building; 2) modifications to two storey return at rear consisting of blocking up some opes at basement and ground floor level; 3) a single storey timber clad extension to return at rear accommodating plant and equipment; 4) plant and ductwork installed to the rear of building; 5) replacement of windows and some external doors; 6) localised repairs of front and rear façades; 7) repairs to main roof; 8) amendments to the internal layout to suit fire safety and tenant requirements including partit... login required. |
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270m |
15/01/2025 |
Number 4, Mount Street Upper, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE Reconstruction and repairs to rear gable of rear return wall from Basement to Ground Floor. Re-rendering and re-plastering of associated wall in lime render / plaster and associated site works.... login required. |
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390m |
09/01/2025 |
N/A |
4-5 Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, Dublin, D02 XR68 |
Permission for a change use of 139.3 sq.m of the ground floor offices to a new Credit Union Branch, the remainder of the building will remain in office use. The works include replacement of the existing building ID signage on the shop front on the Lincoln Place elevation; removal of the existing in... login required. |
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260m |
23/12/2024 |
N/A |
James Street East, to the rear of, ESB Head Office, 27 Ftzwilliam Street Lower, Dublin 2 , D02KT92 |
The replacement of an existing glazed door with the installation of a revolving door, and adjacent accessible door, at an existing exit/entrance, on James Street East. The proposal includes enhanc... login required. |
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260m |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Mews building on Pembroke Lane, Dublin 2 associated to, 65 Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE. CHANGE OF USE. Development consisting of renovation and extension and change of use to residential of existing 2 storey mews building on Pembroke Lane, Dublin 2, associated to 65 Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin 2 D02 KW40. (A Protected Structure). The site is located within the curtilage of A Protected Structure RPS Ref No. 2860 and is located within an Architectural Conservation Area. Works will include a new two storey extension to the rear south facing elevation comprising kitchen/ dining area at ground level with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms over with a glazed link to the existing mews. The new extension will open directly to provide garden space at ground level. Works to the existing mews building will include: 1) The removal of non original window and door ope to north facing elevation creating a new arched window at ground level and reinstatement ... login required. |
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260m |
13/12/2024 |
Mews building on Pembroke Lane, Dublin 2, associated to 65 Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin 2 D02 KW40 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development consisting of renovation and extension and change of use to residential of existing 2 storey mews building on Pembroke Lane, Dublin 2, associated to 65 Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin 2 D02 KW40. (A Protected Structure).
The site is located within the curtilage of A Protected Structure RPS Ref No. 2860 and is located within an Architectural Conservation Area.
Works will include a new two storey extension to the rear south facing elevation comprising kitchen/ dining area at ground level with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms over with a glazed link to the existing mews.
The new extension will open directly to provide garden space at ground level.
Works to the existing mews building will include:
1) The removal of non original window and door ope to north facing elevation creating a new arched window at ground level and reinstatement of h... login required. |
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370m |
07/12/2024 |
N/A |
6, 7 and Part 8, Hagans Court, Dubln 2 |
Dublin City Council- Planning permission is sought by Broadfield Development Limited for development at numbers 6/7, part 8, Hagans Court, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2. The development involves the variation of the planning permission granted on 2nd September 2021 (Reg. Ref. 2391/21) for ‘the demolition of all structures on site and the construction of two no. three stor... login required. |
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350m |
08/11/2024 |
45-46 James's Place East, Dublin 2 |
Partial change of use, at ground-floor to the rear, from office use to use as a commercial kitchen (184 sqm) (light industrial use), internal alterations, external bin storage area, bicycle parking, and fascia signage to front elevation, together with all associated site development works.... login required. |
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350m |
05/11/2024 |
45-46, James's Place East, Dublin 2 |
PERMISSION Partial change of use, at ground-floor to the rear, from office use to use as a commercial kitchen (184 sqm) (light industrial use), interna... login required. |
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170m |
01/11/2024 |
18, Merrion Street Upper, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION AND RETENTION, permission for retention of the existing retractable awning to the front façade and permission to amend cond... login required. |
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380m |
25/10/2024 |
National Library of Ireland, 7-8 Kildare Street, Dublin 2, D02 P638 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: We, the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, intend to apply for permission, for works to the National Library of Ireland, Nos.7-8 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. PROTECTED STRUCTURE – The development will consist of works to the Main Reading Room (351 sqm) East lobby (13sqm), Reprographics Room (36 sqm ) and gallery area (44sq m) to the first floor of the National Library of Ireland, Nos.7-8 Kildare Street, Dublin 2.Protected Structure (Reference RPS 4197).
The proposal is to provide an enclosed glazed visitors viewing area (33 sq m) at the existing gallery in the Main Reading Room. The proposed glazed gallery is to be 1800mm wide and 2540mm internal height and set back from the existing timber balustrade.
Refurbishment works to include repainting the internal walls, windows and dome area, removal of section of non-historic free standing shelving units and desks from the late 20th C. Repairs and redecoration to the 13 number late 20th C single glaz... login required. |
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360m |
24/10/2024 |
58, 59, 60 & 61, Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE RETENTION PERMISSION Further to previously granted permission (application No.3622/14, application No:6031/06, and application No. 5091/07) at 58 - 61 (inclusive), Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2. (4 No. protected structures), full planning permission is now being sought by the National Maternity Hospital for "Retention Permission" to retain the modular laboratory extension to the rear of the existing properties which was previously granted temporary planning permission under planning reference 3622/... login required. |
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70m |
18/10/2024 |
66, Merrion Square South, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : PERMISSION is sought by the Embassy of France in Ireland for refurbishment and upgrading works to existing windows and doors to four storey over basement mid terrace building at No. 66 Merrion Square, D02 WY11 Dublin 2 (protected structure reference 5164 on the record of protected structures). Proposed works to allow for like-for-like re... login required. |
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370m |
16/10/2024 |
site at Pembroke known as 55 Lad Lane, Pembroke Row, Dublin 2 |
PERMISSION & RETENTION - change of use of the ground floor of building on a site at Pembroke Row, known as 55 Lad Lane, Dublin 2 from approved use as an Enterprise Centre to office use. The ground floor is part of a recently constructed building containing basement, ground floor and 5 storey overhead containing 25 apartments. Permission was granted (Reg. Ref. 4070/18) to change the use from restaurant at ground floor and to extend the ground floor for use as an Enterprise Centre. The ground floor remains unoccupied for that use and so permission is now soug... login required. |
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70m |
09/10/2024 |
No. 66 Merrion Square South, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE : PERMISSION for refurbishment and upgrading works to existing windows and doors to four storey over basement mid terrace building at No. 66 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 (protected structure reference 5164 on the record of protected structures. Proposed works to allow for like-for like repairs to existing non-original... login required. |
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340m |
01/10/2024 |
43 Fitzwilliam Square West, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: (i) internal reconfiguration (inclusive of the blocking up of existing opes and enlarging non-original window opes for doorways, removal of non-original doors and frames, provision of new partition walls, new kitchen and new washroom facilities and replacement of non-original fanlight above the front door) at basement, lower ground and upper ground floor levels; (ii) refurbishment of front/southeast elevation (inclusive of repairing/upgrading of original windows as appropriate, cleaning/repairing/re-pointing of brickwork, cleaning/repairing/painting metal window railings and front boundary railings and painting front door); (iii) refurbishment of rear/northwest elevation (inclusive of the replacement of 2 no. non-original windows with similar, removal of non-original flat-roofed extension, repairing/upgrading of original windows as appropriate, repainting render, remova... login required. |
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230m |
17/09/2024 |
6, Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE a) Replacement of 2 no. windows to rear of Upper Ground and First Floor with timber glazed doors; b) Provision of 2 no. balconies (3.97m by 1.4m each) at Upper Ground... login required. |
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270m |
23/08/2024 |
49, Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
RETENTION for a reduction in the glazed screen cafe seating area and changes to fenestration from that granted under planning reference 3698/23.... login required. |
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450m |
20/08/2024 |
Grattan House, 67-72, Mount Street Lower, Dublin 2 |
The development will consist of:
Material alterations to the main entrance on Ground Floor, front, located at the south facing façade, on Mount Street Lower.
The proposed works will consist of the removal of the existing frames, glazed panels, and stone cladding to the entranceway, and signage, in order to accommodate new glazing, a revolving door system, and an automatic, power assisted, accessible entrance door that facilitates independent access to accessible users. The accessible entrance door will be automatically power assisted via a butto... login required. |
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