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  60-63 Eccles Street, Dublin 7

May 19 2021

Application Received

Jul 13 2021

Further Info. Requested

Nov 15 2021

Further Info. Received

Dec 10 2021


Dec 10 2021

Decision Due

Jan 24 2022


Nov 06 2024

Commencement Notice

Nov 13 2024

Commencement Started
  • Submitted to Dublin City Council, 19 / 05 / 2021
  • Application Type: Permission
  • Current Status: Decision Notice Issued
  • Decision Text: GRANT PERMISSION
  • Decision Summary: Granted
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PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission is sought for construction of a detached single-storey structure and associated works. The proposed building to the ... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    50m 04/02/2025 N/A 67, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, D07 Y76V PROTECTED STRUCTURE / RETENTION: The development will consist of works for the retention at ground floor level for medical use and ancillary office/storage and WCs comprising of an area of 100.5 sq.m . No... login required. Details...
    420m 27/01/2025 N/A The Presbytery, 54-72 Gardiner Street Upper, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: (RPS. 3138) - The site is located at the junction of Gardiner Street Upper and Sherrard Street Upper, Mountjoy, Dublin 1. The proposed development will consist of the raking out and repointing of the brickwork to the front, rear and side facades of the building, including the three-storey structure to the ... login required. Details...
    360m 17/01/2025 N/A 2, Myrtle Street, Dublin 7 Planning permission for the construction of 1) an attic conversion with a dormer window to the rear, with increased dormer ridge level to create habitable space a first floor level, 2) a velux roof window to the rear roof plane serving a utili... login required. Details...
    150m 19/12/2024 N/A 6 Blessington Street, Dublin 7, D07RX4N PROTECTED STRUCTURE : The development consists of /will consist of the removal of the plywood signboard and the paint from the brickwork to the front facade at Ground Floor level , removal of paint from granite window cills and the string course to the front f... login required. Details...
    130m 18/12/2024 N/A 4, Berkeley Street, Dublin 7, D07 C2RX PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Proposed alterations and change-of-use of an existing disused office storage area to a one bedroom apartment at basement level.... login required. Details...
    400m 11/12/2024 N/A 446A North Circular Road, Dublin 1, D01 T9F4 Permission For development at this site 446A North Circular Road, Dublin 1, D01 T9F4. Development will consist of demolishing existing water tank on existing roof and change of use of groun... login required. Details...
    480m 06/12/2024 REFUSE PERMISSION 29 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Planning permission is sought for the construction of an extension on two levels to the rear of a three storey over basement residential building , a Protected Strucure (RPS Ref No. 6391 ) which contains 13 no apartments approved under Reg. Ref. 0753/96 and the repointing of the front facade (wigged pointing to match existing to ground floor section , i.e. below string course ; flush pointing to upper section ) . The extension will consist of two ... login required. Details...
    330m 06/12/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 48, Fontenoy Street, Broadstone, Dublin 7, D07 F7A4 The development will consist of demolition of existing pitched roof over kitchen & shared chimney to rear. Construction of new first floor bedroom with par... login required. Details...
    480m 02/12/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 29 Parnell Square West,, Dublin 1. PROTECTED STRUCTURE : Planning permission is sought for the construction of an extension on two levels to the rear of a three storey over basement residential building a Protected Structure (RPS Ref. no. 6391 which contains 13 no. apartments approved under Reg Ref No. 0753/96, and the repointing of the front façade (wigged pointing to match existing to ground floor section, i.e. below string course; flush pointing to upper section).. The extension will consist of two no. 1 bed apartmen... login required. Details...
    500m 19/11/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 12 North Great Georges Street, Dublin 1, D01 AW65 PROTECTED STRUCTURE The construction of a new studio/sunroom extension of 36m2 to existing attic conversion to serve as additional floor space to 3rd floor apartment below, provision of new access stairs to same, repair and repointin... login required. Details...
    500m 13/11/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 12, North Great George's Street, Dublin 1, D01 AW65 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the construction of a new studio / sunroom extension of 36m2 to existing attic conversion to serve as additional floor space to 3rd floor apartment below, provision of... login required. Details...
    170m 01/11/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 91, Dorset Street Upper, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE Permission is sought for a new shop front to an existing take-away on the ground floor of an existing 4-storey terraced building at 91 Dorset Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01H268 (which is a Protected Structure).... login required. Details...
    390m 25/10/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 446A North Circular Road, Dublin 1, D01 T9F4 Development will consist of demolishing existing water tank on existing roof and change of use of ground floor from commercial to a 1No. bedroom apartment and a proposed new 3 storeys added on top of ground floor with each... login required. Details...
    380m 22/10/2024 REFUSE RETENTION PERMISSION Flat 1, 1 Saint Mary's Place North, Dublin 7 , D07 X642 RETENTION PERMISSION sought to retain changed use from basement level ancillary store (for shop at ground level) to residential dwelling flat at Flat 1, 1 Saint Mary's Place North, Dublin 7, D07 X642 for Peter Smyth.... login required. Details...
    250m 16/10/2024 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 17, Dorset Street Lower, Dublin 1 PERMISSION & RETENTION for development at 17 Dorset Street Lower, Dublin 1. The development will consist of the following; (i) the change of use from rear store areas to... login required. Details...
    140m 11/10/2024 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 23, Blessington Street, Dublin 7 The proposed development comprises the following: (i) change of use of vacant derelict structure (Derelict Sites Register File No. DS1006) at No. 23 Blessington Street, to guesthouse accommodation use, providing for a total of 6 no. bedrooms comprising 4 no. single-bedrooms each with private W/C and 2 no. double bedrooms each with private W/C; (ii) construction of a single storey extension to the rear to provide 1 no. single bedroom with private W/C; (iii) internal alterations to facilitate the change of use; (iv) provision of lounge at ground floor and dining room with associated kitchen/pantry with staff W/C at basement level; (v... login required. Details...
    250m 09/10/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 17, Dorset Street Lower, Dublin 1 PERMISSION for development at 17 Dorset Street Lower, Dublin 1. The development will consist of the following; (i) the extension of the shop use into rear store areas, (ii) the provision of ventilation ductwork to the rear on to the lane off Kelly's Row and (iii) new shop signage.... login required. Details...
    330m 19/09/2024 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 32, Frederick Street North, Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development seeking permission will consist of the change-of- use of the existing entrance-level from commercial use to studio apartment ... login required. Details...
    200m 17/09/2024 GRANT PERMISSION 12-16A Wellington Street Lower, Dublin 7 The development will consist of the demolition of the existing 2no. car repair garages. The construction of a new development consisting of 29 no. apartments comprising 8 no 1 bed apartments, 12 no. 2 be... login required. Details...
    270m 27/08/2024 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 13 Synnott Place, Dublin 7, D07 E7N5 Permission & Retention: Retention Of The Change Of Use Of Existing Studio Type Apartment At Basement Level Which Was Previously Storage Space Together With The Retention Of The Existing External Staircase That Services Same As Current... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Ll
    • Description: Locally Important Aquifer - Bedrock which is Moderately Productive only in Local Zones

    • Unit Name: Lucan Formation
    • Description: Dark limestone & shale (`calp)
    • Labels: CDLUCN / LU

    • Low ( L)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
    • No Results...

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • No Results...

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    Our Lady of Mercy House, Centre for Nurse Education 50070461 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house college Yes
    Heart House 50070462 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house surgery/clinic Yes
    Heart House 50070463 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house surgery/clinic Yes
    Liver Centre 50070464 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house surgery/clinic Yes
    Centre for Lung Health 50070465 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house surgery/clinic Yes
    The Dublin Neurological Institute at the Mater University Hospital 50070466 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house surgery/clinic Yes
    No Building Name 50070467 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 50070468 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house Same as Original Yes
    Institute of Ophthalmology, University College Dublin 50070469 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house surgery/clinic Yes
    Department of Old Age Psychiatry, Mater Hospital 50070470 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house surgery/clinic Yes
    Department of Adult Psychiatry, Mater Hospital 50070471 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house surgery/clinic Yes
    No Building Name 50070473 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house hostel (charitable) Yes
    Arc House 50070474 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house office Yes
    No Building Name 50070475 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house office Yes
    No Building Name 50070476 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house office Yes
    No Building Name 50070477 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house office Yes
    No Building Name 50070478 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house surgery/clinic Yes
    No Building Name 50070479 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house surgery/clinic Yes
    No Building Name 50070480 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house office Yes
    No Building Name 50070481 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house apartment/flat (converted) Yes
    Department of Adult Psychiatry, Mater Hospital 50070472 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1800 house surgery/clinic Yes
    No Building Name 50070419 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1820 house apartment/flat (converted) Yes
    No Building Name 50070420 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1820 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 50070421 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house apartment/flat (converted) Yes
    No Building Name 50070423 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1820 house apartment/flat (converted) Yes

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • No Results...

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