1.8km |
14/01/2025 |
Invalid Application |
Huntstown Power Station, Huntstown, Co. Dublin |
Permission for works to an existing Above Ground Natural Gas Installat... login required. |
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2.2km |
23/12/2024 |
Huntstown Power Station, Huntstown, Co. Dublin |
***OUTSIDE DCC JURISDICTION***The replacement of approx. 251 m of existing 2.4 m high chainlink perimeter fencing and associated access/emergency gates with new 2.4 m high security fencing, gates and all associated site works.... login required. |
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1.3km |
19/12/2024 |
N/A |
O'Toole Transport,, Bay Lane,, Hollywoodrath,, D15 WDN7 |
The development will consist of an extension to the existing facility ... login required. |
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1.7km |
18/12/2024 |
Invalid Application |
5 The Oaks,, Hollystown,, Dublin 15, D15X2D0 |
Retention planning permission for a 1.Detached single storey garage co... login required. |
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2km |
12/12/2024 |
N/A |
Broughan, The Ward, County Dublin, D11PT99 |
Proposed removal/decommissioning of existing septic tank and provision... login required. |
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2.1km |
11/12/2024 |
Invalid Application |
15 The Avenue, Bellingsmore, Hollystown, Dublin 15, D15 PX0K |
To convert the garden to a combination of storage space, an enclosed p... login required. |
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1.8km |
10/12/2024 |
Invalid Application |
Huntstown AGI (Above Ground Installation), Huntstown Power Station, Hu |
The replacement of approx. 251 m of existing 2.4 m high chainlink peri... login required. |
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2.1km |
28/11/2024 |
Invalid Application |
15 the Avenue,, Bellingsmore, Hollystown,, Dublin 15, D15PX0K |
Conversion of 85m^2 garden into a 20m^2 enclosed pergola, 19m^2 storag... login required. |
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2.4km |
15/11/2024 |
Hollystown, Mulhuddart, Co. Dublin |
Permission for retention of an attic conversion... login required. |
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2.1km |
13/11/2024 |
Lands at Ratoath Road and Gallanstown Road, Hollystown, Dublin 15 |
MCPS Investments Homes Limited intend to apply for permission for a re... login required. |
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2.2km |
09/10/2024 |
N/A |
Lands to the north of Tyrellstown Plaza Local Centre, East of Bellgree |
The development proposed consists of two apartment buildings with balc... login required. |
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2.5km |
09/10/2024 |
Unit 1 Vantage,, Business Park,, North Road,Coldwinters,, Co. Dublin |
The proposed development consists of permission relate to Unit 1 only;... login required. |
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2.5km |
02/10/2024 |
Invalid Application |
Unit 1 Vantage,, Business Park,North Road,, Coldwinters Dublin 11, Co. |
The proposed development consists of permission relate to Unit 1 only;... login required. |
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1.9km |
02/10/2024 |
Huntstown Power Station, In the townlands of Hunstown and J, Co.Dublin |
1) A Battery Energy Storage System facility to include up to 85 no. co... login required. |
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1.6km |
23/09/2024 |
Bus Stop No. 7560, Opposite 3 Hollywoodrath Drive, Hollywoodrath, Dubl |
Permission to erect a new 5.2m x 1.85m x 2.8m stainless steel... login required. |
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1.1km |
13/09/2024 |
N/A |
Huntstown Townland, North Road, Finglas, Dublin 11, D11A337 |
Construction and operation of an aggregate processing plant to produce... login required. |
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2.4km |
13/09/2024 |
Dublin Airport Logistics Park, Newtown, Kilshane Cross, Co. Dublin |
Construction of a central warehouse & logistics distribution centre, w... login required. |
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2.9km |
08/09/2024 |
88 Hollystown Park, Hollystown, Dublin 15 |
Retention of a single storey garage and playroom (c. 50.7m.sq.) along ... login required. |
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1.1km |
04/09/2024 |
Invalid Application |
Huntstown Townland, North Road, Finglas, Dublin 11, D11A337 |
Construction and operation of an aggregate processing plant to produce... login required. |
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