70m |
13/01/2025 |
N/A |
No. 2, 2A & 3 Ballygall Road West, Finglas, Dublin 11, D11 X96F |
PERMISSION & RETENTION is sought for partial 1st floor extension and winter garden over existing ground floor units, to create 1 x Two
Bedroomed apartment unit... login required. |
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2.8km |
23/12/2024 |
Huntstown Power Station, Huntstown, Co. Dublin |
***OUTSIDE DCC JURISDICTION***The replacement of approx. 251 m of existing 2.4 m high chainlink perimeter fencing and associated access/emergency gates with new 2.4 m high security fencing, gates and all associated site works.... login required. |
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390m |
20/12/2024 |
N/A |
103, Ballygall Crescent, Finglas East , Dublin 11 , D11X0F2 |
Construction of a dormer roof to the rear of existing roof profile with a 400mm increase in the roof ridge height.... login required. |
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2.3km |
29/10/2024 |
Lands north of Meakstown Cottages access road, Dubber, Co. Dublin |
The proposed development... login required. |
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3km |
09/10/2024 |
Unit 1 Vantage,, Business Park,, North Road,Coldwinters,, Co. Dublin |
The proposed development consists of permission relate to Unit 1 only;... login required. |
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3km |
02/10/2024 |
Invalid Application |
Unit 1 Vantage,, Business Park,North Road,, Coldwinters Dublin 11, Co. |
The proposed development consists of permission relate to Unit 1 only;... login required. |
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340m |
14/08/2024 |
N/A |
The Lands adjacent to 31 Jamestown Road, Finglas (D11 C9Y4) Dublin 11 |
Permission for proposed development comprises the following: Construction of 16 no. 1 bed apartment units in 2 no. apartment buildings ranging in height from 2 - 3 storeys (Block A 2 no. storeys, Block B 3 no. storeys). Block A provides 4 no. 1 bed apartment units and Block B provides 12 no. apartment units. Pedestrian access to the development will be from a new site entrance point along Jamestown Road. Vehicular access will also be via a new site entrance point along Jamestown Road, adjacent to the pedestrian access po... login required. |
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320m |
07/08/2024 |
The Village Inn, 33 Church Street, Dublin 11, D11 E62V |
Permission for two storey extension to side incorporating lobby and lift well, change of use of first floor function rooms to guesthouse accommodation containing 16 En Suit... login required. |
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420m |
09/07/2024 |
19, Farnham Drive, Dublin 11 |
Planning permission for single storey porch extension to front and associated site works.... login required. |
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420m |
04/07/2024 |
19 Farnham Drive, Finglas, Dublin 11, D11 K5P7 |
Single storey porch extension to front and associated site works .... login required. |
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360m |
17/06/2024 |
231 Glasaree Road, Finglas, Dublin 11 |
PERMISSION The development will consist of: A) The retention permission for a driveway and alterations to front boundary wall for vehicular entrance. B) The planning permission for; 1) For the existing public footpath to be dished at the front of the site, 2) the construction of a new ground floor extension to the rear of the existing house... login required. |
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360m |
11/06/2024 |
231 Glasaree Road, Finglas, Dublin 11, D11 P867 |
RETENTION & PERMISSION: The development will consist/consists of; 1) The retention permission of a driveway and alterations to front boundary wall for vehicular entrance in the front garden of the existing house. 2) The planning permission for the construction of a new ground floor extension to the rear of the existing house (to accommodate; bathroom, living space). 3)... login required. |
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370m |
10/06/2024 |
9 Church Street, Finglas, Dublin 11 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: the development will consist of the demolition of 3 no. existing dwellings on site, the construction of a new two-storey 10-bed mental health unit with ancillary accommodation, new vehicular and pedestrian site access, 2 no. car parking spaces, provision ... login required. |
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370m |
29/04/2024 |
No. 9 Church Street, Finglas, Dublin 11 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE:Permission for the demolition of 3 no. existing dwellings on site and the construction of a new two-storey mental health unit with ancillary accommodation at No.9 Church Street, Finglas, Dublin 11.
The development will consist of the demolition of the 3 no. existing dwellings on site, the construction of a new two-storey 10- bed mental health unit with anc... login required. |
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370m |
22/04/2024 |
9 Church Street, Finglas, Dublin11 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: permission for the demolition of 3 no. existing dwellings on site and the construction of a new two-storey mental health unit with ancillary accommodation at no. 9 Church Street, Finglas, Dublin 11. The development will consist of the demolition of the 3 no. existing dwellings on site, the construction of a new two-storey 10 bed mental health unit with anc... login required. |
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90m |
02/04/2024 |
Parish House & Presbytary1 (D11 P2E2) and Parish House & Presbytary 2 (D11 T4 A4), Ballygall Road West, Finglas, Dublin 11 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission to demolish 2 No existing Parish Houses/presbyterys, Inc garages at the site located to the rear (North East Side) of Saint Canice's Catholic Church (A Protected Structure and Environs and located within Finglas Strategic Development Zone) in Finglas, Dublin 11. Works to be carried out at the following addresses:- Parish House and Presbytery 1 (D11 P2E2... login required. |
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90m |
20/03/2024 |
Parish House & Presbytery 1 (D11 P2E2) and Parish House and Presbytery 2 (D11 T4A4), Ballygall Road West, Finglas, Dublin 11 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE:To Demolish 2 No existing Parish Houses/ presbyterys, Inc garages at the site located to the rear (North East Side) of Saint Canice's Catholic Church (A Protected Structure & Environs and located within Finglas Strategic Development Zone) in Finglas, Dublin 11. Work to be carried out at the following addresses: Parish House & Presbytery 1 (D11 P2E2) and Pari... login required. |
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220m |
14/03/2024 |
The Drake Inn, 59-60 Main Street, Finglas, Dublin 11 (located at the junction, of Main Street and Jamestown Road, and bounded by 61 Main Street to the west,, 66 Main Street to the west, and 5 Jamestown Road to the north). |
The proposed development will consist of alterations to the previously permitted mixed-use development (granted under Reg. Ref. 3594/23) including the omission of the permitted basement and filling of the existing basement to now provide for a six-storey terraced mixed-use building; reconfiguration of the permitted ground floor and change of use from permitted 1 no. ga... login required. |
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110m |
29/01/2024 |
83, Finglas Place, Dublin 11, D11 N9K3 |
RETENTION: Retention permission for shed in the back garden for storage and Gym area.... login required. |
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