360m |
05/02/2025 |
N/A |
Kermorr House, Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
CHANGE OF USE The proposed development consists of the following:
• Change of use of the existing vacant warehouse building, with a GFA of 1,335 sq.m, to sports facility including gym use (Class 11);
• Associated internal reconfiguration including new fire escapes and changing rooms;
• The proposed development includes alterations to the existing 29 no. car parking spaces ... login required. |
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360m |
31/01/2025 |
Kermorr House, Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
The proposed development consists of the following:
• Change of use of the existing vacant warehouse building, with a GFA of 1,335 sq.m, to sports facility including gym use (Class 11);
• Associated internal reconfiguration including new fire escapes and changing rooms;
• The proposed development includes alterations to the existing 29 no. car parking spaces on site... login required. |
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0m |
29/01/2025 |
Emmet Lodge, Emmet Court, Saint Vincents Street West, Dublin 8, D08 YK63 |
RETENTION: The development seeks permission for the retention of a single storey 9m2 lean to extension at Emmet Court to provide shelter to the building’s water tank.... login required. |
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260m |
16/12/2024 |
N/A |
The Hot Box Sauna, Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Tyrconnel Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8, D08 EWK2 |
RETENTION: Retention permission for (i) the change of use of the site from restaurant use to sports facility and recreational use; (ii) removal of 0.75m high boundary wall; (iii) installation of 5 ... login required. |
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410m |
16/12/2024 |
N/A |
65 Tyrconnell Park, Inchicore, Dublin 8, D08 TDC9 |
Permission to 1. Construct a single storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling house, demolition of coal shed wall on west boundary, internal alterations, and all associat... login required. |
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260m |
06/12/2024 |
The Hot Box Sauna, Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
RETENTION permission for (i) the change of use of the site from ‘restaurant’ use to ‘sports facility and recreational use’; (ii) removal of 0.75m high boundary wall; (iii) installation of 5 no.... login required. |
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460m |
01/12/2024 |
193, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8, D08 H1K8 |
The development will consist of
1) Removal of existing single storey extension (11.34m2) and an existing detached single storey house (22.15m2) at rear of dwelling.
2) Provision of a single storey (30.6m2) extension to rear of dwelling.... login required. |
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390m |
12/11/2024 |
Site adjoining Blackhorse Inn, Goldenbridge Walk, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Permission for the development of new recreational Sports Facility and Wellness Centre to include erection of 2 no roofed padel courts and associated lighting, single storey changing facilities, toilets, anci... login required. |
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440m |
25/10/2024 |
205, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
RETENTION PERMISSION and PERMISSION Ground Floor Unit, 205 Emmet Road, Inchicore Dublin 8 (D08 R2TT). for Retention of the Change of use of existing ground flo... login required. |
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440m |
24/10/2024 |
205, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8, D08 R2TT |
RETENTION: Ground Floor Unit, 205 Emmet Road, Inchicore Dublin 8 (D08 R2TT). for Retention of the Change of use of existing ground floor commercial unit to retail /shop & restaurant and permission for connection to the adjoining unit at Ground Floor Unit, 205A Emmet Road, Inchicore Dublin 8... login required. |
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460m |
23/10/2024 |
193, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 , D08H1K8 |
PERMISSION for development at the site 193 Emmet Rd, Inchicore, Dublin. DO8 H1K8. The development will consist of 1) Removal of existing single storey extensio... login required. |
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440m |
17/10/2024 |
205, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
PERMISSION & Retention of the Change of use of existing ground floor commercial unit to retail /shop & restaurant at Ground Floor Unit, 205 Emmet Road & future direct connection to unit at Ground Floor Unit, 205A Emmet Road... login required. |
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220m |
12/07/2024 |
99, Benmadigan Road, Drimnagh , Dublin 12 |
Permission for the construction of a two storey extension to the rear, alterations to the main roof to build up the roof hip to form a new gable roof, internal alterations and modifications and all associated site works at 99 Benmadigan Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12... login required. |
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170m |
11/07/2024 |
Unit 15a Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Tyrconnell Road, Dublin 8 |
Minor alterations to front elevation at ground floor level as follows: a) changing of 1 no. door from double-door to single door. b) Widening of vehicular entrance to warehouse area. c) Associated site works.... login required. |
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170m |
04/07/2024 |
UNIT 15A, Goldenbridge Industrial Estate, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
Minor alterations to front elevation at ground floor level as follows:
a) changing of 1 no. door from double-door to single door and
b) widening of existing roller shutter warehouse access.... login required. |
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480m |
20/05/2024 |
13 Goldenbridge Terrace, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
PERMISSION for the construction of a first floor extension over existing extension to gable and front and rear of house, also all associated site works.... login required. |
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230m |
23/04/2024 |
8, Sperrin Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12, D12 X30V |
Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, new access stairs, 2 No. roof windows to the front and flat roof dormer to the rear.... login required. |
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170m |
05/03/2024 |
7 Goldenbridge Walk, Inchicore, Dublin 8 |
For construction of a 2 storey, 5 bedroom detached house with 1 no. car parking space using existing access via Goldenbridge Walk, with shed to rear plus associated landscaping and drainage works.... login required. |
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290m |
15/01/2024 |
7, Tyrconnell Street, Inchicore, Dublin 8, D08 F25V |
RETENTION: The demolition of existing two-storey rear section (c. 6 sq.m. at lower ground level and c. 6 sq.m. at upper ground level.) and replacement with a two storey rear section to the existing terraced dwelling house, c. 6 sq.m. at lower ground level and c. 6 sq.m. at upper ground level.... login required. |
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