190m |
17/12/2024 |
N/A |
10, Somerville Avenue, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 |
New door to the front of the house. With pedestrian access. New low level boundary wall to the front with gated access. Single storey extension to the rear.... login required. |
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190m |
11/12/2024 |
10, Somerville Avenue, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12 A2CO |
New door to the front of the house. With pedestrian access. New low level boundary wall to the front with gated access. Single storey extension to the rear.... login required. |
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280m |
07/12/2024 |
1, Hughes Road South, Dublin 12 |
RETENTION & PERMISSION The development will consist of the retention permission for the widening of existing vehicular entrance and planning permission for the proposed construction of two entrance piers.... login required. |
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330m |
28/11/2024 |
33 Hughes Rd N, Walkinstown, Dublin, D12 X0CC |
Attic conversion for storage, including a raised gable to the side with a new gable window and two Velux windows to the front. Addition of a dormer window to the rear. Construction of a single-storey extension to the rear. Demolition of an existing concrete shed to the rear.... login required. |
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280m |
15/11/2024 |
1, Hughes Road South, Dublin 12 |
RETENTION AND PERMISSION: The development will consist of the retention of widening of existing vehicular entrance and the proposed construction of two entrance piers.... login required. |
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280m |
31/10/2024 |
1, Hughes Road South, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 |
RETENTION PERMISSION I, Wenshiu Chen intend to apply to apply for Retention Permission for a development at 1 Hughes Road South, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 The development will consist of The extension of the existing driveway and the construction of two piers.... login required. |
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460m |
08/10/2024 |
Crumlin Delivery Service Unit, 11, Saint Agnes Road, Dublin 12, D12 WK5A |
The site is within the Crumlin Village Architectural Conservation Area.
The proposed development comprises the following:
Demolition of the existing 1 storey Delivery Service Unit building and associated outbuildings on the site and removal of the existing site boundary wall along Windmill Road (c.918. 8sq.m). Construction of a 3-5 storey residential development comprising 53 no. 1 bed apartment units in a single block ranging in size from c.50.1 sq.m to c.53.1 sq.m. All apartments are provided with associated private open space balconies/ terraces. All units are intended to provide housing for independent living for older residents (60 years plus). Pedestrian
ac... login required. |
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460m |
02/10/2024 |
Crumlin Delivery Service Unit, 11 St Agnes Road, Dublin 12 |
The proposed development comprises the following:
Demolition of the existing 1 storey Delivery Service Unit building and associated outbuildings on the site and
removal of the existing site boundary wall along Windmill Road (c.918. 8sq.m). Construction of a 3-5 storey
residential development comprising 53 no. 1 bed apartment units in a single block ranging in size from c.50.1
sq.m to c.53.1 sq.m. All apartments are provided with associated private open space balconies/ terraces. All
units are intended to provide housing for independent living for older residents (60 years plus). Pedestrian
access and egress to the development wi... login required. |
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310m |
24/09/2024 |
16, Hughes Road East, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12 P27D |
The construction of a single storey extension to the front, part single, part two storey extension to the rear, conversion of existing hipped roof profile into a gable roof apex profile with a port... login required. |
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310m |
19/09/2024 |
16, Hughes Road East, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12 P270 |
The construction of a single storey extension to the front, part single, part two storey extension to the rear, conversion of existing hipped roof profile into a gable roof apex profile with a port... login required. |
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400m |
10/09/2024 |
5, Field Avenue, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12 EK7Y |
Retention permission - The development consists of a single storey domestic shed in the rear garden of the property with an internal area of circa30.5sqm. This is all together with associated site works.... login required. |
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490m |
27/08/2024 |
12, 14 & 14A Saint Agnes Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 , D12YE06 |
RETENTION PERMISSION /PERMISSIOM . Retention permission for change of use from retail to Funeral Home with new signage at 14A St Agnes Road Dublin 12 D12 YE06 and for... login required. |
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440m |
07/08/2024 |
326, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12, D12 PRR3 |
Attic Conversion, with new rear dormer window, new Velux to front, new vehicular access, alterations & all associated works at 326 Crumlin Road Dublin 12, D12PRR3.... login required. |
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310m |
24/06/2024 |
129, Drimnagh Road, Dublin 12 |
Permission to convert attic space into a bedroom (habitable room) with en-suite. Works to include replacing hipped roof to side with gable wall, a pressed metal clad dormer window to rear and 3 no. velux windows to front.... login required. |
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490m |
24/05/2024 |
346, Kildare Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12 X06N |
Permission for the construction of 2 no. single-storey semi-detached houses. Each dwelling will consist of 2 no. bedrooms for 4 persons in total, with private rear gardens and 2 no. car parking spac... login required. |
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80m |
21/05/2024 |
23, Saint Mary's Crescent, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12 AX03 |
The development will consist of:
1. the provision of a car parking space in the front garden and new vehicle entrance opening within the front garden wall, and associated amendments to the pathway, grass verge and kerb line outside the site b... login required. |
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100m |
20/05/2024 |
St. Mary's (Old) Church, Crumlin, Dublin 12 |
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: the development will consist of renewal of external render to the church and new paint finish to non-historic extension.... login required. |
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130m |
20/05/2024 |
Madoc House, 31 St. Mary's Drive, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12 EY6T |
Permission sought to extend existing 2-bedroom first floor living accommodation with a first floor bedroom extension at side and incorporating a ground... login required. |
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290m |
15/05/2024 |
Site between 4 and 22 Somerville Avenue, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 |
The development will consist of a proposed detached two storey dwelling with attic conversion with dormer roof to the rear roof
slope and all associated site works.... login required. |
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