1.4km |
29/08/2024 |
N/A |
3 Ashford Oaks , Ballinalea , Ashford |
(i)access ramps, steel handrails, side gate, etc. at the front, side and rear of the existing dwelling; and (ii) Planning Permission for the construction of an additional access ramp to connect existing ramp to proposed rear balcony (12.13sq m.) with 3 No. 1.90m high obscured... login required. |
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870m |
26/08/2024 |
N/A |
Lands located off Ballymacahara Road , Ashford , Co Wicklow |
1. Construction of 4 No. Dwellings comprising 226.8 sq.m. each, split level arranged over 1-3 storeys. 2. Access to each dwelling directly off existing Ballymacaha... login required. |
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430m |
14/08/2024 |
N/A |
25 Bramble Glade , Ballinahinch , Ashford Co. Wicklow |
construction of a single storey extension to side and rear of the existing house, changes to all elevations and connecting to existing mains services and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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1.6km |
02/08/2024 |
N/A |
Ballymaghroe , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
a revised house type to that as granted under planning Ref. 22/791 which included, the construction of a dwelling, garage and effluent treatment system, all together with associated revisions to site works... login required. |
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1.4km |
25/07/2024 |
N/A |
4 Ashleigh , Ballinalea Ashford , Co.Wicklow |
the conversion of attic space to habitable, provision of a dormer window to the front together with velux roof lights, removal of chimney, provision of a new porch to side and the relocation of a window to front at ground floor level and all ancillary site works ... login required. |
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1km |
17/07/2024 |
N/A |
Ballymacahara , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
proposed farm dwelling, waste water treatment system to EPA standards, garage, new entrance onto public road with proposed driveway to link with existing farm service lane and associated works... login required. |
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890m |
09/07/2024 |
N/A |
Ballymacahara , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
a new relocated sewerage treatment system to current EPA standards to replace existing system, revised boundaries, access driveway with shared entrance. Retention permission is also sought for dwelling and stable block as built and all associated site works... login required. |
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840m |
09/07/2024 |
N/A |
Ballymacahara , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
a new dormer style dwelling along with a sewerage treatment system to current EPA standards and all associated site works... login required. |
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810m |
09/07/2024 |
N/A |
Ballymacahara , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
a new dormer style dwelling along with a sewerage treatment system to current EPA standards and all associated site works... login required. |
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730m |
05/07/2024 |
Mortimers , Ballinahinch , Ashford |
renewal of S254 Licence for 6 tables and chairs & seating for 16 people outside... login required. |
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1.5km |
19/06/2024 |
5 Ballinalea , Ashford , Wicklow |
a new single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling, minor modifications to internal layout of existing dwelling and associate works... login required. |
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1.4km |
13/06/2024 |
3 Ashford Oaks , Ballinalea , Ashford |
the removal of existing window from the south west side elevation. Enlarge existing window OPE to form new door, OPE for internal access from dwelling to new 12.13 sq m first floor composite decking. New 1.90m obscured g... login required. |
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1.4km |
13/06/2024 |
4 Ashford Oaks , Ballinalea , Ashford |
the part conversion of 42.02sq m of existing ground floor plan to granny flat and associated site works ... login required. |
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550m |
06/06/2024 |
Mount Alto , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
the demolition of the derelict/abandoned dwelling and outbuildings, and the construction of 74 No. dwellings consisting of the following: 20 × four bedroom two storey with attic level accommodation dwellings (Type A: 147 sq.m. each), 39 × three bedroom two storey dwellings (Type B: 111 sq.m. each), 11 × two bedroom two storey dwellings (Type C: 82.5 sq.m. each), 4 No. bungalows (1 No. 2 bed at 75 sq.m., 2 No. 3 bed at 101 sq.m., and 1 No. 3 bed at 130 sq.m.), with connecti... login required. |
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540m |
06/06/2024 |
44 The Way Vartry Wood , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
retention of roof window to front elevation of existing non habitable storage attic conversion... login required. |
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300m |
30/05/2024 |
N/A |
Ballinahinch Park , (Townland of Ballinahinch) , Ashford |
PART VIII to construct 19 No. Social Housing Units and all associated works. The accommodation shall consist of the following: 2 No. three bedroom two sto... login required. |
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2.9km |
28/05/2024 |
Killoughter , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
the construction of a 354 sq.m. agricultural shed. Together with all associated ancillary works ... login required. |
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560m |
24/05/2024 |
N/A |
Mount Alto , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
the demolition of the derelict/abandoned dwelling and outbuildings, and the construction of 74 No. dwellings consisting of the following: 20 × four bedroom two storey with attic level accommodation dwellings (Type A: 147 sq.m. each), 39 × three bedroom two storey dwellings (Type B: 111 sq.m. each), 11 × two bedroom two storey dwellings (Type C: 82.5 sq.m. each), 4 No. bungalows (1 No. 2 bed at 75 sq.m., 2 No. 3 bed at 101 sq.m., and 1 No. 3 bed at 130 sq.m.), with conn... login required. |
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210m |
15/05/2024 |
6 Ballinahinch , Ashford , Co. Wicklow |
revised single storey side extension to dwelling (originally granted under planning ref. No. 93/1013) and retention of single storey rear extension to dwelling and associated works... login required. |
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