1.1km |
28/08/2024 |
N/A |
Tinahask , Townland of Tinahask Upper , Arklow |
Part 8 - to construct 74 No. Social Housing Units and all associated works. The accommodation shall consist of the following: 2 No. four bedroom storey and a half units, 17 No. three bedroom two storey units, 45 No. two bedroom two... login required. |
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770m |
15/08/2024 |
N/A |
Yellow Lane , Knockanrahan Lower , Arklow |
revisions to the design of Block 1 and Block 2 granted by An Bord Pleanala Ref: 311011-21. The revisions include removal of external access stairs to first floor Duplexes, revisions to external elevations, floor layouts and minor repositioning of Block 1 & 2... login required. |
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1.3km |
01/08/2024 |
N/A |
13 Oaklands , Coolgreaney Road , Arklow Co. Wicklow |
two storey extension to side of existing house and single storey extension to rear increasing the house from 88 sq. m. to 163.28 sq. m. including the relocation of main entrance to front elevation, landscaping, drainage and ancillary works... login required. |
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1.4km |
26/07/2024 |
N/A |
Tinahask Upper Money Little and Money Big , Arklow , Co. Wicklow |
a 7-year permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development. The proposed development will consist of the following: Construction of 476 no. residential units, Communal open space associated with the proposed apartment/duplex units will be provided in the form of landscaped areas located in the vicinity of the apartment units. Public open space in the form of 13 no. local parks. All internal residential access roads and cyclist/ pedestrian paths serving the proposed development. Provision of 930 no. car parking spaces across the development site and 400 no. bicycle parking spaces for residents of the proposed apartments/duplex units. 37 no. visitor bicycle parking spaces are provided throughout the development site. Provision of a new public park facilitating active and passive open spaces to the south of the site, including linear parks, walkways and play areas for structured and natural play, and an area for a playing pitch. Construction of a three-storey mixed use building which will consist of 2 no. Retail units at ground floor level, a community centre ... login required. |
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20m |
04/07/2024 |
70 Lower Main Street , Arklow , Co. Wicklow |
(S254) for a scaffold... login required. |
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490m |
02/07/2024 |
Bridgewater Shopping Centre , 7 North Quay , Ferrybank Arklow |
the installation of 2 No. support poles on the existing rooftop which will support 2No. Telecommunications Antennae in total at a maximum height of 21.10m together with the installation of 1 No. 0.3m Dish, RRUs, Handrails, Cable Ladder and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.1km |
28/06/2024 |
ESB Telecoms Ltd Compound , ESB Arklow 220KV Substation , Killiniskyduff Dublin Road |
the installation of solar panels over the roof of an existing telecommunications cabin on a steel frame (covering an area of c.46 sq.m., to a maximum height of 4.6 metres above ground level). Works to consist of all ancillary development works, including steel uprights at... login required. |
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1.5km |
25/06/2024 |
Knockenrahan Upper , Wexford Road , Arklow |
construction of 3No. detached houses with new access entrance and connection to existing services ... login required. |
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380m |
16/06/2024 |
Rear of 19 Abbeyville , Arklow , Co. Wicklow |
as constructed single storey garage building, c.36square metres, and all associated site works ... login required. |
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2.4km |
07/06/2024 |
Homeville , Shelton Abbey , Arklow |
(1) Retention permission of existing garage, plant rooms and first floor pigeon loft. (2) Retention of part built single story vintage car storage building and Permission to complete same with a flat green roof. (3) All associated site works... login required. |
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750m |
24/05/2024 |
N/A |
Lidl Wexford Road , (and adjoining former Healy Premises at Y14 Y072) , Arklow Co. Wicklow |
development principally consisting of the construction of a new Discount Foodstore Supermarket with ancillary off-licence sales on an extended site. The proposed development comprises: 1) The demolition of existing single storey Discount Foodstore (with ancillary off-licence use) measuring c. 1,357 sqm gross floor space with a net retail sales area of c. 985 sqm; 2) The demolition of existing 1 no. two storey and 2 no. single storey commercial buildings measuring c. 1,191 sqm overall and associated and ancillary site clearance of former Healy Premises; 3) The construction of a single storey Discount Foodstore Supermarket with ancillary off-licence use (and mezzanine p... login required. |
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860m |
23/05/2024 |
Teac na Coille Vale Road , Arklow , Co. Wicklow |
the construction of a new single-storey detached garden shed / store with a floor area of 25.8sqm located to the front (northside) of the existing detached single-storey dwelling and including all associated site works ... login required. |
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2.4km |
21/05/2024 |
N/A |
Homeville , Shelton Abbey , Arklow |
(1) Retention permission of existing garage, plant rooms and first floor pigeon loft. (2) Retention of part built single storey vintage car storage building and Permission to complete same with a flat green roof. (3) All associated site works... login required. |
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230m |
21/05/2024 |
40 Tinahask , Arklow , Co. Wicklow |
(S254) for a scaffold... login required. |
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0m |
13/05/2024 |
21 Kings Hill , Lower Main Street , Arklow |
a (S254) for a scaffold... login required. |
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380m |
07/05/2024 |
N/A |
Rear of 19 Abbeyville , Arklow , Co. Wicklow |
as constructed single storey garage building, c.36square metres, and all associated site works ... login required. |
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1.5km |
07/05/2024 |
'St Anthonys' , Dublin Road Ticknock , Arklow |
a 1.8m wooden fence, repainted cream, facing onto the R2772... login required. |
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2.8km |
04/05/2024 |
Armstrong Timber Engineering , Kish Business Park , Arklow |
single storey industrial unit (Gross Area 945 Sqm) and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.5km |
30/04/2024 |
N/A |
'St Anthonys' , Dublin Road Ticknock , Arklow |
a 1.8m wooden fence, repainted cream, facing onto the R772... login required. |
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