1.2km |
28/01/2025 |
N/A |
Jerpoint West , Thomastown , Co Kilkenny |
to construct one new two-bedroom house and all associated site works on lands... login required. |
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1.3km |
19/12/2024 |
N/A |
Site 1 Phase 2 North Paddocks , Mount Juliet , Thomastown |
for provision of a revised entrance to that previous approved (Grant of Permission ref 21/389), driveway, parking area, detached garage and associated site works at Site 1, Phase 2, North Paddocks, Mount Juliet, Thomastown... login required. |
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730m |
18/12/2024 |
N/A |
Jerpoint West , Thomastown , Co. Kilkenny |
for the following developments at their organic farm, (a) construction of a storey and a half style dwelling house, (b) sewage treatment system, (c) slatted cow shed, (d) tractor/hay shed, (e) garden shed, (f) gravel driveway and all associated site development works ... login required. |
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1.8km |
04/12/2024 |
Station Rd , Newtown Thomastown , Co. Kilkenny |
to construct a single storey extension to the rear (north) & side (east) of existing dwelling house, removal of porch & replace existing door with wind... login required. |
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670m |
09/10/2024 |
Jerpoint Church , Thomastown , Co. Kilkenny |
for a Single storey extension to side of existing dwelling and all associated site development works... login required. |
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1.3km |
19/09/2024 |
Oldtown , Stoneyford , Co. Kilkenny |
for a Garage/Store, a Timber Standalone Gazebo Structure and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.8km |
03/09/2024 |
Station Rd , Newtown Thomastown , Co. Kilkenny |
to demolish existing dwelling house & 2 No. outbuildings, construct a new single storey dwelling house, make alterations to existing vehicular entrance & roadside boundary and all associated site development works... login required. |
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1.2km |
14/08/2024 |
Jerpoint West , Thomastown , Co. Kilkenny |
to construct a single storey extension to the rear (north) of existing dwelling house and all associated site development works... login required. |
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2.5km |
13/08/2024 |
Knocknabooley , Stoneyford , Co. Kilkenny |
for development at the existing detached house. The proposed development will consist of: construction of a double storey extension to the rear (22 sqm in total), dormer win... login required. |
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1.7km |
25/06/2024 |
Jerpoint Abbey , Thomastown , Co. Kilkenny |
for construction of a new single storey dwelling, a hay barn, improvement works to an existing site entrance, a new wastewater treatment system, plus all associated site works ... login required. |
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920m |
12/04/2024 |
Jerpoint West , Thomastown , County Kilkenny |
PERMISSION for a single-storey dwelling house, wastewater treatment system and associated site works... login required. |
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1.7km |
26/03/2024 |
Fallows End Station Road , Thomastown , Co. Kilkenny |
for alterations to existing semi-detached cottage consisting of (a) the demolition of existing detached outbuildings to the rear (33m sq), (b) the construction of a new part two storey extension to the side comprising new kitche... login required. |
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400m |
22/03/2024 |
18 Foxe's Covert , Mount Juliet , Thomastown Co Kilkenny |
for extension to garage at ground floor with new first floor, new roof with a ‘Juliet’ balcony and new windows to south-west elevation, dormer windows to roof on north-east elevation, new garage doors, alterations to driveway and some ... login required. |
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1.2km |
26/02/2024 |
Jerpoint West , Thomastown , Co Kilkenny |
to construct one new two bedroom house with integrated garage and all associated site works on lands... login required. |
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110m |
26/01/2024 |
Site #25 Foxe's Covert , Mount Juliet , Thomastown |
for change of use of permitted attached garage to games room / gym and retention of increase of floor area with w.c., and new rooflight, together with minor elevational changes to dwelling as permitted and minor increase in size of front bal... login required. |
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110m |
24/01/2024 |
N/A |
Site #25 Foxe's Covert , Mount Juliet , Thomastown |
for change of use of permitted attached garage to games room / gym and retention of increase of floor area with w.c., and new rooflight, together with minor elevational changes to dwelling as permitted and minor increase in size of front ba... login required. |
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390m |
12/01/2024 |
Fennellys Lane , Jerpoint Church Thomastown , Co. Kilkenny |
for alterations, renovation and extension of our existing dwelling to include demolition of an existing extension and construction of two single storey extensions, plus all associated site works ... login required. |
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390m |
19/11/2023 |
N/A |
Jerpoint Church , Thomastown , Kilkenny |
for one single-story extension (to the back of the existing-single story house) that will include an extension of the existing bedroom and kitchen/dining areas, and refu... login required. |
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2km |
25/10/2023 |
Knocknabooly , Stoneyford , Co. Kilkenny |
for a new two storey four bedroom dwelling, single storey domestic garage, waste water treatment system, new site entrance plus all associated site works... login required. |
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