1.1km |
22/01/2025 |
N/A |
6 Saint Michael Street , Tipperary Town , Co. Tipperary |
development that consists of works, that may or may not require planning permission, to a house listed in the Record of Protected Structures of the Tipperary Town & Environs Development Plan 2013... login required. |
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670m |
16/01/2025 |
N/A |
Mountain View , Bansha Road , Tipperary Town |
change of use of existing detached domestic garage to residential use, works to include reconstruction and extension to above described building... login required. |
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2.7km |
19/12/2024 |
N/A |
Greenrath , Tipperary , Co. Tipperary |
the existing dwelling house, domestic storage shed, site entrance and roadside boundary wall and the location of existing septic tank and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.3km |
11/12/2024 |
N/A |
47 Canon Hayes Park , Tipperary Town , Co Tipperary |
change of use of existing garage into a bedroom and ensuite with minor changes to front elevation of the existing dwelling and all associated site works
... login required. |
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800m |
25/11/2024 |
Rathanny , Tipperary Town , Co Tipperary |
an extension to dwellinghouse, demolition of existing derelict outbuildings, new wastewater treatment system, and ancillary works... login required. |
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660m |
06/11/2024 |
N/A |
no. 47 & no. 48 (rear of) , Main Street , Tipperary Town Co. Tipperary |
(a) a change of use of existing disused commercial use building, No. 47 Main Street, to 2 No. 'own door' apartment dwelling units, including all necessary internal and external building modifications, (b) a change of use from existing ancillary accommodation to the rear of No. 48 Main Street to 1 No. 'own door' apartment including all necessary i... login required. |
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2.3km |
06/11/2024 |
N/A |
Ballynilard , Tipperary , Co. Tipperary |
(1) change of use of part of an existing dwelling to use as general offices (2) PERMISSION for a change of use of the remaining dwelling part of the existing dwelling to use as ge... login required. |
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2.3km |
05/11/2024 |
N/A |
Ballynilard , Tipperary , Co. Tipperary |
(1) previous change of use of part of an existing dwelling to use as general offices, (2) PERMISSION for a change of use of the remaining dwelling part of the existing dwelling to use ... login required. |
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860m |
02/11/2024 |
N/A |
Knockanrawley , Tipperary Town , Co. Tipperary |
a two storey club house building and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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880m |
01/11/2024 |
Rathanny , Golf Links Road , Tipperary Co. Tipperary |
a new wastewater treatment system and percolation area and Retention planning permission for changes to the rear elevation of the house, domestic sheds, internal road layout and boundary treatments... login required. |
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510m |
24/10/2024 |
The Abbey School , Station Road , Tipperary Co. Tipperary |
a detached storage shed; the blockwork wall and gate within the grounds of the school and Planning Permission for change of use of the above noted shed to use as a school gym and all associated site and ancillary works. All within the curtilage of a protected structure (RPS ref. 101)... login required. |
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540m |
24/09/2024 |
N/A |
Station Road , Tipperary Town , Co. Tipperary |
a portal frame shed used for school storage and adjacent blockwork wall and gate. Permission for change of use of shed from storage to use as a school gym for use by students only... login required. |
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1.1km |
20/09/2024 |
N/A |
No. 5 Murgasty Cottages , Murgasty Road , Tipperary Town |
the erection of a two storey rear extension, front porch and the addition of 3 no. Velux roof windows to the front roof... login required. |
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670m |
20/09/2024 |
N/A |
Boyle Sports (formerly Carews Public House) , 44 Main Street and Gas House Lane , Tipperary Town Co. Tipperary |
(a) a change of use of the existing adjoining vacant ground floor commercial unit to betting shop in order to extend the existing betting shop including material alterations and refurbishment; (b) the demolition of the existing single storey rear lean-to-structure; (c) the construction of a new residential entrance off Main Street including modifications to the existing shop front; (d) the material alterations and refurbishment of the existing 2 bedroom apartment on the first floor level; (e) a change of use of the remaining first floor level from commercial to residential use to form 2 no. 2 bed... login required. |
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1.2km |
19/09/2024 |
N/A |
Bohercrow Road , Tipperary Town , Co. Tipperary |
the construction of a single dwelling house, to enhance an existing roadside entrance and carryout associated site works including the removal of derelict outbuildings/sheds on site... login required. |
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2.5km |
18/09/2024 |
Bohercrowe , Tipperary , Co. Tipperary |
extensions (both residential & domestic storage) constructed to dwelling... login required. |
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680m |
16/09/2024 |
N/A |
Boyle Sports (formerly Carews Public House) , 4 Main Street and Gas House Lane , Tipperary Town Tipperary |
the following; (a) a change of use of the existing adjoining vacant ground floor commercial unit to betting shop in order to extend the existing betting shop including material alterations and refurbishment; (b) demolition of the existing single storey rear lean-to-structure; (c) the construction of a new residential entrance off Main Street including modifications to the existing shop front; (d) material alterations and refurbishment of the existing 2 bedroom apartment on the first floor level; (e) a change of use of the remaining first floor level f... login required. |
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1.2km |
12/09/2024 |
N/A |
Bohercrow Road , Tipperary Town , Co. Tipperary |
the construction of a single dwelling house, to enhance an existing roadside entrance and carryout associated site works including the removal of derelict outbuildings/sheds on site... login required. |
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2.4km |
06/09/2024 |
Bohercrowe , Tipperary , Co Tipperary |
a) an extension to the house b) an internal road and c) associated site works... login required. |
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