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  11 McCurtain Street & 38 Connolly Street, Fermoy, Co.Cork,

May 23 2024

Application Received

Jul 16 2024

Further Info. Requested

Dec 23 2024

Further Info. Received

Jan 28 2025


Jan 28 2025

Decision Due
  • Submitted to Cork County Council, 23 / 05 / 2024
  • Application Type: Permission, Permission for Retention
  • Current Status: Decision Made
  • Decision Text: Refused
  • Decision Summary: Refused
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Permission for retention of change of use of first and second floors from former restaurant to use as 2 no. 1 bed apartments and permission to... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    3km 27/01/2025 N/A Glenarousk, Fermoy, Co.Cork, Permission for the renovation and extension of existing ruinous dwelling (which is a protected structure), to include new corrugated metal roof to existing dwelling, two storey... login required. Details...
    700m 21/01/2025 N/A Muckross, Duntahane, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61Y232 Permission to demolish an existing sunroom to the rear of existing dwellinghouse and planning permission to erect a single storey extension to the rear of existing dwellinghouse and all associated site works.... login required. Details...
    790m 17/01/2025 N/A Oakwood, Duntaheen Road, Duntaheen, Fermoy, Co.Cork Permission to demolish existing rear extension at ground floor and first floor, construct new single storey extension at rear and new first floor extension at rear, construct new pitched tiled roof to replace existing flat roof at existing rear two storey extension, alterations to elevations of dwelling house including new ground floor bay... login required. Details...
    1.2km 13/12/2024 N/A No. 20 Saint Joseph's Square, Carrignagroghera, Fermoy, Co Cork Permission for retention of part single storey/part two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling and detached garage/store as constructed.... login required. Details...
    790m 06/12/2024 N/A Oakwood, Duntaheen Road, Duntahane, Fermoy, Co. Cork Permission for the following developments to dwelling house, namely; permission is sought to demolish existing rear extension at ground and first floor, construct new single storey extension at rear and new first floor extension at rear, construct new pitched tiled roof to replace existing flat roof at existing rear two stor... login required. Details...
    2.9km 04/12/2024 N/A Glenarousk, Fermoy, Co.Cork, Permission for the renovation and extension of existing single storey dwelling to include new corrugated metal roof to existing dwelling, two storey extension to s... login required. Details...
    2.7km 29/11/2024 N/A Shanacloon, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Permission to construct a dwelling house, install a waste water treatment system with polishing filter and all associated site works.... login required. Details...
    540m 06/11/2024 Conditional Permission 21A Springfield, Duntahane, Fermoy, Co.Cork Permission for retention of dwelling house as constructed (changes to dwelling design from that previously granted under planning ref 19/6265)... login required. Details...
    2.7km 14/10/2024 Conditional Permission Garraunigerinagh, Grange, Fermoy, Co.Cork Permission to demolish an existing single storey extension to the rear of an existing single storey dwelling house and permission to erect single storey extensions to the rear and side of an existing single storey dwelling house, make elevational... login required. Details...
    990m 04/10/2024 Conditional Permission The Aldi Store, Dublin Road, Carrignagroghera, Fermoy, Co.Cork Permission for the extension to the existing Aldi store which will consists of: 1) the incorporation of the existing vacant retail unit no. 3 (116sqm)into the existing discount retail store, 2) the construction of a 196.5sqm extension, 3) minor alterations to the existing northwest elevation to provide 1 no. additional cle... login required. Details...
    90m 23/09/2024 N/A 40 McCurtain Street, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Permission for change of use of ground floor and basement from retail to dwelling which will be incorporated into the existing dwelling at first and second floor l... login required. Details...
    970m 23/09/2024 N/A No.6 Woodlawn, Pike Road Rath-Healy, Fermoy, Co.Cork Permission for retention and completion of single storey extension to side and rear and permission for retention of porch constructed to the front and blocking up of window on side elevatio... login required. Details...
    1.1km 16/09/2024 Refused Former Strawhall Nursing Home, Strawhall, Fermoy, Co.Cork Permission for the change of use of former nursing home to 8 no. residential apartments comprising 5 no. 2 bed units, 2 no. 3 bed units and 1 no. 4 bed unit... login required. Details...
    2.7km 10/09/2024 N/A Garraunigerinagh, Grange, Fermoy, Co. Cork Permission for the construction of single storey detached dwelling house, detached garage, proprietary treatment system and percolation area, vehicular entrance and all ancillary site works.... login required. Details...
    830m 04/09/2024 N/A Cork Road, Coolcarron, Fermoy, Co. Cork Permission for the demolition of an existing industrial building and the construction of a fuel storage & distribution depot including the installation of 2 no. overground fuel storage tanks, associated above ground pip... login required. Details...
    1.1km 16/08/2024 Conditional Permission Rathealy Road, Rath-Healy Rathealy, Fermoy, Co Cork Permission for an extension to the existing manufacturing facility. The development shall consist construction of the following, 1) A new two-storey extension to the existing production space incorporating a mezzanine floor and office space, 2) A new single-storey patio extension to the canteen, 3) A new ... login required. Details...
    1.2km 25/07/2024 N/A Rathealy Road, Rathealy Rath-Healy, Fermoy, Co Cork Permission for an extension to the existing development consisting of construction of : 1) A new two storey extension to the existing production space incorporating a mezzanine floor and office space, 2) A new single storey patio extension to the canteen, 3) A new concrete yard exten... login required. Details...
    590m 24/07/2024 Conditional Permission Courthouse Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Permission for elevational changes to external wall & roof finishes of existing supermarket & all associated site works... login required. Details...
    940m 17/07/2024 N/A Dublin Road, Carrignagroghera Td., Fermoy, Co. Cork Permission to construct single storey vehicle valeting building.... login required. Details...
    820m 15/07/2024 N/A Fitzgerald Park, Colmcille Street, Bachelors Walk and Green Hill, Carrignagroghera, Fermoy, Co.Cork Permission for the construction of a new internal car park and all associated site works. The works also include the demolition of an existing hurling wall with Fermoy GAA. This development consists of works in the curtilage of a protected structure... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Ll
    • Description: Locally Important Aquifer - Bedrock which is Moderately Productive only in Local Zones

    • Unit Name: Gyleen Formation
    • Description: Sandstone with mudstone & siltstone
    • Labels: DUGYLE / GY

    • High ( H)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
    • No Results...

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • Historic town (HITO) - #CO05454

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    D. Fitzgibbon 20820070 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 20820017 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1800 - 1820 street name plaque Yes
    McHugh 20820018 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1800 - 1820 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 20820021 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1910 - 1930 house office Yes
    Abbey House 20820020 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Grand Hotel 20820022 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1890 - 1895 hotel Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 20820023 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1800 - 1840 house Same as Original Yes
    Allied Irish Bank 20820033 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1930 - 1935 bank/financial institution Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 20820031 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1905 - 1910 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 20820032 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1905 - 1910 house bank/financial institution Yes
    No Building Name 20820039 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1840 - 1880 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 20820071 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1820 - 1840 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 20820072 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 20820073 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house restaurant Yes
    No Building Name 20820074 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 20820075 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house restaurant Yes
    No Building Name 20820076 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 market house shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 20820077 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house public house Yes
    No Building Name 20820078 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 20820081 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 20820115 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1905 - 1910 house Same as Original Yes
    Fermoy Library 20820141 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1965 - 1975 library/archive Same as Original N/A
    No Building Name 20820142 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1800 - 1840 steps Same as Original Yes
    Grand Hotel 20820012 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1910 - 1930 hotel Same as Original Yes
    No Building Name 20820019 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1900 - 1910 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 20820145 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1900 - 1910 house restaurant Yes
    No Building Name 20820080 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 clock Yes
    The Avondhu 20820021 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1910 - 1930 house office Yes
    O'Reilly's 20820023 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1800 - 1840 house Same as Original Yes
    Boyle Sports Bookmakers 20820031 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1905 - 1910 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    AIB 20820032 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1905 - 1910 house bank/financial institution Yes
    All Kinds of Everything 20820039 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1840 - 1880 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    N. O'Donnell 20820071 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1820 - 1840 house Same as Original Yes
    Every Blooming Thing 20820072 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house Same as Original Yes
    Thai Lanna 20820073 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house restaurant Yes
    Fitzgerald Bros. 20820074 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Supermacs 20820075 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house restaurant Yes
    Zoocom / Tatoo / Batavia Furniture 20820076 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 market house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Kerin's 20820077 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house public house Yes
    Budget Travelshop 20820078 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1790 - 1810 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    O'Sullivans 20820081 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1810 - 1830 house Same as Original Yes
    Grand Hotel 20820012 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1910 - 1930 hotel Same as Original N/A
    The Barber Shop 20820019 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1900 - 1910 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Happy Chan 20820145 (Survey ID: SURV022) Regional, 1900 - 1910 house restaurant Yes

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • M/N72

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