560m |
05/09/2024 |
N/A |
6 Averard West , Galway , Co. Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; changes to the front porch... login required. |
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590m |
22/08/2024 |
N/A |
7 Dalton Place , Salthill , Galway |
Permission for development which conists of; the construction of a new two storey extension to the side and single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling with alterations to elevations and associated site works.... login required. |
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520m |
08/08/2024 |
N/A |
Rosedale , Taylors Hill , Galway City |
Permission for development which consists of; (1) Permission sought for minor alterations
to dwellinghouse approved under Pl. Ref. No.2460007 to include 2... login required. |
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890m |
23/07/2024 |
No 10 Foster Park , Salthill , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; the retention of gated pedestrian access to Dr. Mannix Drive public green area at the rear of the house and the front driveway access width at N10 Foster Park, Salthill, Galway.
The planning appl... login required. |
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870m |
19/07/2024 |
No. 38 Churchfields , Salthill , Galway |
Permission development which consists of; for retention to retain existing shed, including all associated services... login required. |
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2.8km |
04/07/2024 |
Tóin Na Brocaí , Co. Na Gaillimhe , H91 RKK1 |
chun Teach Cónaithe agus Córas Séarachais a choinneáil agus chun an Córas Séarachais a uasghrádú chomh maith le gach obair a bhaineann leis an fhorbairt, a chur i gcrích. Spás urláir comhlán na hoibre atá le coinneáil: 73 sqm... login required. |
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530m |
28/06/2024 |
Ardilaun House Hotel , Taylors Hill Rd , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; Retention Permission is being sought for raising the height of an existing blockwork boundary wall by 450mm... login required. |
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800m |
26/06/2024 |
N/A |
Cuilleann , Taylor’s Hill , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; demolition of a single storey side extension and the construction of a two storey side extension, a new entrance rain shelter, external wall insulation, minor elevational changes and all associated works.... login required. |
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890m |
24/06/2024 |
22 Glenard Avenue , Salthill , Galway |
Permission for development that consists of; the demolition of existing ground floor extension to the side and construction of new single storey extensions to the front and rear, with two storey extension to the side, plus alterations to existing elevations and associated site works.... login required. |
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270m |
14/06/2024 |
4 New Avenue , Old Rahoon Road , Shantalla |
Retention for removal of external garden steps and provision of pedestrian access ramp... login required. |
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550m |
14/06/2024 |
7 Averard West , Taylors Hill , Galway |
Permission is being sought for the retention and completion of alterations including ground floor extension... login required. |
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930m |
05/06/2024 |
9 Garraí De Brun , Fort Lorenzo , Taylors Hill Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; to install 2 roof lights to the front, and 3 to the rear of his dwelling house, and also for the installation of solar panels... login required. |
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660m |
28/05/2024 |
15 Cruachan Park , Rahoon Road , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of; construction of a new and relocated entrance with canopy, and a terrace with planter beds to the front of the existing dwelling, including all associated development works... login required. |
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500m |
16/05/2024 |
Rosedale , Taylors Hill Road , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of: for alteration of Plans already approved for construction of Dwellinghouse under Pl. Ref No. 23167, at Rosedale, Taylors Hill Road... login required. |
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960m |
14/05/2024 |
19 Glenard Avenue , Salthill , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of construction of first floor extension over existing garage, new front porch with single storey extension, side single storey storage, rear single storey extension, alterations to the existing entrance and all associated site works.... login required. |
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730m |
02/05/2024 |
26 Glenard Crescent , Salthill , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of the demolition of a single storey rear extension, front porch and chimney and the construction of 1) a single storey rear extension, 2) a first floor side extension, 3) a ne... login required. |
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940m |
02/05/2024 |
N/A |
9 St Endas Road , Shantalla , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including, the addition of a first-floor bay window to the front elevation and a two-storey rear extension including a single-storey self-contained granny flat... login required. |
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680m |
26/04/2024 |
18 the Maples , Salthill , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of demolition of a garden shed, the construction of a home office/shed building, within the rear garden at 18 the Maples Salthill ... login required. |
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930m |
24/04/2024 |
N/A |
14 Endas Road , Shantalla , Galway |
Permission for development which consists of extensions and alterations to No. 14, Endas Road, Shantalla, Galway H91DPK3 to include a) demolition of existing rear two story extension,
b) con... login required. |
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