3km |
22/08/2024 |
N/A |
Marine Research Facility , Rine , Burrin |
for the refurbishment of the existing Marine Research Facility at Rine, Burrin. The proposed works will include minor modifications to the building elevations, modifications to the entrance for universal access, provision of PV panels, replacement of the existing septic tank a... login required. |
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860m |
19/07/2024 |
N/A |
Caherloughlin Muckinish West , Ballyvaughan , County Clare |
to construct a new addition to the rear of their existing dwelling house and all associated site works.... login required. |
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2.9km |
10/07/2024 |
N/A |
Flood's Cottage , Finavarra , Ballyvaughan Co. Clare |
to RETAIN the extension and alterations to the dwelling, known as Flood's Cottage, which is a protected structure, RPS No. 420 and all other associated site and ancillary works... login required. |
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2.8km |
02/04/2024 |
N/A |
Finvara , Burrin , Co Clare |
to construct a two storey rear and side extension, waste water treatment system, revised site boundaries and all associated site works... login required. |
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500m |
21/02/2024 |
Muckinish West , Ballyvaughan , Co. Clare |
the development will consist of (i) alterations, extension, and refurbishment of an existing dwelling, (ii) provision of a new wastewater treatment system and polishing filter, (iii) demolition of existing storage shed (iv) new storage shed (v) all associated site development and external works.... login required. |
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1.9km |
16/02/2024 |
Knocknagroagh , Ballyvaughan , Co. Clare |
for development which will consist of the construction of a single storey house with a sewage treatment plant and percolation area, new stone boundary walls and a connecting driveway with a new road entrance and associated hard and soft landscaping... login required. |
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3km |
03/11/2023 |
Kilweelran , Bellharbour , Co. Clare |
to construct an extension and alterations to existing dwelling house, construct a new storage shed, upgrade existing waste water treatment system and construct a new entrance and all associated services... login required. |
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1.1km |
22/09/2023 |
Loughrask , Ballyvaughan , Co. Clare |
to construct a dwelling with on-site wastewater treatment, garage and new site entrance... login required. |
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1.2km |
27/07/2023 |
Loughrask , Ballyvaughan , Co Clare |
of Boiler House, Storage shed and Green House... login required. |
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2.5km |
19/07/2023 |
Lands at Lisnanard Townland , Ballyvaughan , Co. Clare |
for development at a site at lands at Lisnanard Townland, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare (no Eircode available). The site measures circa 1.126 hectares and is principally bounded by the R477 road to the north; residential dwellings, agricultural buildings, and agricultural lands to the east, an un-named lane and a residential dwelling beyond to the west; and agricultural lands to the south. The site also includes a section of the R477 Regional Road that is within the Lisnanard Townland. The development will consist of: (1) The construction of a new Wastewater Treatment Plant (WwTP) comprising of: an inlet pumping station; a below ground storm tank (c.168m3); a storm overflow flow meter; an outfall manhole and emergency pumping station; a hose reel; inlet works; washwater kiosk; a sludge pumping station; a flow splitting chamber; a picket fence thickener (c.3.51m diameter); a return liquors pumping station; 2 no. settlement tanks (c.4.97m diameter); a final effluent flowmeter chamber; sample point and kiosk; a concrete hardstanding area for emergency mobile dewatering unit; a control building; a standby generator; 2 no. solar panels (c.20m [L] x 15m [w] x 3m [h]); 2 no. site parking spaces and associated ESB charge point; task lig... login required. |
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1.6km |
09/06/2023 |
Loughrask , Ballyvaughan , Co Clare |
for to Change of house design to that previously permitted under planning reference P21-1172 ... login required. |
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1.9km |
21/04/2023 |
Knocknagroagh , Ballyvaughan , Co. Clare |
to Extend the Appropriate Period of Planning Permission for P17-808 for development which will consist of the construction of a new part two-storey, part single-storey hous... login required. |
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2.8km |
17/02/2023 |
Finavarra , Burrin , Co. Clare |
to demolish the existing shed and replace it with a new shed for storage with a home office and laundry area and all other associated site and ancillary works... login required. |
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1.7km |
17/01/2023 |
Knocknagroagh , Ballyvaughan , Co Clare |
to construct a new dwelling house, a proprietary wastewater treatment system connected to the main sewer and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.7km |
08/12/2022 |
Rine , New Quay , Co Clare |
of (a) Fenestration changes to front of dwellinghouse (b) Site boundaries as constructed together with all associated site development works and services... login required. |
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2.7km |
28/10/2022 |
N/A |
Rine , New Quay , Co Clare |
to RETAIN (a) Fenestration changes to front of dwellinghouse (b) Site boundaries as constructed together with all associated site development works and services... login required. |
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1.9km |
15/07/2022 |
New Pier Road , Ballyvaughan , Co Clare |
to (a) construct new single storey Clubhouse and Community recreation facility, (b) construct new vehicular and pedestrian site entrance and access road, (c) install new was... login required. |
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2.2km |
28/03/2022 |
Rine Finavarra , Newquay , Co Clare |
of construction of single storey extension to side of existing house an all associated site development works... login required. |
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2.2km |
31/01/2022 |
N/A |
Rine , Finavarra Newquay , Co Clare |
of construction of single storey extension to side of existing house approved under planning reference no. 04/2739 and all associated site development works... login required. |
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