550m |
20/08/2024 |
N/A |
Newtown Centre , Newtown , Annacotty |
the removal of 15 no. car parking spaces, construction of a Café, connection to existing services including pedestrian access off the Castletroy College Road and all associated site development works all at the site of the... login required. |
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20m |
20/08/2024 |
Newtown , Castletroy , Limerick |
extension of permission for planning ref. 23/60258: alteration to previously approved Planning ref no. 18/1104. The alteration will consist in the reduction of dwelling units from 89 units to 84 units including the following alterations to building types; Change of 10no. duplex units (unit no’s 37, 38, 58, 59, 60, 61, 81, 82, 83, 84) to 5no. semi-detached houses; Change of 10no. 2-bed semi-detached house’s (unit no’s 42, 43, 53, 54, 65, ... login required. |
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940m |
15/08/2024 |
N/A |
Lynwood , Newtown , Castletroy |
a proposed granny flat extension to side of the existing dwelling house, demolition of existing utility & boiler room to rear, demolition of existing detached garage, alterations to... login required. |
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550m |
09/08/2024 |
N/A |
Unit 6 & 7 Careplus Pharmacy , Newtown Centre , Annacotty Co. Limerick. |
a ground floor extension to the rear of existing pharmacy to accommodate dispensary and storage ancillary to existing business... login required. |
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990m |
30/07/2024 |
N/A |
Dublin Road , Newcastle , Castletroy |
the change of use of an existing two-storey disused commercial premises to a new use as a veterinary clinic. Together with the provision of a single-storey extension at the rear of the property, the provision of a pet recuperation area, the installation of new signage and ancillary works... login required. |
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850m |
29/07/2024 |
N/A |
5 The Pines , Castletroy , Co. Limerick. |
construction of a single storey extension to side of house' comprising of 2 No. ensuite bedrooms... login required. |
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760m |
24/07/2024 |
N/A |
Monaleen Road , Newtown , Castletroy |
the construction of a vehicular entrance, dwelling house, domestic garage, connection to mains services; together with all associated site works... login required. |
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810m |
27/06/2024 |
Dublin Road , Newcastle , Castletroy |
a single storey freestanding café kiosk within the Lidl site, the café kiosk will serve take-away foods and non-alcoholic beverages. The development will al... login required. |
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1.3km |
12/05/2024 |
Ryans Shop , Annacotty , Co. Limerick |
change of use of ground floor shop and first floor apartment, to one single dwelling for the use of the applicants, changes to the front elevation with the removal of the shop entrance door and provision of four w... login required. |
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2.3km |
10/05/2024 |
Killonan , Ballysimon , Co. Limerick |
the demolition of an existing dwelling extension, construction of a new dwelling extension, new wastewater treatment system and all associated site works... login required. |
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200m |
03/05/2024 |
Newtown Meadows , Castletroy , Limerick |
the alteration to previously approved planning reference no. 21/1400. The alteration seeks the reduction in size of both basements in apartment blocks no.3 & no.4 and the following amendments: (a) reduction in t... login required. |
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170m |
10/04/2024 |
Newtown Manor , Castletroy , Limerick |
the alteration to previously approved Planning ref no. 20/256 and 21/350. The alteration seeks removal of the basement car parking and the following amendments: (a) revised vehicle parking arrangement, (b... login required. |
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1.2km |
05/04/2024 |
N/A |
The Rivers , Annacotty , Co. Limerick |
the construction of 12 no. residential dwellings, comprising of 6 no. ground floor apartments and 6 no. two storey duplex houses, each with site boundaries, car parking, land scaping, site entrance, connection to existing public services and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.3km |
05/04/2024 |
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Ireland UC , Rivers Plassey Park Road , National Technology Park Rivers |
the development that comprises: (a) the retention of modifications to previously approved permission Planning Ref. No. 15/180 to omit the 3-storey office building and canteen to the ... login required. |
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290m |
28/03/2024 |
Newtown Meadows , Castletroy , Limerick |
the construction of an approx. 170m long 600mm diameter surface water piped drain with inlet headwall and associated works including manholes in lieu of the previous open drain arrangement adjacent to the property boundary... login required. |
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680m |
08/03/2024 |
49 The Fairways , Monaleen , Castletroy |
the conversion of the attached garage for residential use & also the widening of the vehicular entrance and associated site works... login required. |
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210m |
22/02/2024 |
Newtown , Castletroy , Limerick |
the alterations to previously approved Planning ref no. 21/1152. The alterations consist of change of house types for unit numbers 1 to 25 together with all associated site works and parking... login required. |
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2.9km |
19/02/2024 |
Annacotty Business Park , Biddyford Annacotty , Co. Limerick |
the construction extension to existing offices/distribution warehouse and to carry out all ancillary site works required to facilitate the proposed development... login required. |
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800m |
15/02/2024 |
N/A |
Newcastle , Casltetroy , Limerick |
the (a) demolition of existing domestic garage, (b) raising of existing wall to frontage of both houses to 2 metres high, (c) construction of an extension to rear of existing house ( V94 YFH5), (d) replacement domestic garage to rear of house (V94 YFH5) & (e) together with all associated site works... login required. |
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