1.4km |
07/10/2024 |
Unconditional Permission |
Tureendubh, Tooreenduff, Ballydesmond, Mallow, Co.Cork |
Permission to 1) build slated dairy unit, 2) building machinery shed, 3) build covered collecting yard, 4) install external refrigerated bulk tank, 5) demolish existing store houses. Extension of Duration to Permission granted under Planning Ref. No. 19/5739... login required. |
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2.4km |
07/06/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockavoreen, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co Cork |
Permission to construct a new dwelling house and domestic garage served by mechanical aeration unit and soil polishing filter area.... login required. |
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2.1km |
20/09/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockeenacurrig West, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co. Cork |
Planning permission to construct a new dwelling house and domestic garage served by septic tank and percolation area at Knockeenacarrig West, Kiskeam, Mallow County Cork.... login required. |
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2.1km |
29/08/2023 |
N/A |
Knockeenacurrig West, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co. Cork |
Planning permission to construct a new dwelling house and domestic garage served by septic tank and percolation area.... login required. |
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1.9km |
14/07/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockavoreen, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co. Cork |
Retention planning permission to retain domestic storage shed as constructed and associated site works.... login required. |
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2.2km |
16/06/2023 |
N/A |
Knockavoreen, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co Cork |
i) To refurbish and extend existing dwelling house including partial demolition of the existing dwelling house, extension at ground and first floor level and alterations ... login required. |
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2.6km |
15/06/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockyrourke, Reandallane, Kiskeam, Co Cork |
Alterations and extension to existing dwelling house to include: the demolition of boiler house, entrance porch and kitchen of existing dwelling house, elevational changes to portion of existing dwelling house to be retained... login required. |
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2.1km |
02/06/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockavoreen, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co Cork |
Existing domestic garage.... login required. |
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2.2km |
10/05/2023 |
N/A |
Knockavoreen, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co. Cork |
To i) Refurbish and extend existing dwelling house including partial demolition of the existing dwelling house ii) Installation of new effluent treatment system with tertiary filter, iii) Entrance walls and pillars and iv) All associated services and site works.... login required. |
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2km |
27/02/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockavoreen, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co.Cork |
To construct I)Dwelling house with secondary effluent treatment system & polishing filter, II)Domestic garage, III)Entrance & roadside boundary IV)All associated services & site works... login required. |
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2.1km |
16/11/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockeenacurrig West, Kishkeam, Mallow, Co. Cork |
To construct i) dwelling house with waste water treatment system and polishing filter, ii) domestic garage, iii) entrance and roadside boundary, iv) all associated services and site works (change of plan from Planning No. 17/05070).... login required. |
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230m |
01/11/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Kishkeam Upper, Kishkeam, Mallow, Co. Cork |
Permission for retention of domestic garage and roadside boundary wall and entrances.... login required. |
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260m |
26/09/2022 |
N/A |
Kishkeam Upper, Kishkeam, Mallow, Co.Cork |
Permission for retention of domestic garage and roadside boundary wall and entrances... login required. |
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1.7km |
29/06/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Kishkeam Lower, Kishkeam, Mallow, Co. Cork |
Permission to i) demolish existing shed & store, ii) to construct extension at the side of the existing school including new classroom, canopy at the existing entrance & office, ii) changes to the existing east elevation & iv) all associated services, site works & access. ... login required. |
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1.7km |
03/06/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Kishkeam Lower, Kishkeam, Mallow, Co.Cork |
To 1) change of use of existing prefabricated classroom building to classroom/pre-school classroom and
2) for provision of childcare facilities for child attending the pre-school and school to include a breakfast club, sessional early childhood care and educational (ECCE) and afterschool care... login required. |
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1.9km |
09/05/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Kishkeam Lower, Kishkeam, Mallow, Co. Cork |
To i) change the use of existing post office sorting office to Community Digital Hub, ii) changes to the front & side elevations including the addition of a canopy & cladding to the front of the building, iii) signage, iv) solar panels & v) all associated services and site works. ... login required. |
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720m |
04/05/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Kishkeam Upper, Kishkeam, Mallow, Co. Cork |
Permission to construct i) dwelling house with secondary effluent treatment system & polishing filter, ii) domestic garage, iii) entrance and roadside boundary iv) all associated services & site works.... login required. |
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2km |
23/03/2022 |
N/A |
Knockavoreen, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co.Cork |
To construct (I) dwelling house with secondary effluent treatment system & polishing filter, (II) domestic garage, (III) entrance & roadside boundary (IV) all associated site works... login required. |
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2.5km |
24/02/2022 |
N/A |
Knockavoreen, Kiskeam, Co.Cork, |
Retention permission to a dwelling house to (a) retain kitchen, bathroom, office, hallway extension as constructed and (b) retain domestic shed as constructed at the above address... login required. |
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