2km |
06/06/2024 |
Ballinatlea Cottage Ballintlea , Old Parish Dungarvan , Co. Waterford |
for single storey side and rear extensions to an existing single storey dwelling and all ancillary works ... login required. |
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2.4km |
19/03/2024 |
Bárr na Stuac , An Sean Phobal , Dún Garbhán |
Síneadh aon stóir a thógaint (ar a mbeidh árasán) ar thaobh áitribh atá ann cheana féin, póirse ar aghaidhchló an fhoirgnimh a thógaint agus athruithe ... login required. |
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1.4km |
01/09/2023 |
Baile an tSléibhe Thuaid an Sean Phobail , Dún Garbháin , Co. Phort Láirge |
Bhalla iomána 5m ar airde, líonta stad liathróid 18m ar airde agus do gach obair shuímh eile... login required. |
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2.3km |
05/12/2022 |
Ballinroad , Old Parish , Dungarvan X35 V580 |
Planning permission required for proposed demolition of an existing flat roof (timber building) extension to the rear of existing dormer bungalow(H=6.84m) and for a new single storey extension with pitched roof (H=5.15m), to the rear of existing dormer bungalow in the same area and all associa... login required. |
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2.3km |
21/11/2022 |
N/A |
Ballinroad , Old Parish , Dungarvan |
extension to existing dwelling of Dormer Bungalow... login required. |
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2.7km |
18/10/2022 |
Coolroe , Old Parish , Dungarvan |
the extension of the existing garage to the front and side to link it to the dwelling. Convert the space to a gym, utility and bedroom. Change the roof of the building to provide a master bedroom in th... login required. |
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2.2km |
14/07/2022 |
Gates , Old Parish , Dungarvan |
for a change of site boundaries at the existing house. This is a change from Planning Permission PD.06/1141... login required. |
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2.5km |
25/05/2022 |
Rathlead , Old Parish , Co. Waterford |
for attic conversion into living accommodation and dormer/two-storey extension to rear and sides of existing dwelling and auxiliary site services... login required. |
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870m |
31/03/2022 |
Gabhlán , Sean Phobal , Dún Garbhán |
Tigh Cónaithe aon urlár (de 6.3m airde an iomaire os cionn an urláir) agus carport, le garáiste aonair, córas séarachas, slí isteach agus oibreacha coimhdeacha a thógáil... login required. |
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2km |
14/01/2022 |
Kilcolman , Old Parish , Co. Waterford |
construction of a new single storey dwelling (with first floor living area), garage, new access driveway, new site entrance, wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all ancillary works... login required. |
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1.8km |
02/09/2021 |
Mounfoun , Old Parish , Dungarvan |
retention planning permission for (1) the as constructed site boundaries (2) the relocation of the house as constructed (3) window and door ope alterations to the original house (4) a ... login required. |
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2.3km |
12/08/2021 |
"The Cottage" , Crua Bhaile Íochtarach , An Sean Phobal |
(a) Cead pleanála éiginnte á lorg do Leac Concréite a mar atá tógtha. (b) Tá Cead pleanála á lorg do seid le dhá stable san áireamh. (c) Tá cead pleanála á lorg an bhealach isteach páirce a athlonnú mar aon le oibreacha láithreáin áta riachtanach... login required. |
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2.7km |
11/05/2021 |
Eir Exchange , Ballynamona Upper , Dungarvan Co Waterford |
development will consist of the installation of a 21 metres monopole carrying antennas, a dish, associated equipment, together with ground-based equipment cabinets and all associated site development works for wireless data and broadband services... login required. |
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1.8km |
12/01/2021 |
N/A |
Crobally , Old Parish , Dungarvan |
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING FILE REF.NO.10/459 & 16/70 - construct storey & a half dwelling in existing farmyard with carport link to existing dwelling, consequential alterations to existing elevations, upgrade existing wastewater treatment system, modify existing entrance and ancillary works... login required. |
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