2.4km |
06/08/2024 |
N/A |
Knockane, Castlemartyr, Co.Cork, |
Permission for demolition of existing stores & slurry storage tank and construction of a new stable complex & associated works. The development consists of works within the curtilage of a protected structure.... login required. |
Details... |
2.2km |
01/07/2024 |
N/A |
Oxmarsh Boreen, Monacreagh, Ladysbridge, Co. Cork |
Permission for the construction of a two-storey dwelling, installation of an on-site wastewater treatment unit, installation of a potable well and all associated site works.... login required. |
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180m |
10/06/2024 |
N/A |
Ladysbridge Parish Hall, Ladysbridge, , Co. Cork |
This application is located within the curtilage of the protected structure (reg no:20907724, Church/Chapel). No works are proposed to the protected structure as part of this application. Permission is sought for demolition of single storey extensions to the northern side of existing community hall, and construction of 2-storey extension, comprising of 30 children creche facility at ... login required. |
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2.4km |
07/06/2024 |
N/A |
Knockane, Castlemartyr, Co. Cork, |
Permission for demolition of existing stores & slurry storage tank and construction of a new stable complex & associated works.... login required. |
Details... |
630m |
14/05/2024 |
N/A |
Ardchriocha, Dromadda Beg, Ladysbridge, co.Cork |
Permission for the construction of 26 no. dwellings and associated site works (extension of housing estate granted under planning reg no. 20/5016 & 23/5433)... login required. |
Details... |
3km |
22/04/2024 |
N/A |
Rooskagh, Ladysbridge, Co.Cork, |
Permission for construction of dwelling house and garage (change of plan to that permitted under pl.reg. no. 21/6802)... login required. |
Details... |
3km |
19/03/2024 |
N/A |
Rooskagh, Ladysbridge, Co.Cork, |
Permission to construct 1) a single storey detached dwelling, domestic garage, new vehicular entrance, installation of a wastewater treatment unit and all associated site works. 2) ... login required. |
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2.5km |
27/11/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Ballyhonock, Killeagh, Co.Cork, |
Permission for retention of; extension to rear of dwelling house, extension to front of dwelling house and permission for domestic well... login required. |
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1.6km |
10/10/2023 |
Refused |
Old Parochial House, Gortnahomna More, Castlemartyr, Co.Cork |
Permission to construct a new vehicular entrance and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.4km |
06/10/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Bohillane, Ladysbridge, Co. Cork, |
Permission to demolish an existing cubicle shed and permission to construct a straw bedded shed with slatted tank, machinery shed and ancillary works.... login required. |
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570m |
28/09/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Carewswood, Castlemartyr, Co.Cork, |
Retention of a single storey sunroom extension to the side of the existing dwelling house, retention of a single storey porch extension to the front of th... login required. |
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1.7km |
31/08/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockglass, Ladysbridge, Co. Cork, |
Permission to erect a single storey dwelling house, detached domestic garage, onsite wastewater treatment system, bored well, entrance, and all associated site works... login required. |
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3km |
01/08/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Rooskagh, Ladysbridge, Co.Cork, |
Permission for retention of a single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling house, retention of 4 no. roof lights to the front elevation of the existing ... login required. |
Details... |
1.7km |
26/07/2023 |
N/A |
Knockglass, Ladysbridge, Co Cork, |
Permission to erect a single storey dwelling house, detached domestic garage, on site wastewater treatment system, bored well, entrance, and all associated site works.... login required. |
Details... |
640m |
11/07/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
7-15 Ardchriocha, Dromadda Beg, Ladysbridge, Co Cork |
Construction of 9 no. dwellings (change of site layout, house type and decrease in housing density from that granted under Pl.Reg.No. 20/5016).... login required. |
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2.6km |
03/07/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockane, Castlemartyr, Co.Cork, |
Permission for retention of 1) new vehicular entrance & internal access roadways as constructed 2) retention & completion of domestic garage as constructed and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.6km |
03/07/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockglass, Ladysbridge, Co.Cork, |
Permission to erect a single storey dwelling house, detached domestic garage, on site waste water treatment system, bored well, entrance, and all associated site works... login required. |
Details... |
110m |
12/06/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
9 Na Banta, Ladysbridge, Castlemartyr, Co. Cork |
Permission for retention for a rear single storey extension and an attic conversion to existing dwelling.... login required. |
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2km |
31/05/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockglass, Monacreagh, Ladysbridge, Co. Cork |
Construction of porch to front elevation, single storey extension to side elevation and single storey extension to rear elevation of existing dwelling house and all ancillary site works.... login required. |
Details... |