610m |
23/08/2024 |
N/A |
Clash Road, Ballytrasna, Little Island, Co. Cork |
Permission to construct a new dwelling house... login required. |
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10m |
19/07/2024 |
N/A |
Unit 18 Euro Business Park, Courtstown, Little island, Co.Cork |
Permission for change of use from light industrial to gym use, to include; internal alterations at ground floor and mezzanine levels to provide gym and ancillary facilities including en... login required. |
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980m |
03/07/2024 |
N/A |
Courtstown (Townland), Little Island, Co. Cork, |
Permission for the following Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) comprising:
(a) The construction of 172 no. residential units to include 146 no. dwelling houses (with 83 no. dwelling houses to include the option for constructing a ground floor extension to the rear); 6 no. duplex units; and 20 no. apartments.
(b) Provision of 1 no. creche and 4 no. commercial units.
(c) Upgrading of the existing vehicular access to the site and the creation of a signalised junction on Ballytrasna Park Road (L-2985-0), including footpaths, cycle lanes and pedestrian/bicycle crossing points, to facilitate access into the site.
(d) The provision of a new distributor road, including footpaths and cycle lanes, connecting the proposed residential developme... login required. |
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450m |
21/06/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Unit 3, Island Enterprise Centre, Little island Business Park, Ballytrasna, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission for retention of alterations to existing light industrial unit, namely; the construction of a first floor storage room and associated first floor window to the west elevation... login required. |
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470m |
29/05/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Unit 8, Island Enterprise Centre, Little Island Business Park, Ballytrasna, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission for retention of alterations of south elevation first floor windows. (originally permitted under planning ref 22/5379) and retention of the construction of first floor offices, at an existing light industrial unit.... login required. |
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450m |
29/05/2024 |
N/A |
Unit 3, Island Enterprise Centre, Little Island Business Park, Little Island, Co. Cork |
Permission for Retention of alterations to existing light industrial unit, namely; the construction of a first-floor storage room and associated first floor window to the west elevation.... login required. |
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850m |
16/05/2024 |
N/A |
Costa Coffee Unit, Eastgate Retail Park, Castleview, Little Island, Co. Cork |
Permission for 1) provision of a drive-thru lane for the costa coffee unit, including a canopy and service hatch on the southern side of the unit, a height restrictor/ entrance barrier on the access lane, 3.5m wide drive-thru lane, and associated hard and soft landscaping. 2) provision of associated signage consisting of 3 no. directional signs, 1 no order station and 3no. menu boards/advertisement signs, 3)alterations to all elevations of the cos... login required. |
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420m |
03/05/2024 |
N/A |
Land at Euro Business Park, Ballytrasna, Little Island, Co. Cork |
Permission for the following: 1) Temporary Permission for a period of 3 years for the installation and operation of a storage Pod to facilitate food delivery and collection by workers at site 500, 2) Permission for the erection of a totem sign and 3) All associated site works.... login required. |
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840m |
29/04/2024 |
N/A |
Costa Coffee Unit, Eastgate Retail Park, Little Island, Co. Cork |
Permission for the following:
• Provision of a drive-thru lane for the Costa Coffee unit, including a canopy and service hatch on the southern side of the unit, a height restrictor/entrance barrier on the access lane, 3.5m wide drive thru lane, and associated hard and soft landscaping;
• Provision of associated signage consisting of 3 no. directional signs, 1 no. order station, and 3 no. menu boards/advertisement signs;
• Alterations to all elevations of the... login required. |
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420m |
05/04/2024 |
N/A |
Lands at Euro Business Park, Ballytrasna, Little Island, Co Cork |
Permission for the following: 1) Temporary permission for a period of three-years for the installation and operation of a storage pod, 2) Permission for the erection of a totem sign linked to the occupants of Site 500 and 3) all associated site works.... login required. |
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620m |
07/03/2024 |
N/A |
Ballytrasna, Little Island, Co.Cork, |
Outline Permission for a) the demolition of existing house extension and sheds, b) the alteration of existing site entrance, and c) the construction of 3 no. dwelling houses, site entrances and associated site works... login required. |
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2.5km |
12/09/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Fota Wildlife Park, Fota Island Foaty, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork |
Permission for the erection of a new steel-framed building to house a group of Siamang Gibbon. This new building will replace the small existing timber Siamang Gibbon building which is to be demolished. The development includes ... login required. |
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200m |
10/08/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
30 Euro Business Park, Courtstown, Little Island, Co.Cork |
Permission to extend existing two storey manufacturing/office building; new signage with associated lighting and associated site works... login required. |
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870m |
31/07/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Warehousing development formerly known as, O'Connell Commercial Park, Ballytrasna Little Island, Co Cork |
Erection of 1 no. single-sided totem sign (4m in height and 1.075m in width) and associated site works... login required. |
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740m |
28/07/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Castleview, Little Island, Co.Cork, |
Permission for the construction of 11 no. residential housing units comprising of 4 no. 2 bed ground floor units, 4 no. 3 bed duplex units and 3 no. 3 bed houses [apartments, duplex units and houses] in a scheme at a site to the north of Cork Golf Club at Castleview, Little Isla... login required. |
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990m |
21/07/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Factory Hill, Kilcoolishal, Glanmire, Co Cork |
Construction of single storey office/gym for domestic use and all ancillary site works.... login required. |
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980m |
23/06/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
'Lynwood', Clash Road, Ballytrasna, Little island, Co.Cork |
Permission for the construction of an extension to existing dwelling house, alterations to existing elevations and all associated works... login required. |
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480m |
15/06/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Euro Businesss Park, Ballytrasna, Little Island, Co Cork |
The construction of an office building comprising 20,150 sq.m. of office floorspace comprising a generally 3 to 10 storey building with a parking area and publicly accessible food court on the ground floor with options for the sub-division of the office building and all associated ancillary development works includ... login required. |
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800m |
29/05/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
No. 10 Glounthaune Village, Co. Cork, ,, |
Planning permission for alterations to ground/first floor plans and rear elevation, plus a first-floor rear extension and external patio to rear garden of existing two storey terrace dwelling house.... login required. |
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