150m |
26/08/2024 |
N/A |
117 Kilbrody , Mount Oval Village , Cork |
Permission for alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling including an attic conversion, a front facing dormer window at attic level, 3 no. rear facing rooflights at attic level and all other associated site works.... login required. |
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2.9km |
12/08/2024 |
N/A |
Kiln House, Hilltown, Raheenering, Carrigaline, co.Cork |
Permission for construction of a dormer dwelling house including new site entrance, new biological treatment unit and ancillary site works... login required. |
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500m |
04/07/2024 |
6 Upper Kensington , Clarkes Hill , Rochestown |
Permission for retention of as constructed extensions to side and rear of dwelling and retention of detached shed/store... login required. |
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890m |
14/06/2024 |
N/A |
Moneygurney , Douglas , Cork |
Permission is sought for three detached dwellings on separate site ranging from 0.119ac to 0.220ac in size. Together these houses constitute Phase 2 of the Leafy Lane residential development, Phase 1 having been granted in 2019 under planning reference Nos.... login required. |
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2.3km |
13/05/2024 |
N/A |
Ballyorban , Monkstown , Co. Cork |
For outline permission to construct a dwelling house, vehicular entrance, detached garage, waste water treatment system and all ancillary site works.... login required. |
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700m |
03/05/2024 |
Beech House , Butlers Demesne , Upper Belmont |
Permission is sought for the construction of a single-storey extension (21 sqm) on the eastern side of an existing dwelling house with associated site works.... login required. |
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190m |
26/04/2024 |
No. 23 Kilbrody , Mount Oval , Rochestown |
Permission for retention of a single-storey extension to the rear and side of existing dwelling and Permission to construct a two-storey extension at the left hand side of dwelling.... login required. |
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730m |
19/04/2024 |
N/A |
The Bungalow , The Close , Rochestown Road |
Permission for alterations to existing dwelling, namely; 1) single storey extension to side (west) elevation, 2) addition of window to front elevation, 3) demolition of existing 2no. dormer windows & construction of single dormer window to front elevation and all associated siteworks... login required. |
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380m |
17/04/2024 |
N/A |
54 The Drive , Broadale , Maryborough Hill |
Permission for alterations to existing two storey dwelling, namely, front & rear ground floor extensions, alterations to south elevation with the addition of 1no. door & 2no. windows and all associated site development works... login required. |
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420m |
12/04/2024 |
14 The Heights , Broadale , Maryborough Hill |
Permission is sought for the construction of a two storey extension to side of existing dwelling house including associated site works.... login required. |
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680m |
21/03/2024 |
Lee View , Mount Oval , Rochestown |
Permission for the demolition of the existing rear extension and side garage to existing dwelling, and for the construction of new single-storey side, rear and front extensions to ... login required. |
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2.9km |
04/03/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Knockcappal, Hilltown, Ballynametagh, Carrigaline, Co.Cork |
Permission for 1) demolition of sunroom to side of existing dwelling, 2) construction of a new sunroom to side of dwelling, elevational alterations to existing dwelling and iv) all associated site works... login required. |
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860m |
01/03/2024 |
51A Berehaven , Rochestown Rise , Rochestown |
Permission for the partial demolition of the existing sunroom to the rear (east) and construction of a single-storey to the rear (east) of our dwelling with internal alterations and elevational changes to suit. Permission is also sought for an additiona... login required. |
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900m |
23/02/2024 |
Ramira , Maryborough Hill , Douglas |
Permission for demolition of existing fishpond to make way for 4 no. parking spaces, demolition of single-storey conservatory and first-floor external wall to front of existing dwelling and demolition of single-storey conservatory to rear of existing dwelling. Permission for ele... login required. |
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890m |
29/12/2023 |
Carrington , Rochestown Road , Cork |
Permission for the partial demolition of our existing roof and for the construction of a new roof incorporating an increase in height of the ridge and associated dormer windows, a new porch over the front door, and for the retention of a dormer window on the rear roof of the property.... login required. |
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2.7km |
20/12/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Ballinrea Cottage, Ballinrea, Carrigaline, Co.Cork |
Permission for a) the demolition of existing dwelling and b) construction of a new family home, c) installation of a new treatment unit and percolation area, together with all associated site development works.... login required. |
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220m |
15/12/2023 |
KangaKare , The Square , Mount Oval Village |
For retention permission for development at KangaKare, The Square, Mount Oval Village, Rochestown, Cork, T12V20C. The development consists of the retention of an enclosed outdoor area and all ancillary site development works.... login required. |
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450m |
12/12/2023 |
9 Monfield , Rochestown , Cork |
Permission for alterations and extensions to two-storey semi-detached dwelling consisting of: a ground floor rear extension, a front porch extension, elevational changes, and any associated site works.... login required. |
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320m |
29/11/2023 |
49 Ard Keale , Mount Oval Village , Mounthovel |
Permission for the retention of modifications to works constructed under planning permission 16/6521, including additional floor area to rear of ground floor single st... login required. |
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