930m |
25/07/2024 |
N/A |
Willow Lodge , Church Road , Blackrock |
Permission is sought for (A) Separation of existing dwelling and granny flat, (B) Conversion of granny flat to 1-bedroom dwelling, (C) New vehicular entranc... login required. |
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990m |
14/06/2024 |
94 Willowbank , Church Road , Blackrock |
Permission is sought for a single-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house, new roof light to the rear, demolition of existing porch in place of new front porch, alterations to front and side elevations, construction of a standalone bin store and all associated site works.... login required. |
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380m |
10/06/2024 |
Building 2000 , City Gate , Mahon |
Permission for development on a site at Building 2000, City Gate, Mahon, Cork, which will consist of a change of use of the existing first floor of Building 2000 from the office use permitted under application reg... login required. |
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860m |
08/05/2024 |
35 Woodvale Road , Beaumont , Cork |
Permission for extensions and alterations to existing dwelling which will include a 2-storey side extension, a single-storey rear extension, alterations to existing rear elevation and a new rear roof light to attic storage. Planning permis... login required. |
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980m |
03/05/2024 |
N/A |
Ursuline College Blackrock , Blackrock , Cork |
Permission for the following proposed development: (1) Existing basketball court to be covered with an artificial grass playing surface and provided with associated... login required. |
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90m |
03/05/2024 |
14 Sharman Avenue , Crawford Gate , Bessborough |
Permission for alterations, convert the existing attic to a bedroom and the provision of 3 no. rooflights, 2 no. to the front and 1 no. to the rear of their dwelling house with all associated site works.... login required. |
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830m |
17/04/2024 |
N/A |
33 Meadow Grove Estate , Blackrock , Cork |
Retention permission to retain attic development including associated rooflights and permission to (a) demolish existing garage and rear single storey anne... login required. |
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180m |
03/04/2024 |
Site known as City Gate Plaza , (former Ma/Comm site) , Loughmahon Link Road |
Permission for development on a site known as City Gate Plaza (former Ma/Comm site), Loughmahon Link Road, Mahon, Cork, which will consist of the provision of 2 no. 4-storey over ground floor office buildings, Block A1 and Block A2, to replace the permitted, not yet constructed, 4 storey over ground floor office building, identified a... login required. |
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960m |
26/02/2024 |
7 Dunlocha Cottages , Blackrock , Cork |
Permission is sought for development consisting of the partial demolition of the single-storey garage and back returns, alterations to the existing, and the construction of single-storey extensions to the side and back of the existing single-storey dwelling house, together with all ancillary works.... login required. |
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570m |
26/01/2024 |
Glencairn , 21 McGrath Park , Church Road |
Permission to demolish existing garage, shed and ground floor extension at the side of existing dwelling and construct a ground floor extension and a two storey extension at the side of existing dwelling house, alterations to existing elevations and all associated site works... login required. |
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1km |
22/01/2024 |
10 Upper Convent Road , Blackrock , Cork |
Permission for alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling including (1) A first floor level flat roof extension to the rear over the existing single-storey rear element, (2) A front and rear facing attic level rooflight in the existing main roof and (3) All other associated site works.... login required. |
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860m |
22/01/2024 |
No. 49 Woodvale Road , Beaumont , Cork City |
Permission is sought for the construction of a new detached two-storey house to the side of No. 49 Woodvale Road, Beaumont, Cork T12C7HN, including the construction of a new vehicular entrance, and all associated site works.... login required. |
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670m |
15/01/2024 |
36 McGrath Park , Church Road , Blackrock |
Permission for the retention of a two-storey extension to the rear of an existing dwelling.... login required. |
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670m |
15/01/2024 |
36A McGrath Park , Church Road , Blackrock |
Permission for the retention of a two-storey extension to the rear of an existing dwelling.... login required. |
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800m |
04/12/2023 |
No.3 Firmount Avenue , Skehard Road , Blackrock |
Permission to (I) Demolish domestic garage and rear boiler house, (II) Partial demolition of the North-Eastern boundary wall, (III) Construct a single-storey extension to the side and rear, (IV) Associated site work all to existing dwelling.... login required. |
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530m |
04/12/2023 |
Block B , City Gate Park , City Gate Mahon |
Permission for development which will consist of the change of use of part of the existing ground floor and the entire first-floor of Block B, City Gate Park, Mahon, Cork... login required. |
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400m |
09/10/2023 |
17 Cloverhill Estate , Blackrock , Cork |
Permission for a single-storey flat roof extension to the side and rear of an existing dwelling and all other associated site works.... login required. |
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2.6km |
08/09/2023 |
N/A |
Old Court , Rochestown , Cork |
Permission is sought for the construction of a dwelling house, to install a new waste water treatment septic tank, to install a private well, and all other ancillary works.... login required. |
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990m |
08/09/2023 |
N/A |
Scoil Ursula , Blackrock Road , Cork |
Permission is sought for the construction of a synthetic all weather playing pitch including 4 no. 10 metre high floodlights, 3 metre high perimeter fencing and all associated site works.... login required. |
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