2.6km |
02/12/2024 |
N/A |
Candroma, Kilnamartyra, Co.Cork, |
Permission to construct a bungalow and installing a proprietary treatment unit and ancillary site development works... login required. |
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1.9km |
04/11/2024 |
N/A |
Cluain Réidh, Flats, Ballymakeery, Co. Cork |
Is éard atá i gceist san fhorbairt ná;
1.24 Aonaid Chónaithe a thógáil ina n-áirítear:
a.8 dteach leathscoite le 3 sheomra codlata
b.16 theach leathscoite le 4 sheomra codlata
2. Slí isteach d’fheithiclí agus coisithe a sholáthar, chomh maith le colbha íseal ar bhóthar Chluain Réidh.
3. Oibreacha draenála bréanuisce agus uisce dromchla agus gach a bhaineann leo a sholáthar, réitigh draenála inbhuanaithe agus na hoibreacha láithreáin agus na seirbhísí coimhdeacha go léir a sholáthar.
4. Soláthar spáis oscailte chomhroinnte, spás oscailte priobháideach, an suíomh a thírdhreachtú agus cóireáil teorann, soilsiú poiblí, páirceáil do chónaitheoirí agus cuairteoirí, páirceáil rothair, naisc choisithe, rothair agus feithiclí tríd na fobartha agus gach obair fobart... login required. |
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770m |
31/10/2024 |
N/A |
Rahoonagh West, Ballymakeera, Co. Cork, |
Permission for construction of new dwelling house, new entrance, wastewater treatment system, together with all other ancillary site works.... login required. |
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1km |
07/10/2024 |
N/A |
Ballymakeery, Macroom, Co.Cork, |
a) Planning permission to construct a new dwelling house, b) planning permission to construct a new wastewater treatment system with all associated site services... login required. |
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760m |
19/09/2024 |
N/A |
Rahoonagh West, Ballymakeera, Co.Cork, |
Permission for construction of new dwelling house, new entrance, wastewater treatment system, together with all other ancillary site works... login required. |
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100m |
28/08/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
An Tsulain, Toonlane, Ballymakeery, Macroom, Co. Cork |
Permission for installation of a new waste water treatment system and all associated site works... login required. |
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790m |
06/08/2024 |
N/A |
Rahoonagh West, Ballymakeera, Co. Cork, |
Permission for construction of new dwellinghouse, new entrance, wastewater treatment system together with all other ancillary site works.... login required. |
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2.6km |
12/07/2024 |
N/A |
St. Gobnaits Cemetery, Glebe, Ballymakeera, Ballyvourney, Co.Cork |
Permission to extend the existing burial ground, the works will consist of the following : 1) construction of new boundary along the southeastern boundary of the extended burial ground, 2) construct... login required. |
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3km |
03/07/2024 |
N/A |
Cappagh West, Ballyvourney, Macroom, Co. Cork |
Permission for the construction of a two-storey extension to the rear of the existing dwelling house and all ancillary site works.... login required. |
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1.3km |
03/07/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Ullanes West, Ballymakeery, Macroom, Co. Cork |
Permission for the construction of a new dormer-bungalow dwelling house and all ancillary site works.... login required. |
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10m |
11/06/2024 |
N/A |
Toonlane, Ballymakeery, Co.Cork, |
Permission for construction of a new two-storey detached dwelling and all ancillary site works... login required. |
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1.9km |
08/05/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Flats, Ballymakeery, Co.Cork, |
Permission for: 1) Demolition of existing single-storey garage at the side elevation, 2) Construction of a single-storey extension to the rear, 3) Internal alterations to existing bungalow and all ancillary site works.... login required. |
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940m |
23/02/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Toonlane, Ballymakeera, Co. Cork, |
Permission for the construction of a single storey extension to existing dwelling and ancillary site works.... login required. |
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1.9km |
15/01/2024 |
N/A |
Cluain Réidh, Flats, Balie Mhic Íre / Ballymakeera, Co Chorcai |
Ionad Cúram Leanaí, Naíolann, Naionra, Club Bricfeasta, Iarscoil, Ionad Tacaíochta Teaghlaigh, Oifig, Leithris, áiseanna súgracdh lasmuigh / The construction of a new family centre to include playschool, creche, nursery, afterschool room, kitchen/dining, office, stores,... login required. |
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1.7km |
18/12/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Gortanacra, Ballymakeera, Co Cork, |
Elevational changes to existing dwelling house consisting of the installation of 6 no. roof lights to the southern elevation of existing dwelling and the installation of 3 no. roof lights to the nort... login required. |
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1.2km |
14/07/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Rahoonagh East, Ballymakeera, Co. Cork, |
Construction of new dwelling house and domestic garage, new entrance, wastewater treatment system together with all other ancillary site works.... login required. |
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1.3km |
25/04/2023 |
Conditional Permission |
Coolnacaheragh, Lissacreasig, Macroom, Co. Cork |
2 no. proposed new agricultural entrances to existing farm landholding and all associated site works.... login required. |
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2.9km |
27/10/2022 |
Conditional Permission |
Iar Choláiste Íosagáin, atá anois folamh , ag An Sliabh Riabhach/ Slievereagh,, Baile Bhuirne/Ballyvourney,, Maigh Chromatha, Macroom, Co. Chorcaí/Co. Cork |
Athraithe a dhéanamh ar an fhorbairt ceadaithe cheana faoi thagairt phleanála 19/5869 don chéad phas d’athfhorbairt phasach agus athrú úsáide de iarr Choláiste Íosagáin, anois in anchaoi, ag An Sliabh Riabhach, Baile Bhuirne, Maigh Chromtha, Co. Chorcaí. Tá na leasaithe seo leanas á moladh ar an fhorbairt a ceadaíodh roimhe seo: (i) Páirt-scartáil de fhoirgneamh iar Choláiste Íosagáin (an chuid aon stór ar chúl an iarr fhoirgneamh scoile), (ii) Mionathraithe ar na leaganacha amach den fhoirgneamh atá ann cheana ceadaithe faoi thagairt pleanála 19/5869, (iii) Síneadh nua 3 stór a thogáil, ina mbeidh san áireamh forsheomra iontrála, ardaitheoir, staighre, leithris, pasáistí agus seomraí innealra ar chúl an phríomh fhoirgneamh atá ann cheana le húsáid mar spásanna coimhdeacha leis an úsáid oifige ceadaithe faoi thagairt pleanála 19/5869, (iv) Tógail 2 umar stórála uisce comhraicthe dóiteáin os cionn talún, (v) Tógail carrchlóis, draenáil, tírdhreachtú, comharthaíocht ag... login required. |
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2.9km |
20/09/2022 |
N/A |
Iar Choláiste Íosagáin, atá anois folamh, ag An Sliabh Riabhach / Slievereagh, Baile Bhuirne / Ballyvourney, Maigh Chromtha/ Macroom, Co.Chorcaí / Co.Cork |
a dheanamh ar chead chun athraithe a dhéanamh ar an fhorbairt ceadaithe cheana faoi thagairt phleanála 19/5869 don chéad phas d’athfhorbairt phasach agus athrú úsáide de iarr Choláiste Íosagáin, anois in anchaoi, an An Sliabh Riabhach, Baile Bhuirne, Maigh Chromtha, Co.Chorcaí. Tá na leasaithe sea leanas á moladh ar an Fhorbairt a ceadaíodh roimhe seo, (i) an struchtúr aon stór ar chúl an fhoirgneamh atá ann cheana a scartáil, (ii) mionathraithe ar na leaganacha amach den fhoirgneamh atá ann cheana, (iii) Síneadh nua 3 stór a thógáil, ina mbeidh forsheomra iontrála, ardaitheoir, staighre, leithris, pasáistí agus seomraí innealra ar chúl an phríomh fhoirgnimh atá ann cheana, (iv) Tógáil 2 umar stórála uisce comhraicthe dóiteáin os cionn talún, (v) Tógáil carrchlóis, draenáil, tírdhreachtú, comharthaíocht ag... login required. |
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