570m |
17/12/2024 |
N/A |
Granville, Colla Road, Skull, Schull, Co. Cork |
Demolish the existing 1.5 storey dwelling and to construct new 1.5 storey dwelling, new vehicular site entrance and new single-storey garden shed - (change of design to dwelling and site entrance as previously permitted under planning reference 22/598)... login required. |
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1.5km |
03/12/2024 |
N/A |
Skull, Schull, Co Cork, |
1. Alterations and extension to dwelling house including demolition of existing porch and garage 2. decommissioning of existing septic tank and installation of new waste water treatment system and 3. erection of detached garage and all associated site development works... login required. |
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520m |
03/12/2024 |
N/A |
No.5 The Coastguard, Meenvane, Schull, Co Cork |
Planning permission for the following: a) Demolish existing balcony structure to the West elevation, b) Construct a new single storey extension with overhead balcony to West el... login required. |
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1.3km |
31/10/2024 |
N/A |
South Schull, Schull, Co. Cork, |
Construction of a new single storey family dwelling, a garage, a waste water treatment system and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.1km |
15/10/2024 |
N/A |
Ardmanagh, Schull, Co. Cork, |
To construct a dwelling house and domestic garage along with all associated site works... login required. |
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1.3km |
02/10/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Cooradarrigan, Schull, Co. Cork, |
Construction of a dwellling house and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.8km |
01/10/2024 |
Refused |
Colla, Schull, Co. Cork, |
Retention of agricultural shed for storage of machinery and hay and associated site development works... login required. |
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2.9km |
23/09/2024 |
Refused |
Croagh, Schull, Co. Cork, |
Permission for the renovation of a ruinous cottage to include the construction of an extension, installation of a waste water treatment system and all associated site works... login required. |
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1.1km |
19/09/2024 |
N/A |
'Noboru', Cooradarrigan, Schull, Co. Cork |
i) Construction of single storey extensions to the sides (east and west), front (north) and rear (south) of existing single storey dwelling. ii) Construction of a single stor... login required. |
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1.2km |
15/08/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Schull (Townland), Colla Road, Schull, Co. Cork |
Development will consist of the erection of a temporary boat storage structure for a period of time not exceeding twelve months in order to facilitate the construction of an extension to an existing boathouse as granted under planning register reference number 24/234... login required. |
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720m |
19/07/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Skull, Schull, Co. Cork, |
Permission for alterations and extensions to an existing dwellinghouse, to consist of (a) demolition of an attached garage, boiler house and chimney stack (b) alterations to... login required. |
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1km |
28/06/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Cooradarrigan, Schull, Co. Cork, |
1) Extensions to the southern and eastern elevation of the dwelling, (2) closing up the existing vehicular entrance and construction of a new vehicular entrance to the east of the existing entrance, along with all associated site works... login required. |
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580m |
14/06/2024 |
N/A |
16 The Coast Guard, Meenvane, Schull, Co. Cork |
i.) The construction of a single storey extension to side and two storey extension to front (south east) of existing two storey dwelling. ii) Attic conversion to create a 'room in roof' with new dormer window and roof terrace to front (south east) of existing two storey dwelling. iii) Integration of existing single storey derelict boat house to front of existing dwelling into the c... login required. |
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1.8km |
31/05/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Rathcool, Schull, Co. Cork, |
To construct a conservatory extension to existing dwellinghouse and all associated site works... login required. |
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2.7km |
23/05/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Colla, Schull, Co. Cork, |
Planning Permission for (a) alterations and renovation of an existing dwellinghouse to include alterations to the fenestration, internal layout and external material finishes (b) construction of an ancillary detached domestic garage (c) all associated site works... login required. |
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580m |
21/05/2024 |
N/A |
16 The Coast Guard, Meenvane, Schull, Co. Cork |
i) The construction of a single storey extension to side and two storey extension to front (south east) of existiing two storey dweling. ii) Attic conversion to create a 'room in roof' with new dormer window and roof terrace to front (south east) of existing two storey dwelling. iii) Integration of existing single storey derelict boat house to front of existing dwelling into the ... login required. |
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1.3km |
09/05/2024 |
Conditional Permission |
Schull (Townland), Colla Road, Schull, Co. Cork |
Variations to approved Boat House Extension as granted under planning reference 22/599. The proposed variations seek: (i) to increase in the external width of the boathouse fro... login required. |
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280m |
03/05/2024 |
N/A |
Colla Road, Skull (Townland), Skull, Co. Cork |
Permission for the construction of 57 no. residential units (comprising a mix of 3, 4 and 5 bed dwelling houses and 1 and 2 bed duplex/apartment units) and all associated ancillary development works including, vehicular and pedestrian access on to Colla Road, vi... login required. |
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1.5km |
24/04/2024 |
N/A |
Bell Tower, South Schull, Co. Cork, P81 Y984 |
The demolition of existing single storey side extension existing dwelling. The construction of a single storey pitched roof extension to the existing dwelling house... login required. |
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