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  The Church Bar and Restaurant, Mary Street, Dublin 1.

Jul 12 2019

Application Received

Sep 05 2019

Further Info. Requested

Feb 27 2020

Further Info. Received

Mar 25 2020


Mar 25 2020

Decision Due

Jun 30 2020


Jan 06 2025

Commencement Notice

Jan 15 2025

Commencement Started
  • Submitted to Dublin City Council, 12 / 07 / 2019
  • Application Type: Permission
  • Current Status: Decision Notice Issued
  • Decision Text: GRANT PERMISSION
  • Decision Summary: Granted
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PROTECTED STRUCTURE: the development will consist of: (a) to the north of the existing building facing Mary Street; removal of existing fencing, removal of existing pavement roof lights, provision of a new single storey, zinc flat-roofed, glazed extension abutting the former church building. (b) to the west of the existing building, facing Wolfe Tone Street; A new trellis fencing with planting and two new stone pillars with lighting fixtures. (c) to the south of the existing building, facing Wolfe Tone Park; removal of a portion of existing fencing and t... Signup to read full development description
An Bord Pleanála Information:
Creative Commons LicensePlanning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Distance: Received: Decision: Development Address: Development Description:
    410m 19/05/2022 N/A River House 21-25 Chancery Street Dublin 7 D07 KX21 We, Melonmount Limited, are applying for Permission to display advertisement. For Installation of 1no. set of brand signage to consist of built up lettering with i... login required. Details...
    240m 18/05/2022 N/A Ha'penny Bridge House Lower Ormond Quay Dublin 1 Planning permission for the relocation of the existing vehicular access controlled gates which open onto Strand Street Great.... login required. Details...
    340m 16/05/2022 N/A 181 Parnell Street Dublin 1 The development will consist of alterations to the existing 4 storey over basement mixed use building to provide a single storey extension to the existing ground floor retail unit and modification of the existing shopfront to provide a new entrance door to the ground floor retail unit.... login required. Details...
    410m 16/05/2022 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID River House 21-25 Chancery Street Dublin 7 D07 KX21 We, Melonmount Limited, are applying for Permission to display advertisement. For Installation of 1no. set of brand signage to consist of built up lettering with in... login required. Details...
    450m 11/05/2022 N/A 21-24, Bolton Street, Dublin 1 EXT. OF DURATION: Development at this site of approx. 584.4 sq.m. The development will consist of: the demolition of existing single storey service garage and the construction of a 4 to 6 storey over basement 63 bedroom hotel of approx. 2,638 sq.m with balconies facing onto Bolton Street (from second to fourth floor levels), as well as a set backed terrace (non-public access) at fifth floor level fronting onto Bolton Street and to north and south elevations; al... login required. Details...
    410m 06/05/2022 N/A 21-25 Chancery Street Dublin D07 KX21 Permission to display advertisement. For installation of 1 no. set of brand signage to consist of built up lettering with internal static face illumination, and 2 no. projecting brand... login required. Details...
    410m 29/04/2022 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID River House 21-25 Chancery Street Dublin 7 D07 KX21 Permission to display advertisement. For installation of 1 no. set of brand signage to consist of built up lettering with internal static face illumination... login required. Details...
    360m 27/04/2022 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID Kalabasa Market 60-61 Middle Abbey Street Dublin 1 RETENTION: The development will consist of street furniture in front of this premises, on private property adjacent to the public footpath. The street furniture comprises: (a) 6 no. tables of 600mm x 600mm; (b) ... login required. Details...
    410m 26/04/2022 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 21-25 Chancery Street Dublin D07 KX21 Permission to display advertisement. For installation of 1no. set of brand signage to consist of built up lettering with internal static face illumination, and 2no. projecting brand ... login required. Details...
    340m 26/04/2022 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 181 Parnell Street Dublin 1 D01 E285 Planning permission for the development will consist of alterations to the existing 4 storey over basement mixed use building to provide a single storey ext... login required. Details...
    240m 19/04/2022 N/A Unit 2 Bloom Lane Dublin 1 D01 XF21 Retention planning permission sought for change of use from retail to cafe for the sale of hot and cold food for consumption both on and off the premises together with minor alterations to front elevation and the provision of signage.... login required. Details...
    450m 19/04/2022 N/A 6 Eustace Street Dublin 2 D02 PD85 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: planning permission for the development will consist of 1. The removal of the glazing framing and valley gutters to the atrium roof, 2. The installation of new glazing, framing and valley gutters to the atrium roof, 3. The thermal and structural upgrades of the existing supporting steel structur... login required. Details...
    410m 19/04/2022 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 21-25 Chancery Street Dublin 7 D07 KX21 For installation of 1 no. set of brand signage to consist of built up lettering with internal static face illumination, and 2 no. projecting brand signs to consist o... login required. Details...
    400m 12/04/2022 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID Site at south side of Prince's Street North Dublin 1 Application for restaurant / café bar / take away use in a renovated double decker tram of circa 44.42sqm with an external served area to include stool tables and outdooor seating area; with new water and drainage connections connected to exist... login required. Details...
    240m 08/04/2022 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID Unit 2 Bloom Lane Dublin 1 D01 XF21 Retention planning permission sought for change of use from retail to cafe for the sale of hot and cold for consumption both on and off the premises, together with minor alterations to front elevation and the provision of signage.... login required. Details...
    40m 05/04/2022 N/A 49-50 Mary Street Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for subdivision of an existing retail unit and first floor mezzanine, (459m2) to a smaller retail unit (82m2) including new entrance door/alterations to shopfront at No. 50 Mary Street (A Protected Structure) and change of use to a restaurant with ancillary staff and customer facilities at the rear mezzanine... login required. Details...
    450m 04/04/2022 APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 6 Eustace Street Dublin 2 D02 PD85 PROTECTED STRUCUTRE: The development will consist of 1. The removal of the glazing, framing and valley gutters to the Atrium roof. 2. The installation of new glazing, framing and valley gutters to the Atrium roof. 3. The thermal and structural upgrades of the existing supporting steel strucutre to the At... login required. Details...
    240m 04/04/2022 N/A 100 & 102 Capel Street Dublin 1 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Retention permission for (a) subdivision at ground and basement levels of the existing restaurant at nos. 101 and 102 Capel Street, (b) change of use to beauty salon (basement and ground level) of no.102 Capel Street, (c) prov... login required. Details...
    460m 25/03/2022 REFUSE RETENTION PERMISSION 6 Crow Street Temple Lane South Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: RETENTION: Permission is sought for retention of retractable awning to front of building covering front entrance and windows when opened, retention also sought for advertising light in front window, approx. size 500mm and all associated site works.... login required. Details...
    290m 21/03/2022 GRANT PERMISSION 185 Parnell Street at the corner of Dominick Street Lower Dublin 1 The development will consist of the proposed erection of signage to the existing shopfront fascias on the ground floor elevation of a restaurant previously granted permission under Reg. Ref. 2781/20 and over/adjacent to the g... login required. Details...
  • Geology & Groundwater
    Creative Commons LicenseContains Irish Public Sector Data (Geological Survey) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

    • Category: Ll
    • Description: Locally Important Aquifer - Bedrock which is Moderately Productive only in Local Zones

    • Unit Name: Lucan Formation
    • Description: Dark limestone & shale (`calp)
    • Labels: CDLUCN / LU

    • Low ( L)

    Planning & Development

    Creative Commons LicenseZoning Data is published by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Parks & Wildlife (NPWS)
    Creative Commons LicenseNPWS Data is published by National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    Special Area of Conservation:
    • No Results...

    Special Protection Areas:
    • No Results...

    Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Proposed Natural Heritage Areas:
    • No Results...

    Heritage & Conservation
    Creative Commons LicenseMonument & NIAH Building Data is published by National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

    National Monuments:

    National Monuments within 100m of the mapped planning point

    • House - 18th/19th century (HOEC) - #DU01177
    • Church (CHUR) - #DU01261

    National Monument Zones of Notification:

    Is this Planning Point is within a National Monument Zones of Notification? (Section 12 National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004)

    • No Results...
    National Inventory of Architectural Heritage:

    NIAH Locations within 100m of the mapped planning point

    Name NIAH Ref # Rating / Period Original Use Current Use Protected Structure
    No Building Name 50010449 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1730 - 1780 house Yes
    Griller/Car Accessories & Keys Cut/Christy's Walk Round Store/Samia's 50010450 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1880 - 1920 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    AXA Insurance 50010451 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1860 - 1935 bank/financial institution; cinema Yes
    Wolfe Tone House 50010452 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1920 - 1940 office Same as Original Yes
    Saint Mary's Church (The Church Bar) 50010453 (Survey ID: SURV030) , 1695 - 1705 church/chapel public house Yes
    Polonez Food Store 50010454 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1730 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Toymaster 50010455 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1890 - 1920 shop/retail outlet Same as Original Yes
    Jervis Centre 50010456 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1720 - 1740 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Jervis Centre 50010457 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1885 - 1890 hospital/infirmary apartment/flat (converted) Yes
    No Building Name 50010458 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1920 - 1940 post box Same as Original Yes
    Penneys 50010459 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1900 - 1910 department store Same as Original Yes
    Forever 21 50010460 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1860 - 1880 shop/retail outlet Same as Original Yes
    Next/Forever 21 50010461 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1900 - 1920 department store shop/retail outlet Yes
    Mr. Middleton Garden Shop 50011180 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1740 - 1780 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Asian Food Co. 50060504 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1770 - 1790 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    Internet Café 50060510 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1800 - 1820 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 50060512 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1750 - 1790 house office Yes
    Mary Mall 50060503 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1780 - 1820 house shop/retail outlet Yes
    No Building Name 50060511 (Survey ID: SURV030) Regional, 1800 - 1820 house apartment/flat (converted) Yes

    Roads & Infrastructure

    National Roads & Motorways within 500m of mapped planning point

    National Roads (N) and Motorways (M):
    • No Results...

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